Jun 3, 2003
Kegels • Reverse Kegels • Blasters ???? The Basics
What is a kegel?

A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To try and isolate these muscles trying stopping and starting the flow of urine.

How do I do the kegel exercise?

Once you have located the muscles simply tighten and relax the mascle over and over. These are basic kegels. There are many variations on kegels: elevator kegels (Where you tighten slowly, in increments going in and out, like an elevator stopping on several floors.), you can hold the muscle tightened for five seconds, you can bulge the muscles out at the end, and many other variations.

Why would I want to do kegel exercises?

Kegeling provides many benefits:

Stronger Erections
Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
Larger head size
Further enjaculatorty Distance
Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
It can prevent prolapses of pelvic organs
It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough

What is a Reverse Kegel?

A Reverse kegel is the name of a pelvic exercise, made popular by DrGMerlin who preached the importance of the exercise. To try and isolate these muscles trying push the flow of urine as hard as you can.

How do I do the Reverse Kegel exercise?

Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel. Practice this variation. Become very in tune with the push and squeeze movements. The more comfortable you become with the two exercises the greater success you will have in Penis Enlargement IMO.

Why would I want to do Reverse kegel exercises?

Reverse Kegeling benefits:

The ability to remain erect after an erection
the ability to have male multiple orgasm
More intense orgasm
Stretching Benefits (See Below)

Combining the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to work for you in a stretching program.

The DLD BLASTER is based on the Kegel and Reverse Kegel for one main reason. When I stretch I have a natural habit to squeeze my PC muscle. I think this may be some sort of safety reaction but I do it. The most important thing to me in a stretching session is to Hit My Ligs...the problem here is if I am squeezing my PC muscle (Kegeling) and the majority of the stretch is being taken by the PC muscle and not the ligs. This for me meant minimal length gains if any. It made sense to me that a total reversal of this movement, a REVERSE KEGEL would alow me to hit my ligs with little help for the PC muscle. As both the Kegel and Reverse Kegel have positive benefits the combination of the two made the most sense to me. I played with the idea of completely exhausting the PC muscle before a stretch session but this made little sense to me because my penis would stretch easier but I was left with a pile of mush until I recovered. So the DLD Blaster incorporated the Kegel for 5 seconds to strengthen the PC muscle followed by a 5 second Reverse Kegel to hit the ligs for the ultimate stretch. I also found during these early tests that the ability to stretch harder on the Reverse Kegel would give me even greater length gains. This is when I decided to start using the "A" stretch in conjunction with the DLD Blasters.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about the mysterious kegel and it's role in Penis Enlargement for me.
Hydromaxmm....that's very helpful DLD you're pretty informative on the exercises and so forth. i gotta say that i'm DEEPLY impressed (not tryin to kiss your ass) i think i'm going to take your words of advice and use it and incorporate it into my own routine. hopefully with this new knowledge i'll get to 10" quicker than i expect.

thanks you have given me a new way to look at Penis Enlargement not just as a thing that "just happens" but now i know the fine mechanics of it all. or at least i'm starting to get the fine mechanics. i'm pretty confident now about what i have to do.

thanks man

i'm sure my girl will thank you for it too ;) lol
Yep, True that, basic stretching, kegels, lol which I do not do, and lots of jelqing!!
It's strange because I have really been concentrating on allot of the basics lately. It is cool to see these old threads comin back.
Like I've said before The Basics are the backbone of Penis Enlargement, If you don't take time to master and use the basics you'll miss out on a lot of gains you should have had!
crazyed27 said:
Like I've said before The Basics are the backbone of Penis Enlargement, If you don't take time to master and use the basics you'll miss out on a lot of gains you should have had!

This is what I was trying to convey in my Starting Over thread. Allowing yourself to start again gives you the ability to do better with the same information. Being humble enough to say, "I don't know" sometimes is just the thing to learn. There are many wise people here that are willing to help if they are asked.
DLD - your description of doing Reverse Kegel's was this:

"Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel."

Not sure if I'm fully understanding this, but to do a Reverse Kegal, is one suppose to simply do a Kegal (squeeze) and push out at the same time? Or is the PC muscle not flexed while pushing out (ie. taking a dump)?

Sorry, but a bit confused on this one.
Dario I don't know for sure. DLD will know it better but I think that with the reverse kegel your PC muscle is not flexed. Well I will put it in a dirty manner. The reverse Kegel in my understanding would be the same thing as if you would want to push your fart out. You know how to do that don't you lol.
Dario said:
DLD - your description of doing Reverse Kegel's was this:

"Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel."

Not sure if I'm fully understanding this, but to do a Reverse Kegal, is one suppose to simply do a Kegal (squeeze) and push out at the same time? Or is the PC muscle not flexed while pushing out (ie. taking a dump)?

Sorry, but a bit confused on this one.

KEGEL=The movement when you STOP the flow of urine
REVERSE KEGEL=The movement when you PUSH the flow of urine
I also heared another name for kegels is 'the tightening of the anus".
A kegel can be accomplished by squeezing the anal muscle.
A way to know you're doing this the right way, i by placing a finger on top of you anus and when you squeeze you feel a contraction...
just wanted to add what work,s for me

i like to flex my pc muscle when im erect, i feel i get a stronger flex
any one with me on this one??
AS FAR as reverse kegels, i have not mastered that one yet, it seems when
i try to do them i stop my breathing

any advive??
jkisineffect said:
just wanted to add what work,s for me

i like to flex my pc muscle when im erect, i feel i get a stronger flex
any one with me on this one??
AS FAR as reverse kegels, i have not mastered that one yet, it seems when
i try to do them i stop my breathing

any advive??


When I'm erect, I can feel the blood flowing in my dick, and I like it how it bounches up and down while doing the kegels...This is one thing you know you're doing them right.
wannagrow4real said:
I also heared another name for kegels is 'the tightening of the anus".
A kegel can be accomplished by squeezing the anal muscle.
A way to know you're doing this the right way, i by placing a finger on top of you anus and when you squeeze you feel a contraction...

could someone back this up?
How long can it take until a regular joe can see some change when using kegel and reverse? I started today, and im gonna keep doing it everyday forward, so i were just wondering how long it can take until some changes apply...
GhosT_DoGG said:
How long can it take until a regular joe can see some change when using kegel and reverse? I started today, and im gonna keep doing it everyday forward, so i were just wondering how long it can take until some changes apply...

I gained a very quick 1/2" of length after about a month and a half doing the RK while stretching.
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