
Jul 14, 2008
I am about 5 6/8 NBPenis EnlargementL and about 4 6/8 EG. I started a month ago and have gained 1/4 inch NBPenis EnlargementL and maybe a bit of girth. According to the most reliable research and tests I have read which have been officially measured not just a poll, it would appear that the 'average' penis size is 5.5 NBPenis EnlargementL right?

Anyway, the majority of people who put their stats on here seem to be above average. And I'm not talking about their current size, I am talking about their starting size. I have seen very few with starting sizes less than 6" erect length and lots with starting sizes of 6.5 to 7.5. Why is this, would it be that people with smaller sizes are embarrassed to post their stats or that the actual average penis size is bigger than the studies show? Or have I got this wrong and there are actually lots of members with starting sizes of less than 6 inches.

It would be interesting to hear your opinions on this and perhaps what your starting sizes were.
I was about 6" starting size, and yeah, many people with big dicks got the idea about getting bigger. That's most likely why they sign up in here and trying to get an even bigger one.

I bet it's more over average and bellow average that tries to get a bigger dong than an former average sized guy like me. I dont know why, but I think so.
Probably the people who post (rather than lurk) are just more likely to have started out above average.

Let me phrase that the other way around ... people with starting sizes below average might be less likely to post.

So, you get a skewed perception.

The assumption would be that everyone that comes by here will post in equal amounts.

Also you're probably going by the Sigs ?, which not everyone does.

My starting size was about 6.5. I got into it because a GF was in bitch mode and trying to cause damage about how 'I was perfectly nice and average (but some ex of hers was way big)'.

Turned out she was a lying sack of etc and I had an inch over 'mr big'. Hope she enjoyed that, was one of the last few times I ever touched her before dumping her. (Magic orgasm wand rights rescinded). LMAO

My starting size and gains would read nicely in a Sig, but I just never set one up because it was extra trouble. People of lower starting sizes might be less likley to Sig ... at least at first until they're happier with their current size.

I started at 6.5 x 4.75. I think the average started here is right about average size. Anywhere from 4.5 to 6.5" in length and about 5" of girth.
Most might have been average, but I believe this site has shown that Penis Enlargement is very possible if done properly.
longerandlonger;339091 said:
I am about 5 6/8 NBPenis EnlargementL and about 4 6/8 EG. I started a month ago and have gained 1/4 inch NBPenis EnlargementL and maybe a bit of girth. According to the most reliable research and tests I have read which have been officially measured not just a poll, it would appear that the 'average' penis size is 5.5 NBPenis EnlargementL right?

I think I know what it is. You're measuring Non-bone pressed. It is my understanding that the "official" way of measuring erect length is the bone pressed measurement, and most of the people on this site measure that way. It is more reliable than the NBP way IMO. You appear to be measuring non-bone pressed which deletes anywhere from 1 cm to 1 inch off your measurements.
Yea I think bone pressed is definitely the most reliable way to measure to record your gains. My goal is to get to at least 7" NBPenis EnlargementL but I think I will start measuring bone pressed just to record results.

Its good to hear what your guys starting sizes were and I agree that the more average guys would not have been likely to post their starting sizes therefore giving the impression that most members started above average.
The thing is it really makes no difference how big you are, or what your past was as you have found the miracle of Penis Enlargement and the sky is the limit.
doublelongdaddy;339177 said:
The thing is it really makes no difference how big you are, or what your past was as you have found the miracle of Penis Enlargement and the sky is the limit.

This is true. But it also doesn't harm you to think postive about whatever you're swinging between your legs!
We got an old thread here that has the option of a poll, so please do take it on what your starting BPenis EnlargementL size was and the results seem to suggest after 1882 votes that 6-6.24 inches is the starting length on here but the results seem to go oddly towards 7-7.24 inches as they rise? so I cant explain that but it would seem most start here with 5.75-6.24 inches BPenis EnlargementL.

Also got a very reliable starting girth size thread here which clearly makes more sense than the former as the results steadily rise till they reach the average at 5-5.24 inches mid-shaft and than afterwards start to decline.

Average penis NBPenis EnlargementL poll here

Height VS penis enlargement here
youknow;339211 said:
This is true. But it also doesn't harm you to think postive about whatever you're swinging between your legs!

Well whatever is swinging will get a lot more swing after some time in Penis Enlargement.
hey Red that first link you gave is actually quite inspirational, not the actual poll but reading the posts underneath where people were saying what they started with and then their current size as well as the time frame really makes you feel that your goals are possible because so many other people have done the same.

Maybe we should start a poll/thread for people to say how much they have gained. This would inspire many newbies to get started and keep consistent.
Glad it helped, but it also answered your question here and its not 6.5-7.5 BPenis EnlargementL inches like you first thought but 5.75-6.24 BPenis EnlargementL inches, so be positive about that aswell and with nearly 2000 independant votes, it can't be way out.
REDZULU2003;339267 said:
Glad it helped, but it also answered your question here and its not 6.5-7.5 BPenis EnlargementL inches like you first thought but 5.75-6.24 BPenis EnlargementL inches, so be positive about that aswell and with nearly 2000 independant votes, it can't be way out.

This is true.
youknow;339675 said:
Touche my friend.;)

That is the truth. It makes no difference where you stand as you now know how to change it all.
doublelongdaddy;339719 said:
That is the truth. It makes no difference where you stand as you now know how to change it all.

Absolutely, the point I was trying to make was just being proud of what you have will help out your opinion of your dick and how you feel about it. Some guys (me for example) are fine being above average and just want to add some more to it to help out in the long run, others want to be able to make Lexington Steel jealous, and hats off to them for doing so. I'm just a fan of positive thinking and looking at the beer bottle half full.
youknow;339726 said:
Absolutely, the point I was trying to make was just being proud of what you have will help out your opinion of your dick and how you feel about it. Some guys (me for example) are fine being above average and just want to add some more to it to help out in the long run, others want to be able to make Lexington Steel jealous, and hats off to them for doing so. I'm just a fan of positive thinking and looking at the beer bottle half full.

Very true.

As strange as this may seem, being happy with your current situation is what allows the changes to occur. Manifestation of anything depends greatly on the users ability to be secure that his wishes are being answered and letting it go. The moment you feel happy, as if you already had your wishes, is the moment they come into your experience.
Also Penis size follows a bell curve distribution. It’s been estimated that the standard deviation for penis size is about 0.75 of an inch. That means if the average size is 6 inches, one guy in fifty is 7.5 inches. You want to find a 9-incher? Odds are you’re going to have to go through 5,000 first. Ten-inchers are one in a half-a-million. And so it goes. There are 3 billion guys out there, so there’s got to be a few fellas causing more shrieks of terror than pleasure.
I agree with youknow and DLD. There's a medical phenomenon known as the nocebo effecy. It's the inverse of the placebo effect. If you have positive beliefs and feelings about, say, a medication you're taking, chances are your condition will improve regardless of whether or not the med is actually working. The opposite is also true. Negative beliefs and feelings about it can be detrimental to its effectiveness. That's alot of the reason why hypnosis works for some people.

Check out nocebo at en.wikipedia.org.
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