Alek said:
You do realize that the official position of clinical medicine is that steroids have no effect on muscle mass don't you? :hammering
If that's true then they're idiots cuz there are hundreds of studies that prove otherwise, just doing a simple search on PubMed will prove this.

Basically, you're basing your belief from a result of an informal survey?? That's anecdotal evidence at best... I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but i have my doubts. Since i don't plan on stopping AAS use for another year or so, so i can't confirm or deny you claims. Maybe once i stop i will be able confirm or deny your theory first hand. Until then, i'm a little hesitent to jump on your bandwagon unless you can post some study supporting this.

Another point i'd like to make is that most serious BB'ers also use GH and recently IGF-1. Both of these compounds are able to create new muscle cells thru hyperplasia. This means that people are now able to go beyond their genetics in terms of size and strength. This is different from from hypertrophy that AAS is known for. AAS is only able to enlarge one's muscle cell, not produce more. The hyperplasia properties of IGF/GH IS supported by several clinical studies. This alone should be enough to make a person bigger than what he was before he started.
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sikdogg said:
Basically, you're basing your belief from a result of an informal survey?? That's anecdotal evidence at best... I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but i have my doubts.

Dude... You don't expect nature journal to conduct a formal survey on the topic of "Study of whether horny teenagers keep their beach muscles post-AAS". I am not basing it on the fact that most roid users said this... I am basing on the fact that every single one said it. I am basing on the fact that every single steroids guru will admit it once pushed to. No matter how informal, 100% is pretty conclusive.

Since i don't plan on stopping AAS use for another year or so, so i can't confirm or deny you claims.

This is exactly what I said. Most current steroid users fit this pattern. Rarely does one go for more than 1-1.5 years without AAS.

Another point i'd like to make is that most serious BB'ers also use GH and recently IGF-1. Both of these compounds are able to create new muscle cells thru hyperplasia. This means that people are now able to go beyond their genetics in terms of size and strength. This is different from from hypertrophy that AAS is known for. AAS is only able to enlarge one's muscle cell, not produce more. The hyperplasia properties of IGF/GH IS supported by several clinical studies. This alone should be enough to make a person bigger than what he was before he started.

That is very true. These new compounds are known to increase your genetic potential. This is why today we have 220 pound "naturals" at 3% bf. What is important to mention is that unlike with AAS, the health hazards of insulin, GH and IGF-1 are TREMENDOUS and very real.

Maybe once i stop i will be able confirm or deny your theory first hand. Until then, i'm a little hesitent to jump on your bandwagon unless you can post some study supporting this.

You do realize there is actually a valid study proving the effectivness of just about every crap supplement out there? Which ofcourse does nothing in the real world. You also realize that there are no studies proving why for example one style of training is better than another, yet in the real world it is? What does that tell you about studies? All you have to do to prove this wrong is find one person, just ONE person (out of the millions who've used) that has managed to keep steroid gains. Just ONE. No studies will be needed than.

Look. I respect (knowleadgeable AAS users) alot. And you definetely seem to be one. So if someone should ask me if skidogg should use, I would answer in a heartbeat YES, without hesitation. Because he knows what he's doing and its his choice, he's aware of all the facts.

What I'm trying to establish here is to let newbies know the truth. Steroids won't kill you. Infact, if you do it right they'll probably improve your life in many ways. BUT, I also want to let them know that you will NOT keep the muscle, it will not get you to your goal faster, it will actually slow you down in the longer run if you don't plan using them until you die. So I want to make sure that people actually are aware of this fact. If they are aware of it and still decide to use, then I'm all for it. It's their choice.

Like I said both sides (steroid and anti-steroid) will go to extreme lengthts to prove a point. What I beleive is that people are intelligent enough to make a decison themselves, and for that the facts should be shown. Steroid gurus should start telling people this fact, and anti-steroid folks should stop lying to people.
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Hey bro, i hear ya... 2005 is definitely my last year for gear use and i'm planning on running GH (for most of the year), IGF-1, and alot of test so i'll be real interested to find out what happens in 2006 and 2007.
sikdogg said:
Hey bro, i hear ya... 2005 is definitely my last year for gear use and i'm planning on running GH (for most of the year), IGF-1, and alot of test so i'll be real interested to find out what happens in 2006 and 2007.

Cool ;) What's your ultimate goal weight?
Not so much concerned with weight but on overall appearance. I'll be very happy if i can hold on to 200lbs at ~8% bodyfat. I'm currently at 185-190lbs @ 14% bodyfat. I've been up to 220lbs but my diet was crap and bodyfat was around 20% so i did a good cutter this past summer and got it down to 14%. It funny that at a lower BF, guys are asking me what i'm taking cuz i look bigger. This time around i'm not going for a hardcore bulking cycle, but more a lean mass cycle. I figure i can get 3, maybe 4 more cycles in '05 before quitting. If i eat well and plan my cycles well, i should be able to continue losing BF as i put on more mass. I know that trying to do both at the same time is generally not recommended, but since i plan on running GH and IGF-1 it shouldn't be a problem.
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sikdogg said:
Not so much concerned with weight but on overall appearance. I'll be very happy if i can hold on to 200lbs at ~8% bodyfat. I'm currently at 185-190lbs @ 14% bodyfat. I've been up to 220lbs but my diet was crap and bodyfat was around 20% so i did a good cutter this past summer and got it down to 14%. It funny that at a lower BF, guys are asking me what i'm taking cuz i look bigger. This time around i'm not going for a hardcore bulking cycle, but more a lean mass cycle. I figure i can get 3, maybe 4 more cycles in '05 before quitting. If i eat well and plan my cycles well, i should be able to continue losing BF as i put on more mass. I know that trying to do both at the same time is generally not recommended, but since i plan on running GH and IGF-1 it shouldn't be a problem.

Cool! Those are also exactly my goals and current stats :).

And yeah its kind funny that when you cut everyone thinks you've gained a bootload of muscle even if your LBathmate is exactly the same :D.

Anyway, Good luck and may you reach your bodybuilding goals soon :clank:
Key sikdogg keep us informed on your cycles, how BB is going for you, and HG/IGF-1 deal. Maybe keep a BB log in the BB forum, I am interested, and wanna see a year or so down the road once your off roids and GH and have been natural for 1 year (if u ever do that) what your stats will be.
Some lose muscle quicker then others. Some lose so slowly, it's negligible.
I'm one of the lucky ones that kept gains from years later, but If I cut 'naked',
I go into a catabolic nightmare.
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