
How about a poll? You can also chime in by replying as well.
I became interested in threads that have no replies, there are like 1000 of them. We can bump them all and get all those guys back gaining again.
Well, in real terms 7x6....


I just got called by BP to plug the leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

Turnover;384216 said:
DLD you havent had any gains since you started the site if I can ask?

I have gained 2" in length and 1.5" in girth since the site started.
MOS started with me at 8.5" x 5.5
I guess the snake man will participate. NBEL 9.2 inches x BPenis EnlargementL 9.6 inches x 5.5 midgirth x 6.2 base girth. Trying to reach DLD's level. LOL.
kingsnake;384311 said:
I guess the snake man will participate. NBEL 9.2 inches x BPenis EnlargementL 9.6 inches x 5.5 midgirth x 6.2 base girth. Trying to reach DLD's level. LOL.

Oh, I am sure with time you will pass me, your black after all:), it would make more media sense
See, I bumped this thread and now it is becoming popular....I knew it!
Wow, lots of 7s and 8s here! Well. Somebody got to represent the under average here

Me: 16.8 cm NBPenis EnlargementL, 14.6 cm EG (from about 3 cm from very base and up to glans) >15cm EG at base
[translate to non-metric]
6.65" NBPenis EnlargementL, 5.7 EG
[/translate to non-metric]
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17 Replies on a old thread! Told you!
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