3 minutes. Homemade. My workout is with 50-75 lbs, 10 minutes 2 x per day.
haha...why do you have a weight belt on?

I do believe in extreme hanging though. I dont see how so many of you here can hang for hours out of the day. I mean, do you all work or just sit at home? I can hang 1 hour tops outta my day because of my lifestyle. I looked into more weight less time, and that is working much better for me vs light weight more time. Kinda like lifting weights, even though the penis is not a muscle. Heavy weight less reps = size vs light weight more reps = endurance
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yes I have gained form heavy hanging it just more risky you need to be very, very careful and know your body. I too do not have enough time for hours of hanging so my body has adapted to heavy weight. I know must hang about 75 lbs. to feel a serious stretch. 20-40 lbs. does nothing for me. I know when I have had a good stretch by doing kegels after a stretch. If I feel a bit of a pull sensation when doing them I have had a good session. Along the way to heavy weights I have had a lot of injuries (skin suface and glans blisters) so it does not go without it's problems either. But after years of practice I have figured out what works for my body everyone is different. Another few years and this thing should be stretching to my knees. If I get that far I think I will write a book. So be on the lookout for it! P.S please don't just start trying this you need to work up to it over the years it took me along time and really getting to know my body just like lifting weights at the gym which I have done for 15 years it takes time to see gains.
i believe your right when it comes to lig gains that hangig heavy eaquals gains. as far as tunica i think the rsdt works great. what are your stats? the heaviest ive hung was between 40 to 50 lbs. i use the bib hardcore graduated from the regular. what do you think about tunica gains.
Extreme, that's just mind boggling to see the weight and strain you're putting on your penis, but impressive. The method I am using is the swim cap (2 sheets) and can tie 15lbs without slippage for about 15 minutes. I am interested in how you're creating the grip and how you're preventing injury (blisters and discoloration). I see from your picture from another thread that there seems to be a lot of foreskin darkening and foreskin pull from the grip.

Can you explain a bit more on how you're hanging please?
Can you provide some more pictures on the progress, maybe the hanger you're using?
It looks like you're semi-erect in the picture too, unless that's your flaccid girth while stretching which is just insane.
Thats what im saying lili9zero...

If that is your flaccid girth, that must be about 6" FG... Or if you look at your wrist...Hydromaxmm... lol
You say 20-40 lbs does nothing for you, I suppose you could not get fatigue with that weight. My question is did you get fatigue always after you increased your weight extremely? Do you get fatigue now regularly with your current workouts? Also how can you stand discomfort with that weights? I always feel annoying discomfort even with weights around 20 lbs, so I cannot imagine how would it fee like to hang around 75 lbs.
This is a picture of extreme without the hanger.

I'm not sure about how others feel about it but the results don't look too attractive. There is excessive darkening of the skin and excessive foreskin probably due to the heavy stretch/pull of the hanger and weight. I'm not a big fan of foreskin (recently circumcised) so the way the results here scares me.

It seems the hanger models all follow the Bib hanger idea, and each time I see it at work I see foreskin pulled like a donut at the end and that looks painful and stretches too much skin. I am more interested in stretching models where only the ligaments and tunica (interiors of the penis) is being stretched. Am I the only one that thinks this way? Just curious. Thanks.
the problem it that right now there is not a hanger the can just attach to the ligs and not pull the skin. the bib hardcore it as close is ive seen. i dont think you can get away from skin stretching. but the you have to make room for more penis. vitamine e cream works well for discoloration. and vac hangers to me suck and realy dont tounch anything internal
extreme-how much length have you gained?can you take a close up picture of the hanger and describe how you made it?i can't go past 40# with my bib and i need to move up in weight.my gains have stopped.thanks.
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