
Jan 22, 2006
I do my Penis Enlargement while watching some �naked people movies�, but it is hard to get an errection good enough to do kegels and hold them for 5 seconds.
I am not sure exactly what the problem is. The previous week was alright and i was capable of maintaining an errection, but this week it has been a problem and i basically skipped kegels. (i drank and smoked over the weekend, could this be the problem?)

young_money99 said:
(i drank and smoked over the weekend, could this be the problem?)



Most of the time, it's a mental issue though.
ggogeta is right, alot of it has to do with your frame of mind at that given time. if you are stressed, worried, distracted or anxious then it could affect your erection level.

i have always had very strong erections [touch wood [no not that wood]] but this week after hanging 3 days in a row, i noticed very weak erection levels. i could only get to about 80%.
Almost everyone seems to think that Penis Enlargement can't permanently affect your erection quality, but I think it's definitely the case.
Well - I've only been doing Penis Enlargement for about 5 days (no days off) - I definetly notice that my erections are bi-fricated. When I get up and jerk off my erections are much stronger because my PC muscles are stronger and possibly because of Penis Enlargement. But the rest of the day, I cant get such a strong erection.
young_money99 said:
I do my Penis Enlargement while watching some �naked people movies�, but it is hard to get an errection good enough to do kegels and hold them for 5 seconds.
I am not sure exactly what the problem is. The previous week was alright and i was capable of maintaining an errection, but this week it has been a problem and i basically skipped kegels. (i drank and smoked over the weekend, could this be the problem?)


You dont have to be erect to do kegals buddy. you can do them flaccid too.
orbital said:
Almost everyone seems to think that Penis Enlargement can't permanently affect your erection quality, but I think it's definitely the case.

well if this if this is how you feel then you better stop Penis Enlargementing or you'll never get an erection again!!!

Or you can read my thread about my Viagra addiction, or something to that effect, and see where I was just a year erections whatsoever...and not from doing Penis Enlargement but doing life.

Now a year later, hard cock anytime (except when drinking too much) thanks to jelqing and lots of kegels.
Bravo, OCD.

There's hope for all of us. I love to read about these come backs. Mine was flagging as well--from all the meds I was on. Now my woodies are strong as ever--hot damn!!!! Whoooohoooo.
Thanks OCD for your ignoranace. Maybe you should check out the thread hard vs soft penis. There you can see there's some of us that do have permanent ed problems from Penis Enlargement. Thunderbirdy has gone indepth with this issue, and It pisses me off everytime someone acts like Penis Enlargement cant mess you up. The only way I'll ever have a normal erection again is through surgery, and that's just a cold hard fact. Somewhere along the line Penis Enlargement did it to me. I think guys should know that it is a possbility, while a small one it still is. Most of the guys who have the problem have the same symptoms too. Now blood flow into the CS and Glands. Blood draining out too quickly. So before you go and tell us to stop Penis Enlargementing do a bit more research.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. I haven't read your whole story, but did you see a urologist about the permanent damage? I assume you have. That's why I started out so slow and easy and built up over a very long period of time. And I still injured myself, but luckily it was reversable.

I hope you can eventually work this out and have a normal sex life. A bigger dick and not being able to make the most of it is a real bummer. I'm truly sorry.
I always wondered what happens to thos vein valves... if they tend to brake as we put more pressure on it. ( you know the valves that won't let the blood go backward into the vein.) ?:(
Thats the worst thing my dicks still small and doesnt work that great. If it was big any didnt work that great i wouldnt care so much.

goinfor11x7 said:

I'm really sorry this happened to you. I haven't read your whole story, but did you see a urologist about the permanent damage? I assume you have. That's why I started out so slow and easy and built up over a very long period of time. And I still injured myself, but luckily it was reversable.

I hope you can eventually work this out and have a normal sex life. A bigger dick and not being able to make the most of it is a real bummer. I'm truly sorry.
thefranchise said:
Thats the worst thing my dicks still small and doesnt work that great. If it was big any didnt work that great i wouldnt care so much.

you would not care ???
thefranchise said:
Nope. I rather have a big limp dick so people would say and know I had a big dick.

And cannot use it at all.. It's like having big muscle made out of silicon IMO.

Keep it up man it will get big.
You obviously don't have what I call the disease. I could careless if I had the strength of a normal person as long as I looked big and in shape. It's like bodybuilders say. Its not about how much you lift, it's about how much you look like you can lift. Same thing with the penis. I rather people know I had a big dick, and then just turn down women if they ever wanted to have sex, than have my small one that half works.
Okay man... I won't enter a debate here. I'd better have a smaller penis that works ( since everyone knows women could care less about the size, after the initial impression) and have orgasms, than a non working, bigger penis that is basically used only for pissing. Also that "impressing" women is the first thing that noobs try in order to get laid, and it basically never works... so lets stop to try "impressing" women. That demonstrate a lack of maturity and self confidence. That's my point of view...

You might have some issues with women ? when you said "and then just turn down women if they ever wanted to have sex"... Who would like to do this.
Shit, use your tongue. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

A well trained tongue is a great substitute for any dick--just ask any woman that enjoys oral sex.
thefranchise said:
Thanks OCD for your ignoranace. Maybe you should check out the thread hard vs soft penis. There you can see there's some of us that do have permanent ed problems from Penis Enlargement. Thunderbirdy has gone indepth with this issue, and It pisses me off everytime someone acts like Penis Enlargement cant mess you up. The only way I'll ever have a normal erection again is through surgery, and that's just a cold hard fact. Somewhere along the line Penis Enlargement did it to me. I think guys should know that it is a possbility, while a small one it still is. Most of the guys who have the problem have the same symptoms too. Now blood flow into the CS and Glands. Blood draining out too quickly. So before you go and tell us to stop Penis Enlargementing do a bit more research.

well, since you lack tact and a few other're fair game.

I read that lame ass thread. Pure bullshit. If you're cock is so damaged from doing penis exercises then why the f u c k are you here still? Quit trying to bring people down with your "woe is me" stories and do something about it. Get your ass to the dick doctor and then go on Oprah.

I bet if you really were honest with yourself, your routine is inconsistent at best. But seriously, I don't care, your attitude speaks volumes...the world is full of people who bitch and do nothing except bitch some more.
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