After all that has been said, I cannot resist but to add my comment on the subject;
First of all I want to thank, every believers who have take time (in some cases so much time) to post on this thread. I think it really goes a long way in helping non-believers to consider and change their hearts for the better of themselves. Special mention to GS, you are a very, very wise man. Appreciate all your comments you have put forward.
Now, let’s get started, people do not believe in GOD because of
1. FEAR and 2. Ignorance.
Why the fear? Because those people that has been exposed to the bible or some sort of religion in their life does not want to abide by the rules of God as per the Bible. Why? Because it’s easy to live life without rules and boundaries, for example that’s why teenagers rebel against their parents. They want to do what they want, but a parent being older and wiser wants to guide their child on the right path and therefore set certain rules and boundaries.
People fear GOD, they fear to believe, because again they do not want to live by the rules (GOD commandments). Some people rather blaspheme the bible; pretend it is all bullshit and rather believed in men THEORY or even aliens.
Why some choose against GOD? Because God created man Free and as long as Satan, devil or which other way you prefer to call it, there will be the temptation to go against Goodwill.
In terms of Ignorance; some people are born and raised in family where they are not exposed to any religion. They grow up without beliefs and thus why they are quick to discard God, until some of them go through a rough patch in their life and starts to question and finding answers, leading them to God. People does not acknowledge GOD when they are living a good life, it’s only when they down and out (e.g lose their homes, jobs, loved ones) that they turn to GOD.
At the end of the day, all I want to say is; we cannot argue against GOD or the Bible. It’s there for us to live a better life without evil. We human beings think we can outsmart our Creator, but we just cannot, it’s just simply too complex to the point of unexplainable, to our ability to understand our existence.
In the mean time, what we can do is; do good things to one another, help one another and love one another. Choose to believe in GOD, all his asking is obey his commandments, which is made up of good things. Because, at the end of our last day on earth, the SPIRIT lives on and nothing else; the body will rot away along with our hard earned inches
. Life continues after death in SPIRIT and again we just cannot argue against that.
Save your SPIRIT and choose to believe, open your hearts, HAVE FAITH, what have you got to lose by obeying and doing good things?