Jun 3, 2003
My own personal account

How important is my beliefs in penis enlargement to my actual gains? I mean my thoughts positive or negative really should not make a difference as long as I exercise, right? WRONG! Take a couple of minutes and let this sink in, it may be the most important part of your penis enlargement program. I will just tell my story and you should be able to see the theory in this mental application.

I started penis enlargement with something different than a bigger penis on my mind. I was becoming increasingly concerned with my soft erections. I was not getting the rock hard erections I got in my teens or twenties. I was 32 years old very frustrated. I was always told I had a large penis (I was 6.5 inches then) but now I was having problems with week erections. I decided to do a search on-line for some solutions to this. During my search I found myself suBathmateerged in the Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT WORLD. I sifted through 100's of sites looking for information to obtaining harder erections. I finally found the back-door to some penis enlargement site that had a routine for harder erections. The exercise was called kegels and jelqing. I downloaded the entire workout and decided to give the whole thing a try. I did not believe I would get a larger penis but I did believe I could get harder erections. I decided to do the entire program. I did it religiously for 1 month. After this month I was getting harder erections but something else was happening. My penis was getting bigger. It was actually longer and I was totally confused. I decided to go back and read the rest of the literature on this site I found. The author was making some pretty bold promises. He was preaching how within a year most will see up to 4" of length gains, a thicker, multiple orgasms, last longer during sex, and a multitude of other claims. I already fell witness to some of these claims as being a reality so I started to trust the rest of his promises.

This is where this story becomes important to the message I am trying to get across. Going by my new found trust in this mans promises I was sure I would make the gains he promised. Why not? Everything else was coming true. I was bound and determined to realize that 4" gain he promised. I was into the program for about 8 months. I was now almost 9" (8.5 to be exact) Now up to this point I never read anything else about penis enlargement but what this site said. I was feeling discouraged because I had only made a 2" gain in eight months :rolleyes: I mean he said I would gain 4" right? So I was 3 quarters into my first year with only 2" to show. Then and only then is when I started to look for forums on these techniques. I found a on-line forum and I joined and in complete desperation I made my first post begging for help with my measly 2" gains...needless to say I got LAND BLASTED. I was called everything from full of shit to a liar. No one believed me. My thread there quickly became 2 then 3 then 4 pages of people saying how the gains I made were impossible. Good gains in 8 months time was considered 1/2"...an inch tops. This is where my thought process changed. I started to think that my gains were freakish and a fluke. My new line of thought was exactly what I was told. 1/2" was great 4" was impossible.

I quickly stopped making the gains I was making. I fell into my first plateau. Was this a coincidence or mearly my brain changing it's thought prcess? The thought of 4" in one year was now a distant dream and I reserved myself to making much slower gains.

I stayed in this slump for some time. During this sluggish period I started to get a sort of pissed off feeling. I was not willing to wait that long for gains. I wanted what my original mentor spoke of...I wanted the 4". This is when I went in the lab (bathroom:D) and started developing new exercises. The first being the Blasters and "A-Stretches" Within about a month of doing these new exercises I gained another inch! No fooling around...I was now 9.5" What changed during this gaining period? My belief's in fast gains were renewed. I knew at this point in my Penis Enlargement career that I was limited only by my beliefs. I learned to EXPenis EnlargementCT more. I learned to stop wishing for gains and expect them to materialize. I drew my inspiration from the men that went before me making incredible gains and I completely put the rhetoric of slow gains out of my mind.

I was helping allot of men by this point. I was writing programs and continuing to develop exercises....most of all continuing to gain. When I would work with someone one on one aside from the exercises and commitment I preached I also told them to expect gains. To see their goal, put on there blinders and get there. This is what inspired me to do the Mental Penis Enlargement Study I did. This is what helped me achieve my current size. Cliché yes but non-the-less Believe it and it will happen.
Awesome post! I totally agree man! Most of this stuff really does relate to what your belief levels are. Why think like everyone else? It doesnt have to take you 4-6 months to realize your first 1/2" gain. If you allow yourself to fall into the trap of believing that's great gains and you should not expect more...if you get more it's a fluke.....that's exactly what you will get...maybe less or, no gains at all. Especially if you let yourself get into a mindset like "gosh, 4 to 6 months...and, I MIGHT see 1/2"?....damn, why even bother?" Whether you consciously realize you are thinking that way or not, your subconsious mind probably is. Then you wonder why, a year down the road you have not made any gains. Probably because of the above mentioned thought process. You allowed yourself to think like everyone else...1" a year is great. But, at the same time your subconscious mind is saying "damn, it's gonna take a whole YEAR to gain an inch??" You start to slack off on your routines...saying "It's ok I'll do it tomorrow...besides...I have a year......" Tomorrow never comes guys. Trust me on that. I've been into Penis Enlargement off and on...mostly off due to life changes...work...women...plain lazyness....etc...all the excuses a guy can have. I decided to make some changes that would help me get back in gear though and, here I am...back at it for the last couple months...on an intense hanging routine...and, gaining faster than I ever have...(and, faster than most other guys are too!)...gained 1/2" in length during the first 6 weeks. So much for four months eh? Determine WHY youre doing Penis Enlargement. Then, determine what you want out of Penis Enlargement. Then, set up a routine for yourself that will work with YOUR schedule based on what you want...length, girth, or, both. Next, set your first goal. Stay focused, and go for it!
This can also relate to ANYTHING in your life! Believe and it WILL happen.. Right before this post I was adding up how long it would take me to get my goal at .1" a month. Not very long at all! Hell, I'm gaining much more than that!
Makes me wonder though, if I keep telling myself in 10 months I'll have an 8.5" penis, then will it take that much longer than if i had said "In 5 months I'll have 8.5" Lots of things to consider about this.. You wanna motivate yourself, but not discourage yourself by saying "in one day i'll gain 12783 inches!"

I think reasonable is much, much better. Sorry if this sounds mixed up or complicated by the way!

The exact same thing happened to me with weight training. When I decided to get serious, I began going to my high school weight room (it was near the end of 10th grade). Now, my 180-lb bench was measley in there. At least 8 guys were doing over 300 lbs, 2 were at or above 350 and 1 guy was doing 400 lbs.
Nobody was there to tell me that 180 wasn't bad. In fact, 300 seemed routine to me, and I felt ashamed that I couldn't do 300 - and that set me on fire.
I swear to God, within 6 months I was benching 300 lbs. No bullshit. I gained 120 lbs in a 1/2 year. Why? Because nobody ever told me that it was impossible or unlikely, or that I should hope to get to 250 within a year, etc., etc. I saw all those guys doing 300 and figured that 300 was routine. So I forced myself to get there. It did take me almost another year to hit 350 (but I did so while still 16). And I did a 400-lb bench while a 17-year-old senior, becoming only the 2nd guy from my high school to proudly wear his "400 Club" t-shirt around campus (the other guy had graduated the year before - and I doubt if any others have repeated the feat in all these years - and we were drugfree).
Years later, as I learned a lot more about lifting, my gains seemed ridiculous to me. All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't know that shit back then, or I would've never hit 400 so quickly (if ever).
I think Henry Ford once said, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't, you're right."
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Two young friends were playing on a frozen pond one day. The ice cracked and one boy fell thru the ice into the freezing waters below. Almost immediately the crack in the ice refroze itself trapping the boy below. The other boy ran sceaming for help but could'nt find anyone close. He saw a tree by the frozen shoreline and ripped a limb off the tree. He went back to where his friend went under and took that limb a beat a hole in the ice and pulled his friend out.
By now several people had appeared at the shore and were looking on at the scene. The ambulance arrived as the boy dragged his friend to the shore line. People whispered and kept asking how could that little boy break that limb off that tree and drag it onto the ice. It had to be impossible for him to even pick it up at his small size. It just was impossible they said. How could this be they asked.
Finally an old man stepped up and told them the boy was able to do it because none of the people that were standing around now were there telling him that it couldn't be done. The boy saw what had to be done to save his friend and that was the bottom line. No if , no and, no but, he just did it.

I have personally come to realize that it is 90% attitude for me. When I started to get my head cleared up that gains began to pour in. JUST DO IT GUYS.. THE GAINS WILL COME!!!!!!!!
"Do you want it? (crowd screams YES!) Do you want it? (crowd screams YES!) ...then lets go DO IT and make some MONEY!" LOL, sorry guys I was having a network marketing flashback. All kidding aside this has been a very good thread and hopefully a wake-up call for at least ONE person.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
"Do you want it? (crowd screams YES!) Do you want it? (crowd screams YES!) ...then lets go DO IT and make some MONEY!" LOL, sorry guys I was having a network marketing flashback. All kidding aside this has been a very good thread and hopefully a wake-up call for at least ONE person.

Nice...Still I love your signature...I can't stop laughing:D
I truly hope that everyone at MOS reads this thread! It is an excellent source of inspiration. Thanks to all those that posted!

I always imagine a big 10 incher swinging side by side. Positive thought is a must. Just look at a big black mamba dildo and say I,m going to be bigger than that in six months and visualize your penis is growing.
I agree with you all on this as well.
Nothing for me to really add, except that my thinking changed and so to did my gains.

I was OBSESSED with thinking and wanting to get like 1 inch a month growth in length each time.

But of course its VERY RARE this happens in the real world.
I was gaining not at all in length.
Until a few months back.
I now [Still insecure beliefs/motivation at times] take 0.10 inches at a time month by month if I can, and I am SOOOOOO Greatful for that small increase, cos I know in say a year of that I will get 1.20 inches.

I now look at a dildo / �naked people movies�star I like and look at it while stretching or every now and than while surfing, as a guide and motivater for me.
It seems to be working as well.

One day I hope to be as mentally strong in this field as DLD, so I have a mental block that will really get me thru this.
But I agree with what DLD said, its all mental at the end of the day.

Best of luck all, ya know ma door is always open.

I couldn't agree more with the power of thought. Sometimes, I look at photo of large penis and say to myself, "That's what I want."

Then, push myself to workout. While working out, I form a mental image of achieving the goals.

Often when I jelq, I watch �naked people movies�. I always tell myself "that's gonna be me!" Referring to the male �naked people movies� star's penis.

Originally posted by realpuffus
Often when I jelq, I watch �naked people movies�. I always tell myself "that's gonna be me!" Referring to the male �naked people movies� star's penis.


I used to do the same sort of thing. I saw BigOmar in a Buttman video (this was pre-pe) anyway, I was blown away by his size. I used his cock as a visual aide for what I wanted to be like after I started Penis Enlargement. I am bigger than him now so the visualization no longer works for me using him. I find myself imagining myself with the type of penis I want now...when I have this vision I really concentrate on that during my workouts.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
I saw BigOmar..... I am bigger than him now so the visualization no longer works for me using him.


Your the only person who I have a love/hate relationship with in my life. :) I can't wait until I can say this!

Originally posted by realpuffus

Your the only person who I have a love/hate relationship with in my life. :) I can't wait until I can say this!



Yeah but now I have to look at lex and mand. for inspiration:mad:
I just have to motivate myself to actually do Penis Enlargement. I have a hard time making myself do this. I guess i could say im going to start doing this 3 times per week and then try to add a day if i can. I mostly just do stretches but want to start doing some jelqs with them. I love reading the boards though and getting new ideas
erm1981 said:
I just have to motivate myself to actually do Penis Enlargement. I have a hard time making myself do this. I guess i could say im going to start doing this 3 times per week and then try to add a day if i can. I mostly just do stretches but want to start doing some jelqs with them. I love reading the boards though and getting new ideas

Penis Enlargement requires discipline and this is best accomplished by making it a daily habit. I train everyday for this reason. I am easily distracted and I need structure to keep involved.
I have always been motivated to work at it 24/7. I do my normal routines 4.30 am, then in the evening at 6pm. During the day I wear a ADS, and my exercise, and diet program is also linked to Penis Enlargement. Coming to this forum in the morning and in the evening, also keeps me highly motivated, and constantly thinking of new ways to perform exercises, or to create new devices for Penis Enlargement.
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