VikingPenis said:
Yeah i gained 1.25" in girth in two months from when i started till now

I have been working really hard i have been working out faithfully everynight since halfway in August. But like some people have said if i am lieing i ain't helping myself any bit at all. I know i am not lieing about my gains becuase that would be pointless and annoying to everyone that reads. You decide guys think i am a lier or be inspired to do the same. :)
Not everyone can do the same, all bodies are different. Your gains must only be ligs, after those are done, it'll be time for tunica gains, wich are harder to come by.

None-the-less, congrats.
been peing for 2 months now havnt gained a milimeter

consider yourselfs lucky
1.25" in girth takes years to acheive...I would assume. I think that must be a typo, or Viking simply has some amazing untapped potential!
Nothing seems to work for me over here, the first month I did like 30 minutes of jelqing 7 on, than that wasnt working for me, so than I descided to take it up a notch and did 15 minutes of jelqing than 15 minutes of clamping a day, about 6 on 1 off. still havnt gained anything. I think its just impossible for me to grow over here, I cant seem to gain penis size or gain actual weight, im stuck on 125 lbs and im what 19, horrible.

anyways, I'm just a bit jealous how someone can get 1 inch in 2 days when I cant 1 milimeter in 2 months.
hehe I may see your problem. Your only doing one type of stress workout mostly. Add some stretches, you'd probably benefit from working the tunica as well in other ways than basic girth exercises.

As for your body problem. Your most likely an ectomorph. Wich means you have high natural metabolism. So eat ALOT more. To make that easier, eat 6 times a day instead of 3. You could even supplement with a protein shake. Doing gym 3 times a week will help build muscle. The trick is to eat more calories than your burn. It's the opposite of trying to loose weight. I'm trying to gain weight as well. I've always been at 130 lbs and I'm 22...I'm trying to get myself to 160 lbs in a year. You can read about it in one of my blogs if you want.
IMOP, the problem with starting out on the Penis Enlargement adventure, is trying to find your limits on your penis, as it has never been put under such stress.By jelqing a little, and trying other exercises, all of which are being done with caution, you are setting yourself up for slow gains if any at all.It is good to be cautious, and to get better acquainted with your limits, but at the same time by taking your time and testing the waters, you are making a tough penis, that will resist your efforts even more, day by day!So really you have a very quick learning curve to go through, so as to get ahead of that stubborn piece of meat.The only way to get ahead of it, is to learn the techniques quickly, and to also discover your limits, and also not to be afraid of pulling really hard, and just going for it!!Just use common sense!If it's not intense enough you want do anything but make it a tough little bastard, which want help at all!Just my opinion!

VikingPenis said:
I have been working really hard i have been working out faithfully everynight since halfway in August. But like some people have said if i am lieing i ain't helping myself any bit at all. I know i am not lieing about my gains becuase that would be pointless and annoying to everyone that reads. You decide guys think i am a lier or be inspired to do the same. :)
Dont get mad but i aint gone beleive a word of this, only way i would beleive if i saw a before and after pic and you cant do that so i aint beleiving it if you really got them gains you need to go to the emergency room right now you could of damaged something really bad go get it checked out, come on 1.25'' of girth in 2 weeks .5'' in 4 days, go get a catscan asap.
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WOW. If your gains are legit, youre doing better than many men do in a couple years. I could care less if youre jerking anyones' chain about your gains. It is afterall your penis. Few believed me when I said I'd gained 3/4" in erect length in 3 months of hanging...even though I repeatedly stated that I put in the TIME to get the gains...4-6 hours total a day 5 or 6 days a week during that time. I posted progress pics along the way though.

Every time I see that you gained that much in 3 months.

It motivates me. I had a bad experience with hanging a few days ago and I've been scared to get back in the hanger since. I am going to try to get back in it tomorrow for an hour worth of sets. Had like 28 hours of hanging in about 10 days and 24 I believe in 8 days. I was moving along too quickly though. But really I think gains like that are possible but again that is in 3 MONTHS. Not a few days. I'm getting an extender soon and if I do something like this one guy rich or something or other did then I could see over an inch gain in 3 months. He did and showed a progress thread. Looked legit overall after looking at the before and last pics he had in the thread. Either way if you're dedicated you can gain serious length/girth. I can't believe anyone though (don't care at all if it's true or not) that says their penis got .5 inch bigger in a few days.
Unless of course a guy just had really poor penis health to begin with before finding Penis Enlargement. I could see "newbie gains" happening...but in that case they wouldnt really be gains...that would be more that the guys' penis was just opening up to its' full potential due to much better blood flow from Penis Enlargement. I like to think that's where a lot of guys' newbie gains come from..the improved penis health/blood flow from the Penis Enlargement. No matter how "in shape" someone might think they are, it's always possible.
Well, I think some of those gains are real and some could be from measuring differently. Anyway, congratulations.
I think your gains will start to really slowdown soon, so keep at the Penis Enlargement and be consistant and dedicated, plus dont get discouraged if you dont see gains in the next few weeks because you've had such a massive and rare gain ratio that it would be something shocking if you kept gaining, and something I ain't heard of in my time on Penis Enlargement forums. Keep at solid pe for a few months and start makeing it more intense and the gains will cement and become permanent, otherwise you will loose them.
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