The last person I heard talking about shit like this was Tyler Durden. And it was called Fight Club not Alpha Blade. LMAO
Anyway good luck. Anything what can make men back from skinny fat office workers/mall shoppers is good.
yettogrow said:
The last person I heard talking about shit like this was Tyler Durden. And it was called Fight Club not Alpha Blade. LMAO
Anyway good luck. Anything what can make men back from skinny fat office workers/mall shoppers is good.

:) I guess so:)
canuckscup;469676 said:
Has this been released yet?

And if the answer is no, have you had all your test users do this program yet? I would love to be in on the testing and e one of the people to try this out. I could start right away. I can give more details on my body type if necessary and I am willing to go hard on this. I know this is an old thread but just thought I would ask.
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