08/28/2010: Length
10 minutes warm-up
15 minutes of manual stretches
5 minutes of kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down
08/30/2010: Length
10 minutes warm-up
20 minutes of manual stretches
kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down
Today, during and after my session, some red spots appeared in the base of my penis. Any ideas of what is this and why they are there? Some advice wold be good!
Bye Bye!
10 minutes warm-up
15 minutes of manual stretches
5 minutes of kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down
08/30/2010: Length
10 minutes warm-up
20 minutes of manual stretches
kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down
Today, during and after my session, some red spots appeared in the base of my penis. Any ideas of what is this and why they are there? Some advice wold be good!
Bye Bye!