08/28/2010: Length

10 minutes warm-up
15 minutes of manual stretches
5 minutes of kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down

08/30/2010: Length

10 minutes warm-up
20 minutes of manual stretches
kegels and reverse kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretch
warm down

Today, during and after my session, some red spots appeared in the base of my penis. Any ideas of what is this and why they are there? Some advice wold be good!

Bye Bye!
08/31/2010: Length

Hello folks! Today's routine was very good! I did length twice today!

First Session - Morning:
10 minutes warm-up
20 minutes of manual stretches
200 kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretches (60 reps)
warm down

Second Session - Night
15 minutes warm-up
15 minutes of manual stretches
200 kegels
testicle health massage and testicle stretches (25 reps)
warm down

ps: The red spots that i mentioned yesterday still there. Blood came out in one of them in my second session today. What could that be? Did i overtrained my cock? Some advice would be really good!

Bye bye!
Just took the day off today, didn't do streches today!

Got in the hot shower, did about 400 kegels and some edge, but in one time i couldn't hold it and came =(
After that, did testicle health massage and testicle stretches!

Bye Bye!
Another day off, just to recover my unit :)

Got in the hot shower today and did some kegels, testicle health massage and testicle stretches!
Measure day tomorrow, but i'm thinking in give me one more week or so ;)
Bye Bye!