Are you 100% SURE you lost length? Maybe it was due to the erection problems. As DLD said- it is the girth that masturbation affects the most (and EQ). Length- it is quite beneficial. There are many threads where it is proven ( brothers have been put to the test of ejaculation vs no ejaculation to see if it would affect their gaining and size ).
What I think you all need to realize is that ejaculation (whether it is sex or masturbation) is not ALL THAT bad- it can help you out quite a lot if you know how to use it. Anyways- what matters A LOT (maybe the most) in PE is the production of the male sex hormone- TESTOSTERONE. Durring puberty (where it is at its peak) it causes male muscles to enlarge, facial hair growth (facial, pubic etc.) and natural PE (enlargement of the reproductive organs). This hormone is the most essential to PE!
So, if you are all interested, there are studies that stand to prove that you can manipulate your testosterone levels with ejaculation and abstinence (from ejaculation) periods. Some studies are listed below, enjoy and read.
- a) It’s known that short-term abstinence of 3 weeks can slightly increases testosterone levels in healthy human subjects, and one interesting study shows a significant 145% spike in T at the 7th day of abstinence (probably an evolutionary trigger to reproduce). However, long-term abstinence of 3 months has been shown to significantly reduce testosterone levels (note that this is only researched in men with erectile dysfunction, so the low T can be caused by something completely different).
b) In multiple human and animal studies, it has been noted that ejaculation does not acutely change serum testosterone levels, busting the common myth that ejaculation would rapidly deplete the body from testosterone (study, study, study, study).
c) Even though ejaculations seemingly have no significant effects on serum testosterone levels, they can (at least according to rodent studies) alter the body’s ability to utilize testosterone. It has been seen that after multiple ejaculations a sharp decline in androgen receptors takes place inside the hypothalamus, and not only that, but a sharp increase in estrogen receptors follows as well. One rodent study also found out that 1 or 2 ejaculations in short span of time increased androgen receptor activity in the body, while 4 or more ejaculations caused a significant drop in the activity of AR, suggesting that ejaculating yourself to “sexual exhaustion” might lower your body’s ability to utilize androgens.
d) While masturbation induced ejaculations don’t seem to have that big of an effect on serum testosterone levels, sex with a real person does. For example: In a study of 44 men visiting a sex club, it was noted that the men who actually had sex in the club with a woman, noted a nice 72% average increase in their testosterone levels, while the men who only watched the act, got a boost of 11%. In another study, it was seen that on couples, testosterone levels increase on the nights that they have sexual intercourse, but not on the nights that they don’t. One study also saw that older men who have more sex, have higher T levels. What causes this if ejaculations don’t? It could be the interpersonal touch, the female pheromones, the feelings of dominance, power, and even success… ( source -
Ejaculation and Testosterone: Does Busting a Nut Lower T? )
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. The serum testosterone concentrations of 28 volunteers were investigated daily during abstinence periods after ejaculation for two phases. The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak. Ejaculation is the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. The results showed that ejaculation-caused variations were characterized by a peak on the 7th day of abstinence; and that the effective time of an ejaculation is 7 days minimum. These data are the first to document the phenomenon of the periodic change in serum testosterone level; the correlation between ejaculation and periodic change in the serum testosterone level, and the pattern and characteristics of the periodic change. (source-
A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. - PubMed - NCBI)
I believe THIS is what you need to know about ejaculation and gains. By the way, let me link you some evidence it supports length work.
- https://www.Thund3rs (if this link does not satisfy the mods or admins, please remove it, I am quite familiar with the reasons why it may not be inadequate, but it stands as a supporting proof of my argument)
The ones I gave above are NOT the scientific arguments DLD came up with after his little micro study, but they are brethern who have tried it and as you can see it is 100% supporting evidence that it stretches easier after an orgasm.
If any of you wants a link to DLD's thread, please respond to this with "You're amazing Zam, send me that thread". rofl! Feels good to be here. Hopefully, I will have enough spare time to spend with you all! All the best, Zam!
- - - Updated - - -
Are you 100% SURE you lost length? Maybe it was due to the erection problems. As DLD said- it is the girth that masturbation affects the most (and EQ). Length- it is quite beneficial. There are many threads where it is proven ( brothers have been put to the test of ejaculation vs no ejaculation to see if it would affect their gaining and size ).
What I think you all need to realize is that ejaculation (whether it is sex or masturbation) is not ALL THAT bad- it can help you out quite a lot if you know how to use it. Anyways- what matters A LOT (maybe the most) in PE is the production of the male sex hormone- TESTOSTERONE. Durring puberty (where it is at its peak) it causes male muscles to enlarge, facial hair growth (facial, pubic etc.) and natural PE (enlargement of the reproductive organs). This hormone is the most essential to PE!
So, if you are all interested, there are studies that stand to prove that you can manipulate your testosterone levels with ejaculation and abstinence (from ejaculation) periods. Some studies are listed below, enjoy and read.
- a) It’s known that short-term abstinence of 3 weeks can slightly increases testosterone levels in healthy human subjects, and one interesting study shows a significant 145% spike in T at the 7th day of abstinence (probably an evolutionary trigger to reproduce). However, long-term abstinence of 3 months has been shown to significantly reduce testosterone levels (note that this is only researched in men with erectile dysfunction, so the low T can be caused by something completely different).
b) In multiple human and animal studies, it has been noted that ejaculation does not acutely change serum testosterone levels, busting the common myth that ejaculation would rapidly deplete the body from testosterone (study, study, study, study).
c) Even though ejaculations seemingly have no significant effects on serum testosterone levels, they can (at least according to rodent studies) alter the body’s ability to utilize testosterone. It has been seen that after multiple ejaculations a sharp decline in androgen receptors takes place inside the hypothalamus, and not only that, but a sharp increase in estrogen receptors follows as well. One rodent study also found out that 1 or 2 ejaculations in short span of time increased androgen receptor activity in the body, while 4 or more ejaculations caused a significant drop in the activity of AR, suggesting that ejaculating yourself to “sexual exhaustion” might lower your body’s ability to utilize androgens.
d) While masturbation induced ejaculations don’t seem to have that big of an effect on serum testosterone levels, sex with a real person does. For example: In a study of 44 men visiting a sex club, it was noted that the men who actually had sex in the club with a woman, noted a nice 72% average increase in their testosterone levels, while the men who only watched the act, got a boost of 11%. In another study, it was seen that on couples, testosterone levels increase on the nights that they have sexual intercourse, but not on the nights that they don’t. One study also saw that older men who have more sex, have higher T levels. What causes this if ejaculations don’t? It could be the interpersonal touch, the female pheromones, the feelings of dominance, power, and even success… ( source - )
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. The serum testosterone concentrations of 28 volunteers were investigated daily during abstinence periods after ejaculation for two phases. The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak. Ejaculation is the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. The results showed that ejaculation-caused variations were characterized by a peak on the 7th day of abstinence; and that the effective time of an ejaculation is 7 days minimum. These data are the first to document the phenomenon of the periodic change in serum testosterone level; the correlation between ejaculation and periodic change in the serum testosterone level, and the pattern and characteristics of the periodic change. (source-
I believe THIS is what you need to know about ejaculation and gains. By the way, let me link you some evidence it supports length work.
- https://www.Thund3rs (if this link does not satisfy the mods or admins, please remove it, I am quite familiar with the reasons why it may not be inadequate, but it stands as a supporting proof of my argument)
The ones I gave above are NOT the scientific arguments DLD came up with after his little micro study, but they are brethern who have tried it and as you can see it is 100% supporting evidence that it stretches easier after an orgasm.
If any of you wants a link to DLD's thread, please respond to this with "You're amazing Zam, send me that thread". rofl! Feels good to be here. Hopefully, I will have enough spare time to spend with you all! All the best, Zam!