So a while ago I read that people masturbated when doing PE. Most said it didn't matter as long as you had a routine you did in the first place.

I tested this idea by stopping my length exercises a month ago (Basically I masturbated 3-4 times a week for a month), but while still proceeding with one of the jelqs i thought of and masturbated 3-4 times a week (Each time on a different way)

What I found is that I lost a quarter inch from my length gains. So I decided to establish that masturbation is counterproductive to actual length gains because if you're aiming for length and you're masturbating some # of times a week then it won't do you much good.

Of course this was a test I did myself and perhaps your experience is different.

I'd like for you guys to tell me your experience with masturbation and LENGTH gains or routines.

CLARIFICATION~People misunderstand what I mean~

Lets say that masturbation and length training both have a 100% effort range.

Masturbation in this case decreases length

Length training increases length

So if both give 100% doing them together must still equal to 100% and have to share part of the whole 100%

Lets say you're doing little to minimal effort in Length training.

0%-30% effort in Length training VS 100%-70% effort in masturbation
---Your result will be that you could slowly lose length because masturbation is taking over the percentage

Now lets say you're doing both equally.

50% length training intensity VS 50% masturbation
---Your results will be an equilibrium of no gain and no loss

Lastly lets say you're doing a MORE INTENSE Length routine (surpasses masturbation reduction size)

70%-100% length training VS 30%-0% masturbation
---Your results will be gains in length

This is why many people report gains even with constant masturbation. Because their length routines are far more intense than masturbation can reduce. Therefore length results.

***Note masturbation will always be 100% in effectiveness because you can't count ejaculation causing fatigue as fractions. You can only do so with incremental intensity in length training and no such thing applies to masturbation
The only plausible thing that could apply in terms of increments for masturbation would be how many days you do it***

Details on why masturbation is 100% always and why it is not always represented as 100% above in the clarification:

Example of what I mean. Bill can not masturbate any more intense than the next guy because ejaculation + the fatigue afterwards is the total 100%

You can't have 40% masturbation effectiveness. That's not how it works.

In my demonstration the percentages for masturbation aren't always 100% because the percentage is STATIC (non-changing) and the only increasing factor is the intensity in a routine.

Because masturbation is a static variable the % will always be 100%. But since length can surpass and be degraded to such an extent the range length intensity has is 200%.

Technically the #'s would be:

Demonstration 1) (0% through 90%) -100%= -10% through -100% (loss in size because negative)

Demonstration 2) 100% - 100%= 0% (equilibrium, no size change)

Demonstration 3) (200% through 110%) - 100%= +10% through +90% (gain in size)
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I have to agree with this statement at some level. If I don't have sex or masterbait for a week or two my EQ is at its peak. From this it appears longer (and may be favorable to creating great length gains). I don't think I've lost anything though when I do have sex. I suspect that since the tunica is only 5% elastic that any expansion that occurs past that 5% creates permanent deformation. Its a hard thing to guage if your EQ isn't the same all the time.
MoreThanLuck;676509 said:
I have to agree with this statement at some level. If I don't have sex or masterbait for a week or two my EQ is at its peak. From this it appears longer (and may be favorable to creating great length gains). I don't think I've lost anything though when I do have sex. I suspect that since the tunica is only 5% elastic that any expansion that occurs past that 5% creates permanent deformation. Its a hard thing to guage if your EQ isn't the same all the time.

Well my idea is that it's fine once a week or keeping ejaculation to a minimum. I've heard several times people on here masturbate more than once every day and or more than 3 times a week. It's good every now and then to release, but we must maintain the control and urge not to in order to get the most of the gains. Good EQ comes from abstinence in masturbation/sex plus kegels
kyomoto;676494 said:
So a while ago I read that people masturbated when doing PE. Most said it didn't matter as long as you had a routine you did in the first place.

I tested this idea by stopping my length exercises a month ago (Basically I masturbated 3-4 times a week for a month), but while still proceeding with one of the jelqs i thought of and masturbated 3-4 times a week (Each time on a different way)

What I found is that I lost a quarter inch from my length gains. So I decided to establish that masturbation is counterproductive to actual length gains because if you're aiming for length and you're masturbating some # of times a week then it won't do you much good.

Of course this was a test I did myself and perhaps your experience is different.

I'd like for you guys to tell me your experience with masturbation and LENGTH gains or routines.

So for that month that you masturbated 3-4x/week you did no length exercises you just did one type of jelq exercise that entire month? If this is correct how often and when did you do that jelq exercise? Or did i read your post wrong and you still did length work during this month of masturbation 3-4x/week?
I have no idea how counterproductive masturbation can be..But i jack my off once a day most of the time before i start my [words=!!!]LM[/words] session,the penis is flaccid and malleable n its way easier to stretch when its flaccid..:cool:

I think is counterproductive when masturbation is an addiction n the penis gets rubbery n even dark..
I'm currently not doing any exercises but when I was using my [words=!!!]length master[/words] to do 1 hr downward bundled stretches daily, I masturbated daily and still gained. I also know that when you don't masturbate for some time, your erection will be massive. As for me, masturbation once in a day cannot affect length work unless you as not doing a solid length routine.
I don't like to ejaculate because it takes away some of my pump if I do it right after a session. What I do like is that it releases chemicals which definitely helps healing, but everytime I do decide to cum always get in the [words=]bathmate[/words] a little while after to get my pump back. This method works pretty swell :s
Yes,i said this so many times...from my personal experience,i would say stay away from mastrubation as much as possible.And if you have to masturbate,let's say you're super horny,make sure you have some good hours between PE and ejaculation.I literally went months without any gains because of masturbation.Faping once a day should be fine,but i would take at least a 3-4 hours window between those two :).
When I was actively hanging, I usually masturbated after I was done for the day. Sometimes, I would do so before hanging. I actually found, I 'felt like' I got a better stretch if I masturbated within an hour before I did my hanging.

Masturbating on girth days never hurt me.

You stopped all length training and only did girth training for a month? In that time, did you gain girth? Sometimes when I have gained girth, I lost a little length. Make sense, as you are adding volume to your penis in one dimension.
huge-girth;676520 said:
I'm currently not doing any exercises but when I was using my [words=!!!]length master[/words] to do 1 hr downward bundled stretches daily, I masturbated daily and still gained. I also know that when you don't masturbate for some time, your erection will be massive. As for me, masturbation once in a day cannot affect length work unless you as not doing a solid length routine.

no PE whats going on i tought you had your goal on mind..
To answer youknowme,

I did a jelqing exercise targeting girth only. I did no length exercises.

I did the jelqing 4 times a week targeting girth at the night time usually 9pm

Heres the thing guys.

Masturbation/Ejaculation is okay 3-4 times a day if and only you produce enough intensity on your penis.

As you guys have mentioned from your experience, some guys ejaculate every day and still gain. This is due to the intensity being greater than how much ejaculation can reduce your results.

But some people are not always in tune to big intense routines that surpass loss of size. That is why in my opinion it id best to refrain from masurbation/ejaculation in general. I understand we must release at least once every 2 weeks and thats fine, but keep the ejaculation to a minimum.

Girth work should not make length gains unable to come out. That is what i believe otherwise it would be applicable to many people who do length and girth and achieved both.
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Masturbation should be a girth workout before you allow your self to shoot off. For me, I spend at lest 20 minutes doing girth work (mainly [words=]SSJ[/words] and SizeBlaster). After I feel like I have gotten a good workout I will ensue shooting off. This is a great way to gain girth but also endurance in bed.
Thanks for actually doing the experiment. I've suspected that masturbation is a negative for girth work but I'm surprised it had a negative impact on length. I always notice a lessened expansion when ejaculation, or having to mash the PC to avoid it, occurs. I'll keep this in mind if I get back into length training again.
Longth;676614 said:
Thanks for actually doing the experiment. I've suspected that masturbation is a negative for girth work but I'm surprised it had a negative impact on length. I always notice a lessened expansion when ejaculation, or having to mash the PC to avoid it, occurs. I'll keep this in mind if I get back into length training again.

No problem. I mean if a person is still skeptical i suggest them try the experiment without any length exercises. Masturbate 4 or more times a week for 1-2 months, you'll see a decrease in EQ but also in length.

Note that i measured in BPEL

BUT i also measured BPFSL and to my surprise i didnt lose my potential gains so to speak. My BPEL was 6.5 inches when i measured after the experiment but my BPFSL was 7.35 ish inches. So i technically lost only erect visible gains but not potential gains. Either way it is frustrating knowing how ejaculation can become addicting. In our case it shouldn't be a problem because we're dedicated to PE.
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kyomoto;676622 said:
No problem. I mean if a person is still skeptical i suggest them try the experiment without any length exercises. Masturbate 4 or more times a week for 1-2 months, you'll see a decrease in EQ but also in length.

I have never had this happen to me. I pretty much shoot everyday and I have never suffered EQ issues. The only thing that cause ED for me was Zoloft, terrible medication that wreaks havoc on the sexual system.
I've never lost EQ from masturbating and there have been many stretches of time where I do it every day sometimes more then once in a day. They only thing that would happen to me is it would take longer for me to cum.

Many men lose length gains when they stop PE and don't cement their gains whether they are ejaculating often or not. I think you should have kept doing your length work and masturbated 3-4x/week and then if you lost gains there would be more validity to your conclusion that masturbation is counterproductive to length gains.
i was actually thinking about this today kinda like altering my routine by not masterbating to see how i react
youknowme123321;676664 said:
I've never lost EQ from masturbating and there have been many stretches of time where I do it every day sometimes more then once in a day. They only thing that would happen to me is it would take longer for me to cum.

Many men lose length gains when they stop PE and don't cement their gains whether they are ejaculating often or not. I think you should have kept doing your length work and masturbated 3-4x/week and then if you lost gains there would be more validity to your conclusion that masturbation is counterproductive to length gains.

If I did my length workout with the 3x-4x masturbation then I would see no results because masturbation counters the reaction of length gaining. Thats why I did it without length exercise. What you propose doesn't make any sense and how it would validate my point. Doing length training and masturbating you wont see the actual truth. You can only see the truth when you stop doing the length and notice a loss of gains due to masturbation.
masturbation +a negative state of mind =poor gains.

masturbation can have a negative effect when we jack our dicks off 3x a day or something..
kyomoto;676692 said:
If I did my length workout with the 3x-4x masturbation then I would see no results because masturbation counters the reaction of length gaining. Thats why I did it without length exercise. What you propose doesn't make any sense and how it would validate my point. Doing length training and masturbating you wont see the actual truth. You can only see the truth when you stop doing the length and notice a loss of gains due to masturbation.

Many men report making gains while doing length and ejaculation regularly. A study size of only one is to small to say with any validity that masturbation is counterproductive and to share that information like it is fact. And if a person has never masturbated 3-4x/week and done length exercises at the same time it is impossible to know for certain if masturbation is counterproductive to their gains b/c like I said many men have reported losing size after stopping length work no matter how much they masturbate. In this case one could simply conclude that it is counterproductive to length gains to not perform length work.
shortdick;676694 said:
masturbation can have a negative effect when we jack our dicks off 3x a day or something..

maybe, maybe not. Some men masturbate to weaken their tissue to allow for better stretching. PE gains are to individualized and to many men report different results to say with any certainty that masturbation halts or reverses gains
huge-girth;676721 said:
Shortdick you and I will have to quit masturbation for one month. Are you ready?

Ohhh shit big balls over here gentlemen
Throw a rock in a pigpen, and the pig who squeals is the one you hit
huge-girth;676721 said:
Shortdick you and I will have to quit masturbation for one month. Are you ready?

Count me in too.No masturbation today,not planning on ejaculating this month :)
youknowme123321;676697 said:
Many men report making gains while doing length and ejaculation regularly. A study size of only one is to small to say with any validity that masturbation is counterproductive and to share that information like it is fact. And if a person has never masturbated 3-4x/week and done length exercises at the same time it is impossible to know for certain if masturbation is counterproductive to their gains b/c like I said many men have reported losing size after stopping length work no matter how much they masturbate. In this case one could simply conclude that it is counterproductive to length gains to not perform length work.

Yeah and the reason for your first statement, in response, is because those people who report regular ejaculation with gains is due to the intensity being more than the possibility of losing gains. I'll update my first post to make it easier to understand this. And of course a study of 1 is not enough. I'd like for you guys to test this yourself. No length exercises for 1-2 months, wack it 3-4 times a week and tell me. It's also just one of my beliefs that I tested so yeah.

I never said it was a fact I have said several times it is my opinion and my belief.

Listen if you stop doing PE one day and wait for a month, you're not going to lose gains. It takes around 3-4 months for that to show. It's a possible factor but masturbation quickens that process.

ChilDsh;676738 said:
Count me in too.No masturbation today,not planning on ejaculating this month :)

I'm doing a 6 month no masturbation period. Good luck to you guys!

I clarified my post so people have a better understanding of what I mean.
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This may be a bit off topic, but masturbation itself is probably a human perversion that is not intended to be done. Ejaculation is intended to be inside a woman. The longer one goes without ejaculation the more desire he will have to find a woman to mate with. For all of you out there with no gf, I think not masturbating can lead to good things even if it doesn't effect PE gains.
boohoohoo;676783 said:
This may be a bit off topic, but masturbation itself is probably a human perversion that is not intended to be done. Ejaculation is intended to be inside a woman. The longer one goes without ejaculation the more desire he will have to find a woman to mate with. For all of you out there with no gf, I think not masturbating can lead to good things even if it doesn't effect PE gains.

It is off/on topic. I'm not saying everyone should stop masturbating and everything you know? All I did was a test to see if masturbation was counterproductive. For me it was. And I wanted you guys to test this as well. I'm not here to force people to think like me or force people to believe what I believe. I just want people to have an open mind and consider this as a possiblity, let them do the research, test it, and see if they want to continue masturbating daily or keeping it to a minimum. I'm just here to inform brother. Not here to force beliefs.
kyomoto;676788 said:
It is off/on topic. I'm not saying everyone should stop masturbating and everything you know? All I did was a test to see if masturbation was counterproductive. For me it was. And I wanted you guys to test this as well. I'm not here to force people to think like me or force people to believe what I believe. I just want people to have an open mind and consider this as a possiblity, let them do the research, test it, and see if they want to continue masturbating daily or keeping it to a minimum. I'm just here to inform brother. Not here to force beliefs.

Everyone will find what works best for them. Masturbation can be a huge killer of motivation if not respected properly. Too much adult entertainment will desensitize the mind and cause a huge lack of libido. Discipline needs to be used and if you do not have discipline you will need to work on it. Masturbation for me is always post-cursor to girth work. Once a day is fine for me, especially after hours of holding an erection!
huge-girth;676721 said:
Shortdick you and I will have to quit masturbation for one month. Are you ready?

One month dec 3 to jan 3 ok lets do it hope i can make it...:blush: but just want you to know im not promising anything here ok?
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youknowme123321;676698 said:
maybe, maybe not. Some men masturbate to weaken their tissue to allow for better stretching. PE gains are to individualized and to many men report different results to say with any certainty that masturbation halts or reverses gains

maybe but i have realized that penis gets rubbery when i do it more than twice a day..IMO but as you have stated can help to really weak the tissue n turn the penis into a more malleable state....
kyomoto;676771 said:
Yeah and the reason for your first statement, in response, is because those people who report regular ejaculation with gains is due to the intensity being more than the possibility of losing gains. I'll update my first post to make it easier to understand this. And of course a study of 1 is not enough. I'd like for you guys to test this yourself. No length exercises for 1-2 months, wack it 3-4 times a week and tell me. It's also just one of my beliefs that I tested so yeah.

I never said it was a fact I have said several times it is my opinion and my belief.

Listen if you stop doing PE one day and wait for a month, you're not going to lose gains. It takes around 3-4 months for that to show. It's a possible factor but masturbation quickens that process.

I'm doing a 6 month no masturbation period. Good luck to you guys!

I clarified my post so people have a better understanding of what I mean.

OK I see where you're coming from now. I previously felt like you were sharing your info as pretty solid fact. And I didn't see your sentence in post #1, "Of course this was a test I did myself and perhaps your experience is different" the first time I read through it. I think your thread title "masturbating is counterproductive" probably set my mind to thinking you were discussing this as fact as I first began to read. If it had said "masturbation can be counterproductive" my initial thought process may have been different.

And I don't feel anyone can say with certainty that the men who report making gains while masturbating regularly only did so b/c of length workout intensity being enough to overcome their masturbation intensity. That would take a giant study to be able to determine with any sort of validity and to many individual variables exist to determine that anyways.

Good edits to the first post. Appreciated.
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shortdick;676806 said:
maybe but i have realized that penis gets rubbery when i do it more than twice a day..IMO but as you have stated can help to really weak the tissue n turn the penis into a more malleable state....

Yeah I've read of men experiencing that as well. Some men like it b/c they feel it makes them more responsive to PE and others feel the opposite. DO you like to jerk off right before a stretching or hanging session? I do. I feel I get fatigued more quickly and it feels as though I am getting a better stretch. I rarely jerk off before PE though b/c I'm not that into it anymore. I prefer sex or getting jerked off by my massage therapist.
youknowme123321;676818 said:
OK I see where you're coming from now. I previously felt like you were sharing your info as pretty solid fact. And I didn't see your sentence in post #1, "Of course this was a test I did myself and perhaps your experience is different" the first time I read through it. I think your thread title "masturbating is counterproductive" probably set my mind to thinking you were discussing this as fact as I first began to read. If it had said "masturbation can be counterproductive" my initial thought process may have been different.

And I don't feel anyone can say with certainty that the men who report making gains while masturbating regularly only did so b/c of length workout intensity being enough to overcome their masturbation intensity. That would take a giant study to be able to determine with any sort of validity and to many individual variables exist to determine that anyways.

Good edits to the first post. Appreciated.

Yeah we need a bigger study. I just wanted to try it myself to see what happened. I'd like to get more information on this though.
youknowme123321;676819 said:
Yeah I've read of men experiencing that as well. Some men like it b/c they feel it makes them more responsive to PE and others feel the opposite. DO you like to jerk off right before a stretching or hanging session? I do. I feel I get fatigued more quickly and it feels as though I am getting a better stretch. I rarely jerk off before PE though b/c I'm not that into it anymore. I prefer sex or getting jerked off by my massage therapist.

yep i do jerk off before my [words=!!!]LM[/words] session cause is better whit a totally flaccid penis,if i dont the penis gets engorged n its kinda painful.

having a therapist like yours sounds great how do you get that :)
shortdick;676823 said:
yep i do jerk off before my [words=!!!]LM[/words] session cause is better whit a totally flaccid penis,if i dont the penis gets engorged n its kinda painful.

having a therapist like yours sounds great how do you get that :)
It took a ton of searching to find a therapist like her. I saw so many. Some I got great massage from and some sucked. Some jerked me off and some didn't. You usually have to try a girl 2-3x before she will offer to jerk you off. That way she knows you're not a cop.

The woman I see now gives an amazing massage. She will jerk me off half way through the massage and the massage me for another 45 minutes after. and best hand job I have ever had.

Asian women are usually the best. I have seen latina chicks and find them the sexiest but they don't usually give a great massage. I see an asian woman now. She seems to really enjoy jerking me off. But it took sometime to find a keeper, lol.
kyomoto;676494 said:
I tested this idea by stopping my length exercises a month ago (Basically I masturbated 3-4 times a week for a month), but while still proceeding with one of the jelqs i thought of and masturbated 3-4 times a week (Each time on a different way)

What I found is that I lost a quarter inch from my length gains.

Without getting confused by the rest of the post and thread, I'll note that *of course* you lost length. Masturbation or not, you STOPPED length exercises for a month... (Unless I misread that quote somehow).

Also, in terms of erection quality, has anybody mentioned testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels drop after ejaculation and the full testosterone replenishment cycle takes approx 6-7 days. Ideally, you only want to be masturbating or having sex once a week to stay in peak condition... (and have peak erection quality... sex drive and the male "hunt" instinct, AKA motivation)
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kyomoto;676822 said:
Yeah we need a bigger study. I just wanted to try it myself to see what happened. I'd like to get more information on this though.

Yeah masturbation is very helpful in length work,the penis is much more stretchable...but i think masturbation will hinder gains..i will start a study on myself...i haven't gained anything in the last 2 months of PE.Not 0.25".I was masturbating daily,sometimes twice.For the next two months i will masturbate as less as possible.It's been two days ( three couting today ) since i last mastrubated.Let's see if i gain anything in these two months with no fapping :)
well i feel the same too.....since the day i have been masturbating everyday before sleeping ....only length work all day no girth......i feel my gains dont show ...
MaxRichards;676844 said:
Without getting confused by the rest of the post and thread, I'll note that *of course* you lost length. Masturbation or not, you STOPPED length exercises for a month... (Unless I misread that quote somehow).

Also, in terms of erection quality, has anybody mentioned testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels drop after ejaculation and the full testosterone replenishment cycle takes approx 6-7 days. Ideally, you only want to be masturbating or having sex once a week to stay in peak condition... (and have peak erection quality... sex drive and the male "hunt" instinct, AKA motivation)

Yeah I have that study by some asian university. Ejaculation barely effects testosterone. But that single study showed that on day 7 after your last ejaculation there was a bit of a peak in testosterone levels. there are much better and more effective ways to keep testosterone at the highest levels possible for a given individual such as exercise (some forms better then others), proper eating habits, sex with a loved one, strong friendships, reduced negative stress, and the list goes on.

I say jerk off here and there yourself but I tend to avoid this. Have as much sex with someone you really like or love. For me that includes seeing my massage therapist. I walk out feeling AMAZING after a 90 minutes full body massage with a hand job half way through it.
MaxRichards;676844 said:
Without getting confused by the rest of the post and thread, I'll note that *of course* you lost length. Masturbation or not, you STOPPED length exercises for a month... (Unless I misread that quote somehow).

Also, in terms of erection quality, has anybody mentioned testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels drop after ejaculation and the full testosterone replenishment cycle takes approx 6-7 days. Ideally, you only want to be masturbating or having sex once a week to stay in peak condition... (and have peak erection quality... sex drive and the male "hunt" instinct, AKA motivation)

So the assumption is that men in the world need to have more testosterone in their system? Have you seen the news?

Sounds like everyone needs to fap the fuck out to me
ChilDsh;676845 said:
Yeah masturbation is very helpful in length work,the penis is much more stretchable...but i think masturbation will hinder gains..i will start a study on myself...i haven't gained anything in the last 2 months of PE.Not 0.25".I was masturbating daily,sometimes twice.For the next two months i will masturbate as less as possible.It's been two days ( three couting today ) since i last mastrubated.Let's see if i gain anything in these two months with no fapping :)

You should have more potential gains by reducing or not doing any masturbation. It doesn't always guarantee results because intensity is a factor in gaining. You can't just take away masturbation and hope to gain size, BUT it is possible that masturbation is hindering gains.

MaxRichards;676844 said:
Without getting confused by the rest of the post and thread, I'll note that *of course* you lost length. Masturbation or not, you STOPPED length exercises for a month... (Unless I misread that quote somehow).

Also, in terms of erection quality, has anybody mentioned testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels drop after ejaculation and the full testosterone replenishment cycle takes approx 6-7 days. Ideally, you only want to be masturbating or having sex once a week to stay in peak condition... (and have peak erection quality... sex drive and the male "hunt" instinct, AKA motivation)

Yeah once a week is fine.

And like I've said, yes I stopped doing length. But if any of us here stopped doing length for a month it would not make them lose any gains. Trust me I know from experience. I took a break longer than 2 months and haven't lost until the 3rd month. I've said i lost gains in 2 months before but i miscalculated that estimation due to the time i entered school it was a wrong date. So basically it took me 3 months to drop length when i took a break from PE.

It does not take 1 month to lose size. Therefore that factor is out of the question.

Btw I updated my original post for clarification guys. This is just an idea/theory of mine, don't be harsh on yourself and believe it. But do try to understand where I'm coming from.
What I wanted to interject here is that when we "quit" something it shows a great lack of discipline. Moderation in all things. Saying you will quit masturbating is only setting you up to fail. I would rather you control it and have discipline. The exception to this is experimentations in PE and masturbation.
doublelongdaddy;676938 said:
What I wanted to interject here is that when we "quit" something it shows a great lack of discipline. Moderation in all things. Saying you will quit masturbating is only setting you up to fail. I would rather you control it and have discipline. The exception to this is experimentations in PE and masturbation.

Well yeah. But I personally don't know the problems with not masturbating for a long time. Maybe I'll experiment that. IT is said that you need to masturbate or release I should say once every few weeks to be healthy. And from that I can apply your never "quit" and it is better to modify it and have discipline with your actions, in that regard I agree.
kyomoto;677073 said:
Well yeah. But I personally don't know the problems with not masturbating for a long time. Maybe I'll experiment that. IT is said that you need to masturbate or release I should say once every few weeks to be healthy. And from that I can apply your never "quit" and it is better to modify it and have discipline with your actions, in that regard I agree.

I have had this position for a very long time. I used to drink alcoholically, meaning every day a 5th of Vodka. I was a mess and I knew I needed to do something so I made the decision to take control of the drinking so it could no longer control me. For me it was not quitting, it was becoming disciplined. This meant one glass of wine a night, period. Since that time I have an occasional glass of wine at my Mothers house, that is it. Cigarettes, I did not want to quit, I wanted to stop smoking so much. I bought a vaporizer and used that alongside of cigarette and now I am down from a pack a day to 4 a day and those 4 I really enjoy. The same think applies to everything, moderation in all things!
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  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Headass211456 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    MiscSmith is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    doofer is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    yesterday1 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    JohnCMaxwell is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest Sam hi has joined the room.
  • S (Guest) Sam hi:
    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Akteon1 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest Jayson44 has joined the room.
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
      Akteon1 @ Akteon1: I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?