stillwantmore said:
Andithilion, wow man, I have to say I do have respect for the person you portray yourself to be. Even though this is just anonymous postings on an internet forum you seem like a very cool headed individual with a good head on your shoulders. Most people in your age group are not so level headed, or willing to express your views in such a thought out manner.

That means a lot to me. :s

Also, to LambdaCalc, if you TRY to find faith all your life, and ask God for forgiveness, then you get it. If you just can't find the faith and still ask for forgiveness, God will save you from your sins. It's not a matter of Faith; God wouldn't keep people out over something they can't control. But if you sincerely want him to save you and accept him as your savior, you go to Heaven.

Also, to SWM - I agree completely. Debating is fun for me, as long as no one lets it get personal (i.e., "Christians are stoopid and they sux"). That's why I wish my school had had a debate team back when I went to my high school...I definitely would have had fun in it.
wow andithilion me and you are like twins, except I can't write as good as you can rofl I am glad everyone handled this in a somewhat controlled isn't getting out of hand. I think that people over complicate things when they should be explained as easy as you do andithilion. It seems that over time people built up some type of automatic "Anti-God" defense system in they're body. Everyone seems so ready to decline such a truth or such information. They know exactly what to say, like, "There isn't a God...God wouldn't let so many bad things happen to people."....or "there isn't any PROOF that God exists, so I just cannot believe it." People are quick to refuse anything that has to do with God...It really scares me.
LambdaCalc said:
I find it hard to believe that an all powerful, all knowing God would make himself known to a few people at the begining of time, and expect the world to believe these few people. Much less condemn a good person to hell for all of eternity just because they didn't get it.

Preachers love to say 'No matter how good you are, you will not enter heaven unless you believe in JC as your savior'. What if you are a wonderful person that does everything possible to find faith in JC, but just doesn't get it in the end? I just don't think God would be that black and white about the rest of eternity.


Agreed. I think if Jesus would return, the wealthy and powerful would do anything in their power to prevent this from taking place. Think about it- all monetary wealth would end; the rich would face being equal to the poor. All financial institutions would be holding worthless assesets. Politics and government would indeed come to a drastic halt.The military's reason for existance: war, would dissolve. Suppose Jesus would return, and he's running for President. He might say that all the wealthy would have to place their belongings in a big "poole" to be shared with the more unfortunate. Sure, the poor would love this, but the rich?

If Jesus is returning, the welcome mat is not out.
Well, Jesus isn't going to return and run for President. Right before he arrives is what people like to call "apocalypse", which I believe will be a nuclear war. God said in the bible that next time he clears the world, he will use fire, not water. And with the massive build up of nuclear weapons, I think it is pretty obvious where I'm going with this. Basically, the entire world is razed, sinners go to Hell, and people who survive the apocalypse and are Christians remain in His Kingdom on Earth, while those who died go to His kingdom in Heaven. So there's no "Jesus for President" slogans waiting to be had, unfortunately. You got to wonder how many people would vote for him, though...
Andithilion said:
Well, Jesus isn't going to return and run for President. Right before he arrives is what people like to call "apocalypse", which I believe will be a nuclear war. God said in the bible that next time he clears the world, he will use fire, not water. And with the massive build up of nuclear weapons, I think it is pretty obvious where I'm going with this. Basically, the entire world is razed, sinners go to Hell, and people who survive the apocalypse and are Christians remain in His Kingdom on Earth, while those who died go to His kingdom in Heaven. So there's no "Jesus for President" slogans waiting to be had, unfortunately. You got to wonder how many people would vote for him, though...

On a similar note, andithilion, who or what do you think the Anti-Christ will be?
No clue. However, I think Wal-Mart will be an instrument for him. Think about it: Wal-Mart buys out every other industry, and basically becomes the store. What would be a more convenient way to pay if you always shopped at the same place? Maybe...a chip on the back of your hand? What about on your forehead, to be scanned as you walked out, along with whatever you bought? After a while, you would probably have to have this to purchase things and have commerce, don't you think?

Also...anyone ever heard of the Mark of the Beast?
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Kraft said:
GS, I'm curious how you go about finding "truth" in your view (ie. epistemology).

You state the Bible is true, what do you mean by this?

Where the bible speaks, it speaks truth. Truth can be proven. The bible is not a science book but when it speaks of science, then it is true, when it speaks of history it is correct. When it speaks of life and morals it is true. We might not agree, that is not the issue. The bible is not like a book where you read one chapter and then the next chapter follows etc. In one chapter it might tell you something then in another chapter, explain or give details about what it said before.

Some things are certainly hard to grasp and you have to search the Bible for the answers, but other things are plain and upfront.

stillwantmore said:
Then you've got the people who probably make up 95% of "christians" or other religious people who sin every day of the week, go to church on sunday and start again the next week. Can anyone who has replied to this thread speaking as a "true christian" say they dont follow a similar weekly pattern? Or, are you doing like most and having premarital sex (sin), lying to friends/family (sin), having lustful thoughts (sin), etc, etc, etc.?? The flesh is weak, and we all need a divine being to overcome this right? Ah yes the infamous "shroud of toran"...the jury is still out on that one. Nobody has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was in fact the burial cloth of Jesus. Just because thousands have flocked like sheep to look at it doesn’t add any value to this arguement.

On the blind faith thing. Simply believing in something because of a feeling one gets, or because you read a book written by some guy who got his information from sources supporting his fishy. I'd rather believe in things that I know to be fact vs. basically a history of uncomfirmed heresay and stories that have been passed down from various accounts of events which may or may not have happenend, and in turn retold, reinvented etc. Ever play the game where you sit in a circle of people, one guy starts the game by saying a phrase such as "Bob eats ham, eggs and bacon every morning then reads the wall street journal, mainly the sports colum"...then whispers it into the ear of the guy next to him? By the time the story gets down to the last person, at least a few words have been misconstrued and the story is at least partially different than it was when started. Could you imagine trying to record what may have started as accurate details of a given event in world history thousands of years before modern more accurate means of record keeping came about, and expecting the same account of the event to be accurately told centuries later? Especially when it was first told in one or more languages, then reinterpreted into other languages with bits and pieces of the story inevitably lost along the way as it was passed down along the generations?
Bible nuts pride themselves on believing in things that are hard to believe in. They think god will bless them for that. Go get your damn bible for the following, go on go get your goddamned bible!

If you want history and FACTS from the bible you’re pretty screwed. Take the book of genesis for example. In the FIRST chapter, god creates Adam & Eve at the same time. In the second chapter of genesis, god creates Adam, Adam carries on by himself for a while naming the things in gods’ creation...the animals, invents pizza, etc. Then one day Adam gets lonely and comes to god about it. God then says to Adam basically, ok I’ll provide you with a mate, plucks one of Adams’ ribs sprinkles some magic dust over it and suddenly there’s Eve. Two separate stories in the same book of the bible? Hmm. Is this a case of two different people telling two different stories of the same idea in the holy book? Word of god vs. word of man. I’ve actually asked a pastor about this conflicting story situation here. He basically said something like “oh well that’s just two different versions of the same event.” Ok, I’ll play along. But don’t go and tell me in your next breath that I should take the bible literally word for word....or when it says such and such happened, it really happened.

The “great flood” in Genesis 6: 11-13. “Noah” supposedly grabbed TWO each of approximately 10 BILLION different species of life on the planet from all the different parts of the world on ONE boat. Are we speaking figuratively again here or literally?? Again, how is a book that contains so much fiction mixed with “fact” supposed to be taken literally, as so many people seem to take it?? More likely the flood story is based on a factual event that took place somewhere around the Euphrates river. According to archaeological material I’ve read and shows I’ve seen on the History channel. Sometime around 2900 B.C. there was a storm that lasted for about six days (not 40), the river rose about 22 feet, lotsa people died....hey...natural disasters happened back THEN TOO?? Anyway, one of the survivors was a local Sumarian king named something like Zeasutra (doesn’t look too close to “Noah”), who bought a big boat, road the flood down stream, into the Persian Gulf where he ran aground, thankful for surviving he made a sacrifice on a hill and lived happily ever after. Not coincidentally similar stories have been recorded in other parts of the world throughout history. Any time mankind perseveres over natural disaster, or great strife somebody tells a story about what happened.

Exodus 14: 22-31 Moses and The Red Sea (Parting Thereof) one of my favorite fables from the bible....also spouted as fact. Thousands of Jews were supposedly enslaved by an Egyptian actual historical accounts of any great numbers of Jewish slaves being held in Egypt by the way, anywhere besides the bible. Moses supposedly comes to this pharoah, says “let my people go”. Mr P. Says “no” to Moses, and god supposedly lets loose 10 “plagues” on Egypt.

1) All waters in Egypt “turn to blood”, and all the fish die.
2) Frogs infest Egypt
3) Lice cover man and beast.
4) Clouds of insects attack. (Little Hitchcock-ish eh?)
5) Livestock wiped out by disease.
6) All Egyptians covered in boils.
7) Thunder, hail, fire
8) Locusts
9) Darkness for three days
10) First born of every Egyptian child dies. (There’s a KIND god.!)

Mr. P finally caves, lets Moses and the Jews free, Moses and crew wonder around in the deserts of Egypt for 40 YEARS, (leaving behind no archaeological evidence...thousands of people...40 years, food, pottery, bodies surely, etc) walk to the red sea ...which is about 50+ miles wide and who knows how deep, and he parts it, he and his people walk through the parted sea. Right. I’ve heard it said that once again this is not a LITERAL story...rather a parable/metaphor/even so far as a misinterpretation ....where the “red sea” is actually supposed to be “reed sea” or “sea of reeds”...LOL, in other words the defense being (once again in a book spouted by so many bible thumpers as the word of god and FACT)....they merely walked across a low marshy area vs. an actual parted SEA. Ok, so where’s the “miracle” in that? If there was no miracle....why such an elaborate story??

New Testament time. Jesus, did he exist? (Jesus Christ!) Even in the community of more religious people...religious archeaologists/historians who study the bible and supposed history, there are skeptics. There are in fact historical records, recorded in Rome even of an actual guy by the name of Jesus around the time he was supposed to have lived. Facts are facts though. Just because the guy or A guy named Jesus lived around the time the bible says he did....doesn’t mean he was in fact a divine person, or the son of a god. There were in fact MANY “messiahs” around the same time period. One in fact named something like “Apelonious” of a place called Tianna. Claimed by his followers to be able to heal the sick, raise the dead, walk through walls and buildings; he was also persecuted for his beliefs, brought to trial, crucified and later ascended to heaven and then returned to his followers several days later. Hmm...not the Jesus story, but in fact a very similar one. Hmm. In fact some of the same “miracles” of days gone by supposedly performed by Jesus can be seen being performed by some of these more extreme evangelical types on their money making telethons. Lame people (crippled) being made to walk, eye problems being cured, etc. Ok, so Jesus lived he probably died...I mean he was at least somewhat human right? So what really happened after he died? (Jesus 2, the Revenge) Believers often cite the “resurrection” side of the story with the fact that there was a tomb found in the region where Jesus supposedly lived, and died....and it was empty when archaeologists found it! Ok, you take a dead body and wrap it in the traditional manner of the day (in linen cloth), and leave it basically in the open. Couple thousand years go by, not even bones will be left.

Just some more food for thought. Fish and bread for the masses. Heavens please dont take everything I've just typed here as literal fact, even though I did spend a bit of time doing my homework. Remember, just because you read something that someone else read because someone else read it after hearing it was a good read doesnt mean it is in fact worth reading. Or just because millions of people have believed something to be right, does not mean it is always right. History both past and present has countless examples (holy crusades, muslim extremists, HITLER, wars, etc) of countless millions of real living, breathing fellow humans dying or being slaughtered in the name of whatever a certain group thought was right. For christ sakes, if we still thought the earth was flat, how silly would that be?

Great post SWM, you bring up alot of interesting points.
Kal-el said:
Great post SWM, you bring up alot of interesting points.

yes...he does bring up interesting points....I think hes a bit off about the Genesis story however...Im going to have to look that one up. Unless someone here knows it in more detail.
Andithilion said:
Well, Jesus isn't going to return and run for President. Right before he arrives is what people like to call "apocalypse", which I believe will be a nuclear war. God said in the bible that next time he clears the world, he will use fire, not water. And with the massive build up of nuclear weapons, I think it is pretty obvious where I'm going with this. Basically, the entire world is razed, sinners go to Hell, and people who survive the apocalypse and are Christians remain in His Kingdom on Earth, while those who died go to His kingdom in Heaven. So there's no "Jesus for President" slogans waiting to be had, unfortunately. You got to wonder how many people would vote for him, though...

Dude, that was simply a "hypothetical situation". I don't actually think that he would run for a political office. Besides, how far on the political ladder do you think he would go with slogan's like "love your enemy?" And I don't think the Vatican would place all their riches at his disposal in a hurry.
With all the Christians in the country....He would go very far in whatever he wanted to do...he is Jesus after all...Im sure he could do a lot of things being God. The point is, he isn't going to come back to be president or politcal.
Kal-el said:
Dude, that was simply a "hypothetical situation". I don't actually think that he would run for a political office. Besides, how far on the political ladder do you think he would go with slogan's like "love your enemy?" And I don't think the Vatican would place all their riches at his disposal in a hurry.
rofl, yeah. Jesus would try and run all "honest" and stuff, and his opponents would drag him through the mud.

"He doesn't wear anything under that robe."

"He gave out limitless old poisoned fish to children."

"He's a conservative."

Oh, the humanity.
Jesus is not God, you "Christians" need to get it str8. Im not saying ur Christian but I hear that "Jesus is God" all the time. They should read their commandments.

Second, there aren't many "Real" Christians in this country anymore. They claim to be but do things that oppose their beliefs. Hell most of these "Chrisitians" think the President is a Christian, the homosexual blood cult tyrant that he is.

If Jesus lived and somehow magically lived the life we think he did although the story has been told by every other society under a different name, he better bring about a renaissance.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Jesus is not God, you "Christians" need to get it str8. Im not saying ur Christian but I hear that "Jesus is God" all the time. They should read their commandments.

Second, there aren't many "Real" Christians in this country anymore. They claim to be but do things that oppose their beliefs. Hell most of these "Chrisitians" think the President is a Christian, the homosexual blood cult tyrant that he is.

If Jesus lived and somehow magically lived the life we think he did although the story has been told by every other society under a different name, he better bring about a renaissance.

Jesus, according to the Bible, is say that he isn't God defies the whole Christian faith as it stands. He even proclaims to be God himself on top of everything else in the Bible. Believe it or not thats how it is.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Jesus is not God, you "Christians" need to get it str8. Im not saying ur Christian but I hear that "Jesus is God" all the time. They should read their commandments.

Second, there aren't many "Real" Christians in this country anymore. They claim to be but do things that oppose their beliefs. Hell most of these "Chrisitians" think the President is a Christian, the homosexual blood cult tyrant that he is.

If Jesus lived and somehow magically lived the life we think he did although the story has been told by every other society under a different name, he better bring about a renaissance.

Okay...homosexual blood clut tyrant? ROFL

Also. Christ=God. Jesus was God on Earth in a human body. Commandments have nothing to do with that, by the way.

Also, I'm a real Christian, and I have several real Christian friends. Just FYI.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Jesus is not God, you "Christians" need to get it str8. Im not saying ur Christian but I hear that "Jesus is God" all the time. They should read their commandments.

Second, there aren't many "Real" Christians in this country anymore. They claim to be but do things that oppose their beliefs. Hell most of these "Chrisitians" think the President is a Christian, the homosexual blood cult tyrant that he is.

If Jesus lived and somehow magically lived the life we think he did although the story has been told by every other society under a different name, he better bring about a renaissance.

That's very true. A vast majority of Christians actually believe the lie that George W Bush is Christian and holds conversations with "God." Please, first off, I don't believe in a "supernatural" entity, second off, if there is one, why would be talking to George W, instructing him to strike soveirgn nations and slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians? I think GWB is in denial, he seems to be confusing "God" and "Satan."
Kal-el said:
I think GWB is in denial, he seems to be confusing "God" and "Satan."

He believes in something very different from the Christians to say the least. Read up on him and what blood cults he's sworn allegiance to.
Kal-el said:
That's very true. A vast majority of Christians actually believe the lie that George W Bush is Christian and holds conversations with "God." Please, first off, I don't believe in a "supernatural" entity, second off, if there is one, why would be talking to George W, instructing him to strike soveirgn nations and slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians? I think GWB is in denial, he seems to be confusing "God" and "Satan."

Yes, I'm sure Bush sits down every day and goes, "God, should I slaughter civilians?"

He probably asks him for guidance and the strength to make the difficult decisions that he does have to make. None of us here can imagine the pressures involved in being the president, and none of us here know the complete 100% story. Also, why do you say it's a "lie" that he's a Christian? And what does your belief in God have to do with Bush being a Christian?
As my Commander and Chief, and me as a soldier, my comments about Bush are kept to a dull roar...but as a civilian, I can say that I don't fully understand or like the decisions he is making right now. As for him being a Christian, I don't really know. Anyone famous like him can say they are a Christian and thats just how it is. I truly hope that he is a Christian and that he prays for answers. But I suppose since Christan's are getting a bad name lately, it would be cooler to have a satanic president? Or some psycho president? Yeah, I guess the people would like that. People seem to think that darkness and evil are cool. Yeah Rock on.
Andithilion said:
Yes, I'm sure Bush sits down every day and goes, "God, should I slaughter civilians?"

He probably asks him for guidance and the strength to make the difficult decisions that he does have to make. None of us here can imagine the pressures involved in being the president, and none of us here know the complete 100% story. Also, why do you say it's a "lie" that he's a Christian? And what does your belief in God have to do with Bush being a Christian?


this is getting off track. We Didn't mean to put down our fearless leader.. *cough*chicken hawk, cheerleader, homosexual *cough*


K I've had enough, enough with our President.. lets talk about the 2nd coming because you have proven that there was a 1st coming 100% right guys??
This topic was about Jesus and his return, and what would happen. It is imperative that we speak about the Bible because in the Bible is where the answers to this lie. Sure, I could make up something if I didn't know the true answers. He would return, some people would fall on there knees and start to warship him. Other people would curse at him as usual. Some people would try to kill him. There would be mass news coverage. All kinds of craziness. However...these would all be guesses.
Let's tackle this one: "If you want history and FACTS from the bible you’re pretty screwed. Take the book of genesis for example. In the FIRST chapter, god creates Adam & Eve at the same time. In the second chapter of genesis, god creates Adam, Adam carries on by himself for a while naming the things in gods’ creation...the animals, invents pizza, etc. Then one day Adam gets lonely and comes to god about it. God then says to Adam basically, ok I’ll provide you with a mate, plucks one of Adams’ ribs sprinkles some magic dust over it and suddenly there’s Eve. Two separate stories in the same book of the bible? Hmm. Is this a case of two different people telling two different stories of the same idea in the holy book? Word of god vs. word of man. I’ve actually asked a pastor about this conflicting story situation here. He basically said something like “oh well that’s just two different versions of the same event.” Ok, I’ll play along. But don’t go and tell me in your next breath that I should take the bible literally word for word....or when it says such and such happened, it really happened."

First the Bible does have history and facts; lots of history and lots of facts. Just depends on what history you want and what facts you want. To make a statement that you are screwed if you want facts and history from the Bible says you are throwing it all out and nothing is fact. Truth is, it is an accurate book. You don’t just make a statement that the bible is all wrong. The history of Israel is recorded in the various books of the bible. The History of Israel can be verified to be accurate and compared to the bible it is the same. If you want me to make examples, I can and will.

The first chapter of Genesis this is what is recorded: Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis chapter two records the specifics of creation recorded in Chapter 1. Chapter 1 gives the overview and chapter two gives the specifics. Of course it is not two different people telling two different stories. Don’t make it hard. The problem with reading the bible with a closed mind is you don’t try and find honest answers. Chapter two is details. Made man of the dust of the ground; but didn’t make his helpmate until later. Adam was given the responsibility to name the animals. That does away with evolution that makes early man a grunting and ignorant ape. Gen 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Now he finds that there is a male and female of all the animals etc, and no female for him. So, God makes a “helpmate” for him. The word helpmate means completer and he is now complete. That is God’s plan.

SWM, “Two separate stories in the same book of the bible” why not? One is more detail. You will find many accounts of the same thing in the bible. One tells it from one side, the other might tell it from a different angle so you get a better or different picture. Why is that so hard to understand or accept? The pastor that told you “He basically said something like “oh well that’s just two different versions of the same event.” He was right to a degree but not exactly. One is the account, one is the detail.

Why do you have such a problem with taking the bible literally…word for word? If it says it happened, it did. That is not blind faith either. Blind faith is believing something with no evidence.

When the bible talks of spiritual things it gives proof for them. The resurrection is one of those areas. Jesus rose from the dead. There is proof for the resurrection. You might not accept it but it was accepted by the early church. Jesus was seen by his disciples and over 500 others, many of who were alive at the time when many of the new testament books were written. They didn’t contest it because they knew it was true.

So much of the things that are leveled against Christianity are valid. In earlier posts men are shown to be wicked and call themselves Christians. They are not Christians as shown by their works/deeds. Yet people see this and the name of Christianity is smeared. There are bad people who claim to be Christians that are not, their actions and deeds are detestable, that is unfortunate. But it is a fact of life and true in every occupation or job as well. There are people who do right and live right and follow the Lord and bible principles. We are glad for them. Look at them and not at the hypocrites.
Andithilion said:
Yes, I'm sure Bush sits down every day and goes, "God, should I slaughter civilians?"

He probably asks him for guidance and the strength to make the difficult decisions that he does have to make. None of us here can imagine the pressures involved in being the president, and none of us here know the complete 100% story. Also, why do you say it's a "lie" that he's a Christian? And what does your belief in God have to do with Bush being a Christian?

You're absolutely correct, none of us here can even begin to comrehend the intense pressures of his decisions. With that being said, I'm sure he's smart.(sarcasm).He could be smarter than The wiggles or Barney,but that's as far as that goes. The OT's neandrathal adage of "eye for an eye" was indeed taught wrong by Jesus, and he replaced it on his famous "Sermon on the Mount" with a less famous message, "love your enemy". Your great President, who actually says he reads passages from the Bible every single morning, somewhow missed this pacifist message of Jesus.

And my belief has nothing to do with Bush falsly claiming he's a follower of Christ. I'm just trying to show how he's a demented, idiotic, illiterate,mangler of English, Hypocritical, jack***. Don't even get me started on his economic policies. (reverse robin-hood, etc)
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GS, wonder if you'd be interested in calling into the Infidel Guy show, he has a program called Bible Geek on at 4 PM EST on Sundays. Dr. Bob Price is the co-host and seems to know the bible well, I'm sure it would be interesting. it's toll free, # on the main page.

So, you think the bible is literally true, word for word. Most Christians I know take much if it as metaphor or shoehorn it to fit with the world. Always interesting to see how others view reality...
Kraft said:
GS, wonder if you'd be interested in calling into the Infidel Guy show, he has a program called Bible Geek on at 4 PM EST on Sundays. Dr. Bob Price is the co-host and seems to know the bible well, I'm sure it would be interesting. it's toll free, # on the main page.

Fuck hey, you weren't kidding.. I clicked the link and the bloody page does exist...


If that's not some funny ass shit I must have lost my humour.

Side note: Those who think the bible is completely true word for word sadden me and they are dangerous to our nation. The book of Genesis has much that is true and prophecized but is more metaphors and symbols. If you read between the lines on that one you would see what Im talking about.
Kal-el said:
With that being said, I'm sure he's smart.(sarcasm)

He scored over a 1200 on the SAT, graduated from Harvard. Just because he's not a good public speaker doesn't mean he's a moron. I'm tired of people concluding that. I'm not a good public speaker, but I could outwit anyone in my entire High School with my eyes closed.

Okay, anyway, back on topic...why are bible believers dangerous to the nation?

It's my belief that the world won't really be populated when he arrives. I think it's going to be: The seven years of tribulation, then a nuclear holocaust (or equivelent world-ending event), and then Jesus arrives, sending the remaining sinners to Hell, and ushering the REAL Christians into heaven/His kingdom on earth.
Andithilion said:
He scored over a 1200 on the SAT, graduated from Harvard. Just because he's not a good public speaker doesn't mean he's a moron. I'm tired of people concluding that. I'm not a good public speaker, but I could outwit anyone in my entire High School with my eyes closed.

Okay, anyway, back on topic...why are bible believers dangerous to the nation?

It's my belief that the world won't really be populated when he arrives. I think it's going to be: The seven years of tribulation, then a nuclear holocaust (or equivelent world-ending event), and then Jesus arrives, sending the remaining sinners to Hell, and ushering the REAL Christians into heaven/His kingdom on earth.

Well, I could debunk that, but this is not the right place.I think bible believers are extremely dangerous to this nation, and the whole world. They use "God" as some amplyifying lever for revenge. As if to say we're all powerless pawns in some sort of "divine" game being played out. That is nonsense.
Kal-el said:
I think bible believers are extremely dangerous to this nation, and the whole world. They use "God" as some amplyifying lever for revenge. As if to say we're all powerless pawns in some sort of "divine" game being played out. That is nonsense.

Just as many people use many other ridiculous things as leverage for revenge. Many people don't even have excuses for the atrocities they commit. Hitler's excuse for the Holocaust was that that Jews were the poeple causing Germany's many problems. (Fake) Christians are far from the only people to have pointless and idiotic excuses for atrocities.
Can a person read the Bible and learn to make a bomb? NO. Can a person read the Bible and learn to kill someone physically? NO. There are so many dangerous books out there, books of destruction, and yet the Bible is dangerous? Go read it. Read Proverbs, and find something dangerous. You won't. You will find wisdom. Heck, a science book is more dangerous than the Bible.
Juggers, have you read Proverbs recently? I remeber it advocating a lot of child abuse. Beat your kids, even if they cry, don't worry they won't die. Beat them so they can be wise. Beat your slaves, don't use words. Don't rely on your own understanding.
Kraft said:
Juggers, have you read Proverbs recently? I remeber it advocating a lot of child abuse. Beat your kids, even if they cry, don't worry they won't die. Beat them so they can be wise. Beat your slaves, don't use words. Don't rely on your own understanding.

It is one of my favorite books...and I can assure you that those things are not in proverbs. All people go by nowadays is heresy..."hey isn't this in the Bible"....and all of a sudden they believe you have to sit down and read it your self. And since when where people born with understanding Kraft? No, we get understanding by reading things, listening to people, ect.
yeah that's all true juggers(what you said that is), but I believe we have something called intelligence or the ability to understand things. I don't know why people bother with this stuff because it always ends up nowhere. It's interesting to think about and discuss to a point, but like you suggest there's too much ignorance. But yeah...we are born with the ability to understand albeit some of us with a higher capacity than others. So maybe that is what he meant regardless of his point. Your point about his own point pretty much cancel each other out and the discussion and thus the thread has been sidetracked. Carry on though because I mean the answer to what would happen to Jesus if he returned probably would be similar to what supposedly happened to him (at least the way he was treated and perceived) when he was here the first time.
Please read it more carefully then. Beating your kids (19:18; 23:13-14; 29:15, etc.) . Beat your slaves instead of using words (29:19). Don't rely on your own understanding, ie. follow the bible blindly (3:5).

Don't know where you got that I advocate inborn knowledge from...
Last edited: chasten the child if he is becomming evil....just like all the other passages. Another word for slave used is servant. You are thinking that the bible advicated just beating your child? No, it is saying that and undiciplined child is a discrace to its mother...just like today, who wants an undisiplined child? There is no negative connotations the way you make it seem.
So you see nothing wrong with the advice that beating your kids with a rod is fine for correction? Also, not holding back because "it won't kill them" and not stopping because they are crying are fine aswell?

I'm aware that some translations use servant in place of slave. It seems to soften passages.
If you read the Old testament, God makes killing common practice. And all those "fanatics" out there use "God" as an excuse for their hateful crimes. The Muslims did when they colonized Europe. The Christians did when they mounted their Crusades to get the tomb of Christ. What about India and Pakistan? Bush's "God told me to strike at Saddam". The Inqusition. Cypress. Northern Ireland. Almost every war was waged in the belief of "God". The scriptures are usually twisted, and these people pick different meanings from them.
Good point Kal-el. However....its like everything else. They are using God or the scriptures for their evil doings. I could kill in your name Kal-el, or lets say you wrote a book, I can say its because your book made me do it...its just excuses. It so happens that the influence of God and the Bible are a bit more impacting. Just because people are killing in the name of God or the bible doesn't mean that the two are bad...its the people that are screwed up.
Juggers said:
Good point Kal-el. However....its like everything else. They are using God or the scriptures for their evil doings. I could kill in your name Kal-el, or lets say you wrote a book, I can say its because your book made me do it...its just excuses. It so happens that the influence of God and the Bible are a bit more impacting. Just because people are killing in the name of God or the bible doesn't mean that the two are bad...its the people that are screwed up.

Are you implying George Bush is all screwed up? He must be if that's the case. And Pat Robertson? C'mon calling for an assasination, is that Christian? Who would Jesus bomb?
I am sure I don't know as much about current history as you do...nor do I know as much about the president as you do, even though I should. All I can say is I am not satisfied with his current decisions...I cant even fathom what It would be like to be president. If he is Christian, I hope he realizes the image he is radiating to everyone.
Kraft said:
Don't rely on your own understanding, ie. follow the bible blindly (3:5).

Note how it's just your interpretation to follow the bible blindly. But, even if that is the case, that's kind of the way it is. The Devil might put things in your way to try and change your path, to try and make you think the bible is wrong. Other people may tell you it is wrong. What it's saying is that God knows a hell of a lot more than you do, so trust in him.

As for beating children..."spare the rod, spoil the child" isn't exactly appropriate, but I find that sparing a child some sort of punisHydromaxent OTHER THAN TIME OUTS AND THAT BULLSHIT tends to spoil. There are exceptions. Let me name this example, though: My drama teacher. Her child is a spoiled brat, oh my God. It infuriates me. My teacher tries time-outs and taking away toys, but her child just gets violent with her, yells at her, and disobeys her constantly. It enrages me, but she refuses to EVER do ANYTHING but "time-outs", and she even just doesn't punish her child sometimes. There are exceptions, but I find corporal punisHydromaxent to be the most effective way to discipline a young child. I'm not saying beating is the key, but spankings I think are necessary.
Juggers said:
I am sure I don't know as much about current history as you do...nor do I know as much about the president as you do, even though I should. All I can say is I am not satisfied with his current decisions...I cant even fathom what It would be like to be president. If he is Christian, I hope he realizes the image he is radiating to everyone.

For the record, The President is not a Christian. I don't care what he says. He is a member to a couple powerful fraternaties (if you want to call them that) and in those frats Jesus is frowned upon. If you swear loyalty to one which he has done, he can call himself a Christian on camera and it is just to get the Christians to support the actions of his bosses.

They are not the Presidents decisions. I'd be surprised if he made any decisions at all. He is the most blatantly obvious President in our history.

If Jesus did come back or whatever, what colour would he be?
Jesus would probably be white, since he was a hebrew in the bible. Also, how do you -know- that Bush isn't a Christian? Have you asked him and heard his answer? You ever thought maybe he just was still a Christian in those fraternities, and they let it slide? I really doubt they said, "Abandon your Lord and Savior or you can't join!"

Also, Kraft, we're not debating to a point so much as just discussing things. Technically, everything we're doing is futile, because no one is going to win, but that's not the goal. This is a discussion thread, not a debate thread.
I know that it's not an actual debate, but when people say that anything that goes against the bible is the from "the devil" and the bible is absolutely true, there is no point in having a rational discussion. Even if I show you verses of terrible things done in the bible, I'm sure you can warp it to somehow be "for good" or the that I'm taking it "out of context". I'm not a great writer, and I'm definately no Carl Sagan, I doubt I can make people start questioning their beliefs. I've had real debates before about religious things and they were useless as well, unless the person hold their belief based on reasons and evidence they will just say "it's faith" and move on even if you destroy all their arguments.

To the OT, if Jesus was to return (given all that entails), I'd say nearly everyone would go to hell. 4 billion non-christians, then within the christian community many just say they are Christian, then there are other requirements stated in the bible (keeping the commandments, etc.). I'd guess >90% of the christian population would also go to hell.

I'm not worried, I see the bible as the work of people writing based off of contemporary myth and understanding of the world.
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That's why you can ask us questions, and we answer. Only if we don't know the answer at all will we say, "It's just Faith." If I know the answer, I'll give it to you, even if it doesn't make sense.

By the way, you don't have to keep the commandments to go to heaven. You just have to accept Jesus as your savior. But I'd still say most people who say they are Christians haven't even done that, they were just born into Christianity and have no real concept of it.

But yeah, I can see where it would get annoying, honestly. I mean, if it's basically like if I were talking to a scientest about things like quantum physics, and when I asked him something he didn't know, he said, "Oh well, Einstein knew the answer." I'm sorry you can't keep in the discussion with us, though, because surprisingly enough, it's stayed civil so far. I would say, "Stay in it for the answers you do get."
Not really impossible...I mean, the bible says that Jesus won't return until He is directly setting up his kingdom. So, if you take the bible for it's word (which I do, being a Christian and all), that means He's going to come, wash away all the sinners and non-Christians, and set up His kingdom. We won't really have time to do anything to Him, except worship Him.
so there are people out there of other faiths that don't really have a chance at learning or understanding the Christian faith that you follow and Jesus is basically just going to do away with them because they believe in something different/place their faith in something else? I mean I'm all for collecting knowledge that has been tested and researched in various ways and organizing it to the point of accessibility, but it's a bit too harsh for me to believe in something like that without some sort of reference other than written words interpreted through the ages and preached often by hypocrites. I believe in the existence of God, but some of this stuff just seems to primitive and simplistic. For all it's promise and gratification in "knowing" there is a God and that my religion is good and righteous there are too many irrational reasons for what God wants us to do for him or at least it seems that way seeing as how we are only humans with limitations.
Andithilion said:
By the way, you don't have to keep the commandments to go to heaven. You just have to accept Jesus as your savior. But I'd still say most people who say they are Christians haven't even done that, they were just born into Christianity and have no real concept of it.

I said I wouldn't, but here I am back again...
In certain passages I agree is does say one must accept Jesus to get into heaven, however in others verses keeping the law, good acts, forgiving others and a number of the commandments are mentioned.

Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 19:18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Mat 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 22:38 This is the first and great commandment. 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Mar 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mar 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 10:26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 10:28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

Romans 2:5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; 2:6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
2:7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: 2:8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, 2:9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 2:10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. 2:12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; 2:13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

Other places faith (Rom 3), of simply believing and being baptised are listed are said ot be the requirements (but that one doesn't really count, it's included in Mark 16:9-20 which aren't in early manuscripts AFAIK and thought to be later additions).