Just wondering how you guys broke through this? i think i am stuck at one coz i cant seem to get to the 8" mark. Seems like all my hard work was for f'all!

How do you get past it, what did you change? How on earth did you do it!!

Has anyone got advice or exercises to get my length gains back on track??

Ive read, some people say you need to take a long break off then hit it? others say you dont need to?


Thanks! :-)
I don't think you need to take a long break, but some kind of break is probably necessary just so you can revamp your routine.

Short very intense stretching sessions got me back on the "gains" track. In my case, "less is more" seems to be working for me. You might try this approach.
What worked for me.
Take 2-3 days off, don't even touch your dong. Switch from regular jelqing, and get a power jelqer. Then on your first night back, do a 1.5 to 2 hr. session w/ your power jelqer. You really want to work it until you absolutely can't anymnore, your dick will be very fatigued. Give as much time as needed until your penis recovers, hopefully only 48 hrs. After that switch to an AM PM workout. Take your current workout whether its mostly jelqing, stretching, or clamping. Split it into 2 halves, one for morning one for night. Do that, because if I am gaining girth like this anyone can trust me on that.
My main goal is length, i am determined to get to 8" and its really pissing me off that i aint going anywhere!

So length i want, want to get grith once i have my length goals.
I own a MaxVac hanger, what intense stretching or exericses i can do to get length and that feeling like you dick is fucked and exahusted?

Do i need to take this week off then? Do you need an AM PM routine training length, i was under the impression that was for grith?

What exercises should i be doing then for my length?

I was previously doing for 3 weeks
AM Manual stretches
AM Haning 30min 3kg.
PM JELQ 30min
PM Hang 30mins 3kg

However this is since i have been back at Uni, before that when i was working i did a PM routine hanging and jelqing only.

Do i need to hammer my manual stretches? or do i need to ADD more intense stretching exericses?

Thanks for your replies!!!
What do you mean by "hammer" your stretches? I hope some other guys chime in here. All I can do is share my experience.

I realized after reading DLD's posts on intensive stretching, that I needed to up the intensity of my stretches and lower the reps to try to break the plateau I was on.

That's what I've been doing and it seems to be working well--at least cementing 9.5" BPenis EnlargementL, and creating a thicker if not longer flaccid size. My bone pressed flaccid stretches have also shown growth over the past six months--they are all coming in pretty close to my BPenis EnlargementL.

Here's what I do: I pull hard for twenty seconds, then for three to five, AS ABSOLUTELY HARD AS I CAN PULL IT, to finish off each stretch. I do one of these 25 second stretches in each of the eight directions around the clock. Then I bundle my dick and do them again, this time pulling at both ends. I guess this is called a bundled double tunica stretch (So I'm doing 16 reps altogether, if I can get that far). Sometimes my grip gives out.

IT'S THE INTENSITY THAT COUNTS HERE, AND NOT THE NUMBER OF REPS. I do shake my dick out for a half minute to get the blood moving before going on to the next rep.

I do this routine at least once a day and twice a day, morning and evening, if I have time.

I finish the session using my own "expressive stretcher," which I just made from a heavy duty tape dispenser. I'm trying to isolate the inner penis as described by DLD. I use it with my balls pushed through the dispenser so I can then push the whole thing tight up against my body. I have to do this part of routine while standing.

Then with my left hand, I press the entire dispenser as hard as I can against my body, while pulling down hard on the bottom of the dispenser, this while wrapping my penis around the top of the dispenser and pulling down with my right hand, again, as hard as I can. I love the feeling I'm getting from this. I'm hoping this will also get rid, (according to DLD), of all that loose skin I have on the sides of the base of my dick. I have some turkey neck there now.

So intensity is the name of the game for me. When I pull my penis, I am also starting much closer to the end, gripping the entire head, which is covered with loose skin, and pulling from there. (My foreskin is pretty much restored now from three years of jelqing and stretching).

I'm cut, so I wasn't able to do this until well into my third year of P.E. because gripping it too close to the glans caused too much irritation around those sensitive nerves below the glans. But all the loose skin I've created has allowed me to do this.

I wouldn't have tried this even a year ago. I know DLD has always pulled, gripping the entire head. Bu it was just too damned sensitive until now.

Hope this is helpful.

Hey Bulc!!

I just checked your pics. You've got enough foreskin for two guys, you lucky bastard!! :) You shouldn't have any problem with your grip!! :P
Thanks 11x7 for you replies much appreciated!

When i said "hammer" the stretches i mean like do them alot throughout the day at a high intensity?

I dont supose you have the thread on DLD's intensive stretching routine do you? Ive had a search couldnt find nothing.

So you think the best idea for me to break through my plateau is to do very intensive manual stretching? When you say lower reps you mean, just do like all the stretches very intense but dont do as many?

How long to you spend on stretching a day then, and you said you do a split of AM and PM? Is that all you do just the intense stretching, or do you do anthing else to help it along such as Jelq?

What would you recommend for me then? I started off with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] doing the stretches, would that affect anything if i have done them in the past?

So to get through my plateau just to AM and PM of intense maual stretches in all directions? Also you mentioned an "Expressive Stretcher" is that just like a VIMAX [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words], but homemade? i have one of those if that helps.

I may seem to be repeating myself, sorry. So your rotuine is just maual stretches and this broke you through your plateau. How much have you gained and how long did it take? If i did this how long do you think it would be before i see results?

I hate my foreskin, i got enough for all of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Does my head in, ive had problems with it, still got them really, where i find it painfull to pull it back. Was wanting to have the snip but thought differently of that now.

Thanks for all your help.
Hopefully some other members can give advice as well.. maybe DLD?
Let me clarify. For length, still do the rest and the power stretcher night. Then do an am pm routine involving any length exercise you want just in two halves. Just also follow each stretching session with 100 reps on your power jelqer.
I'm not sure if you said you edge or not. But that really helped me with my gains. I found that the more blood is in my shaft throughout the day, the more it seems to grow.
bIgjOe said:
Let me clarify. For length, still do the rest and the power stretcher night. Then do an am pm routine involving any length exercise you want just in two halves. Just also follow each stretching session with 100 reps on your power jelqer.

Hi bIgjOe,

I dont own a power stretcher, by this do you mean the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]? I own a MaxVac hanger and a Vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words]. But i cant afford to purchase anything because im back at uni and have money problems with loans and overdraft etc to pay for fees. And i also wont be able to get power Jelqer, all i have is my hands and the two prodcuts i mentioned above.

So you suggest an AM PM length routine? What can i do manually to break through this stage im having and up the Intensity to do this?Just 1 hour stretching both AM and PM? What about hanging? but after each stretch session do 100 jelqs? would it be an idea to do more, say like 300 or 600?

Thanks mate
id prefer use my hands really, less hassel and free. thanks though.

Anyone help me,
Experienced members who have been though this! What routine should i do or exericses!!!!!
Should i do this with an AM PM length routine then? from the info given by everyone: -

AM - Intense Manual stretching all directions, Followed by Jelqing (HOW MANY???)
PM - Intense Manual stretching all directions - THEN Hang??

Is there enough hanging, should there by more? this is kind of similar to what i have been doing. Do i just need to give it more time or wat?

What new intense LENGTH routine could i do, is the above too much or too little?
bulc9 said:
Thanks 11x7 for you replies much appreciated!

When i said "hammer" the stretches i mean like do them alot throughout the day at a high intensity?

I dont supose you have the thread on DLD's intensive stretching routine do you? Ive had a search couldnt find nothing.

So you think the best idea for me to break through my plateau is to do very intensive manual stretching? When you say lower reps you mean, just do like all the stretches very intense but dont do as many?


That's right: only one 25 second stretch in each of the 8 points on the compass.--then repeat, only bundled. That makes a maximum of 16, if that many. If you're gripping your dick fiercely and pulling that sucker as hard as you can, especially for the last 3 to 5 seconds, I can't imagine your doing more than the 16.

No, the Viimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] is something else.

Go to the middle of page 4 on this forum. The thread is called: "DLD's Expressive Stretching: Possibly the Missing Link to Massive Length Gains."
Read that thread.

You'll find there some great posts by DLD and Motlissof--also a picture of the device. It's quite different from the Vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] because the focus here is on the "inner penis."

How much time do I spend doing the intensive stretches? Usually about a half hour, but I DO do a lot of edging at the same time, (no jelqing at all), so the whole session may last upwards of an hour--sometimes two to three hours. It just depends.

And if I put that much time and intensity into a session, I'm usually pooped the next day, so I ease off, and enjoy the immediate reward of such an edging/stretching session. When I finish a session like the one I've just described, I'm drenched in sweat!! It feels like I've been to the gym and I've just finished a heavy work-out!!

The edging session usually follows the "extreme stretching session," because the erections become stronger and stronger, so I am forced, whether I like it or not, to turn to edging.

Edging has always been a very important part of my stretching routine. It's not uncommon for me to edge, without ejaculating, for many hours into the night.

How much have I gained and how long has it taken me? I'm still not sure if this is totally cemented, but with this new routine, I have gained a half inch over the past 6 months BPenis EnlargementL and an inch bone pressed flaccid stretch--that's pulling my "flushed flaccid" dick straight out. I'm hitting 9.5" BPenis EnlargementL and 10" stretched flaccid. Take off a full inch on both measurements for non-bone-pressed.

BTW, I DO do an "extreme" stretch or two whenever I get the chance and am in private throughout the day. Let's say I've finished taking a leak. I press the thumb of my left hand down as hard as I can as close to the "root" of my penis as possible--right tight up against the pubic bone. Then I grab the end of my dick with my right hand and pull it straight up, again, as absolutely hard as I can for.....I don't know.....probably 10 to 20 seconds.

Tomorrow is Oct. 7, my third anniversary of P.E. Time sure flies by when you're having a good time.

Thanks again 11x7,

Congradulations on you 3rd aniversary of Penis Enlargement! Ive been doing it for a while now! And your right it has flown! Your stats are amazing, wish i was that size! Probably be too much for me to gain that tho! What was your starting stats, and new stats?

I think i am going to take measured pictures erect, flaccid etc. Because i am having a week off then going back into a new routine (Once i get it sorted). Then i am not going to measure for a month! maybe longer! Then in hope i have gained! Since ive stopped doing it my dick looks like it has shrunk.. its wierd!!!

Ill check DLD's thread out on the stretching. cheers.

I am deffinatly going to do the manual stretches in all directions, do you think its better to edge than jelq after the stretches then?? I have got a hanger as well, so what would be best to do after the stretches?

Or say, AM: Manual stretches all directions (then either hang, jelq or edge)???? What would be best?

Then PM: stretches then hang??

is there a thing of doing too much in length? Or would that above be plenty to gain??? cheers mate
Thanks, pal. Go with your gut on whichever works best for you following the stretches. It's so much about trial and error, isn't it? I can't speak about hanging because I've never done it.

I would definitely split the sessions, that is, jelqing and stretching, into a.m and p.m. sessions. Edging always seemed to work better for me after stretching.

I'd pay close attention to how my penis reacts throughout the day after these sessions. If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it. That's been my experience as of late.

goinfor11x7 said:
Thanks, pal. Go with your gut on whichever works best for you following the stretches. It's so much about trial and error, isn't it? I can't speak about hanging because I've never done it.

I would definitely split the sessions, that is, jelqing and stretching, into a.m and p.m. sessions. Edging always seemed to work better for me after stretching.

I'd pay close attention to how my penis reacts throughout the day after these sessions. If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it. That's been my experience as of late.


Cheers again. All your help is much appreciated mate, thanks!

Im just worried that if i start a routine, like i did do, and do it for 5months again and not see any increase in size, bit scared coz i dont wana put all hard work in again with nothing to show at the end of it!

Did u say you do split stretching routine AM - Manual stretches - edge PM - Manual stretches - edge?

I will do split then, gives me more time to do my Uni work then as well. Ill alternate it with stretching, jelq, edgeing and ill try get 1 hour of hanging in as well, think that should be enough.

If you overdo it, will this have a negative effect on gains? When you said before "If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it." Do you mean if im not pumped after it, ive not trained hard enough, and i should be pumped!!!??

Thanks 11x7
The asshole. He could have at least spelled girlfriend correctly!!! Thunder's would have banned him based on his spelling.

LOl, loll, lol!!!
My point was you may have trained too hard. It's a fine balance between overtraining and not giving it enough. I think a good comparison can be made here between overtraining the other parts of your body and not stressing it enough. I find if I stretch so hard that my dick is a limp biscuit for the day, then I've overdone it. I lap swim. If I'm doing sprints, then I don't do long distance cardio and visa versa. I know the next day whether I've done too much. Granted, I'm much older than you, but I think it works the same for all ages in this regard.

I know when I've done the right amount time-wise and intensity because my dick is flushed with blood throughout the day following the workout, whether it's morning or evening.

My gut feeling with you, Bulc, is that you may have overtrained. However, you won't lose anything by overtraining. You just won't gain.

Final thought: I usually know when I'm gaining even if it doesn't show up in a measurement. The volume increase tells the tale. It just feels heavier. If you experience this, then I'd stick with whatever routine I was following.

Good luck with your new routine, whatever you decide to follow, pal.

goinfor11x7 said:
My point was you may have trained too hard. It's a fine balance between overtraining and not giving it enough. I think a good comparison can be made here between overtraining the other parts of your body and not stressing it enough. I find if I stretch so hard that my dick is a limp biscuit for the day, then I've overdone it. I lap swim. If I'm doing sprints, then I don't do long distance cardio and visa versa. I know the next day whether I've done too much. Granted, I'm much older than you, but I think it works the same for all ages in this regard.

I know when I've done the right amount time-wise and intensity because my dick is flushed with blood throughout the day following the workout, whether it's morning or evening.

My gut feeling with you, Bulc, is that you may have overtrained. However, you won't lose anything by overtraining. You just won't gain.

Final thought: I usually know when I'm gaining even if it doesn't show up in a measurement. The volume increase tells the tale. It just feels heavier. If you experience this, then I'd stick with whatever routine I was following.

Good luck with your new routine, whatever you decide to follow, pal.


Sorry for being a pain in the ass mate, all your help and advice has really helped me! and i want to thank you!!! Top guy. I think i may have been over doing it, because every oportunity i got to Penis Enlargement I would!!! So AM and PM routine from now on!

thanks for all ur help!!!