You should be seeing WAY more gains than that man. I just updated my progress pictures, and over the last few months I reached my 2 inch goal. Are you making FULL USE of the tension rods? Dude you gotta wear those things FULL TENSION in my opinion. What I have been doing is wearing the bars to my stretched flaccid length. I put it on using the noose (personal preference) while pressing down with no tension on. After it is attached, I roll the bars until I am completely extended and I feel the springs pulling on my dick. I wear it like that for 8 -10 hours everyday.
I started at 5.4 and
the other day I remeasured for my fourth update and now measure just about 7.4 inches.
You also GOTTA incorporate daily manual stretching and jelqing. I jelq for 15 minutes every morning in the shower before I put on the [words=]extender[/words], Its like my warmup jelq routine that keeps my dick thicker all day and MUCH more comfortable in the [words=]extender[/words]. I hope you dont mind me asking you some questions, I wanna see if there is anything I am doing that I can share with you
What is your starting size?
How much tension do you use all day?
Noose or
Do you use manual stretches and jelqs? if so how often?
How much caffeine do you drink on a regular day?
Do you incorporate any pumping routines?
How often do you masturbate?
Do you keep your penis warm all day while wearing it or are you mostly cold?
How often to you remove it to restore blood flow?
I dont mean to interrogate you but I want you to see results, and you have put in a lot of time which is MUCH MORE than most people can say. I am super proud of my results, and if there is anything I can share that will help you and anyone else reading this I will.