Hi Guys,
Here are a few pictures I took on this journey to build a bigger penis, I started at 5" NBPx5.1"MSG and gained up to 5.5"NBPx5.4"MSG in 4 months with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and after that bought a JES [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] and use it for 10 months for 4-6 hours/day with 20-30mins of dry Jelquing and Ulis in the evening, these pictures were taken during 1st, 8th and 10th month. The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] took me to 6.2" NBP and you can see how I improved my attachment form the basic foam and silicone noose to a more comfortable silicone noose following fedoras method and lately to a velcro attachment which I purchased in the last month.
When it comes to the tension I think I went to 1200g after the first 1 or 2 months and after another 2 months I went to 1500g but I could do just 2-3h at 1500g as lig pain appears after that so my last sets of the day were made at ~1000-1200g.
Unfortunately, I don't have erect pics taken at 5.5 and 6.2 nbpel but I've attached some that show my progress from 5 to 6.5(20months of PE). the extender took me from 5.5(month 4) to 6.2(month 14) and I did not use it after that as I got into hanging and had limited time.
Not the biggest gains in the world but I hope this will motivate some guys out there or at least give you hope that these devices work if given enough time.
Here are a few pictures I took on this journey to build a bigger penis, I started at 5" NBPx5.1"MSG and gained up to 5.5"NBPx5.4"MSG in 4 months with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and after that bought a JES [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] and use it for 10 months for 4-6 hours/day with 20-30mins of dry Jelquing and Ulis in the evening, these pictures were taken during 1st, 8th and 10th month. The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] took me to 6.2" NBP and you can see how I improved my attachment form the basic foam and silicone noose to a more comfortable silicone noose following fedoras method and lately to a velcro attachment which I purchased in the last month.
When it comes to the tension I think I went to 1200g after the first 1 or 2 months and after another 2 months I went to 1500g but I could do just 2-3h at 1500g as lig pain appears after that so my last sets of the day were made at ~1000-1200g.
Unfortunately, I don't have erect pics taken at 5.5 and 6.2 nbpel but I've attached some that show my progress from 5 to 6.5(20months of PE). the extender took me from 5.5(month 4) to 6.2(month 14) and I did not use it after that as I got into hanging and had limited time.
Not the biggest gains in the world but I hope this will motivate some guys out there or at least give you hope that these devices work if given enough time.
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