Girth Hammer

Jun 13, 2009
This new exercise I have done for a few days and I believe it shows promise. I think it will add width, overall girth, and even fix a curve.

I was looking at SSJ thread few days back. And I thought how can I get the most out of these since I never tried them before. I attemped to do them the normal way and it didn't fell right. I wasn't getting that engorgement I was after. Also I wanted a execise that hit width directly. I also see this fixing a curve while adding thickness.

After thinking long and hard I came up with this. I added and switched a few things around in the SSJ to get complete engorgement and attack the penis for width. Check it out.


-Balloon/edge until you are fully erect.

-When fully erect remove your hand your using to balloon/edge.

-Reverse kegel as much blood in your penis as possible.

-Uli grip at the extreme base tightly.

-At this time with ever hand you use the palm of that hand should be on the other side of your penis(Uli with left palm rest on the right,Uli with right palm rest on the left)

-With your free hand, push against your Uli hands palm.

If performed correct, you should be very engorged.

*Uli Grip-OK grip, knuckles should face the opposing side of your body.(Example: Uli with left hand, knuckles face right side of your body.)

Have done these a few time. And would love for others to give them a shot. After doing these the first few days it seems as if my penis is attemping to fill up more when I ballooned post session. Give them a shot.
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Noticed I worded something wrong I first post. I will run down the exercise again.

-Balloon/Edge to full erection
-Uli grip OK at extreme base
-Palm of Uli hand should rest against opposing side of your penis(example:Uli grip left hand, palm rest on right side of penis, Vice versa)
-With your free hand, Press/Push penis against the palm of your palm of the hand of the Uli grip.
Also another suggestion. This not really a jelq. More of a Uli/bend. I got the idea from SSJ's though.

You can jelq a inch up but it may interfer with the bend. Go off you own feel of the move.
Thanks DLD! I really want to put a clip or pics of this exercise. But the only cam I have is on my cell and it cost me a sihtload to put pics on the internet....I learned the hard way before. Man this exercise is getting me super expasion and I don't know how else I can convince others to give it a shot. I can tell this is a great girth/width exercise.
Girth Hammer;379263 said:
Thanks DLD! I really want to put a clip or pics of this exercise. But the only cam I have is on my cell and it cost me a sihtload to put pics on the internet....I learned the hard way before. Man this exercise is getting me super expasion and I don't know how else I can convince others to give it a shot. I can tell this is a great girth/width exercise.

You should pick up a cheap web cam at can grab one for like $10
Cool, I will go grocery shopping either today or later this week. I will stop there to see if I can get one.
Sounds like those wall pushes someone here has recommended, I forget who but I'm sure it was here at MOS. Hand clamp, penis head straight into palm, hand into wall, and push. Along those lines if I'm not mistaken. Seeming crushing. I will try this.
sounds interesting girth hammer. I will try this exercise out but can you shoot a video on this exercise? I wanna make sure I am doing this exercise correctly.
Will do my best to get a cam. Went to Walgreens and ask for a cam. I thought I heard him say "these are on sale, only $8.59" I thought "hell yeah!" than he rang it up and I was holding a 10 ready for him to take it and he said "it $85.96" I said way out my price range for today. he recommended another store. I will go shortly.
Girth Hammer;379276 said:
Will do my best to get a cam. Went to Walgreens and ask for a cam. I thought I heard him say "these are on sale, only $8.59" I thought "hell yeah!" than he rang it up and I was holding a 10 ready for him to take it and he said "it $85.96" I said way out my price range for today. he recommended another store. I will go shortly.

good news cause im terrible with written instructions lol....
Sweet, I will tell my buddy about it, he is a ebay junkie. Can I record on those while there not connected to the computer? I do my Penis Enlargement in my bedroom and that's the only place I will have privacy.
I think this is what I've been doing. I was trying to follow DLD's SSJ's, but it sounds like I was doing it wrong, but still getting incredible expansion. I would do intense jelqs for 50 reps and get my penis as hard as poss. Then I would use the OK grip at the bottom to clamp the blood in. Then, I would use my oposite hand to bend my head down, left, then right for 10 secs each direction. I get incredible expansion in a very short amount of time. I do 200 jelqs and 4 sets of the SSJ's, I feel like I've been jelqing for 500 reps and pumping for 15-20 mins. I even get a little donut and fluid build up if I do 300 jelq's and and 6 set's of SSJ's or more.
Pretty close to what I do. I'm trianing all non-erect/Length work now. When I go back to girth work hopefully I will buy a cam or have someone get me one by then. My cash is tight so I can't put money to the side for a cam.
Girth Hammer;380609 said:
Pretty close to what I do. I'm trianing all non-erect/Length work now. When I go back to girth work hopefully I will buy a cam or have someone get me one by then. My cash is tight so I can't put money to the side for a cam.

Cameras are so cheap now, here is one for less than $7
I read here somewhere to do both length and girth at the same time. Now, I'm doing "Bluewhale stretch" and cranks soft. Then I do the jelqs and SSJ's like I described above. I've tried using a ped BP cuff a couple of times, that seems to give me massive head expansion. I need to incorporate that more regularly. Every time I'm done, my head skin has a deflated/shriveled look as soon as I release the pressure. I hope that is from things stretching out in there!
After a intense workout the penis may shrivel a bit, this is normal because the penis has just been through extreme intensity. The goal is not so much post workout size, it is more about long term size increases.
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