
Aug 7, 2007
Could someone please post an explanation of this exercise? I've searched all over, and all I can find are broken descriptions and horribly explained methods

I've thought for a while that edging and ballooning are the same thing, but I guess they are not. I thought ballooning was just masturbating and staying at the PONR for 30 mins then quitting and doing it again later w/o ejaculation.

But from what I understand real ballooning requires certain "trigger zones" to not be touched or stimulated at all and certain "anal breathing" helps.

From all I could find, you massage the extreme base of your dick while erect with your two index fingers on both hands? from there on this should bring about extreme intensity and feel pleasant I guesS?

I literally felt all over the "extreme base" of my dick and tried to "massage" it with my index fingers. All that happened was that it felt weird and I eventually became soft in a few moments. This didn't feel pleasurable at all and I didn't feel nearly any stimulation or some kind of "spot" whatsoever. I don't think I'm doing this right?:(

Please someone help as I can't find any solid explanation on how to do it ! Even on Lin's website, he basically describes it as edging but there are other references that say you rub some "indent" on both sides of the extreme base and it's supposed to feel amazing and give you and incredible pump & expansion and I have failed to find out how to actually do this.<:(
Hope this helps:

Much has been said about how penis size is actually irrelevant during sexual intercourse. It is true that it is only the outer few inches of the vaginal tract that are sexually receptive and it is more than enough if the penis is able to rub against these outer few inches. For that purpose, even a size of 4 inches length would be sufficient. But, we should not at all ignore the visual delight a woman has when she sees her man with a stiff and long rod. A small size, though capable of performing sex adequately well, will not be able to visually satisfy the woman. If this happens, there is a very strong possibility that the woman might lose out her interest in the sexual episode and may even become frigid.

Hence, it is in the man's favor to make attempts to increase the size. This has been the quest since millennia, right from the time when the pharaohs would hang weights from their organs to make them stretch longer. But today, there are many more convenient and comfortable ways to increase the length. One of the most popular and effective methods in use today for increasing the size is known as the ballooning technique.

The ballooning technique is not just a physical exercise, but it is also an exercise in self-control. Ballooning the organ actually means to allow it to expand like a balloon at will. This will expand the erection over time, and will also make the organ look bigger and thicker.

The following are the steps employed in the ballooning technique:-

(i) The first step in the ballooning technique is learnt during masturbation or sexual activity. When the organ is just about to ejaculate, it is held back by squeezing the tip. This is repeated three to five times each day. If there is any problem in holding back ejaculation, then herbal remedies are prescribed for achieving the task. The herbal remedies can also teach self-control and hence make the whole sexual act a more enjoyable process.

(ii) Once you learn to control the ejaculation, the spongy tissues of the organ become more flexible. This makes them better to be filled with blood. Again, herbal remedies can help at this time as they can introduce the right nutrients in the body which can help to maintain the length. That is why the organ ballooning technique is always used in conjunction with appropriate herbal remedies.

(iii) Once the body has been supplemented by the proper herbal nutrients, the actual mechanism of ballooning can be begun. This is done in the following way. The organ is first aroused into erection. When it is at its maximum hardness, the penile area is massaged with the hands. Adequate care is taken to massage each area of the private parts. The base and shaft, the pubis area, the groin and the scrotum are all worked with hands and then fingers. The main intention is to bring more amount of blood into the groin area.

(iv) Naturally, such fondling of the penile area is tantamount to masturbating. The organ will be fully aroused and will move towards orgasm. But just when this is to happen, stop and hold back the ejaculation. Do this three to four times. You have already learnt the technique of holding back the ejaculation, so this should not be much of a problem. If you touch the glans when you are holding back the ejaculation, you will actually find it bulging.

After holding back the ejaculation for about three to four times, it can be released. This marks the end of a single ballooning session.

The ballooning technique needs to be practiced frequently for it to show any worthwhile effects. Doing this at least once every day will open up the spongy tissues to its maximum extent and will allow them to become completely filled with blood. This will enable them to reach their maximum length, and even get better erections.

At the same time, the supplementation with the herbal remedies will really help the body to perform the sexual act in a much better manner. They will help the person to gain better control over the entire sexual intercourse. If you have read between the lines, you will understand that this is also a very effective method of curing premature ejaculation. There is also a marked improvement in libido.

When the ballooning technique is continued for several weeks and done in conjunction with the herbal remedies, then the organ will become firmer and harder. People who have used both these therapies together have claimed that they have achieved size increases of anywhere from one to three inches in the sizes of their organs.

If you practice this technique frequently, the stretched or expanded spongy tissue will be enlarged and strengthened. With the help of Power P, you&#8217;ll be able to balance the sexual hormones and avoid over-stretching and deforming of spongy tissues.

Dedication is key to success for this natural penis enlargement technique. People who have practiced this consistently have claimed to balloon their penis anywhere from 1-3 inches.

Ballooning the organ is a safe and rewarding technique. With penile exercises and our perfectly blended Herbal products &#8211; you&#8217;ll have a larger, firmer penis that will satisfy your lovers and give you renewed confidence. Go to our products page and start growing your organ today!
Ballooning is a process of enlarging the penis and enhancing sexual function through stimulating the bodies natural hormones and receptor sites. Jelqing, stretching and pumping are manual exercises which focus on physically stressing the penis beyond its normal limits with hopes that the body will repair the stress induced micro-trauma of the penis with greater size.

When sexually aroused, numerous biochemical and hormonal activites are triggered which affect the neuro-endocrine system and genitalia. Most of our sex organs have andgrogen receptors within the tissues. These androgen receptors lock onto dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, but have a much greater affinity to DHT, which is much more powerful as an androgen.

Sexual stimulation activates 5 alpha reductase, which is in high concentrations within the genitalia. 5 alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which then bonds to it's adrogen receptors and initiates specific physiological actions. Generally maintainance and proper functioning of the genitals (and growth).

Ballooning requirs you to become extremely sexually aroused and erect without stimulating your nervous system to become excited and flooded with adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisone. This is why you massage the nerves on the dorsal side of the penis.

If done properly, ballooning stimulates hormones which relax tissues (PGE 1-3) and androgen hormones which stimulate growth and function.

Important points are to be in a state of relaxation while stimulating yourself. DO NOT hold back ejaculation by tensing or squeezing you PC muscles, instead you stop physical stimulation and completely relax while slowly exhaling and focusing on the sensation of your orgasmic energy disapating in the anus area (anal breathing). Then start stimulation again. A ballooning session should last between 30 and 60 minutes. If penis enlargement is your goal, do not ejaculate. Ejaculation stimulates counterproductive hormonal responces (prolaction, cortisone adrenalin) which can negate your enlargement goal. Through continued practice of ballooning your genital tissues develop more androgen receptors and your genitals become healthier, larger and funtion much better.

Remember, ballooning is much different from jelquing or stretching. Jelquing and stretching stimulate hormones as well, but most often the hormones are inflammatory and the "gains" the majority of people see are the result of the accumulatory effects of inflamatory swelling.

This is one of the main reasons the vast majority of Penis Enlargement'er fail to achieve anything near their goals (IMHO). They are missing a greater piece of the puzzle while incorrectly emphasizing the other piece.
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sasquatch, thank you for the reply, but could you please tell me how a typical ballooning session would happen because im still clueless on what to do. all i can find are descriptions on what ballooning does and the only instructions i can find are like the ones DLD posted that sound identical to edging.

if you or anyone else can give me STEP BY STEP instructions i'd really appreciate it!

like do you need lube? �naked people movies�? masturbation at all? edging for a bit? do you even touch the head or upper half of your dick at all? and what exactly is the dorsal side of the penis? ?:(

like i said i tried massaging the deep part of my penis with my fingers and it didnt do ANYTHING whatsoever. No stimulation, no anything, just felt like i was poking the base of my shaft.
hey there meatus333 if you visit the website it will have lots of info on penis ballooning, but when i do it i use lube, i use mental images to help and i massage the balls and the head of the penis (glands)and the dorsal side of the penis is the top half of the penis. i start by visualising the images get a hard on use lube massage the balls aswell as the head, shaft and a bit of the base because i have the same probs with base having no sensitivity or arousal in any sort, when im about to cum, i stop about 10-20 seconds and start again even if it takes me about 5 min to get to the point of no return, i stop and i carry on. But as still stands go to and you will find lots of info.
emember, ballooning is much different from jelquing or stretching. Jelquing and stretching stimulate hormones as well, but most often the hormones are inflammatory and the "gains" the majority of people see are the result of the accumulatory effects of inflamatory swelling.

This is one of the main reasons the vast majority of Penis Enlargement'er fail to achieve anything near their goals (IMHO). They are missing a greater piece of the puzzle while incorrectly emphasizing the other piece.

What is meant by this?
AxeMaster911;341525 said:
emember, ballooning is much different from jelquing or stretching. Jelquing and stretching stimulate hormones as well, but most often the hormones are inflammatory and the "gains" the majority of people see are the result of the accumulatory effects of inflamatory swelling.

This is one of the main reasons the vast majority of Penis Enlargement'er fail to achieve anything near their goals (IMHO). They are missing a greater piece of the puzzle while incorrectly emphasizing the other piece.

What is meant by this?

Nice perspective.
I agree nice perspective but that doesn't explain what it means? how can someone improve gains much faster with this theory of his?
AxeMaster911;341680 said:
I agree nice perspective but that doesn't explain what it means? how can someone improve gains much faster with this theory of his?

Balloning/edging gives more permanent results due to the fact it carries in more "growth" hormones to the penis.

Jelqing/stretching combined with balloning/edging would be the Superman Combination for a big dick.

Thanks for sharing!
Well when I look back, didnt think of it at the time I had been doing this edgeing/balooning when I started the whole constrictor [clamping] concept.

In my guide I refer to it as the standard constrictor and it is that which is very effective for gains with me dureing that spell.

Now we're talking about the subject of edgeing/balooning and why it works, could it be partially why clamping works so well as it does? because your clamping at full erection and keeping the blood inside for a set X amount of time, so the arousel to keep that erection is like that of balooning and the theory that something is in the blood dureing this time such as extra growth factors, testosterone or whatever could make sense with regards to clamping as to how it also works for edgeing/balooning!

Do you get what I mean guys? in part when you clamp your useing some of the theory behind balooning in that your keeping the hormones that are thought to accumilate in the penis dureing that time.
REDZULU2003;341686 said:
Well when I look back, didnt think of it at the time I had been doing this edgeing/balooning when I started the whole constrictor [clamping] concept.

In my guide I refer to it as the standard constrictor and it is that which is very effective for gains with me dureing that spell.

Now we're talking about the subject of edgeing/balooning and why it works, could it be partially why clamping works so well as it does? because your clamping at full erection and keeping the blood inside for a set X amount of time, so the arousel to keep that erection is like that of balooning and the theory that something is in the blood dureing this time such as extra growth factors, testosterone or whatever could make sense with regards to clamping as to how it also works for edgeing/balooning!

Do you get what I mean guys? in part when you clamp your useing some of the theory behind balooning in that your keeping the hormones that are thought to accumilate in the penis dureing that time.

I agree with you. ;)
What qre the herbal remedies you are referng to?

Thanks for the info!
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