
Dec 17, 2007
I just hit my 3 week mark yesterday, and I'm nearly packing the entire 2x9" tube.

One thing I've noticed though now that the tip of my dick is a mere 1/2 inch from hitting the top of the tube, is that I'm getting slightly more fluid build up on the left side of my shaft right below the glans than I was before (the right side has no build up at all), even though I haven't increased neither the pressure nor the duration of my exercise.

This happened during the first week of using the pump aswell, except that the affected area was near the base of my penis on the left side. The left side had a slightly bigger bulge than the right side, but after a week or so, the bulge disappeared.

The bulges don't hurt at all ofcourse, and if I had to guess, I'd say they are just part of the growing process.

When you pump, the expansion starts at the base of your penis and gradually works it's way North.

Now after 3 weeks of use, the area below my glans is starting to undergo the same expansion that the base of my penis had when I first started pumping (it's touching the sides of the tube), but after a week or so, it will most likely even itself out.

Still, I want to make sure this is normal LMAO

Have any of you guys experienced a similar effect?

Also, how long did it take you to fully pack a tube, and how do you know when it's time to "graduate" to the next size?

~Demolition Man​
When I packed the tube, I picked up a PVC coupling that was about the same size, I put it on first then the tube. Adds a couple inches. What is really cool and seems to help. When I get pumped and the tube is full I start bending at the joint created between the PVC and the tube, this gives some good stretches mid shaft. Just be careful you don’t pinch between the PVC and tube, that could hurt. In the last month, I have gone from a little under 8” to just touching the 8 ½” line, :O (Based on my new lines on the tube after the PVC coupling add.
both you guys seem to be over 8". What was your starting stats, and the routine that got you there? I have seen maybe a 1/2" of length in the tube over normal, but nothing that is permanent...

As for your concern on your post, it sounds all normal to me. Same type of stuff happens to me.
wannabe9";291281 said:
When I packed the tube, I picked up a PVC coupling that was about the same size, I put it on first then the tube. Adds a couple inches. What is really cool and seems to help. When I get pumped and the tube is full I start bending at the joint created between the PVC and the tube, this gives some good stretches mid shaft. Just be careful you don’t pinch between the PVC and tube, that could hurt. In the last month, I have gone from a little under 8” to just touching the 8 ½” line, :O (Based on my new lines on the tube after the PVC coupling add.

Hey, thats a pretty creative way to get around the size limit of the tube man ;)

Where did you buy your PVC coupling?

kushextender;291294 said:
both you guys seem to be over 8". What was your starting stats, and the routine that got you there? I have seen maybe a 1/2" of length in the tube over normal, but nothing that is permanent...

Kushextender, my starting size was 7.5" length and 5.5" girth.

When I'm in the tube, I'm an inch longer and about an inch and a half thicker in girth.

I haven't measured myself out of the tube yet though, and I'm not going to until I've finished packing the entire tube.

But if I had to guess, I HAVE definitely gained some permanent length and some girth already, which is surprising because I wasn't expecting results so swiftly..

Then again, I have been pumping practically every day since I've had the pump :cool:

The length gains comes from the fact that my head has gotten bigger mostly, and the girth from a noticeably thicker shaft.

My dick looks longer and thicker even after more than a day has passed after my pumping session.

As for my routine, I spend an hour pumping, broken into three 20 minute sessions.

As for your concern on your post, it sounds all normal to me. Same type of stuff happens to me

Thats good to hear.

~Demolition Man
demolition_man;291275 said:
I just hit my 3 week mark yesterday, and I'm nearly packing the entire 2x9" tube.

One thing I've noticed though now that the tip of my dick is a mere 1/2 inch from hitting the top of the tube, is that I'm getting slightly more fluid build up on the left side of my shaft right below the glans than I was before (the right side has no build up at all), even though I haven't increased neither the pressure nor the duration of my exercise.

This happened during the first week of using the pump aswell, except that the affected area was near the base of my penis on the left side. The left side had a slightly bigger bulge than the right side, but after a week or so, the bulge disappeared.

The bulges don't hurt at all ofcourse, and if I had to guess, I'd say they are just part of the growing process.

When you pump, the expansion starts at the base of your penis and gradually works it's way North.

Now after 3 weeks of use, the area below my glans is starting to undergo the same expansion that the base of my penis had when I first started pumping (it's touching the sides of the tube), but after a week or so, it will most likely even itself out.

Still, I want to make sure this is normal LMAO

Have any of you guys experienced a similar effect?

Also, how long did it take you to fully pack a tube, and how do you know when it's time to "graduate" to the next size?

~Demolition Man​

Sounds to me that the chambers in your dick are slightly lopsided, maybe the eye can see it, but the tube can.

Me I have a slight left curve due to my chambers being different sizes, so I would say you are indeed experiencing the norm.
I started out a 6.75" bpel now over 8" Not all come from pumping. lots of stretching, the coupling came from the local builders supply store like a Lowes or Home Depot I think it is a 2" coupling.
FWIW, I too have a slight curve that is noticed while in the tube. It seems as the the right chamber expands a little more, than the left, making the curve, although very slight.
crazyed27;291359 said:
Sounds to me that the chambers in your dick are slightly lopsided, maybe the eye can see it, but the tube can.

Me I have a slight left curve due to my chambers being different sizes, so I would say you are indeed experiencing the norm.

I think this makes sense.

My chambers are indeed probably lopsided, but over time, I think the pump corrects it.

When I first started pumping, I noticed a curve on the left side of my penis near the base.

But after 3+ weeks of pumping, the curve is gone and my penis looks straighter..

~Demolition Man
Demolition man could you please fill us in more on your routine like everything you do and what you do it at so I can follow your routine myself and post my results? Thanks ;)
10inchadvantage;291597 said:
What pressure are you pumping at?

I do three sets of 20 minutes each.

The first set I do at 3Hg.

The second set at 5Hg.

The third set at 7Hg.

~Demolition Man
Penorman;291627 said:
Demolition man could you please fill us in more on your routine like everything you do and what you do it at so I can follow your routine myself and post my results? Thanks ;)

Well, my routine may not work as well for you as it does for me because everyone's physiology is different.

But, if you want to know, I do 3 20 minute sets at varying pressures.

The first set at 3Hg, second at 5Hg and the last at 7Hg.

Doing it this way encourages expansion I believe.

In between sets I jelq about 50 times, and perform some deep tissue massages on my dick.

The most important factor however is consistency.

Pumping is alot like weight lifting, and in order to see gains, you must be consistent.

I do it 6 days a week, with only one day off.

My penis can handle it though but yours may not, so be careful.

You have to experiment to see where your limits are.

Pumping can help you achieve great gains very quickly, but the potential for disaster is also very real.

~Demolition Man
demolition_man;291641 said:
Well, my routine may not work as well for you as it does for me because everyone's physiology is different.

But, if you want to know, I do 3 20 minute sets at varying pressures.

The first set at 3Hg, second at 5Hg and the last at 7Hg.

Doing it this way encourages expansion I believe.

In between sets I jelq about 50 times, and perform some deep tissue massages on my dick.

The most important factor however is consistency.

Pumping is alot like weight lifting, and in order to see gains, you must be consistent.

I do it 6 days a week, with only one day off.

My penis can handle it though but yours may not, so be careful.

You have to experiment to see where your limits are.

Pumping can help you achieve great gains very quickly, but the potential for disaster is also very real.

~Demolition Man

Good advice DemoMan.

If you dont like to jelq between set, i would suggest that you edge, between sets. Especially after the routine. Edging is nothing but maintaining the hardest, strongest erection possible. Try it out you will feel the girth difference for sure, plus you are pushing blood into your already expanded tissue, thus you are forceing it to be naturally expanded and not artifical, hence the pump.
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