Stillwantmore2 will you erase this one or let DLD see it, do u have the cojones?
Turnover i must say i deeply thank you for your words, you really stuck your head out for me and acknowledged my contributions to other threads, regarding Stillwantmore 2 he never got ridiculed or directly insulted from me and all he does is ban me all the time and posts fuck off and go away, yet he preaches Mos behavior?
Let us evaluate what had gone wrong?
When i imply that turn2 was wrong and contradicted his own words he gets all personal and banes me, while in other thread word like fuck and insults go unpunished, i thing he got it all personal.
On the guy with a beer problem i offer a serious and personal response on how to deal with his addiction and get also banned.
Tell me why? Because i sport all my life don't do drugs or alcohol, eat right and take exercise seriously?
And then i challenge guys who spend all their time getting penis bigger?

Not to take anything away, i actually like threads still2 posts i just don't agree on all he has to guy,s and i mean DLD and all the hard working Penis Enlargement guys is what got me doing it, and i am grateful for DLD to set this site up, but jeez guys relax on the political stuff and being morally correct on every word.

So what you are telling me if a certified instructor which i may in all fairness be, comes on a forum, gives advise and it is different from the ones moderators post, he gets banned?
Still2 you need to check you credentials, i know mine, i would not step foot on one of your routines, since im not a freak of Penis Enlargement like you, i want to be, but man when you step on my words when it comes to fitness and sports or nutrition, and i am a sports FREAK better bring your A game, saying fuck off MOS, really does not define me, it defines the one who said it.
Wow take that for freedom of speech.
Hey Still2 when did i say to you you are stupid?
And don't go all ''you said it between the lines'', you got a serious problem and that is MODEGOD, you own shit here and i get it, but bro you got all serious on your defenses.
For tester, do u really think in one month of Penis Enlargement i can have before and after pics? And even more, my own routines?

And to Turnover, i would shake your hand for seeing my thoughts and got my vibe which is not always friendly or polite but it gets the truth out, i never could be the quite guy in life, i challenge people, never was the one to back down...

I do give the guy some credit,Because he doe's not take any shit from no one and speaks his mind,But i did enjoy his post,
He might be somewhat brash but i do like his honesty in the fact he always steps up to plate and speaks his mind,I have always said you have
to have a thick skin and just take it with a grain of salt,Never seen any of his post to damaging to my opinion and i really like his self-motivating views he
has about life...I know you guys would not agree with me standing up for him but like i said i do not take things to seriously.:)

Peace Out Everybody,
Superdick;405148 said:
I do give the guy some credit,Because he doe's not take any shit from no one and speaks his mind,But i did enjoy his post,
He might be somewhat brash but i do like his honesty in the fact he always steps up to plate and speaks his mind,I have always said you have
to have a thick skin and just take it with a grain of salt,Never seen any of his post to damaging to my opinion and i really like his self-motivating views he
has about life...I know you guys would not agree with me standing up for him but like i said i do not take things to seriously.:)

Peace Out Everybody,

Like I told this guy privately, he had his chance here. He needs to be a man (with "cajones") and move on. DLD and the full mod team knows what is going on. Nothing is being "hidden". LOL. --SWM
Lets keep this thread on the subject its titled > Man adds 6 inches to penis. Thanks.
Ya I feel so inspired now that the Devil is no longer around PHEW thanks for the save fellas. The streets of MOS are once again ok to discuss penises !!!
Turnover;405206 said:
Ya I feel so inspired now that the Devil is no longer around PHEW thanks for the save fellas. The streets of MOS are once again ok to discuss penises !!!

If there's a lingering issue here, it's mod forum content now. Thanks. Otherwise, yes we're a Penis Enlargement forum.
Back on track. I do not feel surgical gains should be allowed in the world record books, only natural gains.
doublelongdaddy;405276 said:
Back on track. I do not feel surgical gains should be allowed in the world record books, only natural gains.

Interesting to ponder much did the "snip" really help? Seeing as how all that is done is usually a re-position of the ligaments.
stillwantmore2;405289 said:
Interesting to ponder much did the "snip" really help? Seeing as how all that is done is usually a re-position of the ligaments.

Good question, it is like Tootsie Pops, the world may never know.
What a waste. It's just stupid. He could've gotten more if he just P.E'd and saved lots of money. Now he's poor with a big dic. What a dick...
Back on track. I do not feel surgical gains should be allowed in the world record books, only natural gains.

I agree with dld about that,He cheated to get there even tho you do whatever it takes to get the job done,DLD should be the spokes person for that title,
They should make a new record that states natural gains only and check there dick for no surgical scars.

keepingitbig;405571 said:
What a waste. It's just stupid. He could've gotten more if he just P.E'd and saved lots of money. Now he's poor with a big dic. What a dick...

Not to be mean, but how do you know? Do you know the guy? He could have been going through a midlife crisis at the time, newly single, had $$ to throw around, etc, etc. I won't lie, there's been times in the past when I'd contemplated getting a snip. I don't care about length, though.
Not to be mean, but how do you know? Do you know the guy? He could have been going through a midlife crisis at the time, newly single, had $$ to throw around, etc, etc. I won't lie, there's been times in the past when I'd contemplated getting a snip. I don't care about length, though.


I think what keep is trying to say is that its kind of like cheating yourself,Because guys like DLD and the rest of us busted our asses to get here,
Think about it for a second you,BIB & DLD used to hang for 4 to 8 hours a day and made your gains the right way.
(Self-Motivation) is a key factor for Penis Enlargement

stillwantmore2;405576 said:
Not to be mean, but how do you know? Do you know the guy? He could have been going through a midlife crisis at the time, newly single, had $$ to throw around, etc, etc. I won't lie, there's been times in the past when I'd contemplated getting a snip. I don't care about length, though.

He could've P.E'd, save his money and probably spend it on something that'll last ( I.E Probably get an internet business, company, or real-estate plan going ) rather than take the short-cut and go under the knife. It's just logical.
Makes me wonder what a lig snip along with a solid expressive stretching routine would yield ;)
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