One last thing: Don't do this Redz Frendo thingie with the wooden boards unless you're an experienced clamper, I'd say. It sounds really nasty to me...
Im really pleased this thread has brought alot of us together to discuss the Bathmate, but id appreciate if someone could answer my question, even if briefly - thanks!

As I'm getting such good expansion with a smaller penis than most, does this mean gains should follow fairly quickly ?
Hey Pumpson,
sorry to derail this a little. I didn't see this as a question more as a brag post on your part.

Anyways, what I could imagine is this:
If I remember correctly you're a littler, so maybe your Erection Quality isn't the best right now leading to bigger expansion in the Bathmate than for the most of us with better Erection Quality. This might mean that if you turned your Kegel Routine up / improved your Cardio in general you should be able to see this translate to real-world gains soon.
It's just a theory obviously.
What does erection quality have to do with flaccid expansion.. My erections are great.. Infact since I began pumping I've been getting them much easier + much harder than usual..
PumpSon!;434018 said:
What does erection quality have to do with flaccid expansion.. My erections are great.. Infact since I began pumping I've been getting them much easier + much harder than usual..

Same:) Here
it's just an idea, man.
Basically I was thinking that if your unit expands more than that of other people, you might be able to fill that under normal circumstances as well if you work more on Kegeling.

No need to be offended.
SirKyle;434198 said:
it's just an idea, man.
Basically I was thinking that if your unit expands more than that of other people, you might be able to fill that under normal circumstances as well if you work more on Kegeling.

No need to be offended.

Far from offended bud. When I'm erect my penis is always 90-100%.

Push yourself harder when in the Bathmate.
I hit 190 yesterday and today ! I have changed to doing 3 "sets" at 10 minutes ea., with a 5 minute gap. Im going back in at 170 after 2nd set ! I thought it would go 195 this afternoon. In time.....
Hmm. SirKyle, you probably aren't pumping right. I had that issue when i started out with the Bathmate, however after looking at how i put on the Bathmate and how i pumped i sorted it out and pushed way past the 150 mark.

Just have a little look at what you're doing and see if there's anything you're doing that's wrong. The Bathmate does work and at your size there is no reason why you can't get past 150. Keept trying bro!
I'm onto 200 now since I started this thread.

Think I will have maxed out the X-40 by end of July in length so hopefully by that time I'll have gained some
I'm 5.25" nbpel and I Started at about 157. A month later I was at 170. After 6 weeks I got to 175 and that was it. I have not gained any length since I started using Bathmate but I have gained girth. For the first six weeks, I was pumping as hard as I could to the point where I began having back aches because of it. But I was reaching new numbers every week. I finally had to pump in a different position because my back pain was becoming a daily problem. Ever since then I have been having trouble reaching past 176. I just began my fourth month and the most I can reach is about 173. I started pumping twice a day after 6 weeks. Ironically, i reach less now. This month I started reusing my extender to hopefully get past 175. I didn't use it for the first 3 months. I was basically focusing on girth for a while but I think lenth and girth must be given equal attention to produce the best results. I'll let u guys know in a month if it helped me get past my plateau.
I received my Bathmate X-40 yesterday, I'm only about 5.5 NBPenis EnlargementL, I went in flaccid not knowing what to expect and started pumping down. I pumped down and checked.. etc ..etc.. I got up to 150 then started the stop watch, I waited for maybe 5 minutes then gave it some half pumps [ trying to be careful ] coming up to the 20 minute mark I was a tiny bit over 160. I thought this was pretty good for the first session, it felt good as well.!!

I did take in to consideration though that when pumped the Bathmate does compress in to the fad pad, and also the black [ pumping thingy ] does go smaller, the 160 + was maybe my BPenis EnlargementL or near to it..?

When I ended the set, my eyes nearly popped out seeing how plump it There were no red dots or nothing after the session, I actually think now I could of pumped a bit further, but I will wait and do it bit by bit..
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Im still "hangin" at the 190 mark. Thats fine, for now. I think the warm up has a lot to do with the length you get from either longer, 20 min pumps, or doing the smaller sets. If I use it and I havent done the usual warm up and stretches, it'll stop around 180. Doing 3 sets of 10 minutes, with warm to hot water, and stretching and pulling, in between, seems to have made a difference in mine. Im getting more girth expansion now, for whatever reason, to the point that now Im getting the "wrinkles" from the end of the Bathmate, all way around now, not just on one side or the other. Ive had mine since october/novemberof last year. Gone from 160 to 190/195, since then.

Start of Penis Enlargement- 8-2010

5.75 BPenis EnlargementL
5.0 EG


6.50" BPenis EnlargementL
5.5 EG
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PumpSon!;436724 said:
I'm onto 200 now since I started this thread.

Think I will have maxed out the X-40 by end of July in length so hopefully by that time I'll have gained some

At the speed your going you may do it by the end of June:)
Third day of using the Bathmate, I reached a touch over 170 today, it's weird because only 2 days ago I could only reach just over 160, the progress is looking very good..!!!
daveylad;438253 said:
Third day of using the Bathmate, I reached a touch over 170 today, it's weird because only 2 days ago I could only reach just over 160, the progress is looking very good..!!!

Progress is beautiful!
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