im a regular runner...
so....anxiety problems are most likley what i need to work on.

9X6.5 said:
My brotha's my brothas my brotha's....

it is now 12:57 and the girl is gone.

Before she came, like an hour before, I took REAL CIALIS 20MG, the yellow pear shaped one that says c20...THE WHOLE PILL!!!!!

She came in....tiny bit of foreplay...and i was ready to go...
but i didnt go at the up way too quick...
kinda wanted to fiddle with her a lil more...(so it went down of course)

finally the time comes...MR.WANT2BE9X6.5 doesnt want to get up....what is UP!?



wow with generic cialis 10 mg i get hard from a few seconds of thinking sexual thoughts. it forces an erection. In your case u might have serious ed or it might be a pychological issue; if ur gettin boners when the broads's not around while watching �naked people movies� or something then it sounds like performance anxiety.
Go see a Doctor dude. How long before sex did you take the Viagra, your supposed to take it 1 hour before sex.
Try Viagra rather than Cialis. Viagra should work quicker and should allow you to maintain your erection. Take it on an empty stomach--50 mg. max. That should do it. Cialis is slower acting and more of a long-term thing. You need something that will work faster and help you maintain your erection longer. Viagra will definitely help you in this regard.

And relax!!!
dude forget cialis and any other drug. its bullshit that u cant get it up @ 18 or 19 or however old you are. go see a doctor and explain everything to him. and he can refer u to someone with knowledge.
at my age, i don't really want to rely on pills for erections...
it was mainly a one time thing.

If you use it once in a while, especially just to get started with a girl, I don't think that will lead to your becoming dependent on it. But you definitely took the wrong drug--Viagra is more of a short term, quick acting drug. People normally take Cialis a day before they're interested in having sex.
I did not know that.
So tomorrow I might have these crazy erections that I thought i was suppose
to be having right now?

9x6, I read an article, related mainly to female orgasms, but it did give some insight into males as well. i forgot where i read it exactly, sorry, :( It talked about some women have to learn how to let themselves have an orgasm but the others, who can have an orgasm sometimes unwittingly train themselves to orgasm only a certain way thinking of a certain thing etc. The article also went into the same thing about males a little bit. I found out first hand that it can happen to males as well, i was unwittingly training myself to become aroused only when i thought about a specific fantasy that i have, not going to say what it is, but . . . anyways i have since been untraining myself, as it were.
I guess what i'm trying to get to here is, Do you have a problem becoming aroused while masturbating or do you think of anything specific, look at the same types of things etc?
Don't know if this makes much sense to anyone else, but i hope it helps you.

ps Not sure how to break the cycle, if you think this may be the problem. I've been kind of experimenting a little to try to break it for me.
I know what my problem is time any girl comes over...ill post my results lol....and it is

3:00 in the morning...THE CIALIS IS ONLY NOW WORKING?!?!?!?!
hey man i can sympathyse with your problem, try reading my response to this thread. if you think about having sex at all, - it wont work. you NEED to tell her that your not going to have sex! see what a difference this makes ;)

also have a look at the ballooning thread, ive been doing that every day for about a week (just over) and i swear my libido is increasing as well as my erection strength.
damn, that is a good post....
can you give me a link to the balooning thread

MissionPossible said:
dude forget cialis and any other drug. its bullshit that u cant get it up @ 18 or 19 or however old you are. go see a doctor and explain everything to him. and he can refer u to someone with knowledge.

Yes, but no. The thing is, he said he does get erections. I think I recall him even saying, in his previous thread, that he got erections before taking Cialis. I thikn he took Cialis because he would never get an erection around the chick .... but even with Cialis it happened again - he popped a boner during foreplay but couldn't hold it when it came time to penetrate.

Correct me if I'm wrong, 9x6.5.

Seems like it is likely to be anxiety.

9X6.5 - Do you generally worry about your performance? You obviously do now, or have been lately, but do you recall being concerned before?
PenilePersist said:
Yes, but no. The thing is, he said he does get erections. I think I recall him even saying, in his previous thread, that he got erections before taking Cialis. I thikn he took Cialis because he would never get an erection around the chick .... but even with Cialis it happened again - he popped a boner during foreplay but couldn't hold it when it came time to penetrate.

Correct me if I'm wrong, 9x6.5.

Seems like it is likely to be anxiety.

9X6.5 - Do you generally worry about your performance? You obviously do now, or have been lately, but do you recall being concerned before?

Perhaps the doctor this young man should consider seeing is a psychiatrist.
jqsderrida said:
Perhaps the doctor this young man should consider seeing is a psychiatrist.

Perhaps. But he may be able to remedy his own problem first. Actually, that's all that psychs are supposed to do - help you to remedy your own problem and be there to listen to you vent so you feel better about it. Psychs are for people who can't understand and control themselves for the most part. We are human and it happens to the best of us, but it can be overcome with sensible thinking with a calm heart rate.

The only other thing that psychs can do is help you get on drugs like the SSRIs I've already been referring to.

PenilePersist said:
in his previous thread, that he got erections before taking Cialis.

1. I think he took Cialis because he would never get an erection around the chick .... but even with Cialis it happened again -
he popped a boner during foreplay but couldn't hold it

Seems like it is likely to be anxiety.

Do you generally worry about your performance?
but do you recall being concerned before?

I've never taken Cialis till last night 20mg. Should it still be working?

I took Cialis so there wouldn't be any worries...but I guess I was wrong...or it could just be that everyone doesn't react the same way or timing to the pill, and I popped a boner, but in retrospect, I believe that was all me...I don't think the Cialis took affect yet. I didn't penetrate her at the seemed way too early to jump into the boner wore off and then later on things got heated except "Mr. 9x6.5" It seems as though Cialis takes 6 hours to kick in for me.

I do believe its all anxiety.

And yes I want to pleasure this girl so bad...I've let her down twice now...So to answer your question...Yes, I am worried about how I perform.

Before, I was a bit concerned...but not like now...

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