Its all a massive right-wing conspiracy right? I mean... when isnt it? The major countries that didnt want to go to war, France, Germany, Russia? did so because they were abusing the oil for food program and didnt want the documents recovered. Same with UN and kofi annan's people.

Pretty much, Bush did the right thing by liberating millions of people from a dictator even if only 1600 US troops died and thousands more innocent people were killed in the bombings (one major reason is due to the fact where Hussein built his military facilities). In the end the weakminded and morally weak countries (France, Germany) and the UN will become feeble and weak spouting petty meaningless words trying to get things done. Similar to the league of nations way back when.

History is repeating itself. World in trouble. USA saves it. We still take shit. We move on as the wealthiest most free country in the world. What is new?
[/QUOTE] originally posted by Bib:
How come the US did not remove Saddam in the first Gulf War, 1991?

Good question, does it ever make you think that maybe we would'nt have to go through half of this shit now.

Why is it when the US is asked to leave a country, we always do?

Maybe after we slaughter thousands of people.

Where is the US stationed in the world, at present, that we are not welcomed by the government.

Of course we are, cause we put "puppet" governments in place.

Why is it that so many people forget that the US has stated emphatically we will leave Iraq if the recently, freely elected government ask us to?

Yea its easy to say it.

Why were the US and UK the only countries attempting to enforce the Iraqi oil embargo?

If tomorrow the Arabic nations were to decide to create a new oil embargo, America would invade them to get the oil and a vast majority of Americans would support it.

Why were Saddams troops almost daily firing at the US and UK planes patrolling the no fly zone?

It was proven that in early summer of 2002, Blair's and Bush's forces bombed Iraq hoping to get Saddam to retaliate, so a war would be justified.

If Saddam had gotten rid of his WMDs, why did he not allow free and unfettered inspections as he swore he would under the first Gulf was surrender documents.
For 6 months Saddam had well over 400 UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, they were searching everything from his palaces, to the cargo in and out of the country.
Why is it nobody on the left ever remembers the numerous UN resolutions that Saddam was in violation of?
Indeed, all of W's arguements for war with Iraq applied as well to other countries with which the US was quite cozy with. Nuclear weapons and support for terrorists? Try Pakistan- the most likely current home of Bin Laden and world headquarters of Al-Quaeda. Brutally repressive regimes that export Islamic extremism? Try our friends the Saudi's. Violations of UN resolutions? Other countries were in violation of 91 of those. In Feb 2003, Iran- on top of the US's list of rouge states- announced it had begun mining uranium and was preparing a nuclear power plant, which Iran, sitting on an ocean of oil, had no peaceful use for.
What about the oil for food program thefts, and the bribes paid to the Security Council members?
What about the harsh sanctions the US put on Iraq killing hundreds, if not thousands of innocent children?
Any deaths or injuries in war are terrible, but how does the left bitch about a war that freed 50 million people, with the fewest casualties in history, on both sides, and the least amount of collateral damage in history?
We are currently helping rebuild a ruined and devestated Iraq. Fewest casualties? Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians were murdered by American bombings alone. Out of that 10,000 of those were children. How do you justify that?
Why does the left center on bitching about Iraq, but says nothing about Afghanistan? Both were preemptive strikes, against known threats. Afghanistan had never declared war on the US, but Saddam had in the earlier war. A war in which he was in violation of the surrender documents.
America thought Bin Laden was in Afghanistan-and he ordered the 9/11 attacks- Saddam DIDN'T. The first gulf war was justified in that he invaded Kuwait. Bush hinted Iraq was behind 9/11, as then National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice said, "This is a story that is unfolding and is getting clearer, and we're learning more." We, the public, never did.
How does the left forget so easily that it was the Bill Clinton appointed CIA director, George Tenet that proclaimed the evidence for WMDs in Iraq a "slam dunk", both privately to the President and members of Congress, and publically.
That was Donald Rumsfeld that uttered those words. George abandoned the Clinton plan to attack Al-Qaeda, which was presented to the incoming Bush administration in Jan 2001, in favor of developing his own. Not to mention that he also ignored warnings in Jan 2001 from the outgoing Clinton National Security team that Al-qaeda and its sleeper cells in the US were the major security threat facing the US.
We know that Saddam had WMDs. He admitted it after his son-in-law spilled the beans on his various programs, and when he used them on his own people, the Kurds, and on the Iranians. He did not disclose what happened to these known WMDs as he was supposed to under the surrender documents of the first war, and UN resolutions. So, what happened to them?
Bush said alot, but he never mentioned that immediately after learning that Iraq had used chemical weapons against the Kurds in 87-88, the Reagan Administration blocked a senate resolution imposing sanctions on Iraq, and the succeeding Bush 1 administration gave Saddam's government $1.2 billion in financial credits. Or that the US helped cover up Saddam's poison gas attacks on the Kurds by claiming Iran was responsible. Or that while knowing Iraq was using chemical weapons against Iran, the US gave Iraq satelite intelligence to help it target Iranians. Or that the US supplied Iraq with anthrax. Or that Donald Rumsfeld was Reagan's envoy to cozy up with Saddam in 1983.
IF this was an illegal war, why does the left NOT call for the reinstallation of Saddam, and for paying war costs to Iraq?
Soon after Bush's economic adviser Larry Lindsey committed the sin of publicaly estimating the cost of the war at $100-200 billion, he lost his job. The white house said $50-60 billion. A month later, only days into this quagmire, Bush asked congress for a $75 billion downpayment to cover war costs for 6 months. In September, he requested another $87 billion- more than the combined 2004 federal budgets for education, job training, and employment and social services. Yet the budget Bush sent to congress in Feb 2003 included no war costs, on the preposterous notion the white house still hoped to avoid war.
sephin said:
Its all a massive right-wing conspiracy right? I mean... when isnt it? The major countries that didnt want to go to war, France, Germany, Russia? did so because they were abusing the oil for food program and didnt want the documents recovered. Same with UN and kofi annan's people.

Pretty much, Bush did the right thing by liberating millions of people from a dictator even if only 1600 US troops died and thousands more innocent people were killed in the bombings (one major reason is due to the fact where Hussein built his military facilities). In the end the weakminded and morally weak countries (France, Germany) and the UN will become feeble and weak spouting petty meaningless words trying to get things done. Similar to the league of nations way back when.

History is repeating itself. World in trouble. USA saves it. We still take shit. We move on as the wealthiest most free country in the world. What is new?

jesus christ! im just gonna call you ignorant beyond all recognition, and hopfully someone has the effort to write a big post and give you the facts that can prove you wrong a thousand times over.
It seems like I can argue my point till I get blue in the face, and nothing changes. I can't fit 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- its useless. Anyway, there was no UN security Coucil resolution authorizing use of force to invade Iraq. Three of the five permanent members- France, Russia, and China- remained opposed, and despite intense lobbying of the ten rotating members, the US failed to get the nine votes to pass such a resolution. Only three countries- the US, UK, and Australia- sent combat forces to Iraq. Around 30 countries openly voiced support (according to the White House, another 15 did so anonymously) a small minority of the 184 member UN nations. The 30 supporters did not include a single Arab country. Alot of Bush's "coalition of the willing" was more a coalition of the bribed and coerced. And most of these countries' population's remained vastly opposed.
Bib said:
Wow, I had no idea there were this many cool-aid drinkers on this board. Abe Lincoln had it right about fooling people.

Just no way to respond to all the tripe and misinformation reported in this thread by the left leaning members. Nobody would read the lengthy post it would take to respond anyway.

But just a few common sense things to think about.

How come the US did not remove Saddam in the first Gulf War, 1991?

Why is it when the US is asked to leave a country, we always do?

Where is the US stationed in the world, at present, that we are not welcomed by the government.

Why is it that so many people forget that the US has stated emphatically we will leave Iraq if the recently, freely elected government ask us to?

Why were the US and UK the only countries attempting to enforce the Iraqi oil embargo?

Why were Saddams troops almost daily firing at the US and UK planes patrolling the no fly zone?

If Saddam had gotten rid of his WMDs, why did he not allow free and unfettered inspections as he swore he would under the first Gulf was surrender documents.

Why is it nobody on the left ever remembers the numerous UN resolutions that Saddam was in violation of?

What about the oil for food program thefts, and the bribes paid to the Security Council members?

Any deaths or injuries in war are terrible, but how does the left bitch about a war that freed 50 million people, with the fewest casualties in history, on both sides, and the least amount of collateral damage in history?

Why does the left center on bitching about Iraq, but says nothing about Afghanistan? Both were preemptive strikes, against known threats. Afghanistan had never declared war on the US, but Saddam had in the earlier war. A war in which he was in violation of the surrender documents.

How does the left forget so easily that it was the Bill Clinton appointed CIA director, George Tenet that proclaimed the evidence for WMDs in Iraq a "slam dunk", both privately to the President and members of Congress, and publically.

We know that Saddam had WMDs. He admitted it after his son-in-law spilled the beans on his various programs, and when he used them on his own people, the Kurds, and on the Iranians. He did not disclose what happened to these known WMDs as he was supposed to under the surrender documents of the first war, and UN resolutions. So, what happened to them?

IF this was an illegal war, why does the left NOT call for the reinstallation of Saddam, and for paying war costs to Iraq?

As far as all the false quotes attributed to Bush et al, following is a great resource:

You can search and check on anything the Administration has said about anything. Always good to have accurate information, and to be able to read quotes in context.

Once again, the US has had an election since the was in Iraq began. All the evidence, the true evidence is on the table. Probably every single person in the US understood the position of Bush. And he received the most votes in history.

Be interesting to see how Chirac does.


To answer just one of your questions Bib before I hit the hay. Saddam wasn't removed for the reason why Geroge H.W. Bush admitted to in that by removing Saddam from power in Iraq would mean utter chaos in that country. Kind of like what we're seeing today. Just how did the Ba'th party even come to be? In the 70s they got their act together regrouped and ousted their current leaders. Saddam helped in that coup just as he helped the U.S. and Saddam helped each other out by the U.S. giving weapons to Iraq to fight the Iranians. Saddam was supposed to be the bulldog for the U.S. in the Middle East. He was anti fundamentalist. The Iraqi military/arsenal consisted of old weapons the Soviet Union, and European nations sold them in addition to the weapons and chemicals we gave them.

Why can't you understand that the U.S. sets up countries that have something we desire such as oil and a key position in the world, which to build a military base? Usually it's a militant or tyrannical leader set on imposing its will on the people particularly the people against the government who is helped to power. Look at Afghanistan Bib. Who is the President there? And another thing why can't all of you get it through your heads that I stand left or right of no party. I am loyal to my country and the well being of my family, friends, everyday Americans, and the men and women of the military in which case several are and have been all of the aforementioned.
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Boy I see we got a pile of shit growing here. Let me step on in....

First, I don't think that there is anyone that could say that some things couldn't have been done better in Iraq. However, the actions in general have been correct.
Do I think we in the US (as a country) sometimes do things that we shouldn't do? Yes. For example, half of the corrupt dictators/governments in South America are probably in power due to US influence. Then we bitch about them. Example, Noriega put in power by US, then we kidnap him from his own country. I don't think it was legally right but probably was morally. There's a quote somewhere by someone long ago about the law vs. what is morally right. However, Latin America is intrinsically corrupt. It is the nature there. Don't bash me for saying that, I've got some experience in this (and almost anyone from Latin America will tell you the same).
Back to Iraq. Did Saddam have weapons of mass destruction. Yes. I'm pretty sure the ten's of thousands of bodies that have been found (many in mass graves) were not of people who just decided to commit suicide. Besides, if you think that Bush lied about them, ask the Clinton administration. Quotes from them say that there were WMDs. Were they lying too. Or does it only count for Bush. One thing I can say for Bush (and no I don't agree with him on everthing) is that he doesn't change on you. You may not agree with him, but you know what he thinks is the right thing to do.
Let me go over a few points:
"If tomorrow the Arabic nations were to decide to create a new oil embargo, America would invade them to get the oil and a vast majority of Americans would support it."
Yes, this has been the long standing policy of ALL US administrations, both republican and democrat, for many years. And since we now have taken over Iraq, I think we should syphon off some of the oil for our own. However this is not happening, so there goes the war for oil theory (partly - not to say that ousting Saddam help). Also, take a look at the percentage of oil that came from Iraq. Not exactly on the top of the list.
You say that Saddam was doing population control. Damn, couldn't brother have just passed out some Trojans? So, it is ok for Saddam to kill innocent people, but by your definition Bush is bad if innocent people were killed as a result of his decisions (though I'm certain that he still has a ways to go to catch Saddam). Also, did Clinton ever send any troops anywhere to stop "genocide"? Now was that right or wrong? Shouldn't folks in other countries just be allowed to kill anyone who is of an inferior race/religion/etc? Don't ask me, cause you would be surprised to know that I think yes they should. When the people want it to stop, there will be revolution. If assistance of other countries is asked by these people, then send some help.
Speaking of sending help. Why is it that the US sends more aid to more places in the world than anyone else and catches more shit for trying to help. Tell you what, next time some backwoods, mule humping, no hygiene having, can't support your own country has some rain/wind/moving earth/etc. (and yeah I've been there), let France take care of them. I don't want the money that I pay in taxes going to some bastards that are going to A: steal it B:use it against us C:not give it to those who need it the most or D:use it and call us a bunch of mother-fuckers.
While we are on the subject of these world problems, how about the UN. Move the headquarters to Paris and pull the US out. I'm tired of more of my tax money going to a corrupt organization that get real estate in NY, gets the US to pay for the majority of its operations, and goes against the US in most issues. But hey, let's give Syria a seat - they seem like nice guys.
On the Limbaugh issue. I don't know a lot about the drug case part, but his case is different than most drug addicts. He became addicted to something that he was instructed to take by a doctor. He did not actively seek out the drug in the beginning. I do feel though that most drugs should be legalized. If a person wants to screw themself up, go ahead. Sir Darwin would be proud that you're helping prove his theory. Also about Limbaugh - I occassionally listen to him and agree with most of what he says, but sometimes I just have to say, "that's dumb." Anyone that doesn't think that every personality on the radio with a political talk show has an agenda, needs to be examined. They all have their opinions and agenda. Otherwise they wouldn't have a show/job. I now live in the Atlanta area. There is a radio host here that tells you to not believe anything he says without verifying it for yourself. As far as the "data" that is given by talk show/political people, there are always various data that say opposing points for the same thing, or the data are "interpreted" to say what one wants. A person will believe the data/person they want to believe.
You mentioned stem cell research. Is there legislation that prohibits stem cell research? If there is, then this a legislative issue (i.e. Congress/Senate), not an executive issue (president). I believe that there is not. If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong), Bush is against government funding. This would mean that a private company (Pfizer, Bayer, Merck, etc - funny aren't these based outside the US) would be free to pay for it if they were willing. Also, if it were to not be legal here, go to Mexico, France, Canada, China, or Antarctica for all I care to do the research.
I don't have the time nor desire to go through all of your points, but I'll try to get back to some of them specifically. Cuidado, I might even agree with something you said somewhere along the way...
Besides, if you think that Bush lied about them, ask the Clinton administration. Quotes from them say that there were WMDs. Were they lying too. Or does it only count for Bush.

No, but did Clinton send his military horde into Iraq? In 98 he did bomb Iraq in operation Desert Fox, because they kicked out UN weapons inspectors.

O well, I' sure there's more quotes to pick-apart here, but I'm going to end it here. Thanks guys for the healthy debate.

Speaking of sending help. Why is it that the US sends more aid to more places in the world than anyone else and catches more shit for trying to help.
Because they are trying to look descent and cover up their collective guilt for their crimes in Iraq.
Bib said:
A person may be wrong, and sound stupid as hell. But in the US, he has the right to do so.

LOL! And most of us do :)

Btw, Bib, to answer your question about an unwelcome millitary base: Cuba.
Just to make 1 thing clear- Bib, I want 8 inches, sephin, Lambadacalc, German Stallion, and Priapologist- I deeply respect your views; even though I don't agree with them, and I thank you for voicing your opinion. Shithead, Swank, Kong 1971, anti-pop, Rod buster, Gimme9- for the most part I agree with you guys, and also thank you for exersizing your first amendment right.
Kal-el said:
Just to make 1 thing clear- Bib, I want 8 inches, sephin, Lambadacalc, German Stallion, and Priapologist- I deeply respect your views; even though I don't agree with them, and I thank you for voicing your opinion. Shithead, Swank, Kong 1971, anti-pop, Rod buster, Gimme9- for the most part I agree with you guys, and also thank you for exersizing your first amendment right.


What views of mine, in particular, do you not agree with? :)

Damn, what left-wing, full-of-shit internet sites do you get all of this crap? Why is it that the left-wing press, CBS, ABC, CNN, LA Times, NY Times, etc, not report this shit? Because it is not true, or cannot be verified. Generally, what is written in this thread, from the anti-war aspect, simply has no basis in fact. I would ask for sources, but you would give a left wing conspiracy filled website.


>Btw, Bib, to answer your question about an unwelcome millitary base: Cuba.<

We OWN Guantanemo. We are not guests of Cuba. And to my knowledge, Cuba has never asked us to leave. Try again.

Does anyone honestly believe that if any of the charges about the war were true, the left wing press would have done everything possible to bring down Bush before the election? Hell, they tried to use forged documents to bring him down.

It is fine to believe what you wish, but using logical thought to examine the events leading up to, during, and after the Iraq war can only lead to the conclusion that it was just and correct. That is, if you look at things clearly, without preconceived notions.

Look at things from this angle: If Bush had not continued the fight into Iraq, and Saddam had given chemical or biological weapons to terrorsists, and they had been used in the US to kill thousands, if not millions, he surely should have been impeached. It is his DUTY to confront, and take out threats to the US.

If someone cannot recognize risk, analize the risk, and then do something about the risk, there is a term for them. Victim.

>Good question, does it ever make you think that maybe we would'nt have to go through half of this shit now.<

Concerning Saddam after the first Gulf war: I believe that we should have taken him out. But that the US did not showed great restraint. Addressing other statements in this thread, the Shites attempted to overthrow Saddam after GWI, and were killed in mass for doing so.

The Shite represent 60% of the population of Iraq, the Kurds 20%. It is the former lydominant Sunnis, at only 20%, plus terrorist Wahhabis that make up the insurgency. Better to fight them effectively in Iraq, than in the US or Europe. It is a great plan.

>Maybe after we slaughter thousands of people.<

Name the cases where we have "slaughtered thousands of people". You will say Iraq, but then what? What price is OK to bring freedom to millions? You wrote of not being able to bring democracy to the world. Why not? What a wonderful goal, to give each person on the planet the right of self determination. Look what it has done for eastern Europe and Russia. Today, democracy is florishing. Would you rather have dictatorships, perhaps with a left bend?

>Of course we are, cause we put "puppet" governments in place.<

How does that make sense when we promote democracy? How can it be a puppet government when the people of the country vote for their leaders?

>Yea its easy to say it.<

And easier to do. One thing you cannot argue, Bush means what he says, and does what he says. I have no doubt that he would pack up if the elected Iraqi government asked the US to leave.

>If tomorrow the Arabic nations were to decide to create a new oil embargo, America would invade them to get the oil and a vast majority of Americans would support it.<

What horseshit. That statement does not follow the actual events. If the US was only interested in oil flow, they would have been trying to drop the oil embargo. Instead, they tried to uphold the oil embargo. It was France, Germany, Russia, and China that were violating the sanctions against Iraq.

>It was proven that in early summer of 2002, Blair's and Bush's forces bombed Iraq hoping to get Saddam to retaliate, so a war would be justified.<

What? Saddam had been firing at US and UK planes since the end of the first war. He never followed the surrender documents of the first war, and could have been legally attacked at any time for not doing so.

>For 6 months Saddam had well over 400 UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, they were searching everything from his palaces, to the cargo in and out of the country.<

They were never allowed to go where they wanted, when they wanted. He required previous notice of inspection. I have seen the footage of trucks leaving sites to be inspected. I have also seen the footage of inspectors being forbidden entrance to sites. The inspectors were neutered.

In the same vein. What about David Kay's testimony? The guy that stated there are no stockpiles of WMDs in Iraq. Everyone seems to forget that he also stated Saddam was more of a threat, more of a risk, than what we had thought before the war.

>Indeed, all of W's arguements for war with Iraq applied as well to other countries with which the US was quite cozy with. Nuclear weapons and support for terrorists? Try Pakistan- the most likely current home of Bin Laden and world headquarters of Al-Quaeda. Brutally repressive regimes that export Islamic extremism? Try our friends the Saudi's. Violations of UN resolutions? Other countries were in violation of 91 of those. In Feb 2003, Iran- on top of the US's list of rouge states- announced it had begun mining uranium and was preparing a nuclear power plant, which Iran, sitting on an ocean of oil, had no peaceful use for.<

Yes, and each of those situations is being addressed. Pakistan is proving to be cooperative in searching out Al Queda. Seems each month, they are catching more and more of them. As are the Saudis. But they have it tougher, since SA is the home of Wahhabism. Iran is still in negotiation with the Europeans. All of this is great, and the proper procedures are being followed.

Saddam went through all of this for ten years. He had the opportunity to do things right, and even retain power. But he failed to live up to his responsibilities. Now, his people will deal with him.

>What about the harsh sanctions the US put on Iraq killing hundreds, if not thousands of innocent children?<

My God man! The oil for food program was put in place to feed the Iraqi people. It was Saddam stealing from the program, with the help of certain European countries, as well as China, that lead to the suffering of the Iraqis. Which leads to other good questions: Why did certain countries defy the ban on selling weapons to Saddam, at a time when his people were starving?

>We are currently helping rebuild a ruined and devestated Iraq. Fewest casualties? Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians were murdered by American bombings alone. Out of that 10,000 of those were children. How do you justify that?<

First, I do not agree with your figures. I have not seen any credible estimates approaching those numbers. But the point is, freedom does not come without sacrifice. I know you will not understand that. The left never does. Personally, I would rather die fighting for freedom, than live under tyranny.

But the fact is, those deaths cannot be placed at the feet of the coalition. Saddam had the opportunity to leave Iraq, and go into exile. He could have prevented the war, if he loved his country more than power. But then, he proved over and over what kind of leader he was.

Which leads to another point: The previous US support of Saddam that the left questions. How do you test a leader, give him support or not, without watching how he leads over time? After Carter's Iran fiasco, Saddam became an ally. But then, his subsequent actions showed he was a tyrant, and the US distanced itself from him.

So what if Rumsfeld and others from different administrations met with him? When he proved what he was, we changed the way he was treated.

>America thought Bin Laden was in Afghanistan-and he ordered the 9/11 attacks- Saddam DIDN'T. The first gulf war was justified in that he invaded Kuwait. Bush hinted Iraq was behind 9/11, as then National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice said, "This is a story that is unfolding and is getting clearer, and we're learning more." We, the public, never did.<

First, please use the administration link to look up what the administration said about Iraq and 9/11. The link is already set to search for those events. You will not find the administration saying anything linking Iraq to 9/11.

Now, the fact is, Afghanistan is and was a sovereign nation, just like Iraq. The terrorists may have been associated to a degree with the Taliban, but the terrorists were not Afghanistan. The vast majority of the citizens of Afghanistan were not terrorsts. So, how is that different from Iraq? It has been proven that Iraq had ties to terrorists, and Iraq was harboring terrorsts at the time of the war. So what is the difference?

>That was Donald Rumsfeld that uttered those words.<

Bullshit. Look it up. Tenet was adament in his belief that stockpiles of WMD were present in Iraq. Rumsfeld may have repeated what Tenet said, but Tenet was the one amassing the information.

>George abandoned the Clinton plan to attack Al-Qaeda, which was presented to the incoming Bush administration in Jan 2001, in favor of developing his own. Not to mention that he also ignored warnings in Jan 2001 from the outgoing Clinton National Security team that Al-qaeda and its sleeper cells in the US were the major security threat facing the US.<

Oh horseshit. Clinton had many opportunities to take out Bin Laden, and did not do it. Clinton did nothing against terrorism. He sat on his hands.

Whether you like the war or not, there have been no more attacks on the US. A good offense is always better than a good defense. If nothing else, we are taking the fight to the terrorists, rather than sitting back waiting for another attack.

>Bush said alot, but he never mentioned that immediately after learning that Iraq had used chemical weapons against the Kurds in 87-88, the Reagan Administration blocked a senate resolution imposing sanctions on Iraq, and the succeeding Bush 1 administration gave Saddam's government $1.2 billion in financial credits. Or that the US helped cover up Saddam's poison gas attacks on the Kurds by claiming Iran was responsible. Or that while knowing Iraq was using chemical weapons against Iran, the US gave Iraq satelite intelligence to help it target Iranians. Or that the US supplied Iraq with anthrax. Or that Donald Rumsfeld was Reagan's envoy to cozy up with Saddam in 1983.<

Not that I believe much if any of the above crap, but what does it have to do with the price of eggs in China? The point was, Saddam proved he had, and was willing to use WMDs. So, what happened to them?

If he destroyed them, he should have been able to say where and when he destroyed them. There should have been forensic evidence. But he provided no proof, did nothing to fulfill his obligations under UN resolutions and surrender documents. Why would anyone think he actually destroyed his stockpiles? I believe he either dumped them in the Tigris at the beginning of the war, or shipped them to Syria.

At any rate, if the war had not been prosecuted, he would have waited till the heat was off, made more WMD, and given them to Al Queda for use in the US.

Saddam was paying $25,000 a pop to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. Oil for food money. He was harboring Al-Zarquawi. He would have produced and distributed WMD to advance terrorism.

>>>IF this was an illegal war, why does the left NOT call for the reinstallation of Saddam, and for paying war costs to Iraq?
Soon after Bush's economic adviser Larry Lindsey committed the sin of publicaly estimating the cost of the war at $100-200 billion, he lost his job. The white house said $50-60 billion. A month later, only days into this quagmire, Bush asked congress for a $75 billion downpayment to cover war costs for 6 months. In September, he requested another $87 billion- more than the combined 2004 federal budgets for education, job training, and employment and social services. Yet the budget Bush sent to congress in Feb 2003 included no war costs, on the preposterous notion the white house still hoped to avoid war.<<<

Why change the subject? Why not answer the original question? If the war was illegal, why does the left not call for the re-installation of Saddam, and the payment of reparations to the Iraqis for the war?

I thank God almost every day that Al Gore was not elected.

soyelmocano said:
Boy I see we got a pile of shit growing here. Let me step on in....

First, I don't think that there is anyone that could say that some things couldn't have been done better in Iraq. However, the actions in general have been correct.
Do I think we in the US (as a country) sometimes do things that we shouldn't do? Yes. For example, half of the corrupt dictators/governments in South America are probably in power due to US influence. Then we bitch about them. Example, Noriega put in power by US, then we kidnap him from his own country. I don't think it was legally right but probably was morally. There's a quote somewhere by someone long ago about the law vs. what is morally right. However, Latin America is intrinsically corrupt. It is the nature there. Don't bash me for saying that, I've got some experience in this (and almost anyone from Latin America will tell you the same).
Back to Iraq. Did Saddam have weapons of mass destruction. Yes. I'm pretty sure the ten's of thousands of bodies that have been found (many in mass graves) were not of people who just decided to commit suicide. Besides, if you think that Bush lied about them, ask the Clinton administration. Quotes from them say that there were WMDs. Were they lying too. Or does it only count for Bush. One thing I can say for Bush (and no I don't agree with him on everthing) is that he doesn't change on you. You may not agree with him, but you know what he thinks is the right thing to do.
Let me go over a few points:
"If tomorrow the Arabic nations were to decide to create a new oil embargo, America would invade them to get the oil and a vast majority of Americans would support it."
Yes, this has been the long standing policy of ALL US administrations, both republican and democrat, for many years. And since we now have taken over Iraq, I think we should syphon off some of the oil for our own. However this is not happening, so there goes the war for oil theory (partly - not to say that ousting Saddam help). Also, take a look at the percentage of oil that came from Iraq. Not exactly on the top of the list.
You say that Saddam was doing population control. Damn, couldn't brother have just passed out some Trojans? So, it is ok for Saddam to kill innocent people, but by your definition Bush is bad if innocent people were killed as a result of his decisions (though I'm certain that he still has a ways to go to catch Saddam). Also, did Clinton ever send any troops anywhere to stop "genocide"? Now was that right or wrong? Shouldn't folks in other countries just be allowed to kill anyone who is of an inferior race/religion/etc? Don't ask me, cause you would be surprised to know that I think yes they should. When the people want it to stop, there will be revolution. If assistance of other countries is asked by these people, then send some help.
Speaking of sending help. Why is it that the US sends more aid to more places in the world than anyone else and catches more shit for trying to help. Tell you what, next time some backwoods, mule humping, no hygiene having, can't support your own country has some rain/wind/moving earth/etc. (and yeah I've been there), let France take care of them. I don't want the money that I pay in taxes going to some bastards that are going to A: steal it B:use it against us C:not give it to those who need it the most or D:use it and call us a bunch of mother-fuckers.
While we are on the subject of these world problems, how about the UN. Move the headquarters to Paris and pull the US out. I'm tired of more of my tax money going to a corrupt organization that get real estate in NY, gets the US to pay for the majority of its operations, and goes against the US in most issues. But hey, let's give Syria a seat - they seem like nice guys.
On the Limbaugh issue. I don't know a lot about the drug case part, but his case is different than most drug addicts. He became addicted to something that he was instructed to take by a doctor. He did not actively seek out the drug in the beginning. I do feel though that most drugs should be legalized. If a person wants to screw themself up, go ahead. Sir Darwin would be proud that you're helping prove his theory. Also about Limbaugh - I occassionally listen to him and agree with most of what he says, but sometimes I just have to say, "that's dumb." Anyone that doesn't think that every personality on the radio with a political talk show has an agenda, needs to be examined. They all have their opinions and agenda. Otherwise they wouldn't have a show/job. I now live in the Atlanta area. There is a radio host here that tells you to not believe anything he says without verifying it for yourself. As far as the "data" that is given by talk show/political people, there are always various data that say opposing points for the same thing, or the data are "interpreted" to say what one wants. A person will believe the data/person they want to believe.
You mentioned stem cell research. Is there legislation that prohibits stem cell research? If there is, then this a legislative issue (i.e. Congress/Senate), not an executive issue (president). I believe that there is not. If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong), Bush is against government funding. This would mean that a private company (Pfizer, Bayer, Merck, etc - funny aren't these based outside the US) would be free to pay for it if they were willing. Also, if it were to not be legal here, go to Mexico, France, Canada, China, or Antarctica for all I care to do the research.
I don't have the time nor desire to go through all of your points, but I'll try to get back to some of them specifically. Cuidado, I might even agree with something you said somewhere along the way...

If the "oil theory" was discussed here I must have missed it. And the oil wouldn't be for us. It'd be for a country like China which was purchasing more automobiles than you wouldn't believe. (The country since the end of 04 has seen a decline since I believe) And guess what, we don't have the amount of refineries here in the U.S. to handle it anyway for our own use. We've got oil here. But that doesn't mean there isn't extreme interest from a man who's family has made quite a significant amount of money on oil among a few illegal things as well. Iraq to the Bush family? It's almost as closely connected in terms of history as the Saudis.

One thing Bush is in favor of is allowing corporations to do what they want and reward them in any way possible. How do you think the people that were on Medicare feel today? How would they feel if they knew drug companies will profit 139 billion dollars as a result of that new law? But of course people have no right to complain or maybe they do and you think their position is wrong because you're not directly affected by it. There are problems, endless problems around the world. You don't need to tell anyone, but with the way things are with the super power nation in the world in terms of government and the backing of current policies and agenda where is the U.S. heading? It seems the gap between the elite and middle class has grown significantly over the last 30 years and over the last 15 in particular. At the same time the middle class has gotten closer to the bottom over the same spand. Adjust for inflation and there has been a 30 year stagnant average wage in this country. It just seems to me that when the administration and President in particular is inclined to side with corporation over the well being of the majority we're heading toward a facist state.

Look at the income tax system over the years. My how people have yet to figure out inflation and just how fard it is to keep up with your gross pay from yesteryear to today. You are absolutely right though. There are indeed legislative problems when it comes to corporate favoring bills, but they are not being taken care of and in some cases they go unnoticed. In fact lawyers have worked very sneakily so that in the end richest 1% are taxed more lightly than the middle class. But this is another discussion and I'll just say that when the elite in this country have the upper hand like they do and everyone else who makes significantly less money gets social programs cut in favor of those extremely well off, well fuck these guys then. Not everything should be subjected to some Darwinian economic culture. I love capitalism, but for plenty of people in my family it's a damn hard thing to live with. You have to love it, but then realize what kind of mentality it can create. Leave the rest behind because they'll drag you down with them...they don't want to work...they've got just as good a shot at making a nice living as anyone else...

And Bib, the Oil for Food Program was rejected by Iraqis for so long because of its ineptness. It provided about 7.35 cents per person and that was supposed to provide food and medicine? The sanctions on Iraq, which were in place because the U.S. insisted on it, accounted for the death of a million and a half lives. Had the sanctions not been in place perhaps the Iraqi people could have focused on a solid resistance to Saddam Hussein instead of focusing on feeding, providing medicine for the sick, and unsanitary drinking water.
Quoted by Bib:
First, I do not agree with your figures. I have not seen any credible estimates approaching those numbers. But the point is, freedom does not come without sacrifice. I know you will not understand that. The left never does. Personally, I would rather die fighting for freedom, than live under tyranny.

The United States dosen't keep count of Iraqi civilian deaths. The British medical journal, The Lancet, last October put the toll since the US invasion of March 2003 at around 100,000, most caused by US air attacks at the war's beginning.

Name the cases where we have "slaughtered thousands of people". You will say Iraq, but then what? What price is OK to bring freedom to millions? You wrote of not being able to bring democracy to the world. Why not? What a wonderful goal, to give each person on the planet the right of self determination. Look what it has done for eastern Europe and Russia. Today, democracy is florishing. Would you rather have dictatorships, perhaps with a left bend?

You want to talk DEMOCRACY? Though Saddam definetly tortured and killed many of his co-citizens and he has far less blood on his hands compared to the number murdered by the Americans, such as the 500,000 children who died because of economic sanctions or the over 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed by the invasion and illegal occupation and whose number has not finished swelling yet. The Iraqis will not forget those numbers in a hurry. The elections have already allowed the religious authorities to win the majority in the new Iraqi parliment. The US of course are doing all they can to "supervise" both the composition of the new "democratically elected" government and the revision of the Iraqi constitution. But, what is for sure, is that if the future Iraqi government is really democratically elected, if it really represents the peoples' opinion, as should a democratic government,it will be both anti-American and anti-Israeli. If 80% of the population is anti something, democracy cannot help but reveal this position. In that case, George Bush will find himself confronted with an anti-American and anti-Zionist feeling that is not just the whim of a dictator, but the democratic will of the people, which if one respects the principles of democracy, is non questionable.
The fact that the Palestinians elected a leader who is for peace and dialogue does not mean that 90% of the Palestinian people have become pro-zionist or pro-Israeli. The fact that tomorrow Egypt and other countries might adopt western style democracy dosen't mean that the Arab world will "magically" turn pro-American. Democracy, if it is true and free, will only show that what was previously thought to be the whims of a bloody dictator, are in fact the popular views held by the majority. This democracy might change the leaders, but not the popular feeling. There is no magic wand. These popular feelings are deeply rooted in the population and were concieved by a strong sense of justice, humiliation and anti-arabism of western powers, whosw colonial past reinforces their negative image. A true democracy can only highlight what their previos dictators were expressing, and illustrate how the majority felt it too.
But that is exactly what George Bush dosen't want to happen, because it would mean his policies had completely failed. If a referendum held by the democratically elected governments of Iraq, the Palestinians, and other Arab countries were to confirm the anti-american feelings of the people, that would mean the American invasion had been useless, and aggravated the problem since the hostility can no longer be attributed to a "nasty dictator" but is a deep popular sentiment. The pro-islamic majority already surfacing in the Iraqi elections is bothering Bush. In fact what he would really like is not this democracy, which he boasts about so much, but really an "americanocracy" That is, a democratically elected regime which is pro-american. But since the vast majority of the Arab people are anti, Bush will have to betray his own so called democratic principles so as not to lose face by imposing regimes which give the illusion of being democratic through an unending fiddling of the electoral rules necessary to put pro-american elements into power, which are no more than "puppet regimes".
Bush's refusal to accept a true democracy and his replacement of it with an americanocracy is not limited to Arab countries. It has already been put in place in Chile, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and many other countries. Venezuela and North Korea are next on his list.
But the place where this americanocracy, is most obvios, is in the organism responsible for maintaining peace and avoiding conflict: the United Nations. If democracy really existed in the UN, then China would already be a majority in the decisions with almost 25% of the world population, where the US only represents a measly 5%. That was why they invented the "SEcurity Council" which groups together 7 countries, not because they are the most populated, which already makes it non-democratic, but because they are the most powerful. So if one powerful country does not agree with the democratic decision of the majority, it can apply its veto and the democratic decision will not be applied.
It was in fact this that pushed the US to ivade Iraq unilaterally. France had promised to veto the UN resolution allowing for the invasion of Iraq. That was the first time Americanocracy showed its true face. The US decided to act alone. If this policy which functions in the UN were to exist in the US, then certain progressive and populated states such as California or New York would not have their say during the big elections; a national "security council" of red states would have the right to veto the majority decisions taken by the rest of the country. And if this right to veto were suddenly used by a so called "dissident" then the pro bush council would still be able to act solely and illegally with a coalition of the willing.

This is just a form of bullying, otherwise known as the rule of the strongest, which is another way of describing facism.
Iwant8, I think the war for oil mantra was mentioned earlier. Also, I totally agree that part of the problem is the lack of refineries here. I think the last one was built back in the 70's??? Also with different regulations in different parts of the country, there can be no "mass" production. We should just take the requirements from the cleanest state and adopt them across the country to end the confusion. Take the savings and start doing some more research on oil alternatives. But that is another topic.
I am against favoratism in laws. That is why I would never be elected to Congress/Senate. I will say that it is not the governments responsibility to provide to the people, unless you live in a communisty state. Also as far as the stats provided, I'm sure one could easily find or interpret data that would same something different.
On the subject of the income tax, I don't think the top 1% should pay any less than anyone else. Nor should they pay a higher percentage. A fair tax plan is in the works, and would receive a yes vote from me. Can anyone tell me why any person should be required to give up a higher percentage of their earning than another person? However because of the pork and favortism that you mentioned, I doubt it will ever make it to any president to sign.
We should have rejected the oil for food program. Who believed that that was going to work? Everbody should have known that the 7 cents that you are saying would have gone to the people, would be down to .7 by the time the thieves, robbers, UN, and politicians (excuse me for repeating myself) got through with it.
Have a good evening all....

What views of mine, in particular, do you not agree with?

Pri, I apologize for saying that, I was multitasking at the time, but I wanted to include you because I believe you responded to a post in this thread.
Kal-el said:
Quoted by Bib:

The United States dosen't keep count of Iraqi civilian deaths. The British medical journal, The Lancet, last October put the toll since the US invasion of March 2003 at around 100,000, most caused by US air attacks at the war's beginning.

You want to talk DEMOCRACY? Though Saddam definetly tortured and killed many of his co-citizens and he has far less blood on his hands compared to the number murdered by the Americans, such as the 500,000 children who died because of economic sanctions or the over 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed by the invasion and illegal occupation and whose number has not finished swelling yet. The Iraqis will not forget those numbers in a hurry. The elections have already allowed the religious authorities to win the majority in the new Iraqi parliment. The US of course are doing all they can to "supervise" both the composition of the new "democratically elected" government and the revision of the Iraqi constitution. But, what is for sure, is that if the future Iraqi government is really democratically elected, if it really represents the peoples' opinion, as should a democratic government,it will be both anti-American and anti-Israeli. If 80% of the population is anti something, democracy cannot help but reveal this position. In that case, George Bush will find himself confronted with an anti-American and anti-Zionist feeling that is not just the whim of a dictator, but the democratic will of the people, which if one respects the principles of democracy, is non questionable.
The fact that the Palestinians elected a leader who is for peace and dialogue does not mean that 90% of the Palestinian people have become pro-zionist or pro-Israeli. The fact that tomorrow Egypt and other countries might adopt western style democracy dosen't mean that the Arab world will "magically" turn pro-American. Democracy, if it is true and free, will only show that what was previously thought to be the whims of a bloody dictator, are in fact the popular views held by the majority. This democracy might change the leaders, but not the popular feeling. There is no magic wand. These popular feelings are deeply rooted in the population and were concieved by a strong sense of justice, humiliation and anti-arabism of western powers, whosw colonial past reinforces their negative image. A true democracy can only highlight what their previos dictators were expressing, and illustrate how the majority felt it too.
But that is exactly what George Bush dosen't want to happen, because it would mean his policies had completely failed. If a referendum held by the democratically elected governments of Iraq, the Palestinians, and other Arab countries were to confirm the anti-american feelings of the people, that would mean the American invasion had been useless, and aggravated the problem since the hostility can no longer be attributed to a "nasty dictator" but is a deep popular sentiment. The pro-islamic majority already surfacing in the Iraqi elections is bothering Bush. In fact what he would really like is not this democracy, which he boasts about so much, but really an "americanocracy" That is, a democratically elected regime which is pro-american. But since the vast majority of the Arab people are anti, Bush will have to betray his own so called democratic principles so as not to lose face by imposing regimes which give the illusion of being democratic through an unending fiddling of the electoral rules necessary to put pro-american elements into power, which are no more than "puppet regimes".
Bush's refusal to accept a true democracy and his replacement of it with an americanocracy is not limited to Arab countries. It has already been put in place in Chile, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and many other countries. Venezuela and North Korea are next on his list.
But the place where this americanocracy, is most obvios, is in the organism responsible for maintaining peace and avoiding conflict: the United Nations. If democracy really existed in the UN, then China would already be a majority in the decisions with almost 25% of the world population, where the US only represents a measly 5%. That was why they invented the "SEcurity Council" which groups together 7 countries, not because they are the most populated, which already makes it non-democratic, but because they are the most powerful. So if one powerful country does not agree with the democratic decision of the majority, it can apply its veto and the democratic decision will not be applied.
It was in fact this that pushed the US to ivade Iraq unilaterally. France had promised to veto the UN resolution allowing for the invasion of Iraq. That was the first time Americanocracy showed its true face. The US decided to act alone. If this policy which functions in the UN were to exist in the US, then certain progressive and populated states such as California or New York would not have their say during the big elections; a national "security council" of red states would have the right to veto the majority decisions taken by the rest of the country. And if this right to veto were suddenly used by a so called "dissident" then the pro bush council would still be able to act solely and illegally with a coalition of the willing.

This is just a form of bullying, otherwise known as the rule of the strongest, which is another way of describing facism.

Thank-you for setting the record straight. This way of puppet regimes and Americanocracy, as you aptly put it, all started with Iran and the CIA as you obviously know. It's a strange thing to hear someone think democracy is flourishing in a country in such chaotic conditions as Iraq. It's even stranger to think that because a leader of a country is elected that the people are going to automatically assume mirror images of all our American idealism. Do you think the surviving family members of Iraqi people are thanking America for killing their loved ones? Do you think they are going to forget and say what's the price of a few hundred thousand of us if we can someday be just like the U.S.? And does anyone think that a puppet regime is going to tell the U.S. they don't want the U.S. to build military bases on their soil? No, they aren't because they'll be too busy licking the asshole of the U.S. Meanwhile that country is never going to thrive under that government.
Originally posted by Bib:
Why change the subject? Why not answer the original question? If the war was illegal, why does the left not call for the re-installation of Saddam, and the payment of reparations to the Iraqis for the war?

First of all, I'm sure that Saddam has to be Really sour at us, especially since we killed his two sons in a gunfight, and we practically have his whole entourage either killed or captured. So I'm sure the US knows if or when Saddam would get nukes, there's no doubt he would use them on us NOW. But if he was reinstated, he couldnt get as powerful as he was in the 1980s when we supported him. And secondly, we should pay reparations- we could put the money to good use, instead of paying companies like Halliburton to put out old oil-well fires.
soyelmocano said:
Iwant8, I think the war for oil mantra was mentioned earlier. Also, I totally agree that part of the problem is the lack of refineries here. I think the last one was built back in the 70's??? Also with different regulations in different parts of the country, there can be no "mass" production. We should just take the requirements from the cleanest state and adopt them across the country to end the confusion. Take the savings and start doing some more research on oil alternatives. But that is another topic.
I am against favoratism in laws. That is why I would never be elected to Congress/Senate. I will say that it is not the governments responsibility to provide to the people, unless you live in a communisty state. Also as far as the stats provided, I'm sure one could easily find or interpret data that would same something different.
On the subject of the income tax, I don't think the top 1% should pay any less than anyone else. Nor should they pay a higher percentage. A fair tax plan is in the works, and would receive a yes vote from me. Can anyone tell me why any person should be required to give up a higher percentage of their earning than another person? However because of the pork and favortism that you mentioned, I doubt it will ever make it to any president to sign.
We should have rejected the oil for food program. Who believed that that was going to work? Everbody should have known that the 7 cents that you are saying would have gone to the people, would be down to .7 by the time the thieves, robbers, UN, and politicians (excuse me for repeating myself) got through with it.
Have a good evening all....

You might be right about my numbers, but if you'll look back to history you'll know that it is always been believed and upheld that the top has the most responsibility for the economic stability in a democracy. It starts with the taxes. And notice how greedy our politicians got once the second WW ended. They saw what a larger tax base could do for the elite. But I'll say this if you read David Cay Johnston's Perfectly Legal you might agree with the assessment that everyone but the elite is getting royally fucked tax wise.

As for the Oil for Food program I believe corporations were getting billions from this and this was widely available information on the Net in the late 90s. About 1.6 million died under the UN sanctions the last time I checked.

And as for Clinton's administration and counter-terrorism. He did a helluva better job than W Bush, but both indeed fucked up. It's funny how Clinton gets blamed for the first WTC bombing when he'd been President for all of 3 months when it happened. W Bush was President for 8 months after it happened and Clinton still gets blamed for it. Why wasn't H.W. Bush blamed for the first attack? Oh that's right it's because there is a left wing media. W has slashed the counter terrorism budget, ignored Clinton advisers on how to combat terrorism during the Presidency transition, and instead decided to focus attention on missile defense. I'm so sorry this information didn't come from the great fascist mass marying lunatic bastard Rev. Moon er the Washington Times. I'm sure George H.W. Bush would be uppity that it didn't.


A MUST READ BELOW: the whole story on the following site

"ARI FLEISCHER: This report from 1999 about the thinking, the psychology of terrorism; was available in 1999 to members of Congress, the previous administration. It existed in some form, which did not come to the attention of this administration when we took office on January 20." -this has long since been discovered complete shit.

Interview with Condi Rice

"Q -- any specific information just prior to August 6th that raised concerns about hijacking of U.S. planes?

DR. RICE: Again, this was generalized information that put together the fact that there were terrorist groups who were unhappy about things that were going on in the Middle East, as well as al Qaeda operatives, which we'd been watching for a long time -- that there was more chatter than usual, and that we knew that they were people who might try a hijacking. But, you know, again, that terrorism and hijacking might be associated is not rocket science.

Q Why shouldn't this be seen as an intelligence failure, that you were unable to predict something happening here?

DR. RICE: Steve, I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. All of this reporting about hijacking was about traditional hijacking. You take a plane -- people were worried they might blow one up, but they were mostly worried that they might try to take a plane and use it for release of the blind Sheikh or some of their own people.

But I think that there's always a fine balance, but even in retrospect, even in hindsight, there was nothing in what was briefed to the President that would suggest that you would go out and say to the American people, look, I just read that terrorists might hijack and aircraft. They talk about hijacking an aircraft once in a while, but have no specifics about when, where, under what circumstances.",,2-10-1462_1512033,00.html


I had to dig this out of the trash. You want to talk about leaning to one side? This guy has a book review at the end of this site from KARL ROVE!

I love how he adamantly proclaims the "anti-war" movement mentality of the 60s made it that much harder for future administrations to deploy the military. He insists that the CIA hasn't actually been involved with certain "alleged" crimes and coups, yet each one he mentions have been comfirmed. He claims Jacob Arbenz wasn't a Democratically elected President, yet his only means of refuting that fact is that Arbenz lived his "exiled years as a priviledged guest" of Castro. Yeah, he's a Commi and a tryannical bastard since he lived in Cuba after the U.S. came in there and air raided Guatemala. He was Democratically elected and then was ousted by a coup for a certain U.S. corporate interest. Look at United Fruit and the PR/propaganda they had to resort to back then. It was pathetic, but then again there are those of you who actually ducked and covered under your desks during so the Nuclear explosion wouldn't kill you. And some of us may even have purchased duct tape right away after we were told it could somehow help us against a biological attack. I live ten minutes away from Battelle. I know what lurks there and where the hot spots are in Ohio. I got enough to worry about when I visit Marion, OH I don't need you to lie to me about what is going to protect me from Anthrax or worse.

"In fact, the al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the September 11 attacks had first engaged U.S. troops as early as 1993 when the Clinton Administration deployed U.S. military forces to Somalia. Their purpose was humanitarian: to feed the starving citizens of this Muslim land. But, America’s goodwill ambassadors were ambushed by al-Qaeda forces. In a 15-hour battle in Mogadishu, 18 Americans were killed and 80 wounded. One dead U.S. soldier was dragged through the streets in an act calculated to humiliate his comrades and his country. The Americans’ offense was not that they had brought food to the hungry. Their crime was who they were—"unbelievers," emissaries of "the Great Satan," in the political religion of the enemy they now faced.

The defeat in Mogadishu was a blow not only to American charity, but to American power and American prestige. Nonetheless, under the leadership of America’s then commander-in-chief, Bill Clinton, there was no military response to the humiliation. The greatest superpower the world had ever seen did nothing. It accepted defeat."

I promise to update this later on when I have time, but it's late.
I guess everyone can and will just believe what they wish to believe, even if it defies logical thought. Hopefully, this will all be resolved to a stage where the plans and policies concerning Iraq can be evaluated within 5-10 years. Then, the masses should be able to see what actually transpired, and the resulting effects.

But then, I would expect that each sides talking heads will put their spin on the results, to attempt to acheive whatever they wish to acheive.

All anyone can hope for, is that each individual actually logically thinks about what he reads, and applies the bullshit test. Does what he/she reads make sense?

It is one thing to be informed, quite another to be hoodwinked.

Things like blaming Iraqi deaths on the support from the US for sanctions. Why were the sanctions there? Who's fault was it really? Should there have been enough money from oil for food to feed the Iraqis and supply medicine? What effect did Saddam have on the program, and other nations selling him arms during this period?

But then, it is easier not to think about it, and just blame the US. Bullshit.

And still, why is it that the people who proclaim the war an illiegal act, do not call for reinstating Saddam as leader of Iraq? Very simple process. What would the people of Iraq think about this. How popular is Saddam in relation to the US?

I still cannot understand how anyone thinks that helping to install democracies in various countries can be construed to be setting up "puppet" governments. If the US were to install totalitarian regimes, perhaps the US would be guilty of something nefarious. But giving the people freedom of choice is letting the bird free. Another country would have a very difficult time controlling anything for very long in a democracy. The puppet government thing just does not make sense. Like wiping before you shit.

But then, I guess you have to find your conspiracies where you can, no matter the nonsensical nature.

What is great is, other democracies surely do NOT agree with the US all the time. In fact, most of the time they do not agree, at least totally, about any issue. But since the democracies generally have free people, living in the democracy, they are peaceful. They have a voice in what their leaders do.

Issues between democracies are almost always settled by negotiation, not war. I fail to understand how helping to set up free nations, giving people the right of self determination is a bad thing in any way.

The capitalism vs socialism debate would be great for another thread. Especially as concerns corporations. But it really clouds the topic of this thread. I won't add to that in this thread, except for one small thing:

As concerns US corporations, and in conjunction with capitalism, they are the most democratic economic institutions on the planet. Each person has a daily, constant vote for each dollar they spend. Each person decides to support, or not, any product, company, etc, depending on his/her personal choices. They literally make or break corporations, and many have been made or broken over the decades.

Each public corporation in the US is just that, us. They are made of of US workers, as well as international workers in some cases. Their boards and administrators are generally US citizens, and what is most important, they are OWNED generally by US citizens. US corporations are us.

What is even more important, the taxes that corporations pay, are passed on to who? The end users. Us. The buyers of the corporation products pay the corporation taxes. So whenever you think about US businesses paying more of the tax bill, think about who actually pays that bill. Further, that tax is not progressive at all.

So the next time you want to deride Bush support of US corporations, think about who he is helping, and look in the mirror.

Bib said:

>Btw, Bib, to answer your question about an unwelcome millitary base: Cuba.<

We OWN Guantanemo. We are not guests of Cuba. And to my knowledge, Cuba has never asked us to leave. Try again.

No. We've leased GTMO since 1903. And, are you being serious about Cuba asking us to leave? We've had chainlink and barbed wire fences up, and a minefield until the 1990s, around the base since Castro took over in 1959, solely to keep Cuban troops out of the base. Wouldn't you consider the threat of armed invasion of the base by Cuban troops, during the entire Cold War, an implicit request "to leave"?
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