imsom12;623868 said:
I just streach right now. Im getting the SG on income tax. Im going to wear it 8-10 hrs a day. I got alot of alone time im a house husband my wife makes good money and I also get a oil royalty check every month and I got a few side jobs so I dedicate alot of time to bodybuilding and pe . Grow4me. Bro. Jelqing has helped my eq alot aswell its like a 2n1. Make dick bigger help eq

househusband!!! that is my dream!!! lol. seriously it is. all i want to do with my life is go to the gym, do PE, and fuck my hot money making wife!!
grow4me;623860 said:
my routine atm does'nt include any jelqing, i dont know why but they dont interest me, tonight i get the feeling like im missing out by not doing them and not reaching my max potential. for girth ive been doing SSJs then edging then repeating 2 more times then gettin in the bath and doing the bathmate stretches. lately im struggling with edging b/c im on anti depressants and its a struggle just to stay hard let alone alone 3 sets of SSJs and edging even with �naked people movies� on i dont get aroused and ive got to work hard to stay hard :p lol so im thinking about replacing the edging with jelqing as i wont need a full erection and pick up the edging when im in a better place

i've never been into jelqing either. anti-depressants can be a killer on penis related stuff. hope they are helping though. do you life a healthy lifestyle? eat well? exercise? don't procrastinate? no false insecurities?
Acually bro. I eat like a monster
im married who cares bout a few extra ponds. Not me but I will tell u im not fat by any means. I eat. 4000 cals a day
300 are protein. and I will let u no a lil secret. When u work ur legs it increases ur hg. wich I work my legs hard. 1 time a week squts leg raises ect. but for my pe evetyday I jog and run sprints for 30 min before pe . any leg work increases hg . and it does help a lot I promise. ive been trying to find ways for a long time to enlarge my dick. and I no how. And ill tell u. No I mean no achool. it completely fucks your pe off . and im not drug free. Im on sustnon250. npp . dbol 30 mg .daily. Mk 2688 . tenabol. And. I do not care what any person sez. Steriods do help with gains. If you use them correctly . and how do I no this because I use them .and I no. And if a man doubts me fine. I dont care now to the steriods that do work. are test products . if you use em right and mk- 2688 helps asell do a lil research now the key the all the shit is not just your penis its ur whole body. Its yoir mind. Its urs heart soul if you want as big dick you will get it just like I have. I was a small guy of 6+ 4.5 girth. To. 7 and 5.5+ girth bros. If you have a dream make it hapen. I did. And ill keep going. Until im 8×7
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imsom12;623915 said:
Acually bro. I eat like a monster
im married who cares bout a few extra ponds. Not me but I will tell u im not fat by any means. I eat. 4000 cals a day
300 are protein. and I will let u no a lil secret. When u work ur legs it increases ur hg. wich I work my legs hard. 1 time a week squts leg raises ect. but for my pe evetyday I jog and run sprints for 30 min before pe . any leg work increases hg . and it does help a lot I promise. ive been trying to find ways for a long time to enlarge my dick. and I no how. And ill tell u. No I mean no achool. it completely fucks your pe off . and im not drug free. Im on sustnon250. npp . dbol 30 mg .daily. Mk 2688 . tenabol. And. I do not care what any person sez. Steriods do help with gains. If you use them correctly . and how do I no this because I use them .and I no. And if a man doubts me fine. I dont care now to the steriods that do work. are test products . if you use em right and mk- 2688 helps asell do a lil research now the key the all the shit is not just your penis its ur whole body. Its yoir mind. Its urs heart soul if you want as big dick you will get it just like I have. I was a small guy of 6+ 4.5 girth. To. 7 and 5.5+ girth bros. If you have a dream make it hapen. I did. And ill keep going. Until im 8×7

just out of curiosity who are you talking to? i went back through the thread and can't figure it out
youknowme123321;623880 said:
i've never been into jelqing either. anti-depressants can be a killer on penis related stuff. hope they are helping though. do you life a healthy lifestyle? eat well? exercise? don't procrastinate? no false insecurities?

yeah ive just got no sex drive atm but i feel better now then i did a couple months ago thanks. my biggest problem is ive got bad anxiety, ive been havin panic attacks in work for no reason but im on a waiting list to start therapy so im concentrating on that, its like my light at the end of the tunnel. before the anti depressants i couldnt see a way out, i was havin dark thoughts 24/7 it was horrible i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. i eat well but not healthy food i just eat normal stuff. i go to work and i work hard even tho sometimes its a struggle for me to leave my house b/c of the anxiety but ive got 2 kids that i have on the weekend so i know how important it is to keep my job and a roof over my head :) i dont do any exercise but i have got a weight bench and im buying some dumb bells after xmas n im guna put together a routine maybe like 30 mins to do in the morning before work, after work and before bed its just a case of fitting it around my PE aswell i dont want it to disrupt my PE as i wanna do as much as i can (safely) but at the same time i need to start building my confidence, so im going to have 2 sacrafise some PE time for weight training so ive got alot to be working on.
I hear ya man I hope you get all that taken care of also. When u get a chance to work out it will help u feel better aswell
grow4me;623985 said:
yeah ive just got no sex drive atm but i feel better now then i did a couple months ago thanks. my biggest problem is ive got bad anxiety, ive been havin panic attacks in work for no reason but im on a waiting list to start therapy so im concentrating on that, its like my light at the end of the tunnel. before the anti depressants i couldnt see a way out, i was havin dark thoughts 24/7 it was horrible i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. i eat well but not healthy food i just eat normal stuff. i go to work and i work hard even tho sometimes its a struggle for me to leave my house b/c of the anxiety but ive got 2 kids that i have on the weekend so i know how important it is to keep my job and a roof over my head :) i dont do any exercise but i have got a weight bench and im buying some dumb bells after xmas n im guna put together a routine maybe like 30 mins to do in the morning before work, after work and before bed its just a case of fitting it around my PE aswell i dont want it to disrupt my PE as i wanna do as much as i can (safely) but at the same time i need to start building my confidence, so im going to have 2 sacrafise some PE time for weight training so ive got alot to be working on.

Wow, I can completely relate to you. I have been in this same state for over 7 months now and it is a 24 hour day of darkness. I have decided this year not to take any medication for this as I really am sick and tired of going through this same shit every year (13 years now). My light at the end of the tunnel is the little bit of time that I get between my depression and mania but this can be a short lived thing. I feel so much for anyone who has to suffer with these issues, they truly rob me of life and happiness. I will pray for you my Brother! Please keep me in your prayers too.
doublelongdaddy;624024 said:
Wow, I can completely relate to you. I have been in this same state for over 7 months now and it is a 24 hour day of darkness. I have decided this year not to take any medication for this as I really am sick and tired of going through this same shit every year (13 years now). My light at the end of the tunnel is the little bit of time that I get between my depression and mania but this can be a short lived thing. I feel so much for anyone who has to suffer with these issues, they truly rob me of life and happiness. I will pray for you my Brother! Please keep me in your prayers too.
congrats for getting off medication, you make so many others happy i hope you can find some piece of happiness in what you do for us
I love jelqing and using my penomet with my current routine I get a inch expansion

Warm up penomet 5 min very low pressure

5-10 min stretching in all directions

10 min jelq

Penomet 10 min full pressure

Jelq 10 min

Penomet 5 min

Jelq 10 min

Penomet 10 min

I included ssj in all my jelqs

Then later in the night when I take my bed time shower 10 min penomet

And I clamp 3 times a week 3 sets of 10 min

I was getting 1 inch of expansion when I was doing the 10x10x3 pumping routine with the bathmate. I'm thinking of going back to that routine.
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