templnite;717512 said:
If the son is eighteen then that's the first epart of your answer (at this age his personality is set and you can't tell him what to do, that's why you wanted to catch him young). What's weird is that just two posts above you say age doesn't matter :/ oukay. Its not weird to educate yor kids but thats not what you were plotting was it.

You sus bruh. Even the username higherone reminds you of those Jim Jones cults "I'll take your wife with god by fucking her" type of shit. Nigga the highest one is god and he says specifically "anyone who harms the children better to tie themselves to this millstone and throw yourself in the sea" . Y'all know sosavelli and me love the children, damn chief has like twenty at only nineteen

Idk what type of weird fetish youre into that involves getting your little boy to do penis exercises but its clear noone wants nothing to do with it. We don't need that in our spirit, you give off negative energy

Thread closed

Temp, Show some respect to Higherone, behind the scenes He has been a superstar for the Brotherhood. He is responsible for bringing thousands of men into the Brotherhood. For no money and for no recognition, this is the first I have come out with this. He has done so much to keep us growing that if you knew you would be giving him praise. Higherone has a deep curiosity into PE and how it effects children and at what point a child should be exposed to PE. This is an ongoing discussion that will more than likely bump up for the rest of time.
i guess my perspective on this has changed a little bit. i told my boy to stretch it out when he is alone for blood flow, but only because my wife was worried that it was very small. you can 100% have a conversation about penis enlargement without making it overly sexual or creepy. the penis is a natural part of the body and i also try to drop red pills about penis enlargement whenever i read threads by insecure kids on 4chan or wherever about penis size. Planting the seed about PE in somebody's head could actually help them a lot especially if they are insecure and still growing mentally and physically. we can change almost anything about our bodies (within reason.
I agree Acro. I think homophobia plays some of a role in this fear of this topic. There's nothing inherently "gay" about our sexual health as men. We deserve as much as women do to discuss our sexual parts to include educating our sons about their bodies. Women do it. We should too.
acromegaly;717968 said:
i guess my perspective on this has changed a little bit. i told my boy to stretch it out when he is alone for blood flow, but only because my wife was worried that it was very small. you can 100% have a conversation about penis enlargement without making it overly sexual or creepy. the penis is a natural part of the body and i also try to drop red pills about penis enlargement whenever i read threads by insecure kids on 4chan or wherever about penis size. Planting the seed about PE in somebody's head could actually help them a lot especially if they are insecure and still growing mentally and physically. we can change almost anything about our bodies (within reason.

Haha thats pretty smart. To create blood flow haha. Little does he know the secrets.
LONGERDICK7+;717993 said:
I have no kids lol but if i had id let him know maybe when in his teens

Same here, around the age of 18 just when he's becoming more mature so it doesn't go over his head.
is this bordering on incestuous pedophilia on any level? I don't mean to drag this into the darkest alley/gutter of The Internet, but exploring ones sexuality is a deeply personal journey and could be unknowingly 'tainted' by a fathers 30 year-old (+/-) prism. I am 100% supportive of complete transparency, but you must take into account the stage in which their brains have developed...it's too easy to put your adult mind upon the child. It just seems like a very dangerous mixture that could have immediate or latent repercussions. Am I the only person who has a visceral reaction when I see this thread pop-up?
Big Schwanz Acht;718047 said:
is this bordering on incestuous pedophilia on any level? I don't mean to drag this into the darkest alley/gutter of The Internet, but exploring ones sexuality is a deeply personal journey and could be unknowingly 'tainted' by a fathers 30 year-old (+/-) prism. I am 100% supportive of complete transparency, but you must take into account the stage in which their brains have developed...it's too easy to put your adult mind upon the child. It just seems like a very dangerous mixture that could have immediate or latent repercussions. Am I the only person who has a visceral reaction when I see this thread pop-up?

Quite interesting perspective,definitely a good way to observe things, when you mention brain development some kids can develop their brains earlier than others or maybe they are aware of things that some other kids dont..

that Can be a really complicated situation if we start to think about the side effects,And yeah that can be true i dont think an 18 yo would be able to understand PE.The same way a 24 yo kid does...
Big Schwanz Acht;718047 said:
is this bordering on incestuous pedophilia on any level? I don't mean to drag this into the darkest alley/gutter of The Internet, but exploring ones sexuality is a deeply personal journey and could be unknowingly 'tainted' by a fathers 30 year-old (+/-) prism. I am 100% supportive of complete transparency, but you must take into account the stage in which their brains have developed...it's too easy to put your adult mind upon the child. It just seems like a very dangerous mixture that could have immediate or latent repercussions. Am I the only person who has a visceral reaction when I see this thread pop-up?

I never took it to mean SHOW him how to do it. I merely meant bringing it up. Like acromegaly said, it doesn't have to be sexual in nature, just like explaining to your son about puberty doesn't have to be sexually explicit/creepy. That's more along the lines that I was thinking. I was thinking more along the lines of you find out your son is sexually active and/or checking out adult entertainment/masturbating, etc. and should you bring it up, do you bring it up, and if so, how do you bring it up in a way that makes it as normal and natural as possible. Some guys will say hell no I'm not comfortable doing that, some will not have a problem with it, and some will muddle through it. Kind of like some guys will give their sons condoms and talk about being responsible, some will ignore it, and some guys will leave a box of condoms on his nightstand and never talk about it. It was meant for discussion, not judgement.
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Big Schwanz Acht;718047 said:
is this bordering on incestuous pedophilia on any level? I don't mean to drag this into the darkest alley/gutter of The Internet, but exploring ones sexuality is a deeply personal journey and could be unknowingly 'tainted' by a fathers 30 year-old (+/-) prism. I am 100% supportive of complete transparency, but you must take into account the stage in which their brains have developed...it's too easy to put your adult mind upon the child. It just seems like a very dangerous mixture that could have immediate or latent repercussions. Am I the only person who has a visceral reaction when I see this thread pop-up?

That's what I was thinking ike when bipumpers come around only to exhibit themselves but is really advertising for chomo soliciting. Like fishing for other like minded individuals to explore their depraved fantasies through dm's.

Or could be not as bad but if you don't have very "family orient/sfw" environment and Christian morals them kids almost guaranteed tobe another miley Cyrus. Either way stilly only comes out of retirement to rebuf me
higherone;718053 said:
I never took it to mean SHOW him how to do it. I merely meant bringing it up. Like acromegaly said, it doesn't have to be sexual in nature, just like explaining to your son about puberty doesn't have to be sexually explicit/creepy. That's more along the lines that I was thinking. I was thinking more along the lines of you find out your son is sexually active and/or checking out adult entertainment/masturbating, etc. and should you bring it up, do you bring it up, and if so, how do you bring it up in a way that makes it as normal and natural as possible. Some guys will say hell no I'm not comfortable doing that, some will not have a problem with it, and some will muddle through it. Kind of like some guys will give their sons condoms and talk about being responsible, some will ignore it, and some will leave some on his nightstand and never talk about it. It was meant for discussion, not judgement.

I'm not certain one can lob-out a potentially incendiary topic such as this without it be subject to judgment. I don't know you on a personal level, but I can ascertain from your posts that there's nothing creepy/predatory about you...as a matter of fact, I align with the majority of your thoughts. (that's the main reason I didn't chime-in earlier and thought this thread had run its course).

My thought was that you had already put together the 'basics' of an answer in the event that your son ever was curious and came to you with honest questions. The way the question reads is rather ambivalent and I, for one, interpreted the words quite differently...hence my earlier post.

Bottom line, he's not my son, I've never walked in your shoes, and I applaud your ability to create an open-enough dialogue with him that this could potentially be raised. (personally, I would never ask my parents about anything along these lines, but on the other hand I wish I knew about PE at a younger age).
Big Schwanz Acht;718057 said:
I'm not certain one can lob-out a potentially incendiary topic such as this without it be subject to judgment. I don't know you on a personal level, but I can ascertain from your posts that there's nothing creepy/predatory about you...as a matter of fact, I align with the majority of your thoughts. (that's the main reason I didn't chime-in earlier and thought this thread had run its course).

My thought was that you had already put together the 'basics' of an answer in the event that your son ever was curious and came to you with honest questions. The way the question reads is rather ambivalent and I, for one, interpreted the words quite differently...hence my earlier post.

Bottom line, he's not my son, I've never walked in your shoes, and I applaud your ability to create an open-enough dialogue with him that this could potentially be raised. (personally, I would never ask my parents about anything along these lines, but on the other hand I wish I knew about PE at a younger age).

I wasn't the originator of this tread, and I certainly don't agree with the original poster. My reason for bumping the thread was to see if attitudes/mores/comfort level with PE changed over the years since the thread was started. Not out of some sick pedophilia thing, but out of our own comfort level with PE. You bring up a good point that you wish you knew about PE at a younger age. I'm willing to bet most of us on this forum think that as well. That's where I was coming from with this.
Sorry about that assumption...I've only been a member here for about 2 years and jumped into that thread after your bump.

It's an odd metamorphosis that I'm comfortable speaking here about topics/feelings/aspirations/etc. that otherwise would never have been explored...in fact, I'd go out of my way to try and direct conversations as far away from PE/size/sexuality because I was uncomfortable with myself. I can only imagine being in my teens, how I'd feel about openly discussing PE...not a chance in Hell, I'm certain.

My concern about having this type of talk with a child, is that we're almost cavalier about the subject due to the frequency in which we're involved...I always feel the need to measure my words if I'm ever in a civilian conversation and similar topics come-up. There's is a phenomenon of being almost too comfortable :)
Big Schwanz Acht;718060 said:
Sorry about that assumption...I've only been a member here for about 2 years and jumped into that thread after your bump.

It's an odd metamorphosis that I'm comfortable speaking here about topics/feelings/aspirations/etc. that otherwise would never have been explored...in fact, I'd go out of my way to try and direct conversations as far away from PE/size/sexuality because I was uncomfortable with myself. I can only imagine being in my teens, how I'd feel about openly discussing PE...not a chance in Hell, I'm certain.

My concern about having this type of talk with a child, is that we're almost cavalier about the subject due to the frequency in which we're involved...I always feel the need to measure my words if I'm ever in a civilian conversation and similar topics come-up. There's is a phenomenon of being almost too comfortable :)

You touch on some interesting points. I think back to my own high school days. As a freshman I would deny, deny, deny that I masturbated. By college, most guys were mature enough to realize that all guys do it. It wasn't a topic of regular discussion, but that unspoken aknowlegement that it's part of life. Hell, they even had signs in the dorm showers to not masturbate in there because it was clogging the drains!

To your point on your metamorphis over time, do you think that comfort level would have been attained in the same amount of time if you knew about it and started PE a few years earlier? I think sometimes maturity plays a big role, as does exposure to things. For example, a kid growing up in a big city is perfectly fine taking the bus/subway at an early age due to being exposed to it all the time, compared to a suburban kid who gets rides everywhere. You tend to be more "street smart" / mature because of exposure to things. Or the kid whose dad takes him to the gym when he lifts. Chances are he's going to know more about lifting/fitness from being exposed to it, even if he doesn't lift himself. Of course there are absolutely limits to that as well.

I don't think it's a matter of pushing him to do it as much as saying it's out there, I do it, it works, and letting him make up his own mind.
acromegaly;717968 said:
i guess my perspective on this has changed a little bit. i told my boy to stretch it out when he is alone for blood flow, but only because my wife was worried that it was very small. you can 100% have a conversation about penis enlargement without making it overly sexual or creepy. the penis is a natural part of the body and i also try to drop red pills about penis enlargement whenever i read threads by insecure kids on 4chan or wherever about penis size. Planting the seed about PE in somebody's head could actually help them a lot especially if they are insecure and still growing mentally and physically. we can change almost anything about our bodies (within reason.

How did he react? Was it no big deal or a little awkward?
I'd say if I was in my 20's and discovered this site, my life would have a very different hue...not necessarily better, but definitely different. A friend once said that "every man will have at least one 'ice-pick' in his lifetime" and what he meant by that was ~ there will be a person in your life that you love so deeply and that same person will shove an ice-pick through your neck. If I knew about PE a few decades ago, I could have seen/dodged a couple of very beautiful but very painful (in every sense of the word) ice-picks.

Now here's my belief regarding PE...it evens the relationship playing field and in the wrong/young/immature/egotistical hands it is potentially dangerous. Misogyny takes many forms, and if the balance of perceived power shifts too far to someone with those predilections, then PE has become more of a weapon.

Raising kids is the toughest job in the world, (if done correctly :)) and being prepared for anything and everything is the father's duty. I think I was most effective when the connection/bridge I had was stronger than any fear/subject/episode that ever arose and I was present intellectually/emotionally/physically to respond with honesty and with the child's best interests. Knowing that as the child matured, there would be many opportunities to have a dialogue on their terms and at their level, but I didn't think it was appropriate to introduce things that potentially weren't on their radar at their stage of evolvement.
higherone;718063 said:
How did he react? Was it no big deal or a little awkward?

Not awkward at all, like I said it was not a sex talk. I would never expose my kids to something weird anyways it was more along the lines of something "for your health". I don't know about you guys but as a young boy I heard a lot worse from other boys than from my pops lol. Btw I didn't read a majority of this thread I'm sure some freaks commented on it.
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higherone;718063 said:
How did he react? Was it no big deal or a little awkward?

My goodness, I thought you started this thread! Now I am seeing the disputes. Well, it is god it is on the table and we can get some good morals put in place concerning this.

I take nothing back in the way of my praise for Higherone, he does a great deal of behind the scenes work that has greatly benefitted the Brotherhood.
acromegaly;718068 said:
Not awkward at all, like I said it was not a sex talk. I would never expose my kids to something weird anyways it was more along the lines of something "for your health". I don't know about you guys but as a young boy I heard a lot worse from other boys than from my pops lol. Btw I didn't read a majority of this thread I'm sure some freaks commented on it.

If you get a chance, read this from the point where Higherone bumped it
Big Schwanz Acht;718047 said:
is this bordering on incestuous pedophilia on any level? I don't mean to drag this into the darkest alley/gutter of The Internet, but exploring ones sexuality is a deeply personal journey and could be unknowingly 'tainted' by a fathers 30 year-old (+/-) prism. I am 100% supportive of complete transparency, but you must take into account the stage in which their brains have developed...it's too easy to put your adult mind upon the child. It just seems like a very dangerous mixture that could have immediate or latent repercussions. Am I the only person who has a visceral reaction when I see this thread pop-up?

You think too much of it. You're too involved with the psychological area. But you have a point. You need trust when getting into very personal parts of life.
kyomoto;718115 said:
You think too much of it. You're too involved with the psychological area. But you have a point. You need trust when getting into very personal parts of life.

I completely disagree, critical thought separates a person from the throngs of vid-bots bouncing from one stupid act to another. I think people don't realize the words are 'things' and they can have deep impacts on lives. When it pertains to the development of a child, a parent can never "think too much of it".

To blindly trust personal parts of life is either lazy, naïve or just plain dumb
Big Schwanz Acht;718124 said:
I completely disagree, critical thought separates a person from the throngs of vid-bots bouncing from one stupid act to another. I think people don't realize the words are 'things' and they can have deep impacts on lives. When it pertains to the development of a child, a parent can never "think too much of it".

To blindly trust personal parts of life is either lazy, naïve or just plain dumb

Its true they can have deep impact but people need to be taught, well the children on a better level to understand things of the world and their body. More knowledge, maturity, and explanation then the less worries when it comes to giving in and trust will have to come naturally, not forced. I agree with you to an extent.
yep parents can be naive,lazy or just plain dumb or even evil...but if i had had someone letting me know me about PE maybe in my teens.

wonder how id have reacted to that..Both sides need a special way to understand PE transmitter and receiver.

wonder at what age a kid looks for ass n pussy..everything starts whit images mags,adult entertainment..etc
acromegaly;718068 said:
Not awkward at all, like I said it was not a sex talk. I would never expose my kids to something weird anyways it was more along the lines of something "for your health". I don't know about you guys but as a young boy I heard a lot worse from other boys than from my pops lol. Btw I didn't read a majority of this thread I'm sure some freaks commented on it.

I was gonna say the exact same thing about what you hear from your friends. LOL

Like the fact that you made it about health and not sex. Good move.
higherone;718175 said:
I was gonna say the exact same thing about what you hear from your friends. LOL

Like the fact that you made it about health and not sex. Good move.

Best way to approach things is by giving concern for health and feedback on that end. And it isn't a lie, it is healthy for the penis in terms of erection quality :)
Yeah everybody this is my lawyer here spittinthat hot fire flamenumbaone deadoralive. Brah thread closed plus anyone that commented on thefbi database watchlist now
This thread is getting more action than a 2 dollar whore!
LONGERDICK7+;718144 said:
yep parents can be naive,lazy or just plain dumb or even evil...but if i had had someone letting me know me about PE maybe in my teens.

wonder how id have reacted to that..Both sides need a special way to understand PE transmitter and receiver.

wonder at what age a kid looks for ass n pussy..everything starts whit images mags,adult entertainment..etc

Sexual maturity develops over time. Some 30 year olds are less sexually mature than some 18 year olds.
higherone;718288 said:
Sexual maturity develops over time. Some 30 year olds are less sexually mature than some 18 year olds.

Which I believe should be the litmus test of 'should I or should I not' introduce my son to PE. In this day and age, I'm certain the kids already know if they've had a curiosity...I'd only have this discussion if my son brought it up and, through a few probing questions by me, know if he's serious or not...even then, I'd tread very lightly
higherone;718288 said:
Sexual maturity develops over time. Some 30 year olds are less sexually mature than some 18 year olds.

that can be true young kids are hornier everyday or is it just my imagination,
Looking forward to the day when this is universal knowledge amongst men. I don't think it's a stretch to say that most, as in the marjority of men, will be aware of PE in 20 years. I'm kind of surprised on some level that it hasn't exploded with how ubiquitious adult entertainment has become, especially in the last few years.
Looking at this from 5,000 feet, PE it still is in it's infancy, and it's amazing how far things have come in the last decade alone (add another 5 to that).

I'd figure all the young guys who are obcessed with building musle would lean toward PE as well. There are similarities to the golden age of bodybuilding, pre-Arnold, and what PE currently is.
Word is bond though I learned about pe around sixteen but life was so rad that i only got serious about it recently. That's around the time of first icepic, If it wasn't for that dirty trifling slut I might have never learned about pe. Unless I just stumbled on the idea through adult entertainment or a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] commercial I saw when I was a kid.

Though, I consider pe sexual deviance if its not medical as in micro. That's why we got all the freaks commenting like stilly and acro.
templnite;718371 said:
Word is bond though I learned about pe around sixteen but life was so rad that i only got serious about it recently. That's around the time of first icepic, If it wasn't for that dirty trifling slut I might have never learned about pe. Unless I just stumbled on the idea through adult entertainment or a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] commercial I saw when I was a kid.

Though, I consider pe sexual deviance if its not medical as in micro. That's why we got all the freaks commenting like stilly and acro.

Correct. Bond is best when you actually do it right. Remember to always regenerate that feeling of urge you once did so you can continue being the undead being to take over the PE realm
In all reality my Son knew about PE at like 9 or 10 because it was impossible to hide it. He never had any desire for it. He is very happy with what He has.
You don't have to talk to your kid about pe. You only need to leave your laptop open with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] newbie forum visible. Lol.
Disco Dave;718589 said:
You don't have to talk to your kid about pe. You only need to leave your laptop open with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] newbie forum visible. Lol.

Hahaha thats actually a great way for an introduction
Big Schwanz Acht;718543 said:
templnite;718371 said:
That's around the time of first icepic, If it wasn't for that dirty trifling slut I might have never learned about pe. QUOTE]

God works in mysterious ways, lmbo

true enough, if a woman never crushed me i wouldnt have found out about penis enlargement and i am happier now so things end up working out sometimes
kyomoto;718373 said:
Correct. Bond is best when you actually do it right. Remember to always regenerate that feeling of urge you once did so you can continue being the undead being to take over the PE realm

In what language does this make any sense?
I don't see why a actual number needs to be put onto this topic. I'm pretty sure everyone here understands no 2 people are exactly alike and therefore neither are our kids. Therefore as a parent you will know if/when this topic needs to be discussed with your child. To many factors to set a specific age such as maturity level, father and son relationship, growing patterns etc etc. I understand why someone would ask the question but at the same time
It's your child so you as a parent will know better then anyone else. One thing I do feel needs to be addressed though is we are all obviously here because we want to grow, we were not completely happy with how we were before but just because this is something we are doing does not mean it's for our child so do not let your insecurities or your want/ needs to grow make you think it's something they will need or even want.
If a father has a good relationship with his son(s), and when I say good I mean close and intimate, just like we are with each other here, then the child will trust the father is he has confidence issues in anything in life (including penis size). My Son comes to me with all His suffering as I do with Him and in this we solve our issues together. If you do not have a relationship in tis capacity of trust it is very difficult to know your sons pain. In this, a child will go off for opinions from their friends, not the best place to get information. Open the trust gates with your children so you can share in all parts of their lives and to do this trust in them first.
i agree, for most boys it wont need to be brought up at all. i guess the bottom line is if you do bring it up do it in a healthy non creepy way, and it could probably wait until adulthood for most people unless medically necessary...
smitty2590;718836 said:
I don't see why a actual number needs to be put onto this topic. I'm pretty sure everyone here understands no 2 people are exactly alike and therefore neither are our kids. Therefore as a parent you will know if/when this topic needs to be discussed with your child. To many factors to set a specific age such as maturity level, father and son relationship, growing patterns etc etc. I understand why someone would ask the question but at the same time
It's your child so you as a parent will know better then anyone else. One thing I do feel needs to be addressed though is we are all obviously here because we want to grow, we were not completely happy with how we were before but just because this is something we are doing does not mean it's for our child so do not let your insecurities or your want/ needs to grow make you think it's something they will need or even want.

Pretty much. It's when the parent himself or herself believes he is mature enough for this type of concept.
kyomoto;718919 said:
Pretty much. It's when the parent himself or herself believes he is mature enough for this type of concept.

Exactly I completely agree. All I was trying to get at from all that is there is no age to say exact because everyone is different for the op asking this if he has to ask I'd say hold off. You'll know when you and your child are ready for that conversation. I completely agree with dld about the relationship aspect of this question. Me and my father are super close and I can say and tell him anything and that is what's needed for this.