
In an attempt to make Penis Enlargement my own and to in effect have better gains; I've took to a principle that I recently and finally experimented w/, and thats P.N.F.


P.N.F. stands for Proprioceptive Neuromusclar Faciltation, so in laymens terms means short-circuiting the ligs and muscles "early pain" response w/ isometrics which would have usually inhibited further stretching. The "early pain" response is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.

When I 1st tried it was for regaining and surpassing my previous splitting abilities for the martial arts. I've always been extremely flexible for someone my size, so I was totally amazed when I was able to go into a full split by the 3rd session of PNF. :dropjaw: :scratchch Once in the split I relized this would be a great way to acclerate length gains if applied to the Blasters and other lengthening exercises.

Here is the PNF system applied to the DLD Blaster/Bundle Blaster.
1. Assume the stretching position(A-stretch)
2. Tense the muscles(Kegal) being stretched for 16 secs, and relax for 3 secs while pushing a little further into the stretch.
3. Repeat above step for 3 reps, and on the 4th rep(Reverse Kegal) for 1(the easiest) to 4(the hardest) minute(s) and relax for 1 minute while stretching as far as possible.

Repeat the 4 reps for up to 4 sets a session, and if doing the Bundle then make sure to split the sets into 2 reps for each side twisted too. This is extreme stretching, you will achieve much faster results, yet requires recovery time of 48-96 hrs between full sessions. Also its best to warm up w/ some jelqing or do it at the end of the session instead of the beginning.

The results are I hang lower, ligs feel loser, and it seems like the perfect blend of technique and science.
What an incredible 2nd post! I assume you have lurked for a while:) How long have you been using this method? Are you charting your gains closely? I really like the progressive nature of the workout and I am really curious if you have gained using it.

Well thanx for the compliments :dance:
... I have been lurking on this site and others for awhile. I've been doing this P.E. thing on and off since fall of 2000. I've only been doing this method for almost 3 weeks now, been using your program in Phase 2 from sept to mid oct, and I'm looking to combine it w/ The 3rd phase of your program DLD. Right now my routine is what I've posted and combined w/ constrictions such as horses, tao, uli's, or whatever they are called at anygiven time. So I have not been able to follow it closely, yet I will check my stats in 3 months or 90 days which is like a standard turn around time for building and growing of muscles and cells. Right now my length on a good dick pointing north day is 7 1/4 ins. hard bone press and flaccid is 5 ins. even. Well when I measure after a workout its like 7 1/2 stretched out w/ ease and bone pressed. Like I said earlier in the other post I'm hanging low all the time now, for I'm in the retractor penis group when it comes to flaccid size. My goal is 11 inches in length by next april, yeah its ambitious, and I plan to achieve it! So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that if it worked for my legs which has muscle and ligs that are attached at 2 points, and still got breath taking gains in flexibility then the one point attachment of the penis should have unlimited growth at an accelerated rate. I will definitely keep you guys updated!
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Welcome aboard man...very clever stuff here.
Also makes a big change for a very positive ambitious guy here...having such high goals is very achivable...dont let anyone say it aint...go for it, ya know ur stuff and I am sure you'll get their.
First off, welcome aboard.
Second, PNF as applied to Blasters seems like a great idea. Thanks, I'm sure going to try this.
But I would also suggest that if you're looking for another 3.75" of EL, you'll need to get another source other than your ligs. I would theorize that it's unlikely the ligs could offer more than 2.5" or so, total length gains. Consider the (unfortunate) people who get the surgery done (Bihari procedure), their ligs are actually snipped, yet there's no massive length gain. In fact, they have to hang weights anyway for up to a year after. Unless you could get (or want) your penile exit point to be down around your asshole, then you need to focus on the tunica to squeeze out more gains as well.
I'm about your length, and I only want another 1.5", so this PNF may be all I need.....so thanks.
Welcome aboard, and what a fine entrance! Can't wait to hear how this pans out for you. I will start this PNF today on my Power Stretch session and see how it goes. I do have questions though. When you say 2 to 3 days between full sessions, are you implying that full sessions are not possible then or that they should be avoided for other reasons? What amount of stretching would be allowed on these "off" days?

You mention to do this PNF at the end of the session, why? My logic has always been to fatigue the ligs first, soften them up so to speak. Then the workout that follows is hopefully more effective because the ligs are no longer fighting me. Am I wrong (easily the case I admit!), or do you have some other reasons? Thanks Mack, new techniques are always fun to try.
It's not the ligs that fight you, it's the PC (no, not the Win32 API - but the PC muscle). That's why DLD's Blasters do so much PC pre-fatigueing (100 quick kegels, then 20-second kegel to warmup, then all that Kegel/Reverse Kegeling - it's all done to offset the PC muscle).
In my workouts, I do tunica work first - mostly upward stretching while I kegel (here I'm using the PC to my advantage while trying to stretch the internal structures of the penis - i.e., tunica, CC, CS, etc.).
Then onto the ligs. My PC is already a bit fatigued, so I make it even more tired. Then the ligs are left all alone, trying to withstand your tension.
Normally, when we pull our unit the PC is stressed while the ligs still have some slack. We have to soften up the PC, so to speak, then we can kick the ligs' ass one-on-one.
Hopefully this thread will get some really solid research. It sounds very interesting.
I'm not sure I fully understand this PNF meets Blaster Theory. Basicly it's just fatiguing the PC muscle while your stretching, is that right? If so couldn't the same rules be applied if the PC was already fatigued prior to doing the Blasters, then being able to stretch the ligs at their full potential?
First I would like to say thanks for all the positive feed back, and guidence on my P.E. goals. Alright so here goes the Q & A.

To PirateSteve, WaxN is on point w/ his answer. DLD stumbled on PNF by mistake w/ the Blaster, and if he would have known about PNF he would have done the same as I. Just try it out, and you will see by the end of the session that your penis will actually be so relaxed and stretchable. I started doing this w/ the regular Blasters and then applied it to the Bundle, and what I got was such a good stretch that my penis almost seemed to look like it was'nt even bundled.:cool:

As for the 2-3 days in between, well thats more based on the theory, which has some validity when I was experimenting w/ it on splits. My muscle would be really loose and almost like they were hanging off the bone in feeling, so I always followed the theory to avoid over stressing. I don't mean any other exercises, just the stretching portion. Also, what you may not know, and that is stretch is like any other exercise, it breaks down the tissues just like Resistance training does, w/ any serious stress to the body you need recovery, or you can leave yourself open for sickness or injury. Don't ever forget that what we do to enlarge the penis is truly an exercise/fitness plan, so we must treat our bodies w/ respect in order to keep gaining and achieving. As for the doing them at the end of your workout, from my experience that you want to be as warmed up as possible, for you DON'T want to do them cold. Mainly you don't do them cold to avoid injury and also warm muscles are more pliable. So follow your instincts on this, your body will tell you if you should proceed further, yet if you do it right you won't have to do any extra stretching on off days.

mazdab8r, You bring up a good point. You probably could do it that way, yet you would still run into the "early pain" response. See you are exhausting the muscle while engaged in the stretch to in a way short circuit the "early pain" response. So you will be able to push alot further w/ fear of self induced injury. The best way to test the theory is to do like I did and apply it to something you would never be able to do and thats something like a split or touching your toes. So get on the floor w/ your feet together and try to touch your toes, if possible try to make your chest touch your knees, and use the PNF. Now the best way to do this is to use tense all the muscles in your legs like an isometric contraction(making a muscle or just tightening the muscle). You will find that by the last set you will be alot further then you ever thought, and maybe even have your whole chest against your knees.

Any other questions just holla at me. I'm going to do some more in depth research and experimentation, so I will keep you guys updated.
Mackinevil, I'm still a little stumped?? This is what I got so far... It's basicly the same as the normal Blaster, only your holding the stretch while you kegel for 16 seconds and then pull a bit harder for an extra 3 seconds while the PC is relaxed, and this is one rep. Are you applying a Reverse Kegel at all? Other than that this theory is very interesting...
Thanks Mac, did some this morning and I am all worn out. I did my manuals then did PNF with my Power Stretch, and followed up on my limp dick with hanging for a few sets. Really could feel a difference. Blasters were good, but this does seem to make me even looser.

I have heard many conflicting ideas about off days and training for several years on several boards, one camp saying treat the penis as a muscle and give it rest, the other saying it is not muscle at all and heals enough overnight so don't let up on it. I have to say I gain most when I hit it hard every day, but now I am once more confused about the whole thing. I still like the PNF thing though, thanks again for sharing it.
Okay now I see what your saying. Your right that in a way this is still the same exercise, except w/ more applied knowledge, and once applied it makes the Blaster an even better loaded gun. See prehausting the PC muscle is not the magic of PNF, the magic is the overriding of the human body to achieve a better stretch. As you know the human body has one major goal and thats survival. So through evolution the body came up w/ a hardwiring that keeps us from over doing certain action as well as forcing us to take action. DLD being the penile genius that he is had a great idea and technique, which as we have seen really works. My way is more of a quicker means to an end.
Okay I will break it down even further.
Every set has 4 reps. Each rep has 2 parts, and those parts are tension and relaxing. The 1st 3 reps break down like this Kegal for 16 secs then Relax and Stretch(RAS) for 3 secs, Kegal 16 then RAS 3, and Kegal 16 then RAS 3. On the final rep you Reverse Kegal for 1 minute to 4 minutes, and then RAS for 1 minute. And that equals one whole set.

Hope this helped b/c its helping me to tap into new ideas for better gains. One!
1 Set
Rep #1, Kegal 16 sec, and RAS for 3 secs.
Rep #2, Kegal 16 sec, and RAS for 3 secs.
Rep #3, Kegal 16 sec, and RAS for 3 secs.
Rep #4, Reverse Kegal for 1 to 4 minutes, and RAS for 1 minute.

Now I have to say I have in the beginning done 2 sets regular Kegal, and 2 sets reverse, and by that I mean the tension was regular Kegal for the whole 2 sets and Reverse Kegal for the whole 2 sets. I think you and everyone else should try each way and find what works best. I figure that w/ the ability to do either type of tension, I will always have a way to create new gains, and keep the boredom down to minimal.
The DLD Blaster theory is not only based on pre-exausting the PC muscle it's main function is stretching more intensely during the reverse kegel. The reason for this is that the body has a natural reflex to avoid injury this reflex is the kegel. For some men when they stretch, unknowingly, they tense their PC muscle to protect the penis from being injured. When this happens the LIGs are not receiving much of the stretch as the PC muscles take up the majority hence little LIG stretch. When I developed the BLASTERS this was the main factor I had in mind. My solution to this was a complete unflex of the PC muscles leaving only the LIGs to absorb most of the stretch. This is easily accomplished by doing a reverse kegel.

You are totally right on the money, even though I kind of fumbled the ball in my reply. Like I said earlier I credit the way I used the whole PNF system on Penis Enlargement to you.
Originally posted by Mackinevil

You are totally right on the money, even though I kind of fumbled the ball in my reply. Like I said earlier I credit the way I used the whole PNF system on Penis Enlargement to you.

Mack, I think I have created a workout that may utilize your theory. I want to PM you with it first to have you look it over to make sure I am on track. Is that cool?

DLD its your place, I'm just a guest, so you can do what you want. Aright let me chill w/ the :blowjob: . :hammering Its cool man, I would be glad to help out! Send it over.

Originally posted by Mackinevil
DLD its your place, I'm just a guest, so you can do what you want. Aright let me chill w/ the :blowjob: . :hammering Its cool man, I would be glad to help out! Send it over.


I will try to write it this evening. I really hope it is on target and I have this theory correct. I know the workout does feel more intense but I will leave it up to you if it is capturing your vision.

Mackinevil, Check your PM's and let me know what you think.

Here is what else I've found... You can do PNF EVERYDAY, and you only have to do one set. Now from personal experience do it everyday, for I did it most of December every other day and it didn't have as much of an impact as it did doing it everyday. When I did it everyday, after about the 3rd day my ligs felt jiggly and loose, and I admit it scared me into doing it every other day. You know how it is, don't want to lose the lil one!rofl

Anyway, I think it may have stunt my goals of 11 inches by April, yet I will still go for it. You know the saying "Shoot for the moon if you miss you'll land among the stars." Hopefully the star will be at least a 9 incher. one.
Mack and DLD........
Great thread...first of all. To DLD this, is in theory your idea for the DLD 110 pulse stretch..Mack explained very well by the way the science behind it. Mack, your description for the layman (which being a PT) was right on and interesting. Hope you chime in more. t/c Shojii
Originally posted by shojii
Mack and DLD........
Great thread...first of all. To DLD this, is in theory your idea for the DLD 110 pulse stretch..Mack explained very well by the way the science behind it. Mack, your description for the layman (which being a PT) was right on and interesting. Hope you chime in more. t/c Shojii

Yeah Mack and DLD whats happening with the research with PNF, or did you guys just let it fall by the way side?
Originally posted by crazyed27
Yeah Mack and DLD whats happening with the research with PNF, or did you guys just let it fall by the way side?

I was never really researching this theory, I admittedly kept this simple from my conception. I do not like to get too deep into how and why Penis Enlargement works as I prefer to keep things very simple. The DLD BLASTERS and PULSE 100% do fit heavily into this theory as they do the LOT theory but for me it is because they produce gains more than why they produce gains. Don't get me wrong I praise the science behind Penis Enlargement and I love the theoretical contributions many guys have made. Lets face it, without science there would be no BLASTERS or 110's as these rely I simple machines and muscle fiction to produce gains, but I try to keep it simple after inception in order to keep myself and other guys in the bathroom tugging. I have seen too many guys get so theoretical about penis enlargement that they theorize themselves into a slump. My advice comes in many corny sayings, keep it simple, If you stretch it it will grow, this shit works, etc but this is only after I have done research and/or studies another's research before releasing, modifying or inventing a new exercise.
That's right, Keep It Simple Stupid, The K.I.S.S concept, I got that from my drug and alchol treatment. Anyway the DLD blasters and Pulse 110's are proof that the concept works with Penis Enlargement, so why not add a little twist to other stretches to make them more effective. What has intrigued me about the concept is the sensations I get from using PNF, every workout I concentrate on what physical feelings I'm experiencing during each exercise, each set, and each rep. That's my way of keeping it simple. If it feels like it is working, then it gotta be working, the more intense the sensations the better it is working. Don't just go through the motions of Penis Enlargement. But rather experience Penis Enlargement and be in touch with your experiences. That way you'll know what is working and what is not working IMHO.
P.N.F. stands for Proprioceptive Neuromusclar Faciltation, so in laymens terms means short-circuiting the ligs and muscles "early pain" response w/ isometrics which would have usually inhibited further stretching. The "early pain" response is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.

When I 1st tried it was for regaining and surpassing my previous splitting abilities for the martial arts. I've always been extremely flexible for someone my size, so I was totally amazed when I was able to go into a full split by the 3rd session of PNF. :dropjaw: :scratchch Once in the split I relized this would be a great way to acclerate length gains if applied to the Blasters and other lengthening exercises.

Here is the PNF system applied to the DLD Blaster/Bundle Blaster.
1. Assume the stretching position(A-stretch)
2. Tense the muscles(Kegal) being stretched for 16 secs, and relax for 3 secs while pushing a little further into the stretch.
3. Repeat above step for 3 reps, and on the 4th rep(Reverse Kegal) for 1(the easiest) to 4(the hardest) minute(s) and relax for 1 minute while stretching as far as possible.

Repeat the 4 reps for up to 4 sets a session, and if doing the Bundle then make sure to split the sets into 2 reps for each side twisted too. This is extreme stretching, you will achieve much faster results, yet requires recovery time of 48-96 hrs between full sessions. Also its best to warm up w/ some jelqing or do it at the end of the session instead of the beginning.

The results are I hang lower, ligs feel loser, and it seems like the perfect blend of technique and science.

Could someone explain step 2 and 3 to me?
I get in to A-Stretch, then hold the Regular Kegel for 16 seconds then release it for 3 secs. This I do 3 times and then the 4th time I do a 1 minute Reverse Kegel. After this I relax for 1 minute while stretching as hard as possible.
Of this I do 4 sets (2 reps for each side twisted too) and with every step I increase the length of the Reverse Kegel?
Am I right with this?

Is this exercise an addition to the normal work-out or an exercise for itself?
If I go with the guy I should only do this twice a week but my dick grows faster of this.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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