In an attempt to make Penis Enlargement my own and to in effect have better gains; I've took to a principle that I recently and finally experimented w/, and thats P.N.F.
P.N.F. stands for Proprioceptive Neuromusclar Faciltation, so in laymens terms means short-circuiting the ligs and muscles "early pain" response w/ isometrics which would have usually inhibited further stretching. The "early pain" response is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.
When I 1st tried it was for regaining and surpassing my previous splitting abilities for the martial arts. I've always been extremely flexible for someone my size, so I was totally amazed when I was able to go into a full split by the 3rd session of PNF. :dropjaw: :scratchch Once in the split I relized this would be a great way to acclerate length gains if applied to the Blasters and other lengthening exercises.
Here is the PNF system applied to the DLD Blaster/Bundle Blaster.
1. Assume the stretching position(A-stretch)
2. Tense the muscles(Kegal) being stretched for 16 secs, and relax for 3 secs while pushing a little further into the stretch.
3. Repeat above step for 3 reps, and on the 4th rep(Reverse Kegal) for 1(the easiest) to 4(the hardest) minute(s) and relax for 1 minute while stretching as far as possible.
Repeat the 4 reps for up to 4 sets a session, and if doing the Bundle then make sure to split the sets into 2 reps for each side twisted too. This is extreme stretching, you will achieve much faster results, yet requires recovery time of 48-96 hrs between full sessions. Also its best to warm up w/ some jelqing or do it at the end of the session instead of the beginning.
The results are I hang lower, ligs feel loser, and it seems like the perfect blend of technique and science.
In an attempt to make Penis Enlargement my own and to in effect have better gains; I've took to a principle that I recently and finally experimented w/, and thats P.N.F.

P.N.F. stands for Proprioceptive Neuromusclar Faciltation, so in laymens terms means short-circuiting the ligs and muscles "early pain" response w/ isometrics which would have usually inhibited further stretching. The "early pain" response is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.is just a safe guard to avoid serious injury.
When I 1st tried it was for regaining and surpassing my previous splitting abilities for the martial arts. I've always been extremely flexible for someone my size, so I was totally amazed when I was able to go into a full split by the 3rd session of PNF. :dropjaw: :scratchch Once in the split I relized this would be a great way to acclerate length gains if applied to the Blasters and other lengthening exercises.
Here is the PNF system applied to the DLD Blaster/Bundle Blaster.
1. Assume the stretching position(A-stretch)
2. Tense the muscles(Kegal) being stretched for 16 secs, and relax for 3 secs while pushing a little further into the stretch.
3. Repeat above step for 3 reps, and on the 4th rep(Reverse Kegal) for 1(the easiest) to 4(the hardest) minute(s) and relax for 1 minute while stretching as far as possible.
Repeat the 4 reps for up to 4 sets a session, and if doing the Bundle then make sure to split the sets into 2 reps for each side twisted too. This is extreme stretching, you will achieve much faster results, yet requires recovery time of 48-96 hrs between full sessions. Also its best to warm up w/ some jelqing or do it at the end of the session instead of the beginning.
The results are I hang lower, ligs feel loser, and it seems like the perfect blend of technique and science.