I was one of the posters earlier in the thread who had big trouble stretching with the skin pulled back and grabbing just behind the head.
Now I've worked out a way that works really well for me.
Here's what you might want to try if you aren't comfortable with pulling the skin back and pulling behind the head.
First off, the problems I had were that my head is quite small anyway, so even after getting a good grip, there wasn't much there to grip onto and allow a strong stretch because my hand started moving over my head no matter how hard I gripped, or whether I wore latex gloves or not. Physically it wasn't allowing me to pull strongly.
Secondly, it felt dangerous, and really, really hurt if I stretched hard.
The skin just behind my glans appears very thin, and you can see the veins and whatnot just under the skin. Pulling hard on that area with the foreskin pulled back would really hurt if I tried to grip firmly and stretch hard.
There was no way that I wanted to risk damaging such a sensitive area where many veins and nerves are concentrated. I believe that it is supposed to be sensitive in that area for a reason, I don't want to risk desensitizing my dick if I can help it.
So here's what I did, and it is very simple;....
I made sure that I didn't do this completely flaccid. So got into a state where my penis was quite full, but still very floppy. Just quite engorged but not erect.
I pulled my foreskin back "a bit" with my left hand, and took a grip with my right hand (overhand, thumb underneath, index and middle finger over the top) quite close to the base. Not bone pressed, but close to the base.
I then stretched a bit with my right hand. Not a proper stretch, but just a light stretch to make sure I had a nice grip and see what the skin at the base did.
If the skin at the base stretched a bit, then still holding that stretch, with the index finger and middle finger of my left hand at either side of my penis at the base, I would pull back the skin there just a little bit. I would still be stretching with my right hand, but would relax my grip slightly to allow a bit more skin to be pulled back.
Then tightened my right hand grip again.
From that point I am able to stretch with no problems.
I hope I wrote that clearly enough. But the thing is that although it probably takes a minute to read, the actual move only takes a few seconds to perform.
The result for me is......an extremely comfortable grip that allows me to stretch hard, and no pain, irritation, or discomfort whatsoever to that area just behind the glans.
With this grip, when you stretch, the skin at the base doesn't stretch, allowing you to get a good stretch on your ligs, and the foreskin only travels about halfway over your glans.
Remember that you need to have your penis reasonably engorged and full of blood, but not erect, just soft and floppy.
This worked perfectly for me, and now I have no problems, no need for latex gloves or baby powder, no pain or irritation to stop me stretching, no risk of harm to that sensitive area behind the glans....and a perfect, comfortable grip.
If any of you have foreskins and usually have the same problems as I described with stretching, try out what I describe above and see if it feels good for you. And let me know how you got on with trying it out.
It really is a simply procedure and makes stretching so much easier and more comfortable.