acromegaly;604982 said:
I have made insane girth gains from the bathmate and erect stretching only. I started with 4.5 girth earlier this year and now it's 6. I do two 15 min sessions a day one in the morning and one at night. I just upgraded from the Herculese to the x40 and I love it :)

DAMN I wish you had pic :(
Jacob5414...THANKS BRO! The size of my penis has bothered me since I was a, a few years prior to being a teenager actually. I knew early in my youth I was small. And thought I would eventually have a 'growth spurt'. But it never happened. When I went into the military, I was again hit with the realization that I was small when it was shower time. I noticed that I was one of the smallest guys (penis wise, my height is 5'11 though) there...and some of them noticed it too...not that I was ridiculed constantly, but a joke here and there let's you know that they know you're small. I would say I'm a good looking guy, so getting women has never been a problem. But I've never been super confident when having sex. Even if it was not in the back of my mind during sex, I know subconsciously that I've always wondered during sex 'is she really enjoying it, is she faking it'...and yes, I have had a few times when I constantly 'slipped out' of the coochie. I'm 5 inches erect which from what I hear is the low end of 'average'. Well this 'average' shit sucks! I want to one day take my boxers off and the chick has that 'Damn, he's about to fuck the shit out of me with that thing' look on her face! I want to be hitting it from the back and hear her saying or screaming loud expletives! So yeah dude, I'm going to hit this Bathmate X-30 and Sizegenetics hard. I'm a newbie so I know I need to pace myself smartly too so I don't injure myself. I'm still reading a lot of stuff in the forum, getting more knowledgeable on techniques. Just reading your earlier post, I need to get a routine due to work so not sure how much of the manual pe (minus SG and BM) I can do. I promise to get back to you and the entire forum on what I'm doing and any progress. I do believe most of the manual pe will be in the morning and at night tho!
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dsupreeem1;605111 said:
Dmoney, most definitely will save the money for a vacation in the future...and hopefully will have a bigger DICK then :) lol. If you don't mind me asking, what gains have you made...where did you start, where are you now, and how long did it take you? Was it just with stretches, jelqs, and kegels?

I'm not the one to be asking that lol. I've known about it for like 7 years, but never was able to stay consistent for more than 3 months. I could write a book on PE but up until now,
I never practiced what I preach. This go around I'm working harder than ever and have a new feeling of motivation.
dsupreeem1;605189 said:
Jacob5414...THANKS BRO! The size of my penis has bothered me since I was a, a few years prior to being a teenager actually. I knew early in my youth I was small. And thought I would eventually have a 'growth spurt'. But it never happened. When I went into the military, I was again hit with the realization that I was small when it was shower time. I noticed that I was one of the smallest guys (penis wise, my height is 5'11 though) there...and some of them noticed it too...not that I was ridiculed constantly, but a joke here and there let's you know that they know you're small. I would say I'm a good looking guy, so getting women has never been a problem. But I've never been super confident when having sex. Even if it was not in the back of my mind during sex, I know subconsciously that I've always wondered during sex 'is she really enjoying it, is she faking it'...and yes, I have had a few times when I constantly 'slipped out' of the coochie. I'm 5 inches erect which from what I hear is the low end of 'average'. Well this 'average' shit sucks! I want to one day take my boxers off and the chick has that 'Damn, he's about to fuck the shit out of me with that thing' look on her face! I want to be hitting it from the back and hear her saying or screaming loud expletives! So yeah dude, I'm going to hit this Bathmate X-30 and Sizegenetics hard. I'm a newbie so I know I need to pace myself smartly too so I don't injure myself. I'm still reading a lot of stuff in the forum, getting more knowledgeable on techniques. Just reading your earlier post, I need to get a routine due to work so not sure how much of the manual pe (minus SG and BM) I can do. I promise to get back to you and the entire forum on what I'm doing and any progress. I do believe most of the manual pe will be in the morning and at night tho!

Men and Boys can be very insensitive and I feel your pain from your past. The good news is those people do not have the opportunity you have. Now that you have found us size really does not matter as you can make yourself as big as you like. Your starting where many men have started so have no fears. You have all the equipment you need to start the SRT Routine and this will get you where you want to be very quickly.
Hello All. I'm new to the forum. Recently, I had made an appointment with Dr. Rosenthal in California to have the penis lengthening surgery (cutting of the suspensory ligament) done. But after reading so much information in this forum, I don't think I am going to go through with it. I just finished purchasing the Sizegenetics and X30 Hydromax. Im 42yrs old and that is another reason I was going to have the surgery done...mid-life crisis LOL! My question is for the veterans who are you believe gains can be made with the SG, Hydromax, and kegels only (no newbie stretches or jelqs). I probably will do SOME stretches though...definitely stretches with the Hydromax on. Thoughts? And I said, I don't think I'm going to go through with the surgery, but does anyone think that having the surgery will quicken gains if I use the Bathmate and X30 after surgery (once healed) or will it slow gains? Sorry, multiple questions but all opinions/tips are welcomed. Oh yeah...I'm 5 inches erect (measured from base to tip) and about 4 to 4 and a half inches circumference in girth.

If you can dedicate 2 hours of your time daily to PE you can see length increase of up to 2.5 inches in 1 year and girth increase of 1 inches. Surgery is not worth it at all.

The size genetics extender works perfectly for length but it is very stressful to use. You need something that you can wear discreetly beneath your clothes and it will still give you the needed length gains. That device is called the SiliStretcher.

If I was to be in your shoes, I will buy a length master and a SiliStretcher. Both devices work perfectly for length. If you don't have enough time to wear the SiliStretcher, you can buy only the length master and use it for 1 hour or 40 minutes daily.

The mityvac or the bathmate are both good pumps. If you can see this message and you haven't done the surgery, I suggest you apply for my coaching service let me take you to your dream size.
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