
Oct 29, 2012
hi everyone i was a big sceptic of pe 1 month ago but know im hooked to it.alittle about my story i bought the sizegentics 1 month ago with no experiance of pe i didnt do a newbie routine i just went straight into extending.my starting stats where 3.0 inch flacid 5.75 erect and under 5 inch girth today i am 3.5 inch flacid and 6.5 inch erect yes you heard it 6.5 inch i couldnt believe my eyes part of me wants to stop becouse i dont want to grow this fast but im totaly hooked and by the way i was wearing the extender 10 hours a day which might be the reason for the fast gains :) also no girth gains to report.
im on my sixth day with SG and starting out at 5 hours a day. (with breaks in between) I hope to increase this soon...it feels ok but i dont want to overcook anything so early.

I started on 900grams tension and am now halfway between 900 and 1200, so about 1050...which i can feel a lot more than 900!

I want to soon try and start wearing it some of the night when i sleep, on a lower tension, so i can heal while somewhat extended...after the heavier sessions.
Congratulation bud!
I'd like to know if you wear your extender without a pause, i ask because i have to get out once in a while ^^
acer33;517337 said:
I want to soon try and start wearing it some of the night when i sleep, on a lower tension, so i can heal while somewhat extended...after the heavier sessions.

I wear mine with a lower tension when I sleep. Just make sure you loosen up the strap as well so it's not to tight on your glans and cuts off circulation. Mine stays all night no problem. If you wake up during the night like me and wake up with an erection just take it off and get a drink of water or piss and it'll go down then you can put your extender back on for the rest of the night.

Nice gains. I need to keep mine on much longer
Yeah id like to hear what the OPs method is also, how long before breaks.

i find i can go for an hour to an hour and a half on about 1050 grams tension, before i get really sore on my shaft and balls. I could go longer with less tension, when i started at 900.

Im using the velcro and foam wrap, and dont really have issues with my head hurting...like i said i start feeling it in the shaft, and my balls.

though it varies, sometimes ive only been able to go 30-40 minutes on this tension...but it seems to get easier over time. Im strapped in right now and its been 1 hour ten mins and i feel ok still.
youknowme123321;517339 said:
I wear mine with a lower tension when I sleep. Just make sure you loosen up the strap as well so it's not to tight on your glans and cuts off circulation. Mine stays all night no problem. If you wake up during the night like me and wake up with an erection just take it off and get a drink of water or piss and it'll go down then you can put your extender back on for the rest of the night.

Thanks for the info, appreciated! :cool:

Yeah i figured that on a lower tension i probably wouldnt have to strap down as tight.
DXXIII;517338 said:
Congratulation bud!
I'd like to know if you wear your extender without a pause, i ask because i have to get out once in a while ^^
yes i do i can go with 5 hours straight without talking it of then i start anthere 5
hi mate like i said i dont worry about the number of tention i have been in low tention but i was adding bars and like i said before i stop every 5 hours but it varies sometimes it gets sore and i have to stop every 2 houurs
For me the tension really changes how long i can have it on, and how tight i have to strap down to stop myself slipping out of the velcro.

Im on my 6th day and starting to wear it now on lower tension (600g) for as much of the day and night as possible to heal while extended after more intense stretching. A lazier version of uncle jims perhaps. LMAO I tried sleeping while wearing it for a while, seems ok. I probably wouldnt try and sleep with it on if set on higher tension, like towards 1200 or 1500, as i would have to strap down too tight and i would start to feel it as well as the stretch...not good for sleeping.

I did 5 hours total at 1200g today, which i can really feel the stretch at this 1200g setting, the longest i could go at that tension before a break was 1 hour 45 mins. I want to try increase the hours of this intensive stretch over time. And the rest of the time wear it at 600g as much as possible because i can barely feel its there after a while, but it keeps me extended. Perhaps moving from 600g towards 900 grams eventually for this.

I have always had a large head compared to my shaft so perhaps i dont strap down as hard as some others have to to prevent slipping...maybe this is why some members cant leave it on as long as others. Mushroom dick here. LMAO But that said, the velcro really works for me, after spending a lot of time trying the noose and the comfort strap also.
acer33;517420 said:
For me the tension really changes how long i can have it on, and how tight i have to strap down to stop myself slipping out of the velcro.

Im on my 6th day and starting to wear it now on lower tension (600g) for as much of the day and night as possible to heal while extended after more intense stretching. A lazier version of uncle jims perhaps. LMAO I tried sleeping while wearing it for a while, seems ok. I probably wouldnt try and sleep with it on if set on higher tension, like towards 1200 or 1500, as i would have to strap down too tight and i would start to feel it as well as the stretch...not good for sleeping.

I did 5 hours total at 1200g today, which i can really feel the stretch at this 1200g setting, the longest i could go at that tension before a break was 1 hour 45 mins. I want to try increase the hours of this intensive stretch over time. And the rest of the time wear it at 600g as much as possible because i can barely feel its there after a while, but it keeps me extended. Perhaps moving from 600g towards 900 grams eventually for this.

I have always had a large head compared to my shaft so perhaps i dont strap down as hard as some others have to to prevent slipping...maybe this is why some members cant leave it on as long as others. Mushroom dick here. LMAO But that said, the velcro really works for me, after spending a lot of time trying the noose and the comfort strap also.
if you want my advise mate i would say dont even worry about the tentions as long as you getting a stretch thats enough just add bars if you can and also lower tention means you can wear it longer
Congratulations on your gains. Don't worry about having to quit from gaining too fast. What you are experiencing is newbie gains and they will definitely slow down a lot.
ricky.;517298 said:
hi everyone i was a big sceptic of pe 1 month ago but know im hooked to it.alittle about my story i bought the sizegentics 1 month ago with no experiance of pe i didnt do a newbie routine i just went straight into extending.my starting stats where 3.0 inch flacid 5.75 erect and under 5 inch girth today i am 3.5 inch flacid and 6.5 inch erect yes you heard it 6.5 inch i couldnt believe my eyes part of me wants to stop becouse i dont want to grow this fast but im totaly hooked and by the way i was wearing the extender 10 hours a day which might be the reason for the fast gains :) also no girth gains to report.
ricky. - wearing the SG Extender 300-hours = .75-inch gain (AWESOME !!!)
QUESTION: What traction level did you use during the 30-days?

You should stop wearing the SG extender because at the rate you're going you'll gain 9-inches in a years time; you'll have to update your clothing to accommodate for the added size increase.
Threak-X;518209 said:
ricky. - wearing the SG Extender 300-hours = .75-inch gain (AWESOME !!!)
QUESTION: What traction level did you use during the 30-days?

You should stop wearing the SG extender because at the rate you're going you'll gain 9-inches in a years time; you'll have to update your clothing to accommodate for the added size increase.
hi mate i wore it at low traction but added bars to give me good stretch i never thought to much about the traction level.lol year but i think i will slow down my goal is 8 inchs i think i will get their in 6 months and i have also added the Bathmate to my routine aswell
hi everyone i was a big sceptic of pe 1 month ago but know im hooked to it.alittle about my story i bought the sizegentics 1 month ago with no experiance of pe i didnt do a newbie routine i just went straight into extending.my starting stats where 3.0 inch flacid 5.75 erect and under 5 inch girth today i am 3.5 inch flacid and 6.5 inch erect yes you heard it 6.5 inch i couldnt believe my eyes part of me wants to stop becouse i dont want to grow this fast but im totaly hooked and by the way i was wearing the extender 10 hours a day which might be the reason for the fast gains :) also no girth gains to report.

Congratulations brother. You should have gained over 2 inches in length now. Correct?
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