0.75 inches girth gain in 4 months.

Is there a time frame for that? does this count for length work too?

Yes it applies to length and girth work. This is why it is recommended to go 0.5 inches passed your desired size. So when any shrinkage occurs, you will not lose your dream size.
I could swear to God that I saw one your interview videos where you had a fake penis in your hands and you were pushing the whole body against each side which could somehow bend it. But if you say compress then that's it.
One last question. Do you squeeze the head and move blood to body or you just clamp it there with your hands ?
Very thanks dear friend.
Simply go to the MOS DVD and look up slow squash jelq. This will show you what the perfect SSJ looks like. Also look in the video albums.There are many different videos showing this exercise
Simply go to the MOS DVD and look up slow squash jelq. This will show you what the perfect SSJ looks like. Also look in the video albums.There are many different videos showing this exercise
I have seen it many times.
What I do not understand is this: Do you "clamp" both sides and compress each other against (clamping meaning literally doing it with power) or you just "clamp" in a more gently way leaving the blood moving and compress.
I have seen it many times.
What I do not understand is this: Do you "clamp" both sides and compress each other against (clamping meaning literally doing it with power) or you just "clamp" in a more gently way leaving the blood moving and compress.
I still believe that's the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) is the safest and quickest way to increase girth. Clamping always puts you at the risk of having a from thrombosis
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@DLD should state on this -- is it possible to lose girth?
For me this is PE for life. Example time!

If I went to the gym for 2 years and got the perfect body, would I then go to the gym owner and say, I got my gains. I'll never come back, I don't even need to do this ever again. I'm sure I will keep this body! Does that sound like the dumbest thing you have ever heard?

So don't worry about cementing gains or if you will lose, think you will always do PE, because when you hit 40 like me, then you water pump for EQ and it maintains the gains anyways, so you are good! Just go.
Is there a time frame for that? does this count for length work too?
It's for both girth and length. Cementing work keeps going for months and years after, but the amount of work for both reduces from 100% to as little as 20%. I maintained my gains as little as 2% of my original work. I tend to leave things be for weeks and months on end without maintenance work, and the tissues did go into atrophy, with a bit of loss . But they quickly came back with little to no efforts.
I gained 0.5 inches when I measured at the end of the 5th month. That measurement was around end of June last year.

I've not measured again since then. And I've not been actively training. I still look down and see my gains when my penis is erect but I also noticed a little loss in girth size with my eyes when I look at it.
Oh, okay so you didn’t finish your experiment right? How’s training coming along?
For me this is PE for life. Example time!

If I went to the gym for 2 years and got the perfect body, would I then go to the gym owner and say, I got my gains. I'll never come back, I don't even need to do this ever again. I'm sure I will keep this body! Does that sound like the dumbest thing you have ever heard?

So don't worry about cementing gains or if you will lose, think you will always do PE, because when you hit 40 like me, then you water pump for EQ and it maintains the gains anyways, so you are good! Just go.
If girth is not cemented, you can lose temporary gains, but once it's cemented, it does not matter you'll keep it for life
Oh, okay so you didn’t finish your experiment right? How’s training coming along?

I kept most of my gains, I just checked to confirm. I am about to start training again. I see you are now focusing on length only for now. I find it easier to focus on either girth or length and get it sorted before switching my focus to the other.

Maybe that's the kind of approach you need.
I kept most of my gains, I just checked to confirm. I am about to start training again. I see you are now focusing on length only for now. I find it easier to focus on either girth or length and get it sorted before switching my focus to the other.

Maybe that's the kind of approach you need.
Awesome my brother! Are you going after more girth again? Yes, I’m focusing on length. Planning to alternate length to girth every 6 months and see where that’s taking me. 2 more years - and that should take me very close to 9x7 I believe. That way I have to gain 0.5 for every 6 month cycle. 0.5 length + 0.5 girth + 0.5 length + 0.5 girth, for 2 years. Should be doable, right!
If girth is not cemented, you can lose temporary gains, but once it's cemented, it does not matter you'll keep it for life
How can you cement your girth gains? I am using a cockring for 1 hour after my workout. Would you like to give an extra advice?
How can you cement your girth gains? I am using a cockring for 1 hour after my workout. Would you like to give an extra advice?
Use a pump and expand your tissue further then you want to become, with time this will become permanent.
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Use a pump and expand your tissue further then you want to become, with time this will become permanent.
My thanks. One last question and sorry to bother you. 5x5x3 gives you gains in a 6 months period. They way we gete "these gains" are comming all of a sudden or very slowly each time?
My thanks. One last question and sorry to bother you. 5x5x3 gives you gains in a 6 months period. They way we gete "these gains" are comming all of a sudden or very slowly each time?
In PE slow does not mean slow, think of these gains coming in as "consistent" like your mail. Your mail is not slow it comes in little by little, somedays some more , some days a little, that is why when you have not measured for a while just like when you don't check your mail you see it pile up and are shocked.
How can you cement your girth gains? I am using a cockring for 1 hour after my workout. Would you like to give an extra advice?
The best way to cement is when you reach your objective, you ease off the gas, you lower your sets. If you ever see yourself losing anything ever, you ramp back up but you won't all of a sudden lose everything. It should be cemented once you take your foot completely off the pedal and notice no loss. If you see my stats I did a hard stop on PE and I was one of the lucky ones that lost nothing. I however have sex 4-5 times a week 30-45 min each time for 14 years. So I don't know if that is normal for most men but that is one way to cement. LOL
My thanks. One last question and sorry to bother you. 5x5x3 gives you gains in a 6 months period. They way we gete "these gains" are comming all of a sudden or very slowly each time?
Gains are accumulated sessions. Gains are continuous. They don't just show up at once out of the blue. Every time you pump using the 5x5x3 method, you're stressing and breaking the cellular boundary limit each time. If you look at the cells under the microscope, every time the cells stretches two to three times the original size, you get cellular wall breakdown (tissue break down). When the cellular walls stressed or breakdown, caspase activation occurs. This is to rebuild and prevent apoptosis (cell death) as part of the cell survival mechanism.

So, how do you want tackle it? 5x5x3 to reach about 1.5x to 1.75x cell stress, which promotes slow expansion? Or do you want to break the barrier and go for 2x or 3x the cell sizes, break the walls, and force the cells to heal and perform faster growth? This is what you're doing. In either case, the moment you stress or break the cell walls, you want to force the cells to maintain at the largest and most elongated positions possible. This is where the cock rings and post erected inflation is required. The longer period of expansion, the better. Your cell walls rebuild based on the elongated and expanded state you're in. The reason why we said to use it 60 to 90 minutes because the cell rebuilding responses occur within 45 minutes. The the mitochondrial release of polymers to fill in the broken gap to protect the open cells happen at this time to fill in the cellular body to maintain survival sizing.

So, what's the gain size? It's at microsopic level, one cell line at a time. If you have multiple cellular tissue breakdown, you get multiple cell line gains at a time. Imagine adding a quarter thread size gain each time to you perform a few pumping session. Break, form, break form, break form, and so on. Don't bother to measure until around 6 months down the road. You'll se the gain like a revelation.

Now, cement work means just that. When you inflate the penis soft tissue, think of it as a baloon, where the baloon stretches and the external wall became thin and fatigued. By keep on doing lighter expansion set, promoting more blood to deliver nutrients to the stressed cell wall, and over time, the cell walls get stronger and thicker, providing permanent/cemented growth. But don't let up. You still have to keep it maintained or you'll start losing that volume due to atrophy. We age, and so do the cells. You don't use it, you lose it.
Awesome my brother! Are you going after more girth again? Yes, I’m focusing on length. Planning to alternate length to girth every 6 months and see where that’s taking me. 2 more years - and that should take me very close to 9x7 I believe. That way I have to gain 0.5 for every 6 month cycle. 0.5 length + 0.5 girth + 0.5 length + 0.5 girth, for 2 years. Should be doable, right!

I'm focusing mainly on girth now. I like the idea of alternating length and girth work every 6 months.
Gains are accumulated sessions. Gains are continuous. They don't just show up at once out of the blue. Every time you pump using the 5x5x3 method, you're stressing and breaking the cellular boundary limit each time. If you look at the cells under the microscope, every time the cells stretches two to three times the original size, you get cellular wall breakdown (tissue break down). When the cellular walls stressed or breakdown, caspase activation occurs. This is to rebuild and prevent apoptosis (cell death) as part of the cell survival mechanism.

So, how do you want tackle it? 5x5x3 to reach about 1.5x to 1.75x cell stress, which promotes slow expansion? Or do you want to break the barrier and go for 2x or 3x the cell sizes, break the walls, and force the cells to heal and perform faster growth? This is what you're doing. In either case, the moment you stress or break the cell walls, you want to force the cells to maintain at the largest and most elongated positions possible. This is where the cock rings and post erected inflation is required. The longer period of expansion, the better. Your cell walls rebuild based on the elongated and expanded state you're in. The reason why we said to use it 60 to 90 minutes because the cell rebuilding responses occur within 45 minutes. The the mitochondrial release of polymers to fill in the broken gap to protect the open cells happen at this time to fill in the cellular body to maintain survival sizing.

So, what's the gain size? It's at microsopic level, one cell line at a time. If you have multiple cellular tissue breakdown, you get multiple cell line gains at a time. Imagine adding a quarter thread size gain each time to you perform a few pumping session. Break, form, break form, break form, and so on. Don't bother to measure until around 6 months down the road. You'll se the gain like a revelation.

Now, cement work means just that. When you inflate the penis soft tissue, think of it as a baloon, where the baloon stretches and the external wall became thin and fatigued. By keep on doing lighter expansion set, promoting more blood to deliver nutrients to the stressed cell wall, and over time, the cell walls get stronger and thicker, providing permanent/cemented growth. But don't let up. You still have to keep it maintained or you'll start losing that volume due to atrophy. We age, and so do the cells. You don't use it, you lose it.
Holy **** this was good post about science. 💪🍆 So... I do my routine, use cockring, and later I do edging, semi jelqing, kegels and ULis. So maybe my approach helps to cement gains. 🤔
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