goldmember said:
Thank you prince Albert for the compliments. I agree with you, I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to hitting the front lat spread. Any tips?

I have reached my goals, and would just like to maintain for now. Fat pad went down ever so slightly.

Sorry GM,never saw this post.really just a case of practice in front of a mirror,once you get it right they will just pop out. may be of help.
More Meat said:
Hey Goldie,

Ive got a problem (need more cowbell?, No.) Ive been working out for some time and am making good progress and am happy with everything exept for the progression of my chest... Im 5' 11" 185 lbs., but I have a set of man boobs- not really like big fat cans, but my chest is not where i want it to be. I do have free weights, but i do not have a bench. I do plenty of cardio through running and hitting a heavy bag along with body weight exercises, but i dont know how to flatten out my chest. I can see that when i throw a punch (namely a hook) my upper chest muscles flex, so i know that im working them somewhat, but I dont really know anyway of reducing the fat up there or of really hitting the lower chest muscles through free weights, without a bench, or what would be even better- some good body weight exercises.

Any imput would be much appreciated as always.

A lot of men find they store excess bodyfat on the lower chest,i do and the only way to get rid of it is to drop your bodyfat down,so plenty of cardio and strict diet,doing exercise to target the lower chest will do nothing really,you may build the muscle up but they lower chest will still look droopy until you drop the flab.

If you have gyno you must have had it since you went through puberty so using adex/nolva will do little,they really need to be used at the first signs of gyno,eg tender/itchy/swollen nipples,hard lumps appearing,i have heard of a few reversing minor gyno with nolva.

Do you have any hard pea like lumps behind your nipples?
prince Albert said:
Do you have any hard pea like lumps behind your nipples?

*Feels himself up*

No, no hard pea like things behind my nipples. But, I remember I used to feel them back when I was younger- little lumps. At first I though, oh god! cancer! But then, after ignoring the problem while finding more information out- safe right, but I guess its better than worrying myself to death- I found out that they were probably just lymph nodes. Im a lot leaner and more muscular than I was when I was a kid, obviously, and I no longer feel any lumps.

PA, I know I gotta lose weight to really get rid of them, but damn is it hard! I do cardio, hard cardio routine, nearly daily. And lift around 5 times a week. My diet keeps being cut down further and further as I see gains in muscle size and strength (added 45 yards onto my golf drive in 3.5 months of working out), yet my weight stays the same.

My new diet to try and get some weight loss is:

Whey protein shake with low fat yogurt- highest carb meal of the day
After 2 hours No Xplode- then workout
Whey protein shake after workout
Can of tuna with some Veg.
Whey protein shake with milk and some oatmeal or almonds

For a snack Ill usually just pop a handful of almonds
Sometimes there is another meal in there- chix or something with potatoes usually

Total protein = 175-200
Eat as few carbs as possible
Get fats from EFA's mostly

I can stay pretty happy with this plan and im not really ever hungry or anything, but its hard as hell to burn off this stomach fat! Guess thats what I get for abusing my body and using it as a garbage can for 3 years (at school).

Sorry for highjacking your thread here GOLDIE, but I figured you'd be hospitable. ;)
Great pix GM ... Your body looks fab. I think the Triceps are scary man LMAO
I will also say a HUGE thank you to GoldMember ... this guy is my mentor on this road to body perfection ... he always makes time to answer my emails ... thank you freind, if I can ever help than PLEASE do email me anytime and I will try.

Keep the great work.

I also didnt know you were from Holland ... I Assumed the USA :)
REDZULU2003 said:
I also didnt know you were from Holland ... I Assumed the USA :)

Goldmember the character is from Holland; Goldmember the penis stretching mad scientist bodybuilder is not.
Wow Goldmember, your looking fucking great man. Congratulations on all the progress bro!

I only wish i was as lean as you.

Take care and Keep it up!
The last month has brought me superb physique improvements. I have gotten back into my weight lifting routine, and let me tell you my poundages are above and beyond what they were when I gave it up two years ago! I have gained 15 pounds since the photos were taken. It would be a lie if I said it has been 100% muscle, but a good portion at least. My arms have increased half an inch, chest 1.5 inches, and calves 1 inch as well. I am very pleased.
I'm already noticing improvement in some nagging injuries that I thought were aggravated by weight lifting. I guess I was wrong....
It's amazing how strong your forearms get from just using dumbbells and barbell exercises. Especially heavy back exercises. I don't use those wrist wraps that some guys use, even if it means I'm not lifting as much. What good is a lat muscle that can pull 200 pounds if your hands can't pick up anything above 120?

Anyway, my three days per week program is really a great frequency for me; it keeps me from overtraining. My poundages have been going up almost every session, so I see no need to increase sets or decrease rest periods between sets at this point. I typically do two warmup sets, followed by two working sets to near-failure, with two minutes of rest between sets. As long as the poundages keep rising, I see no need to increase the volume. I'm usually in and out of the weight room in 45 minutes. After an hour, my intensity typically decreases, so I try to avoid lengthy sessions.

My caloric intake varies by day, but typically is around 4000 calories - slightly more on lifting days, and slightly less on rest days. My cardio is very intense, and consists entirely of wrestling, which isn't really cardio in the strictest sense, since it is mostly above my anaerobic threshold, but it's the closest thing to cardio that I do. I also walk a few miles every day getting from place to place.

The results in the past several months have been great; I'm glad I rediscovered weight lifting. I've gotten rid of the squats, deadlifts, lower back exercises, and any exercise that requires me to bent at the waist with heavy weight. Although I love the above exercises, they gave me severe lower back problems and hip pain. Since removing them and doing rehab exercises like back bridges and such, there is no longer any pain, even when I train abdominals. I still get pain in my shoulder from a wrestling injury when I bench press or do pulling exercises for back, but I continue to do the rotator cuff exercises prescribed to me by a PT, and that keeps the injury from getting worse. In fact, I think it continues to get better (little by little).

I just felt a need to update this thread.
Sup brother, how are you looking after a long summer, still ripped as fuck?

Post some pics i would love to see your progress.
Looking and feeling great my friend. I'll put some pics up when I get a bit of time. How's your routine going for you?
Post the pics! Post the pics!....unless of course your hiding a huge beer gut...then just please keep those pics to

My newest routine is going great just finally starting to learn how my body works best with diet and excercise being perfected like a science. Im happy that im shedding the fat and gaining muscle at the same time but more progress pics will be coming in my thread soon. Take care bro
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