Interesting article. I still doubt caffeine's supposed fat oxidizing capabilities. I'm sure to some degree, caffeine oxidizes fat, but if it had a substantial effect on fat loss, there wouldn't be so many blimps walking around. It does have its place in fat burner concoctions though, because it prolongs the effects of some ingredients.

I always have, and will continue to use caffeine as a pick-me-up when needed. I'm a big fan of the Monster energy drink. I'm certainly not one of those people who sits in the coffee shop putting somebody's kid through college though.
thanks guy's ... But lately ive been making my own ice coffee , i use one small spoon of "nescafe classic " add a little water and one tablespoon of sugar and i make a ice coffee every morning

Your right about the ice coffee at dunken doughnuts , who the hell knows whats inside that turbo ice:O at least with mine i know its real coffee and pure water . cant be that bad for you? ill check out both links :)
I have lost a few pounds since my last update, and have noted visable changes in the mirror as well. I think my diet had a large part to do with this, although I'm sure my workouts and supplements did their shares as well.

As of right now, since starting the diet, I have lost over 10 pounds, 1.5" off my waist, 1.5" off my buttocks (hips), and dropped from about 13% bodyfat to around 11% bodyfat today (skin-fold method). I plan to have a DEXA scan in a few weeks.

As for my diet, I have dropped carbs and added a small amount of fat, mostly in the form of unrefined, organic coconut oil.

-Breakfast is still 12 egg whites, 3/4 cup oatmeal
-Either a protein shake w/ glutamine and glycerol
-A couple protein bars in the afternoon
-12 oz. chicken breasts on 2 hamburger buns w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil.
-12 oz. chicken breasts on 2 hamburger buns w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil (again).

This comes out to roughly 250 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbs, and 50 grams of fat (2050 calories). I try to cycle my carbs so that I'm at 150 or less for three days, and then go about 200-250 once or twice per week.

As far as supplements, here is the laundry list at this time:
8 dessicated liver tabs
2 superoxide dismutase tabs
1 spike energy tab OR low-dose fat burner (lipo-6)
8 pumps of lipoderm-Y (yohimbine transdermal)
1 kelp capsule, 1 selenium capsule, 1 zinc capsule
5 grams of vitamin C
glutamine and glycerol in protein shake

I plan to get more aggressive with the lipo-6, and some thyrocuts-II (T2), and Arimidex from here until the end of the month.

Workouts keep about the same duration, two hours per week of wrestling, 15 minutes every morning of super energizer, and usually 20 minutes of circuit training with bodyweight calesthenics/jump rope 5 days of the week. I have also thrown a couple days of grip training/pullups back in. All in all, probably 40-50 minutes of exercise (average) on a daily basis.

I'll report back in a couple of weeks.
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gold member . i will make my own thread , and i will post pictures of my self . i want you to reply on it . Sorry for the hijack . I respect your knowledge your like the 2nd DLD on here:)

Ive been taking notes of your food habits , anyways ill pm you when i drop my thread:)
I took measurements today, and since I have increased my sodium intake on purpose, I actually gained half a pound in the last two weeks. I likely lost a couple pounds of fat and am holding a few extra pounds of water. I have also increased my water intake. Workouts have been stellar, but I cheated a few times on my diet last weekend, so I have been trying to make up for that. On a typical day...

-Breakfast is still 12 egg whites, 3/4 cup oatmeal
-Either a protein shake w/ glutamine and glycerol
-A couple protein bars in the afternoon
-12 oz. chicken breasts, 3/4 cup oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil.
-12 oz. chicken breasts, 3/4 cup oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil (again).

This comes out to roughly 240 grams of protein, 120 grams of carbs, and 50 grams of fat (about 2000 calories). I have been cycling my carbs so that I'm at 150 or less for three days, and then go about 200-250 once or twice per week.

4 dessicated liver tabs
2 superoxide dismutase tabs
1 spike energy tab OR recommended dose fat burner (lipo-6)
8 pumps of lipoderm-Y (yohimbine transdermal)
1 kelp capsule, 1 selenium capsule, 1 zinc capsule
5 grams of vitamin C
3 Thyrocuts II capsules
1 mg Arimidex
glutamine and glycerol in protein shake

In the next few weeks, I will be increasing the dosage of Arimidex, adding some guggulsterones to the mix, vanadyl sulfate, arginine, and glycerine twice daily.

I'm starting to get to about where I want to be. I plan to go beyond where I want to be, then try to maintain that level of fitness. I will post some updated pics soon.
Here are some current pictures. My measurements are
5'8" 156lbs. (71kg)
waist - 29.75"
hip - 36.75"
bodyfat - 10%
*Haven't measured biceps or chest in a while, but roughly 40" chest and 16" biceps.


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Thats excellent progress GM,legs,traps and tris looking really good,side tricep pose very impressive,only criticism would be your not hitting a lat spread right you can see your lats are tensed up which doesn't do your back justice.

Are you going to try and cut further and have you noticed any difference in the fat pad?
prince Albert said:
Thats excellent progress GM,legs,traps and tris looking really good,side tricep pose very impressive,only criticism would be your not hitting a lat spread right you can see your lats are tensed up which doesn't do your back justice.

Are you going to try and cut further and have you noticed any difference in the fat pad?
Thank you prince Albert for the compliments. I agree with you, I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to hitting the front lat spread. Any tips?

I have reached my goals, and would just like to maintain for now. Fat pad went down ever so slightly.
Wow. Looking great. I wish I could get my BF that low, I've been stuck at about 14% forever. Oh well, that's what I get for not doing legs (my right foot lays flat) and cardio lol
Hey Goldie,

Ive got a problem (need more cowbell?, No.) Ive been working out for some time and am making good progress and am happy with everything exept for the progression of my chest... Im 5' 11" 185 lbs., but I have a set of man boobs- not really like big fat cans, but my chest is not where i want it to be. I do have free weights, but i do not have a bench. I do plenty of cardio through running and hitting a heavy bag along with body weight exercises, but i dont know how to flatten out my chest. I can see that when i throw a punch (namely a hook) my upper chest muscles flex, so i know that im working them somewhat, but I dont really know anyway of reducing the fat up there or of really hitting the lower chest muscles through free weights, without a bench, or what would be even better- some good body weight exercises.

Any imput would be much appreciated as always.
I could give you better advice if you post a picture.
More Meat said:
Hey Goldie,

Ive got a problem (need more cowbell?, No.) Ive been working out for some time and am making good progress and am happy with everything exept for the progression of my chest... Im 5' 11" 185 lbs., but I have a set of man boobs- not really like big fat cans, but my chest is not where i want it to be. I do have free weights, but i do not have a bench. I do plenty of cardio through running and hitting a heavy bag along with body weight exercises, but i dont know how to flatten out my chest. I can see that when i throw a punch (namely a hook) my upper chest muscles flex, so i know that im working them somewhat, but I dont really know anyway of reducing the fat up there or of really hitting the lower chest muscles through free weights, without a bench, or what would be even better- some good body weight exercises.

Any imput would be much appreciated as always.
I will give that a go when I have the time- dont really have any kind of good digital camera or anything: pretty much just my camera on my cell phone, which blows.

But I guess my question really was just, with a bunch of run-around, do you know any good lower chest- body weight exercises. That is, the chest muscles are broken up into two basic components correct- upper and lower. I am working the upper chest with my exercise routine, but I cant hit the lower part- and it seems that some toning and strengthening would help. Thx
Dips will hit most of the chest, as well as pushups where you lean forward more than usual, almost like a planche (gymnast pushup-thing).

I think dips will hit your lower chest.

If you can't find a place to do them, try doing them between a washer and dryer, if you have them.

And since dips use all of your bodyweight, it is sufficient. I work out without a bench. I use a heavy backpack, ranging from 55 - 100 lbs, and do pushups and dips with it. I will never need a bench. If I want to add more, i'll have a friend place a 50 lb plate + my backpack and just keep going.
Dips are a good lower pec exercise, but if gynecomastia is your problem, it will do little to solve it. Arimidex, Nolvadex and/or Andractim might be better options if that is the case.
goldmember said:
Dips are a good lower pec exercise, but if gynecomastia is your problem, it will do little to solve it. Arimidex, Nolvadex and/or Andractim might be better options if that is the case.

Yeah, I just read about doing dips today actually whilst looking for exercises using body weight.

As far as using the drugs I have a few simple questions that maybe you could answer:

Which is the best?

Isnt Arimidex also used for hair loss? In which case this could help me dually- since I also take propecia to keep that under control.

Could I take them with the propecia?

Im guessing that these drugs are used to lower the amount of estrogen in the blood, but I have had bloodwork done in the past and my hormones are all in good balance, says the doc. If I do take these, after I lose the fat up there, will it stay off with diet and exercise or am I going to have to take these pills for the rest of my life to keep the fat off?
Propecia will lower DHT levels, which is good for preventing baldness, but bad in the body composition/libido dept.

Arimidex wouldn't prevent baldness (to the best of my understanding) because estrogen has little to do with hair loss. I could be wrong. It lowers estrogen, which would help with "bitch tits". The Nolvadex blocks estrogen, so even the estrogen in your body cannot effect female fat patterns nearly as much. The Andractim is DHT cream, which helps with "bitch tits". Since it is applied directly to the pecs, it should have much less systemic effect, and concentrate it's work mostly on the "bitch tits". Since you take finasteride, I doubt the systemic effect Andractim poses would be of much concern.
More Meat said:
Yeah, I just read about doing dips today actually whilst looking for exercises using body weight.

As far as using the drugs I have a few simple questions that maybe you could answer:

Which is the best?

Isnt Arimidex also used for hair loss? In which case this could help me dually- since I also take propecia to keep that under control.

Could I take them with the propecia?

Im guessing that these drugs are used to lower the amount of estrogen in the blood, but I have had bloodwork done in the past and my hormones are all in good balance, says the doc. If I do take these, after I lose the fat up there, will it stay off with diet and exercise or am I going to have to take these pills for the rest of my life to keep the fat off?
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