
Feb 3, 2006

credits go out to = Greatlovers.com

contains about 55 pages

have fun reading

content :

Health & Nutrition
High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet
Supercharging Supplements
The Penis of Steel Formula
Charging Up Your Batteries
Drugs and other Hazards 
Becoming A Man of Steel
Penis of Steel
Strong as Steel
Hard As Steel
Lasting All Night Long: Delay Techniques 15
Identifying the Point of No Return
The Squeeze 
The External Prostate Point
The PG Pump
PC Pumping 
Focus Control
The Abdominal Flex 
Position Yourself for Success
The Medicine Man
MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm
What is it?
A Technique for experiencing MMO:
Thrusting Techniques 101
Taoist 9 in 1
Tease and Please

Slide and Glide
How to Screw Her Good!
Shoot A load Like A �naked people movies� Star & Other Tips and Tricks 39
How to cum like a �naked people movies� Star
Improve your flavor
Optical Illusion: Make it look bigger!
Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted 
The Jelq Technique

The Stretch Technique

The Taoist Techniques

Vacuum Pumps

The Program

Attitude & Belief

Visualize the size
sounds interesting.. It wont let me download it for some reason, is there any other way to view it, looks like it has alot of info.
hoffy200 said:
sounds interesting.. It wont let me download it for some reason, is there any other way to view it, looks like it has alot of info.

well that's weird, works for me and couple of other peeps

i could post the articles but there are pictures included

but i'll try
Penis EnlargementNIS OF STEEL‰ Ver. 1.2
A Guide To Supercharged
Sexual Performance.‰
Copyright 1999   Greatlovers.com
All rights reserved. No part of this publication document or the text on this page or in this
electronic file may be reproduced or transmitted in any way form or by mean electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy, recording, e-mail, newsgroup posting, or any information,
storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from
the publisher. We take this very seriously and copying and breaking our copyright is
punishable by fines in excess of $100,000. In addition to fines and imprisonment under the
laws of software piracy if this is distributed electronically over the internet. If you would like
to "quote" a passage from this document for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper article,
radio or TV show please contact results@greatlovers.com

Nothing in this manual is meant as, or should be taken as
medical advice. While the techniques described in this
manual have worked well for many men including the
author, we are all individuals and they may not be
appropriate for you. Before trying any of the techniques in
this manual you should consult with a licensed Physician
and/or Sex Therapist. If you are interested in penis
enlargement you should consult a licensed Physician
and/or Urologist. Because no two people are a like and you
may have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques
should be done under the supervision of a licensed
Physician or Urologist.
This manual is meant for informational purposes only.
Neither GREATLOVERS.COM nor the author shall be
liable or responsible for any loss, damage, injury or
ailment caused or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly by the information or lack of information, or
use or misuse of the methods or techniques described in
this manual.

 Page #
Health & Nutrition
High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet
Supercharging Supplements
The Penis of Steel Formula
Charging Up Your Batteries
Drugs and other Hazards 
Becoming A Man of Steel
Penis of Steel
Strong as Steel
Hard As Steel
Lasting All Night Long: Delay Techniques 15
Identifying the Point of No Return
The Squeeze 
The External Prostate Point
The PG Pump
PC Pumping 
Focus Control
The Abdominal Flex 
Position Yourself for Success
The Medicine Man
MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm
What is it?
A Technique for experiencing MMO:
Thrusting Techniques 101
Taoist 9 in 1
Tease and Please

Slide and Glide
How to Screw Her Good!
Shoot A load Like A �naked people movies� Star & Other Tips and Tricks 39
How to cum like a �naked people movies� Star
Improve your flavor
Optical Illusion: Make it look bigger!
Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted 41
The Jelq Technique
The Stretch Technique
The Taoist Techniques
Vacuum Pumps
The Program
Attitude & Belief
Visualize the size

Congratulations on you purchase of The Penis EnlargementNIS of STEEL manual. In this
manual you will learn about your penis, you will learn how to make it
harder, longer and thicker and even more important as many women will
attest, How To Use It! I will show you how to banish premature ejaculation
forever. You will learn the most ancient and the latest techniques for you to
gain true mastery of your penis. Before long you will have the sexual
prowess of a �naked people movies� stud!
There is one catch. Like anything else in life, to become a master it takes
work, dedication and consistency. I mean you would not expect to walk into
a Dojo (Martial Arts Studio) and come out with a black belt the same day, or
be able to do the splits after stretching only once. Would go to the gym and
come out looking like a bodybuilder after only a few workouts would you?
Of course not!
The same truth applies here as well. And the same attitude is required as
well. You can make significant gains in size, staying power and technique
but it will require dedication and a commitment on your part. A commitment
to follow the techniques taught to you in this manual on a regular basis. The
reason I use the analogy above is that it is quite appropriate, as we will be
practicing techniques like they do in the martial arts. In fact many of the
techniques you will be learning were taught in ancient Asia by the Taoist
(pronounced Dao-ist) as sexual Kung Fu. We will also be stretching tendons
and ligaments like they do in the martial arts and like a bodybuilder we will
be building muscle as well.
So enough said let’s get down to business! The Business of building a Big,
Hard, Strong, Penis. And becoming the master of your sexual destiny.

Health & Nutrition
Your penis is not a separate entity from your body; it is part of your body.
So if you are in poor health you should not expect your penis to be in any
better health than the rest of your body. If you are under great stress,
deprived of quality sleep and rest, suffering from an illness or are just
malnourished due to a nutritionally deficient diet, you may lack the penis
performance that you desire.
But all is not lost as in the next few pages we will cover the basics of
nutrition as well as foods and supplement that specifically enhance sexual
High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet
The food you put into your body is what your body burns as fuel to make
energy and just like when you put cheep gas in your car and you get poor
performance the same goes for your body. The quality of food you eat can
be a major factor that helps to determine your energy level, general health
and sexual performance.
What should you eat? You might ask?
You should eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits (apples,
bananas, peaches, pears, grapes, oranges etc…) and vegetables (spinach,
broccoli, asparagus, squash, green beans, carrots, etc... green and leafy
vegetables are the best!) If you don’t like to eat vegetables you can drink
fresh vegetable juice, not canned. When a product is canned it loses many of
its vitamins, nutrients and enzymes, so you should always try to eat fresh
foods. You should also eat high a quality protein every day, such as fish,
chicken, and egg whites. I believe that beef meat should be eating only 1-4
times a month. If you really like red meat, you might try ostrich or buffalo;
they are much leaner and healthier. When you buy your food you should try
to get as much of it organic (grown with out pesticides and without
preservatives) as possible. I recommend that you get a copy of the Zone Diet
book. It basically says that you should eat 30% Fat (good fat, avocados, nuts,
etc…) 30% Carbohydrates (in the form of non-starchy vegetables) and 40%
Protein  (Fish, Chicken, Etc…) at every meal and that you should avoid
refined sugar.

What you should you not eat?
Refined sugar (candy, soft drinks, pastries, white sugar, brown sugar, etc…)
Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Ethoborate etc…)
Food Additives (MSG or Mono-Sodiumglutinate, NutraSweet or Aspartame,
hydrolyzed animal or vegetable protein these are excitotoxins and stimulate
the neurons in the brain until they die! Food Dyes, etc…)
Start reading the packages of what you eat. Look for the hidden sugars
(sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextren), preservatives and food
additives on the labels of what you buy. A good rule of thumb is if  you
can’t pronounce it you might not want to eat it.
Try to as eat little processed food as possible. Processed food are ready-
made food. Such as canned foods and processed cheese, frozen dinners etc…
I don’t expect anyone to forgo all of the above all of the time. I love a good
piece of Triple Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Cookies, but I don’t eat it
everyday! Better yet save up you chocolate allowance and put chocolate
syrup on your woman’s nipples! One more note before we move on. Two
things that you should also avoid are aluminum and fluoride, which is a by-
product of aluminum and used as rat poison. Aluminum has been linked to
Alzheimer’s Disease. You might ask how you avoid aluminum? Don’t drink
out of aluminum cans, or cook in aluminum pots and pans. Go get you’re
deodorant right now, and read the label, if it says aluminum don’t use it
anymore. And as for fluoride from what I have read from some dentist that
have written on the subject. IT DOES NOTHING FOR YOUR TEETH!
And is aluminum by product.
Supercharging Supplements
In addition to healthy foods you can take vitamin and mineral supplements
to help make up for what our foods lack today. I recommend that you see a
nutritionist or buy a book on the subject of nutrition. Until you do I will tell
you what I take. Colloidal Minerals, B-Stress Complex, Vitamins C, E, A
and Zinc which is very important for prostate health and in fighting off
infections. Many companies are now making zinc lozenges, because if you
get enough at the onset of a cold you could be over the cold in 24-48 hours
or at least reduce the severity of the symptoms. And now for the sexual
performance boosting supplements.

Sexual Performance Supplements:
  Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume
of ejaculate. I found this one through an obscure magazine article
about a year ago. It Works! I take 500-1000mg in the daytime and
1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex.
     I also recommend that you take good an amino acid supplement
and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create an imbalance in
the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages on a daily basis
for an extended period of time.
     If you plan to take L-Arginine on an extended basis, I would
suggest that you take no more than 1500-2000mg a day and also take
500mg of L-Lysine to keep from getting out of balance. If you
experience any cold sores or blisters on your lips or face, you should
discontinue use and increase your L-Lysine intake. Remember to use
moderation when taking this and all supplements.
Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when
cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make
the case more severe.
  Vitamin: B-Stress Complex for more energy.
  Vitamin: B-12 For more energy.
  Colloidal Minerals for general health and immunity.
  Bee Pollen: Is one of the best supplements you can take. It has been
mentioned in almost every ancient religious text and been revered
buy the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Middle Eastern,
Slavic and Native American Cultures.
     Bee Pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
enzymes, all of which you need to maintain good health. It will give
you more sexual energy, more frequent erections and may also
increase the volume of your ejaculate.
     There are many different ways to take Bee Pollen, such as tablets,
capsules, and the freeze-dried or raw form. If possible try to get the
raw or freeze dried forms that you will find in the refrigerated section
at your local health food store as they will offer the greatest benefit as
the are live foods.

WARNING: Start out slow with a small quantity of the Bee Pollen
and build up to a teaspoon full, so the you do not have an adverse
reaction to the Bee Pollen as it is very intense and your body may not
be used to it. Also do not take this or any bee product if you are
allergic to bees or bee products.
If you are unable to find Bee Pollen, you can contact:
    CC Pollen Co. Phoenix, AZ, USA at 1-800-875-0096
  Herb: Avina Sativa (Wild Oats): Increases sex drive, volume of
ejaculate and staying power.
   Herb: Catuba
   Herb: Damiana: Increases sex drive, increases ejaculatory control. I
have also heard that the user of this herb will become more attractive
to the opposite sex.
   Herb: Epimedium: Also known as “goat sex herb” considered an
   Herb: Muira Puama Extract: Increases sex drive, and produces harder
erections and more frequent erections.
  Herb: Saw Palmetto Berries Extract: Good for prostate health.
  Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids,
increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the
whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin.
  Herb: Tribulus Terrestris: Has been used by Bulgarian weightlifters
and athletes for years to increase testosterone production. Increases
energy, [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] and sex drive or libido. Can be found in health food
stores in the bodybuilding section.
  Herb: Yohimbe: Some people have had great success with this herb
and claim great results. I don’t recommend it, because I have heard
that it has negative side effects if over used or used for extended
periods of time. Warning: Not recommend for people with high
blood pressure.

  Herbal Formula: Honeymooners Tea: This tea is for replenishing
spent sexual energy. Dendrobium, Schizandra, Licorice root. You
boil all of the herbs and drink the tea.
There are many great Chinese herbal formulas that may benefit you in
countless ways. I recommend that you see a Chinese Tonic Herbalist to
take advantage of them. Consult your doctor and/or nutritionist before
taking any of the supplements or herbs listed here!
The Penis of Steel Formula
The formulation of herbs and supplements that we feel is very beneficial for
sexual energy, staying power, harder erections and greater volume of
ejaculate is as follows:
This Formula should be taken on a daily basis for maximum results:
First as a base you should be taking a high quality multiple vitamin with
Vitamin: B-Stress Complex for more energy and mineral supplement. Then
you may augment that with the following.
These can be in tablet, capsule or liquid form:
Amino Acid: L-Arginine: Only 500mg on the days you don't have sex.
1000-1500mg 1-2 hours before sex when you plan to have it. (see warning)
Amino Acid: L-Lysine: 500mg a day to balance the effects of the L-Arginine
Bee Pollen: Work up to 1 teaspoon a day ( see warning in Supplements section)
Herb: Avina Sativa (Wild Oats): Follow dosage on bottle.
Herb: Muira Puama Extract: Follow dosage on bottle.
Herb: Schizandra: Follow dosage on bottle.
Herb: Saw Palmetto Berries Extract: Follow dosage on bottle.
As always when taking a new formulation you should start off slowly, as to
make sure you do not have an adverse reaction.

Charging Up Your Batteries
If you want to be a sexual athlete you need to get plenty of rest and sleep so
that your batteries are charged up so to speak, So that when you need the
Super Sexual Energy it is there. The Ancient Taoist believe that a man
should retain his ejaculate when he has his orgasm so that he does not lose
his energy and feel drained after sex as many men feel. How ever they
believed that men should have sex very often without ejaculating in order to
cultivate energy for well being and rejuvenation. Many professional athletes
abstain from sex before a competition so that they are at their peak, energy
wise; this may lend some creditability to the Taoist theory. Weather I choose
to believe in the Taoist theory or not one thing I have learned is that you can
have sex all day and sleep all night or have sex all night and sleep all day.
But you can’t work all day, fight traffic, go to the gym and then have sex all
night and get up for work early the next morning and do it all over again for
very long with out it taking toll on your health and immunity. The Taoist
may have the answer to this problem and we will explore in more depth later
on, but for now just realize that you need adequate rest and sleep to have
great sex and great erections.
Another Taoist theory is that you can tell your health and well being by your
penis. According to the theory you can tell when you are in good health and
when you have had enough rest by the firmness of your erections. The
harder you are the healthier you are and the more energy you have. This is
not written in stone, but I have found it to be true for me as the Taoists found
that it was true for them.
Drugs and other Hazards
As well as all of the other dangers of illegal substances they can also effect
you sexual function in a detrimental way. If you want to be a man of steel
you have to act like one. Moderation is the key here, but I find that some
drugs are too dangerous even with moderate usage, such as cocaine, heroin,
and ecstasy have been found to cause brain damage.
Many prescription drugs and antibiotics also may cause loss of sex drive to
the point of near impotence. If you are on prescription drugs, and this is the
case you should consult with your doctor, and a nutritionist and/or herbalist
for a solution to your problem.
Steroids can be very damaging to your sexual functioning in addition to the
possibility of damaging your liver, kidneys and heart. Some of the side
effects of steroids to the reproductive system are that your testicles may
shrink and your testosterone production may be significantly reduced.

We all know that smoking Cigarettes is bad for your health. But you may not
know what it does to your sexual performance. When you smoke you
decrease the blood and oxygen supply in your arteries and you’re sexual
performance and firmness of your erection decreases. That would be enough
right there for me to quit!
Alcohol in moderation is not bad, in fact medical studies have now shown
that 1 drink a day may even be good for you! We all know that too much
alcohol decreases your ability to perform sexually. So once again
moderation is the key.
Becoming A Man of Steel
If you want to be a man of steel and have a penis of steel you have to live
like a man of steel. Which means that you need to eat like a man of steel,
sleep like a man of steel, exercise like a man of steel. I don’t want to turn
this into bodybuilding or exercise guide, but I will say that if you are not
already active, you should be. I recommend joining a gym (A great place to
meet women) and getting on weight training program. This will not only
make you feel better, but you will also look better and be more attractive to
the opposite sex. If you really can’t stand lifting weights, you might try
martial arts classes, where not only will you get a work out but you will also
learn to defend your self and increase your self -discipline and self-
confidence. Other suggestions might include Aerobics, Boxercise, Running,
or Biking.
Penis of Steel
Now lets get down to business, and build a penis that is as strong as steel,
and as hard as steel. In order to do that we need to first strengthen the
muscles that are responsible for your orgasms and ejaculation, the
Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle (Figure 1). But first we need to locate
it if you are not aware of it. The best way to find it is to urinate and try to
stop the flow of urine, when the flow stops you have found your PC muscle.
Now flex your PC muscle a few times to make sure you have found it.

As with any muscle without use it will atrophy and unless you have been
or PC Muscle
Pubic Bone
Prostate Gland
 External PG Point
Figure 1
doing a PC muscle workout already on a regular basis you could probably
use some strengthening and toning. So now we will start a PC muscle
exercise program.
Strong as Steel
The Strong as Steel Exercise Program
The first exercise we our going to do is the Quick squeeze:
Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can and hold it for 2 seconds then
completely relax the muscle. That is one rep, wait 1 second between reps.

Next is the Slow Squeeze:
Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for 15
seconds then release slowly, completely relax the muscle. That is one rep
wait 5 seconds between reps.
And last is the Super Squeeze:
Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for a
minimum of 60 seconds then release. That is one rep wait 60 seconds
between reps.
Daily Program:
Quick Squeeze: 20 reps. (work up to 100 reps.) x 1 set.
Slow Squeeze: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.) x 1 set.
Super Squeeze: 1 reps. (work up to 10 reps.) x 1 set.
Just as with any exercise program you should start out slow and build up
over time, in this case over about 2-3 weeks to prevent excessive soreness.
After being on this program for 4-8 weeks you should have a super strong
PC muscle. Which is required for many of the techniques in the following
Some of the added benefits of PC muscle exercise are more intense orgasms,
stronger and more powerful ejaculation, and the ability to become a Multi-
Orgasmic Male. PC muscle exercise also promotes good prostate health, by
massaging the prostate gland with the contractions of the PC muscle.
Hard As Steel
There are many different variables that can factor in to the hardness of your
penis, such as general health and lack of sleep that we covered in earlier
sections. Another factor is the strength of your PC muscle. The stronger your
PC muscle is the harder your penis will be, and when your penis is at it’s
hardest your penis will also be at it’s biggest. Also as mentioned earlier a
program of herbs, vitamins and supplements can help turn weak erection
into a Steel Rod! The ones that I have found to be most beneficial to increase
the hardness of erections are the Colloidal Minerals, B-Complex, and L-
Arginine (The Secret Ingredient, this one alone should make you rock hard
if taken correctly and you are in general good health I take 500-2000mg’s a
day 500-1000mg’s in the morning and 500-1500mg’s 2 hours before sex.

Then get ready for a super hard erection, in some cases increased staying
power and a Mega Load Ejaculation. If this does not happen the first time
take the dosage for a few days in a row).
Lasting All Night Long
A penis no matter how big or hard, is of very little use to anyone if you have
no control over it. Many men suffer from premature ejaculation as we will
define it (ejaculating before you are ready to.) This can be a great insecurity
to a man’s sexual self-image and cause much frustration to his sexual partner
as well. Now we will learn some techniques to help end this problem
Identifying The Point of No Return
Before you can control your ejaculation you must be able to recognize when
it is that you are going to ejaculate or as we will call it, "the point of
ejaculatory inevitability" or "the point of no return" ( P.O.N.R). In order do
this you have to do some exercises so that you will be able to identify your
Exercise #1: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale.
Goal: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale.
Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction….
You will want to take about 30 min. to do this.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and the subtle feelings that you will experience.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings you are experiencing along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.   Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.

4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and
ejaculate with out finding your P.O.N.R.
6.  When you get to a level about 9-9.5 pay real close attention to what you
are feeling. You should start to feel the seamen moving from the
testicles and collecting in prostate gland at the base of the penis…
7.  If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything. If you can’t
stop then you have passed your P.O.N.R.
8.  See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it!
Now that you have identified your P.O.N.R. and you can tell when you are
approaching your P.O.N.R. all you need is to learn how to slow your path
to orgasm which we will cover in the next section.
Delaying Your Orgasm
Now we'll cover several techniques in this section that will enable you to
Delay and/or prevent your orgasm and prolong lovemaking for as long as
you desire. Some of the techniques will work better for you than others and
many can and should be used in conjunction with each other. We will start
with the simplest leading to the more advanced with each technique
building on the previous.
Delay Techniques:
This one is fairly simple but very powerful when combined with the other
techniques. That is why you are going to learn it first.
First we need to see if you know the proper way to breathe. Put your hand
on your abdomen and take a deep breath, you should feel your abdomen fill
with air and your abdomen expand outward. Your shoulders should not
rise. Practice breathing like this until you get it down.

When you feel that you are reaching around 7.5 or 8 on the Excitement
Scale take a slow deep breath and hold it for a few seconds until the urge to
ejaculate subsides. Continue slow deep breathing until your level on the
Excitement Scale drops a few points. Warning: don’t hold your breath too
long you don’t want to get dizzy or pass out!
This technique may or may not work for you depending on how close to
your P.O.N.R. you are, but is very powerful when used in combination
with the following techniques…
That’s it! Just stop and breathe! (As described above) When you feel that
you are getting too close to your point of no return, just stop what ever it is
you are doing take a deep breath and just wait 20-60 seconds before you
resume any form of stimulation. Once you feel that your arousal has
dropped a few points on your excitement scale, then you can resume
The key to making this work is to really stop. If you are with a lover you
maybe concerned that you will look sili or deprive her of her pleasure. If
you use finesse you will be able apply this technique properly without
either of the two happening. The key to doing this is not to let your lover
feel isolated during your break.
Scenario A: Let’s say your lover is going down on you and you are getting
close to your P.O.N.R. and you haven’t had intercourse yet.
A few ways to handle this are as follows:
1.  Say “baby, that feels so good, but I don’t want to come yet! Could you
stop for a few seconds!” Most women would be very happy to help you
out, especially if your are with steady lover.
2.  Say “ Ohh, God you are so good!, Come here!” and pull her up, take a
deep breath and kiss her passionately during the 30 seconds or
so….This will only turn her on more and still give the break you
needed……Then you can gently guide her back down there or move on
to another activity. If you need even more of break you could suck on
her nipples or go down her….

3.  Pull her up and say “ My Turn!” and go down on her while you take
your needed break. Very few women will argue with this request!
Scenario B: You are having intercourse and you can tell that it won’t be long
before you reach your P.O.N.R.
A few ways to handle this are as follows:
1.  Say “baby, Your pussy feels so good, but I don’t want to come yet!” Stop,
Pull out, take a slow deep breath (If just stopping without pulling out
works for you then great, but many times it won’t be enough, also she my
keep moving especially if she is on top) and take a break. Most women are
very happy to help you out, especially if your are with steady lover.
WARNING: If your lover is screaming “Don’t stop I’m about to come”,
this is not the time for this technique, even if you want to last past her
2.  Stop, take a deep breath and change positions. This will only work if you
have been in one position for awhile. Also the best position to move to is
her favorite, unless this was it! Then you might not want to change…
3.  Pull out, take a deep breath, tell her how pretty her pussy is or how much
you love her pussy, go down and kiss her or her pussy a few times, while
you take a break.
4.  Pull out, take deep breath, slide the shaft of your penis over her clitoris
with a thrusting motion, and rub her clitoris with the head of your penis
and/or playfully slap and tease her pussy with your penis, while you say
something like “You like being naughty don’t you, I love your naughty
little pussy!” or some other verbiage that you come up with…. Be
Exercise #2: Solo Practice – The Breathing and Stop! Techniques.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop! and Breathing
Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to
delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation.

You will want to take about 45 minutes to do this exercise.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
with out trying the technique.
6.  When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique:
Stop, Take your hand off of your penis, take a deep breath and hold for a
few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level
drops a few point on the scale. Pay very close attention to what you are
feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the
above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5.
7.  See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and
enjoy it!

The Squeeze
The Squeeze technique is just what it sounds like you Squeeze your penis with
your hand. When feel like you are getting near your P.O.N.R. you do The
Squeeze in combination with the previous Breathing and Stop! Methods.
The Squeeze Technique:
1.  When you feel close to your P.O.N.R. you, stop, pull out, take a deep
breath and squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and first two fingers
for several seconds. After your Excitement level drops a few points you
may resume intercourse. The squeeze should be applied either with the first
two fingers (this is a flat grip the fingers and thumb do not meet.) just
below the head of the penis.
2.  Another variation is to squeeze your penis at the base instead of just below.
This can be done in the same manner described above or by gripping the
penis in a ring manner with the thumb and index finger. Try both and see
which works best for you. You may also be able to use the last variation of
griping the penis at the base without having to pull out, and simply just
stopping, taking a deep breath and applying the squeeze to the base of the
penis and waiting till the urge to ejaculate subsides.
Exercise #3: Solo Practice – The Squeeze Technique.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and
Squeeze Techniques.
Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to
delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation.
You will want to take about 45 minutes to do this exercise.

You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings that you experience along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
without trying the technique.
6.  When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique:
Stop, squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and forefingers just
below the head or with the ring grip at the base of the penis( I
recommend that you try both variations and see which one works best for
you), take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath
out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few point on the scale.
Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start
stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5,
8.5, 9.5.
7.  See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and
enjoy it!
The PG Pump

The PG Pump is actually an ancient Taoist technique to delay ejaculation and
can also be used during orgasm to prevent ejaculation. To use the PG Pump
you must first find your external prostate point. The point is located on the
perineum between your scrotum and anus, but closer to your anus (Figure 1).
The PG Pump technique can be applied with or without pulling out, however
the effect is greater if you do pullout.
Figure 2
Exercise #4: Finding your External PG Point.
Goal: To Find your External PG Point and become familiar with the sensation
of pumping it.
1.  Stimulate your self until highly aroused.
2.  You should be standing or in a kneeling position. Reach around behind
your butt and between your legs, then with your first two or three fingers
(depending on the size of your fingers) and press up on the area above your
scrotum and just below your anus fairly hard up to the first joint of your

3.   When you find the right spot you will feel a pleasurable sensation and you
will be able to see the head of your penis throb and expand as you press.
Press it a few times slowly and gently. Now you know how to pump your
Now that you know where your External PG point is and how to pump your
Prostate lets apply this technique to practical use.
Exercise #5: Solo Practice – The PG Pump Technique.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PG
Pump Techniques.
Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to
delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation.
You will want to take about 45 minutes to do this exercise.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
without trying the technique.
6.  When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique:
Stop, press hard on your PG Point for several seconds, release (that is one

pump). Pump your PG Point 3-5 times, take a deep breath and hold for a
few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level
drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may decrease a bit as well.
Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start
stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5,
8.5, 9.5.
7.  See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it!
The PC Pump
The PC Pump is a internal and more powerful version of the PG Pump, but
instead of using you fingers to press on your external prostate point and pump
your prostate gland you are using Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle to
pump the prostate gland. To explain how this delays ejaculation we first need
to understand how ejaculation occurs. When you are near you’re P.O.N.R.
your prostate starts to fill with prostatic fluid and fluid from the seminal
vesicles. Once you reach your P.O.N.R semen is drawn from your testicles
into the prostate gland and then expelled with force by the contractions of the
muscles that surround the prostate gland. With the PC Pump and the PG Pump
what is actually happening is that you are interrupting this process and
restarting it in effect.
To be able to do the PC Pump you must have a very strong PC muscle. If
you have been doing some kind of PC muscle conditioning might want to try
the exercise now, if not, you should start training and strengthening your PC
muscle with the Strong as Steel Exercise Program as outlined earlier in this
manual. After a couple of weeks of training you should do try this exercise.
Remember that you should continue the Strong as Steel Exercise Program
indefinitely to maintain a strong PC Muscle. As with the PG Pump, The PC
Pump can be applied with or without pulling out.
Exercise #6: Solo Practice – The PC Pump Technique.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PC
Pump Techniques.
Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to
delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation.

You will want to take about 45 minutes to do this exercise.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will experience.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
without trying the technique.
6.  When you get to a level of about 6.5 it is time to apply the PC Pump:
 There are several variations of the PC Pump technique, try them all and
see which one works best for you.
A. Stop, Flex your PC hard for 2-3 seconds, release (that is one pump).
Pump your PC Muscle 3-5 times, take a deep breath as you do the first
pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as
your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also
experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation.
B. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for one long pump about 10 seconds,
release.  Pump your PC Muscle 1-3 times, take a deep breath as you do the
first pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax
as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also
experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation.
C. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for 1 second release and do it again

quickly, repeat for 5 reps., take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds,
slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few
points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection.
Resume stimulation.
7.  Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start
stimulating yourself again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5,
8.5, 9.5.
8.  See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it!
Focus Control
These techniques are more mental than physical and since the mind is the
greatest sex organ these techniques are very powerful when combined with
the ones above. These techniques work by you directing your attention away
from your orgasm and onto other sensations, and at the same time keep you
fully present in the sexual experience.
Change your focus of goal:  This is the easiest of them, this is more an
attitude than a specific technique. Change your focus and goal from having an
orgasm and ejaculation to enjoying and taking in the whole sexual
experience… the smell of her hair…. The feel of her skin, the way she
tastes…etc…By taking the focus off of ejaculation and putting it on the whole
experience, everything you do does not lead to ejaculating, but to enjoying.
Exercise #7: Solo Practice – Change your focus of goal.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar The Focus Control Techniques
1.  You will want to take about 45 minutes to do this exercise.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation
(�naked people movies� Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay
attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel.
2.  This time you are going to self-stimulate with the goal be pleasure,
instead of ejaculation you do not even have to ejaculate at all.

Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Enjoy it!
Change your focus of physical sensation: In this one what you do is to take
you attention off of your genitals and place them on another part of your body.
Exercise #8: Change your focus of physical sensation.
Goal: Changing your focus off of your genitals and put it on some other part
of your body.
Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction….
You will want to take about 30 min. to do this.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will experience.
1.  Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation. Start with a
limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the
feelings that you experience along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
with out finding your P.O.N.R.

6.  When you get to a level about 6.5, shift you attention from what you are
feeling in your genitals to what the rest of your body is feeling. Feel what
your hands are feeling, feel what your skin is feeling.
7.  If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything.
8.  See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it!
Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover:
Many times what drives you past the point of no return is not just something
that you are feeling but also what you are seeing and hearing and what your
focus is on. For instance maybe you can last without a problem until you lover
starts to moan and scream, and when your hear how excited she is it throws
you past the your P.O.N.R. Or maybe it’s when you see her beautiful full
breasts hanging down while you are thrusting into her from behind or any
number of things. The point is to identify what it is that drives you past your
P.O.N.R. and then change your focus to something else about your lover.
Many men change their focus to sport scores or something that turns them off,
I personally don’t think that you should think of something that you find
distasteful or negative to delay your ejaculation as you may accidentally
create an association between the two. If you feel that this form of detacHydromaxent
may help you, change your focus to anything pleasant that is non-sexual in
nature instead.
However, I feel that it is better not to remove yourself from your present
sexual experience with your lover. It would be preferable to change your
focus to how much you love or care about her, how beautiful she looks, how
amazing the experience is, take in the whole experience the ambiance, the
mood, feel the sheets etc… Just change your focus to anything that is present
except the stimulus that drives you over the edge.
Exercise #9: Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover
Goal: Changing your focus from the part of her or the experience that drives
you over the edge and on to something else.
Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction….
1.  Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation.

2.  Notice what it is that moves you up the scale. I.e. looking at her breast
bounce, watching your penis sliding in and out of her, the way her ass
looks, hearing her moan or what she is saying to you…
3.  When you start getting close to your P.O.N.R. change your focus off of
whatever it is that is driving you wild and on to something else… i.e. if
you are watching her breast and it’s driving you wild, look into her eyes
instead. If you are doing it from behind and her ass is just too much for
you to handle, look at the wall for a while.
4.  Apply one of the other techniques that you learned earlier, like The PG
Pump or the PC Pump, both of which can be done without pulling out…
5.  See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it!
The Abdominal Flex
The Abdominal Flex is a very simple technique that you apply during
intercourse to delay your ejaculation. Basically you flex your abdominal
muscles hard, like as if you were trying to show someone how great your abs
look. You do this off and on during intercourse at about a level 5-7 on the
excitement scale. What this does is to:
1.  Divert your focus off of your penis and your partner and on to your abs.
2.  Bring the blood from the genital area and into your abdominal area.
3.  The sensation will interrupt your pleasure process and help to slow down
the rate at which you are climbing the levels on the excitement scale.
This can also be done with the buttocks muscles and or a clinched fist and
flexed arms, but I find the abdominal muscles to work the best for me and as a
side effect you get more defined abs!
Exercise #10: Solo Practice – The Abdominal Flex.
Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with The Abdominal Flex.

Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to
delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation.
You will want to take about 20-30 minutes to do this exercise.
You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (�naked people movies�
Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every
nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel.
1.  Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all
of the feelings that you experience along the way to your P.O.N.R.
2.  Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5,
etc…(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.)
along the way to your P.O.N.R.
3.  Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next.
4.  Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your
stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc…
5.  Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate
without trying the technique.
6.  When you get to a level of about 5.5 apply the technique:
Stop, flex your abdominal muscles hard for about 30-60 seconds and
direct your focus on to your abs as you continue stimulation, then release.
Notice how this affects your excitement level and your focus.
Start stimulating yourself again and repeat the above technique at levels
7.5, 8.5, 9.5.
7.  See how this technique affects you each time, then let yourself ejaculate
and enjoy it!
8.  You may want to repeat this exercise using your buttock muscles to see
which method one works for you. If you don't find that this technique is
useful for you, don't do it, if you do find it useful, great you have just
added one more technique to your arsenal.

A Final Word on the Above Techniques
With all of the above techniques you don’t want to wait until you are at your
P.O.N.R. before you start to use them. But rather use them along the way to
your P.O.N.R. so that you may last as long as you desire and reach your
P.O.N.R. and enjoy your orgasm when you are ready rather than to be at the
mercy of chance or to just put up with premature ejaculation.
You may never have to hear again the words “I was almost there, I was so
close.” Instead, once you master these techniques you will be hearing,
“Ooooh, God,  I’mmmm coming, Ooh! Fuck, Oooh! Ooooh! Ooooooooh!
Position Yourself for Success
Having intercourse in certain positions will help to last longer and prolong
intercourse.  Positions that prolong intercourse: The Woman on top
positions, Spoons (side to side, man behind the woman).
The Medicine Man
Even though we already covered herbs and supplements earlier I would like
to mention a few that are help to increase staying power.
Supplements and Herbs for staying power:
  Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume
of ejaculate and increased staying power. I take 500-1000mg in the
daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex.
Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when
cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make
the case more severe. I also recommend that you take a good amino
acid supplement and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create
an imbalance in the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages
on a daily basis for an extended period of time.
  Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids,
increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the
whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin.

Strongest in the tincture (Liquid in alcohol base) form. Should be
taken on a daily basis according to the rules of Chinese tonic
  Bee Pollen: For more sexual energy, more frequent and harder
erections, and increased volume of ejaculate. (see Bee Pollen in
supplements section)
  Herb: Yohimbe: For increased staying power and erections that last
longer. (see Yohimbe in supplements section)
Warning: Not recommend for people with high blood pressure or for
usage over an extended period of time in large quantities.
MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm
What is it?
MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm is the ability to experience all the
sensations of orgasm without ejaculation, and therefore you can maintain an
erection and have many orgasms without ejaculating, until you desire to
ejaculate. Some men have developed or inherently have this ability it seems
while most other men can learn to develop this ability.
The first prerequisite is a very strong PC muscle, so if you haven’t
developed your PC muscle yet, forget about MMO until you do. Secondly
you need a high degree of ability with the PC Pump Technique. You
should be able to stop your self from coming at the 9.5-9.9 levels. If not
keep practicing until you can. Once you can do that, you must learn to
stretch the duration of the sensations that you feel when you are applying the
PC Pump Technique sensations.
A Technique for experiencing MMO:
Try the following technique during self-stimulation or intercourse.

1.  When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the PC Pump Technique
Stop; Flex your PC muscle for several seconds, release. Take a deep
breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as
your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may
decrease a bit as well. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as
this happens. Start stimulating your self again and repeat the above
technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8,
2.  Now Try it at and 9.9 and right before your P.O.N.R. flex your PC
muscle hard, for as long as you can, take a deep breath and hold it for a
few seconds, Open your eyes, and keep them open. Think of bringing the
feeling up and through your whole body.
3.  Now if you did all of the steps correctly and you did not pass your
P.O.N.R. and your PC muscles were strong enough, you should have had
a MMO without ejaculating, and you should still have an erection or
partial erection and be able to resume stimulation.
4.  If that’s not what happened, then keep practicing and soon you will be a
multi-orgasmic man.
Thrusting Techniques 101
Taoist Techniques and The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique
The Ancient Taoist had developed an extensive array of thrusting techniques
for intercourse. They believed that the man should vary his thrusting speed
and thrusting depth and thrusting angle in order to fully stimulate his lover
and himself during a prolonged coition (Taoist also believed in prolong acts
of intercourse and are famous for the term 1000 loving thrusts.)
They also gave names to the different levels of depths in the vagina.
They are as follows:
1.  Lute String, the depth of one inch inside.
2.  Water chestnut Teeth, the depth of two inches.
3.  Little Stream, the depth of three inches.
4.  Black Pearl, the depth of four inches.
5.  Valley’s Proper, the depth of five inches.
6.  Deep Chamber, the depth of six inches.

7.  Inner Door, the depth of seven inches.
8.  North Pole, the depth of eight inches.
The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique
The 9 in 1 technique is a thrusting sequence in which you simply thrust 9
times shallow (1 to 4 inches) and 1 time deep (3 to 5 inches, but not so deep
as to hit her cervix and cause pain).
Example of one set:
Shallow Deep
Then you repeat the sequence over and over again varying the speed of the
thrusts. It is said that this sequence will stimulate the woman to all nine
The Ancient Taoists also describe nine different types of thrusts. I have
endeavored to paraphrase from the overly poetic language used.
The Nine type of thrusts:
1.  Thrust to the left and to the right to stimulate the vaginal walls.
2.  Thrust up and down rather than in and out. You have to move your
whole body up and down, do this in the missionary position.
3.  Teasingly pull out and push back in.
4.  Alternate between using deep thrusts and shallow teasing strokes.
5.  Make deep and shallow strokes in steady succession.
6.  Push in slowly.
7.  Thrust Swiftly.

8.  Poise at the opening, then strike swiftly and stay inside for a few
9.  Rise and then plunge low.
Tease & Please
In this technique you tease your partner with your penis until she is begging
you to put it in her then you then you slowly enter her an inch at a time until
you tease an orgasm out of her.
The Tease & Please Technique:
1.  After your partner is highly aroused from foreplay, you gently rub your
partner’s clitoris with the head of your penis. Every once in a while tease
the opening with the head of your penis. After a few minutes of this she
will be simmering with desire, but you want her boiling so keep on
2.  She will ask you to put it in! DON’T PUT IT IN YET! Keep teasing and
talk to her. Tell her how beautiful her pussy is. Ask her if she wants you
inside her or if she want’s you cock inside her. Ask her how badly she
wants it as you keep teasing her. After a few more minutes of this she
will be on the edge of her seat and almost boiling with desire.
3.  When she really can’t stand it any longer, start rubbing the opening with
the head of your penis for about a minute or so. Then slide only the head
in and vary slowly thrust in and out with only the head of your penis.
She will be begging for you to put it in more!
4.  Slide it in one more inch, then trust slowly in and out but only to this
same depth. Keep talking to her while you do this. Ask her if she likes
your cock inside her, tell her how much you like fucking her and how
good her pussy feels.
5.  After a couple more minutes slide it in one more inch and then thrust
slowly in and out to this same depth.

6.  Repeat step 5 until you are almost at your full length, but don’t put it all
the way in until she starts having an orgasm.
7.  Once she starts having an orgasm you may start thrusting more
vigorously and or move on to a different technique.
Slide and Glide This one I originally learned form an uncle of mine who
told me of this great technique he used to give women orgasms during
intercourse that had never experienced one during intercourse before.
 A few years later I saw that a book (by the title of “The Perfect Fit” had
been written about a very similar technique, but with much fluff added to fill
up 100 or so pages…
 Pubic Bone
Figure 3

This technique relies on stimulating your partners clitoris with the friction
and pressure from your upper pubic region (right above your pubic bone)
which we will call the Friction Zone (Figure 3).
The Slide and Glide Technique
The technique is done in the missionary position (there is a Woman on top
variation that I will go over later). Make sure your partner is well lubricated,
and I would recommend starting with the tease & please technique, until you
are almost all the way in and then start do this technique.
The Slide and Glide Technique:
1.  In the missionary position, make sure your partner’s clitoris and upper
vaginal area is well lubricated. (With her own juices, your saliva,
Astroglide, Wet, etc…)
2.  Ask the woman to spread her vaginal lips with her hands, when she does
this put your penis in up to the base and rest the Friction Zone on her
3.  Put your weight on her body, and reach down and grab her ass and
spread the cheeks apart.
4.  Now start sliding up and down on her (not in and out, your penis should
remain in completely inside her all the way to the base, right at your
pubic bone as you move.) To do this you will need to grab her shoulders
or the edge of the bed with both hands and push off with your toes as
well. As you do all of this make sure that the greatest friction between
you and her is where the Friction Zone and her clitoris meet. This might
all sound really complicated but it is actually very easy, and after a few
minutes you and her will be gliding back and forth on a sweet layer of
5.  Continue until she has at least one orgasm. Keep moving and try not to
break the friction.

How to Screw Her Good!
If you follow the techniques above, you will be a good lover but you want to
be a Great Lover so here is the icing on the cake.
Many men just thrust in and out over and over again, or worse just put it in
and pound. While many women do like to be pounded on occasion or after
they have warmed up with an orgasm or two, the same thing over and over
again can get quite boring and monotonous. It is best to vary the techniques
that you use and to vary the types, depth, speed, and angles of your thrusts as
well as the positions that you are thrusting in. Just as well don’t get carried
away and keep changing positions every couple of minutes if your partner
really enjoys the one you are in and is getting the stimulation that she needs
for an orgasm.
To be a great lover you have to learn to read your lover adapt and go with
the flow and still be able to take the lead… You need to learn the way of
your lover, what she desires and what she does not desire, what spots get her
off and what really turns her off. These things come with time. That is why
the sex should get better the longer you are with someone not worse….
A few Suggestions:
1.  Always tease a bit and make sure that your lover is fully aroused and
lubricated before penetration.
2.  Make sure your lover is highly aroused and almost coming before full
3.  Thrust at different angles in the same position to stimulate all the walls
of the vagina. Try riding high and low, left and right in the same position
to stimulate all of her vaginal walls.
4.  Try different positions, variety is the spice of life.
5.  Thrust at different speeds, fast, slow, and medium.
6.  Thrust hard, soft and teasingly.
7.  Once in a while pull out and re-enter.

8.  Try thrust in a winding circular motion going in and coming out.
9.  Put your penis all the way in and slide up and down and left and right
and in circles clockwise and counter-clockwise, without moving your
penis in and out.
Shoot A load Like A �naked people movies� Star! & Other Tips and Tricks
How to shoot a load like a �naked people movies� Star!
Have you ever seen a �naked people movies� movie and seen the cum shot, where the guy
cums and cums and cums and said to yourself "Wow, I wish I could shoot a
load like that!" Well here I am going to give you some insight on how you
can do that too! (Individual results will vary).
First off you need a very strong PC Muscle in order to propel your ejaculate
as far as possible. So don't even think about it until you have developed your
PC muscle as outlined earlier in this manual.
Also the thickness and volume of your ejaculate are determining factors in
your ability to ejaculate like a �naked people movies� star. The thinner your ejaculate is, in
consistency and the greater in volume it is, the farther it will shoot when you
cum. The best way to increase your volume and thin out your ejaculate is
through diet and supplements. This is one of the many benefits of the Penis
of Steel Formula  outlined earlier in this manual. If you can't find all of the
ingredients, the most important for increasing ejaculate are, L-Arginine
(also take the L-lysine), Bee Pollen (don't take if you are allergic to bees)
and Avena Sativa.
Your staying power is also a factor in they way you ejaculate, the longer you
last before cumming and the more times that you get close to the edge but
hold back, will increase the quality of your ejaculation. So if you only last 3
minutes, don't expect to come like a �naked people movies� star! The delay techniques in this
manual and the Penis of Steel Formula will also help you to increase your
staying power.

Another big factor is your frequency of ejaculation. Most male �naked people movies� stars
don't ejaculate everyday several times a day, contrary to what many people
may believe. Your first ejaculation of the day will be greater in volume than
your 2nd or 3rd. If you really want to shoot a load! Don't ejaculate for 2-3
days and then when you do you will have and increased volume of ejaculate
if you have been taking the Penis of Steel Formula .
To get the maximum enjoyment and distance in your ejaculations, you
should be at the peak of stimulation when you come. That means fast strokes
with a tight grip if you're masturbating or fast and forceful thrusts if you are
having intercourse and not holding back mentally or physically at the point
of ejaculation, but letting go completely.
How to shoot a load like a �naked people movies� star:
1.  Build the strength of your PC Muscle and increase your staying power.
2.  Take the Penis of Steel Formula on a daily basis.
3.  Don't ejaculate for a few days.
4.  Have Intercourse or sexual stimulation for at least 15+ minutes.
5.  When ready to cum, get to the peak of stimulation.
6.  Let go completely and enjoy it as you cum all over your partner!
7.  Rest!
Improve Your Flavor
Now that we just spent the last few minutes discussing how to come all over
your partner, let's talk about how to improve the flavor of your ejaculate.
Many women don't like to have a man cum in their month or to swallow his
ejaculate, one reason is that many men have a bad or bitter tasting ejaculate
or ejaculate that is too thick and makes them gag. Women seem to prefer a
thin and mild tasting ejaculate.
Your diet will effect the flavor and consistency of your ejaculate, if you
drink alcohol your taste will be bitter and if you eat a lot of red meat your
taste will be stronger and thicker as well. Several women have told me that
vegetarians have the thinnest and best tasting and most mild ejaculate.

I am not recommending that you give up meat, but if you eat a diet that is
low in red meat, and consists mostly of fish, chicken, fresh fruits and
vegetables you will feel better, and also improve the flavor of your ejaculate
and make it thinner in consistency.
Another trick you can do to improve your flavor is to drink 1-2 glasses of
pineapple juice every day or at least once or twice a week, this will make
your cum less acidic and more mild tasting.
Once more the Penis of Steel Formula will also help to thin out the
consistency of your ejaculate.
Optical Illusion: Make it look bigger!
One thing you can do immediately to make the most of what you have is to
make you penis look bigger! This is another �naked people movies� trick!
If you shave off all of the hair on your scrotum down to the base of your
penis both top and bottom, and trim the rest of your pubic hair down, your
penis will look about an inch longer.
This will also make you feel cleaner, and many women prefer to go down on
a man that is clean cut down below.
Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted
We all ask the question does size matter?
Sure it does, If you are too big she won’t sleep with you! There are some
women that only like big cocks and there are some that don’t like big cocks. I
personally have run in more of the later than the former.  According to the
famous East Indian love text the KAMA SUTRA both men and women come in
three sizes, essentially: Small, Medium and Large. And the most important
thing is for them to fit well together. A small man with a large woman is not a
good match, as they will not get the stimulation they desire. And vice versa a
large man with a small woman also is not a good fit as it will be painful for her
or she may refuse intercourse all together.

Visually, a larger penis turns on many women (but not as many as men who are
turned on by having a larger penis.) Most women like medium to big cocks in
general, but not huge cocks, they are actually afraid of them…. Also you have
to realize that a woman’s interpretation of medium and big are different than
ours. Most women think big is 6-7 inch and about 5 inches around and we seem
to think that big is 8-9 inches and 6-7 inches around.
Women also seem to favor thick or girth over length, a thicker penis will
stimulate the woman more by stretching her vaginal walls and creating more
friction. While men seem to be mostly preoccupied with length.
Let me say that being a Great Lover does not have much to do with penis size.
You can have a big cock and be a lousy lover or you could have 4 ½ inches and
be a Great Lover. What makes a great lover is the feeling and passion that you
channel through great sexual technique. A Great Lover is more than his penis
and he knows how to use his eyes, his voice, his words, his tongue, and his
whole body as well as his penis.  If you just happen to have a big cock, so much
the better.
Before I go on to the enlargement techniques, I would like to point out the
advantages and disadvantages of having a larger penis.
The Advantages of Having a Larger Penis:
•  Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
•  Visually more of a turn on to your lover.
•  Looks good in the locker room.
•  Looks good in your pants.
•  May stimulate your lover’s vagina more.
The Disadvantages of Having a Larger Penis:
•  If your penis is very big (8+ long, 6.5+ around) some women may refuse
you intercourse.
•  If your penis is very long (8+ inches), it will hit the woman’s cervix and
cause pain, so you will have to thrust more carefully and not go all the way
in. Part of your penis (the first couple of inches) will get left out in the cold.

•  If you penis is very long you will rarely get deep throated. If it is very thick
it will be hard for most women to put your penis in their mouth. And if she
can you may get hit by her teeth, if she doesn’t know what she's doing.
•  If you are a fan of anal sex, the bigger you are the less chance you will have
of getting a woman to try it.
•  If intercourse is difficult for your partner because of your size, you may have
sex less often.
Now that you know the long and short of it, Let’s move on to making it bigger!
You may have ask the question can I make my penis bigger and depending
on who you asked you might have gotten back “No” or vague or
unsatisfactory answers or worse. Maybe someone looking to profit from
desperate individuals looking for an answer has even taken advantage of you
in the past. There are even mail order companies that sell creams that claim
to enlarge your penis or that advertise “add three inches to your penis over
night, with a prosthetic enlargement device” making money off of people’s
ignorance of the word “prosthetic”, which means artificial replacement. So
they sell you a fake penis that fits on top of yours! How many people do you
think will complain to the Postmaster General that the Penis Enlargement
Cream didn’t work!
Like I said in the Introduction of this manual, Yes you can enlarge you penis
if you are willing to make the commitment to do the proper techniques on a
regular and/or daily basis for an extended period of time. If you are willing
to make this commitment you can make significant gains in the girth and
length of your penis. The minimum amount of time that you should consider
is six months, however you will start to see gains before that (individual
results will vary). It’s like any other personal development or skill that you
learn, if you want a Black Belt in the martial arts, it may take you 2-8 years
depending on the style, If you want to get muscle and look like a body
builder it may take you a 2-10 years. If you want to have the penis you

always dreamed of having and see results along the way, it may take 3
months - 2 years. So in all of the above cases you can either bitch about how
long it will take and give up and quit or you can make a commitment to your
goal and do a little work toward it every day and be for you know it you
have reached your goal and seen results along the way.
Warning: Because no two people are alike and you may
have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques
should be done under the supervision of a licensed
Physician or Urologist.
Penis Enlargement Techniques
There are many different techniques to add both girth and length to your
penis. Some of them you might appeal to you and others might not. It also
depends on what your goals are.
Before we go any further go get a tape measure (The kind used in health
clubs and by tailors) and a ruler. Now measure your penis first in the flaccid
(soft) state by putting the ruler on above your penis flat against your pubic
bone or the base of your penis and record the measurement. Next take the
tape measure and wrap it around your penis and record that measurement.
Now stimulate yourself until you are as hard as you can get! If you are not as
hard as you can get your measurement will not be accurate. Now repeat the
measurement process as described above and record the measurements on one
of the sheets provided at the end of the manual. You can check as often as you
like during the program, but I recommend that you only record on the sheet
every month, as day to day measurement will fluctuate.
Now that you have your measurements let’s see how you measure up to the
Erect Length:
 Erect Girth:
Small – less than 5”
 Less than 4 ¾” Circumference

Average 5” - 7”
 4 ¾” – 5 ½” Circumference
Large 7” -  9”
 5 ½” - 6 ½” Circumference
Huge 9”+
 over 6 ½” Circumference
So where do you fall on the chart? Now that you know how big you are and
what is average, you need to decide how big it is that you want to be?
As with anything in life set reasonable goals for your self. If you are 4
inches don’t set your self a goal of 10 inches in length. I am not going to say
that it is impossible, but a more reasonable goal would be six inches if you
starting with 4. For length I would recommend that you go no greater than
2” from where you are now. Try that out for a while and if you want more
length, then continue with the techniques. Also as for girth same rules apply,
however it is much easier to gain girth than length if you are using the
Hyperemiation technique. Again set reasonable goal and besides anything
over 6 - 6.5 in circumference is really BIG!
Methods of Enlargement
There are many methods and techniques of penis enlargement, some focus
on lengthening the penis, others focus on thickening the penis, and some do
a little of both. We are not going to cover all of the available techniques out
there, but rather the ones that we have found most beneficial and proven.
Hot Compresses or Warm Water Soaking
This is not really a technique but more of a preparation for the other
techniques. Before doing any of the other techniques, this one should be
done first, as it will help to expand the blood vessels in the penis and
increase the flow of oxygen fresh blood in the penis, preparing it for the
following techniques.
Now for the first step, either:
1)  Wrap your penis in a washcloth soaked with warm water.
2)  Get in the bathtub and run warm water over your penis by putting your
penis under the faucet (test the water first with your hand, so you don’t
burn your self.
3)  Soak In a Warm Bath.

Do any of these for 5-15 minutes. This will help to expand tissues of the
penis and bring in more fresh oxygen rich blood. After this step you penis
will have a pink hue and be slightly swollen.
Manual Techniques
The Jelq Technique or Milking the Penis
The Jelq technique is an ancient method of penis enlargement from the
Middle East. Traditionally it was taught father to son when the child reached
adolescence. In wealthy families when the boy grew older he might be sent
to a “Mehbil” a gym or health club where a highly trained attendant will
perform the Jelq technique on the boy on a daily basis. As a result of these
daily treatments his penis grow to dimensions that it would not have attained
had he not had the technique applied. This technique also works on the fully
developed adult penis as well.
The Jelq Technique:
1. Start with flaccid penis; put some oil or lubricant on your hands and penis.
2. Grip your penis with an overhand grip with your thumb and index finger.
3. Squeeze gently and milk your penis down to the head, stretching your
penis as you go. When you get to the head start the movement over with
the other hand.
4.  Do the technique over and over again for 30 minutes alternating each
hand as you go.
5.  If you start to get hard or feel the urge to ejaculate stop and wait until it
passes and your erection subsides a bit and then continue, as this must be
done with a semi-hard penis for it to work.
Tip: Make sure that you have more than enough lubricant on your hands and
penis. The best lubricant I have found is Albolene liquefying cleanser, which
can be found in the cosmetic section on most drug stores. Women use it for
removing makeup, but it also makes a great sexual lubricant (it's oil based,

so do not use with condoms during sex). This product has been used in the
�naked people movies� industry for years.
WARNING: You should use a moderate grip only.
If you squeeze too hard you could cause bruising and or rupturing of
superficial blood vessels on and near the surface of your penis. If after doing
the technique you see any red blotches or dots you used to tight a grip have
ruptured some superficial blood vessels and should wait until they heal
(Approximately 24-48 hours) before applying this or any other enlargement
You should do this 5-7 days a week for 30 minute each time. Don’t squeeze
too hard as you could bruise your penis. This techniques has worked for
many men, but it may take up 6 months before you see any noticeable
difference and most men will give up after 4 – 6 weeks.
What you are doing is forcing more blood into the corpora cavernosa
(spongy tissue of the penis) and over time they will stretch and grow to
allow more and more blood to fill the area, and henceforth your penis will
thicken. The technique also over time stretches the tissues of the penis as
well as the suspensory ligament, which will help to lengthen the penis.
The Stretch Technique
The stretch technique is basically what it sounds like. By stretching the penis
6 to 12 times a day you help to lengthen the suspensory ligament and tissues
of the penis which will help to lengthen the penis over time. Dr. Walter
Schlesingser M.D. first made a similar technique popular in his book titled
“Penicure, the Manhood Miracle”.
The Technique:
1.  Your penis should be flaccid to slightly semi-hard.
2.  Grip the head of your penis with your thumb and first three fingers, with
an over hand grip, the middle finger should wrap around just below the
head of the penis.
3.  Gently and slowly stretch your penis as far as it will stretch without any
pain or discomfort. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
4.   Repeat step 3 several times each session.

5.  You should do this technique several times a day, after urination, a hot
bath, a shower, before bed or any other occasion that you have access to
you penis.
Taoist Exercises
The next couple of exercises are ancient Taoist techniques for giving the
penis a more pleasing mushroom shape and to produce harder erections.
Both of these are done with an erection. The first one is optional if you like
the shape of your penis.
Technique #1: To Reshape the Penis
This first technique is designed to give the penis more of a mushroom shape
and make the head larger which is said to heighten pleasure for the female
partner during intercourse.
1.  Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection.
2.  Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip.
3.  Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your
4.  Slide you hand up to the head, as if forcing blood into it. It is like a
milking motion. You should see the head expand and darken. Hold for a
few seconds, then release.
5.  Repeat step 4 for 2-3 minutes.
Technique #2: To Strengthen the Penis and Produce Harder Erections
1.  Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection.
2.  Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip.
3.  Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your
penis). Hold for a few seconds, then release.
4.  Repeat step 3 for 2-3 minutes.
Techniques That Require Added Equipment
Hyperemiation or Vacuum Pumping
No doubt you have seen a vacuum pump be sold in the back of a men’s
magazine or in a sex shop hanging on the wall and thought to your self “I
wonder if it really works?”. Maybe you have even bought one and tried it

with little or no success. I am sure that many men have. I bought several and
threw them out when they did not work for me!
Vacuum pumps do work for some men, if used correctly and diligently over
time. The problem is the lack of information and instruction that comes with
the pump itself. In fact if you use the pump in the wrong way you could
actually injure your penis!
I know of many people including myself who have used Hyperemiation and
vacuum pumping to increase the thickness and length of their penises with
good results. It seems that an increase in thickness results much more rapidly
than in length. So if you are mostly interested in girth as that is what most
women prefer, then this is the technique that I would apply first.
There are a lot of Vacuum Pumps on the market today and some are just
plain junk others are very well made. You should get the best that you can
afford, the prices range from $20.00 to $300.00 for an electric pump version,
with a good pump usually costing about $75.00. If this is out of your budget
you may opt for one of lesser quality and price. What ever the price, you
should get one that has hand pump with a pressure release valve on it that
will allow you to release the vacuum at will. There are some models on the
market that have a hole on the clear plastic chamber that you have to put
your finger over for the vacuum to work. I found it to be almost impossible
to pump and cover the hole at the same time; therefor I would avoid this type
of pump altogether. Also you don’t want a pump with a chamber that is too
large for you. The chamber should be ¼ inch to ½ inch bigger around than
your erect penis, but not big enough for the chamber to cover or go over
your scrotum.
What actually happens when you use a vacuum pump is that as you apply
the vacuum to your penis, the outer skin of your penis expands outward
toward the walls of the cylinder, as this happens the deeper spongy tissue of
the penis (the Corpora Cavernosa and the Corpus Spongeosum) expand and
fill with blood and lymph fluid as they are being stretched by the vacuum
pressure. As the process is done over and over again for several months the
spongy caverns expand to a new larger size to accommodate the blood and
lymph. That is how the penis becomes larger.
The Vacuum Pumping Technique:
Things you will need:

1.  A quality Vacuum Pump with a pressure release valve.
2.  Pumper’s Lube or some other water based lubricant, such as Wet, Probe,
or Astroglide.
3.  A tape measure.
4.  A towel to clean up any spilled lube and to wipe off afterward.
The Actual Technique:
1.  Now move to a comfortable position, preferably siting up or at a 45-
degree angle. Generously lubricate the base and opening of the pump
where you insert your penis.
2.  Lubricate you penis with the water-based lubricant and stimulate your
penis until your penis is either semi-erect or hard. And measure it with
the tape measure, both length and girth or circumference.
3.  Insert your penis all the way into the clear chamber and close the
pressure valve.
4.  Now this is where 90% of all men screw up, you want to create only a
moderate vacuum. If you over pump and create too strong of a vacuum
you could burst blood vessels or cause lymph blisters on your penis. So
you might be asking, “how do I know what a moderate vacuum is?”.
Here is a method that I have found to work, first start pumping slowly
until your penis stretches and expands to its limit. The way you know
the limit is 1) it will feel uncomfortable. 2) Your Penis will not stretch
much farther. If your semi-hard when you do this, you will see your
penis stretch, however if you are rock hard you might not even see it
stretch. So when you have found you limit and it seems a bit
uncomfortable, release some of the pressure from the release valve, until
you are at a pressure that is comfortable, yet you still feel a stretch.
5.  Keep a continuous a vacuum on for 30-45 min. After which you should
release the pressure completely and remove your penis from the chamber
to examine it (see warning that follows below). Your penis should look

swollen and thicker. If there is not any noticeable gain in size or a
slightly swollen appearance you have not pumped long enough.
6.  Massage your penis and area around the base gently for a minute, then
you may either stop or keep pumping for another 30 minute session.
I recommend that for the first month you take it easy and just do 30 minutes
a day 5-7 days a week. After that you might want to pump for a longer
duration of 45 minutes - 1 hour or so. I have heard of men pumping for up to
3 hours. I personally have never gone over 1 hour myself.
The key seems to be a balance of vacuum pressure and time, the longer the
better with a moderate pump. The greater the vacuum pressure the greater
the risk of injury and blisters. You will have to find the right balance for
yourself, where you have adequate pressure for a duration of time 30
minutes - 2 hours, which will give you the greatest gain without any injury.
If you do plan to go over and hour, which I have never done and don’t
recommend it, be sure to take a 3-5 minute break every 30 minutes, To allow
fresh blood to enter into the penis.
Tip: I have found that the Vacuum Pumping Technique is more effective if
the penis is erect during the session. While you will not be able to maintain
an erection through the whole session, I believe that you should start that
way, and try to maintain it for as long as possible. To aid in this I
recommend that you view some erotic material during the session, i.e. an
erotic magazine or video.
Also if you use the supplement L-Arginine an hour or so before the session
you will stay hard much longer. I have also have had good results by using
the maximum SAFE and COMFORTABLE pressure (it should not hurt or
burn, if it does the pressure is too great) for a duration of 30-45 minutes
while sustaining an erection. It seemed to work on the deeper tissues of the
penis more, when you have an erection as opposed to the external skin
without an erection.
Repeat this technique on a daily basis 5-7 days a week if possible. Also I
find that it is good to take a week off every 3 months or so to let the tissues
fully recuperate. Now as for the warnings.
WARNING: Use Only A moderate Vacuum Pressure!
1.  Do not use too great a vacuum or you could burst blood vessels.

2.  If you feel any pain immediately decrease or completely release the
vacuum pressure. You do not want to injure your penis! It’s better a small
penis, than one that is damaged.
3.  In some cases a side effect of pumping and over pumping is that, the
opening of the penis gets deformed or changes shape a bit and when
urinating the urine will come out in a spray instead of a stream. If this
happens, stop pumping for (24-48 hours) and see if it goes back to
normal. If it does return to the normal state and you still desire to use
pump technique, use a lesser vacuum pressure. If you y still experience
the side effect you will have to determine if you want to continue with
the technique altogether. But as I said before this is generally a result
from over pumping with too much vacuum pressure and or pumping too
4.  After your pumping session examine your penis and see if there are any
tiny red dots or red blotches. If you only see tiny red dots, you are using
too great vacuum pressure and have broken tiny superficial blood vessels
in your penis, which is for the most part harmless but overtime could give
the penis dark hue over the affected area. If you find any larger red
blotches you should discontinue use of the Hyperemiation treatments and
any other techniques until they completely heal. If there is any severe
pain you should seek medical attention.
The Program
I am going to share with you a program for penis development and
enlargement that has worked for many men including the author. The
expected results are to gain about an inch both in length and circumference
over 6-12 months. Individual results will vary depending on how faithful to
the program you are, your body structure, and how regularly you do the
The program should be done 5-7 days a week. I think you will also benefit
from taking the supplements discussed earlier in the manual for producing
harder erections and increasing your testosterone level, because if you are
not as hard as you can get you are not as big as you can get.
The Program:
The following Techniques should be done 5-7 days a week. The Program
contains three parts, two of which can be done at different times of the day
or all at the same sitting.

Part 1
1.  Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better!
2.  Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes.
Part 2
1.  Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better!
1.  Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1-2 minute
break at 30 minutes and massage your penis and the base where the
cylinder attaches to your body to, allow fresh blood to enter the penis.
At One Sitting
2.  Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better!
3.  Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes.
4.  Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1-2 minute
break at 30 minutes and massage your penis and the base where the
cylinder attaches to your body to, allow fresh blood to enter the penis.
Part 3
1.  Do the Taoist Techniques #1 and #2, upon rising in the morning on your
morning erection, or any other time you have a strong erection.
2.  Do the Stretch Technique whenever you urinate or any time that you are
nude and your penis is flaccid. 10-12 times a day.

Attitude and Belief
Your attitude and belief regarding the techniques presented in this manual
are just as important as the actual techniques themselves.
I am not saying that if you don’t believe in them that they won’t work at all.
But the results won't be a great as if you did believe in them. This is the
same principal that applies to patients in hospitals who should respond to the
medicine and should recover, but don’t because they just give up or don’t
believe that the treatment will work. Like wise there are those who are given
up on and make full recoveries, despite the odds!
The same applies here, if you use these techniques with the attitude, “It
won’t work for me, I never be able to last all night long! Or “This is bullshit
I am stuck with a 5 ½ cock forever!” the results will respond accordingly.
How can you expect great success when you are planning for failure!
The attitude you need to have is that it will work and, “I have a BIG
COCK!” and “I can last ALL NIGHT LONG!” Say it now! SAY IT OUT
LOUD! And believe it.
I am going to share with you the key to success in anything!
“What ever it is you want, you have to feel as though you already have it!”
Read it Again.
“What ever it is you want, you have to feel as though you already have it!”

What this means is that if you want a big cock you have to feel, as though
your cock is already big. If you look down a feel disappointment that’s not
going to cut it. You have to feel that you have a great big cock!
Say I have a BIG COCK! Say it until you FEEL IT, In your gut, in your
spirit, in your soul, and then you will feel it in your body.
These are called affirmations, but for many years many people have tried
using affirmation with little or no results. They were doing them wrong; they
were just saying the words and not feeling them.
Some times when you say an affirmation another part of you gives or says a
negative response, that is why the affirmation does not work. You need to
deal with and acknowledge the response and then do the affirmation again.
You have to do this until there is no other response, except your intent to
create the desired result and your affirmation.
Here is the technique in step form.
The right way to do affirmations:
1.  Define what it is that you want.
2.  Have the intent to create it in your life.
3.  Say the affirmation out loud with the feeling and intent of creating it.
4.  If you here any mental noise or negative talk or response. Give it a
voice and say it out loud as well, get it out if your system, make it
bigger than life, really exaggerate it! When you are at the peak of
exaggeration, immediately commence with step 3 again.
5.  When you can state your affirmation without hearing any mental noise
or other response and feel as though it is true, then you know they are
working and your life is bound for a change
and the included drawings


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that's awesome! hella info at one source, thanks dude. I'm gonna read this all right now before I lift in a couple hours.
lol. yeah. I read that a couple months back. A hell of a lot of info and very motivating. Good read and well worth the time.
I have this on my computer along with this other book on P.E. It's a interesting read.
I dno about dloading it would be like trying to find a torrent for MOS then publishing it for all to see. Just slack for them.

Im sure DLD wouldnt appreicate that no would who ever made that system..

Big multi billion dollar corporaitons are different though leech them for everything :cool:
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