Just want to make sure this can be normal: When I use the Bathmate, I follow the instructions on the Bathmate paper to a "T", pump for no more than 20 minutes, and when I remove the Bathmate, my penis is limp (never an erection), but is VERY thick. My penis does return back to normal after about 20-30 minutes or so, and I do get the donut effect. I have not gotten an erection since the 1rst time I have used it, but I also have not been horny at all, so I'm pretty confident that has nothing to do with the Bathmate. No morning wood either (but like I said, I've not beem horny). Is it normal NOT to be erect at all when using and after using the Bathmate? Is it normal to get the donut effect? I have confidence in the Bathmate, and it makes baths more interesting :) I just want to make sure this can be normal since not every one is the same.

Thank you for the reply in advance.
My first use wasn't a good one. I learnt a bit and good experienced and soon i saw huge temporary gains. I'm not sure what your problem is but I really don't feel like helping you if you're gonna just use this attitude. If you don't like the product you don't need to use it, many other hundreds men use it and love it.
Hi there. Same with me, when I come out I am not erect and can't get it all the way up with all that extra weight! Not sure what's up with the lack of horniess ut if anything the Bathmate will increase it.

I recall my first few uses, entering at 5 inches EG, and coming out at 6 INCHES erect girth.

It was like a fantasy, I would then jack off and be amazed at how thick my dick was in my hands. :)
PGN;416720 said:
Just want to make sure this can be normal: When I use the Bathmate, I follow the instructions on the Bathmate paper to a "T", pump for no more than 20 minutes, and when I remove the Bathmate, my penis is limp (never an erection), but is VERY thick. My penis does return back to normal after about 20-30 minutes or so, and I do get the donut effect. I have not gotten an erection since the 1rst time I have used it, but I also have not been horny at all, so I'm pretty confident that has nothing to do with the Bathmate. No morning wood either (but like I said, I've not beem horny). Is it normal NOT to be erect at all when using and after using the Bathmate? Is it normal to get the donut effect? I have confidence in the Bathmate, and it makes baths more interesting :) I just want to make sure this can be normal since not every one is the same.

Thank you for the reply in advance.
azeruzzemon;416704 said:
second day, just tried again following every little bit of instructions and same shit. Dick goes back to same size within 10 seconds. Fuck this fucking product.

Return it! Some people are not worth the time.
I think its better if you return it as well because unless you adopt a more mature realistic attitude towards it than all your going to do is find negativity with it. Did you purchase the Bathmate from a proper supplier? I see your located in Israel, did you buy it directly via MOS?
Good point it could be a scam :)
REDZULU2003;416740 said:
I think its better if you return it as well because unless you adopt a more mature realistic attitude towards it than all your going to do is find negativity with it. Did you purchase the Bathmate from a proper supplier? I see your located in Israel, did you buy it directly via MOS?
you guys might be right, im a little bit too impatient. It just sucks not having a monster cock. Im 18, never had sex because i think the girl wouldnt like it. If i ever have sex, it must be when i have a huge dick.. I literally cant have sex without having a larger dick.
Getting a massive dick wil take time. At all stages of the game you will need to learn to make use of what you have ... otherwise with your current attitude your dream dick will suddenly be "too big".

Just relax and take it easy :)

We're all in this together :)
azeruzzemon;416783 said:
you guys might be right, im a little bit too impatient. It just sucks not having a monster cock. Im 18, never had sex because i think the girl wouldnt like it. If i ever have sex, it must be when i have a huge dick.. I literally cant have sex without having a larger dick.
azeruzzemon;416783 said:
you guys might be right, im a little bit too impatient. It just sucks not having a monster cock. Im 18, never had sex because i think the girl wouldnt like it. If i ever have sex, it must be when i have a huge dick.. I literally cant have sex without having a larger dick.

What is your current size? Also, it is important to know that you will continue to grow naturally until your mid-twenties.
my length is 14.cm and width is max 5.cm, its thickest in the middle and i dont really like the head. its to small. like 3.5.cm in width. Im embarrased to even say it..
azeruzzemon;416783 said:

Greetings MOS members, this is my 1st post......

Let me start off by saying ur not reading a post by the friend, the analyst..... PrimeTime is here...... lol, sorry dudes i had to say it. i've been sitting back just waiting for the op to state his age as i figured it would reveal itself eventually. At that point in life (18), its difficult at times for a young lad to remain patient and not blame life's temporary setbacks on other people/companies, namely Ultramax. Take ur time young one, as everything in life requires time and patience. Not a Bathmate user yet, PATIENTLY waiting for delivery. Will keep everybody upated on my progress. Peace
I'm also a young fella and never had any problem with patience. Penis Enlargementis all in te head..... And dick.....band hands haha
cahrlos;416832 said:
Greetings MOS members, this is my 1st post......

Let me start off by saying ur not reading a post by the friend, the analyst..... PrimeTime is here...... lol, sorry dudes i had to say it. i've been sitting back just waiting for the op to state his age as i figured it would reveal itself eventually. At that point in life (18), its difficult at times for a young lad to remain patient and not blame life's temporary setbacks on other people/companies, namely Ultramax. Take ur time young one, as everything in life requires time and patience. Not a Bathmate user yet, PATIENTLY waiting for delivery. Will keep everybody upated on my progress. Peace
New photo RED.

No more un paccis en tuteri hehe :(

REDZULU2003;417010 said:
Thank You BathmateHQ for the fast response to this guys questions.
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