
Aug 10, 2003
Im talkin to this girl, but her ex is tryin to get her back. He was like 8 3/4 and im only 6 1/2. I am pretty close to sleepin w her, but i been holdin back because i dont think i can compete with someone shes already been with whose 2 inches bigger.

So, anyone on here gonna save my ass and suprise me with a 1in length and 1/2girth routine? il do it fuckin all day n night if i have to, but i can only hold her off for so long.
Originally posted by bodybuilder06
Im talkin to this girl, but her ex is tryin to get her back. He was like 8 3/4 and im only 6 1/2. I am pretty close to sleepin w her, but i been holdin back because i dont think i can compete with someone shes already been with whose 2 inches bigger.

So, anyone on here gonna save my ass and suprise me with a 1in length and 1/2girth routine? il do it fuckin all day n night if i have to, but i can only hold her off for so long.

Welcome to MoS bodybuilder06.

Penis Enlargement Takes Time For Some, and comes Quickly for others. There are People who Practice Penis Enlargement and gain .5 - 1 1/2" in 6 weeks and others that take a Year to make the Same Gains.

Its all about doing the right program and the dedication doing it.
If she chooses her boyfriends solely based on penis size I'd advise you to look elsewhere for companionship.
Originally posted by ebon00
If she chooses her boyfriends solely based on penis size I'd advise you to look elsewhere for companionship.
Like in the bottom of a 40oz :)
Things is, im pretty sure she doesnt think itl matter to her. My problem is i DO think that big of a difference will matter. Either i gotta gain aas much as i can before we do the deed, or you guys give me some supermanfuckin tricks and tips to please her like no other. Im not talkin common knowledge shit, but if you got somethin special in your bag of tricks, id appreciate it. you know us bodybuilders... SIZE MATTERS
Well... im good friends w her 2 best friends. Thats how i know haha.

Screw confidence, i have to make SURE i win this haha. I do have the body up on him a LOT, but i cant lose to a short little fat boy cause he has a bigger dick, and he already has the edge bec he knows what she likes.
Well If your worried about having a Bigger Dick in that Short amount of Time, Learn how to eat some good Pussy instead. A women Loves a Man that can eat some good Pussy. Once you eat that pussy, you can pull out a 3" dick and I think she won't even notice. :D When she brags to her friends about the Sex you had, most likely, she'll will probably only talk about how good you ate her (so they say in the illerotica forums). This should give you more time to get that bigger dick you want.

There is an excellent thread in the Sexuality part of this forum on Eating Pussy. Let me see if I can Find it for you.

Ahh here it is...
Here's my quick advise on the matter:

I was in a similar situation, except it didn't involve me having to compete with an ex-boyfriend. I was with this girl, and was refraining from sleeping with her, as we weren't together for more than a couple weeks. I wanted to show her that I respected her and all of that good junk. And yes, I am one of those people that has to genuinely like a girl before I'll even come close to sleeping with her. Anyways, the girl went elsewhere to get some action; namely a few doors down in her co-ed dorm. She told me the reason for things going sour was that she was getting impatient with me, but wouldn't elaborate. Eventually she admitted she felt I didn't care about her because I wasn't showing any signs of wanting to sleep with her (even though we kissed and the like often enough).

So, the moral of the story is don't wait forever to sleep with the girl, as she might go elsewhere to get some play. In that case, the size of your dick is irrelevant, because it won't see any action. Oh yeah, and most likely her friends are overexaggerating about the ex's size. Not many guys are hung 8.75", unless they are the result of Penis Enlargement. So basically what I'm saying is that her friends are probably full of shit. If not, then your girl is just exaggerating and said the ex was huge and to them and they are merely echoing that information. Yes, the ex may have experience with her in bed, but to my thinking, there is usually a reason why a couple breaks up. ANd usually that reason is due to the fact that the two don't get along in one way or another. So, if she magically wants him back because of his so-called monster wang, then she's probably not worth it, because she probably isn't seriously considering going back with this guy exclusively. The reasons for the previous breakup should keep her away, unless maybe he was the one that broke up with her and he is now "sorry" for the whole thing and wants to show her how much he "cares" about her. In that case, she's probably being set up for disappointment.

So here's my final paragraph of advise on relationships. It may not be relevant to the topic, but my train of thought is heading this direction, so I'll let it fly...

Try to never let emotion get in the way of your logic, as you generally get hurt in the end. Sometimes it's easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love. And sometimes it's easy to just fall head-over-heels for somebody without realizing she may not be that great of a person. Once you find that special girl, she'll probably make you feel the same way, but from a logical standpoint, you will know she is right in practically every way. Sometimes there are major flaws in a girl that go overlooked because you let your emotions get the best of you and don't notice them. I know in the past I've spilled my heart into girls that I shouldn't have wasted my time on. Sometimes it pays to look over things from a third person view, free from emotion and see where things lie. I guess no matter what you do though, you live and you learn, and sometimes it's going to hurt.

So yeah, I hope I didn't go too overboard on this post. I am not in your situation, so some of what I said may be irrelevant. I suggest you take the advice of the previous and future posters on this subject and kind of align that advice with your own thoughts on the matter.

- d_s
Girls overestamate penis size.What i find funny is the 3/4 LOL,:D you mean to tell me her freinds estimated 8 and 3/4, or did you just make the 3/4 up yourself.

If its all about a giant cock then why doesnt she go out and buy a huge dildo.:rolleyes:
Dude is probably really only 5". LIke said a gazillian times before here and on many other forums...women dont know how to guestimate size. A fun thing to try with some female friends next time you get together: Say something like "hey, real quick...hold up your fingers and show me six inches". Then pull a ruler or measuring tape outta your pocket and MEASURE. I guarantee it will be either over or under (probably OVER) by at least an inch or more. Then say something like "Yep that carpenter friend of mine was right"(the old infamous "why women arent carpenters joke)...LOL hey you dont wanna look like a total goofball right? Seriously though, it sounds like you are using the WRONG motivations for your Penis Enlargement. You should be wanting to be bigger to satisfy yourself FIRST. Not to compete with what you heard some other guy had through a grapevine.
This is the battle of penis lenght. If you are bigger you win.
Are you sure? I think no. Surprise her with attentions, passion, kiss, joke, words, think to your girl and her desire (do you know her sex desire? I think no), and not to your penis!

If you want anyway hard and bigger penis immediatly, try to do jelq and stretch before sex.
Ok, as for all this estimation stuff, she told me herself she has measured her past boyfriends, so i know its probably true. Still id like to close that gap with him and me AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE in the shortest amount of time. Is there a program you guys can set me up with, even if i have to do it 4-6hours a day, cause i WILL do it, that can help me get a quick growth spurt? Anything i can take that temporarily expands it, like something that helps blood flow?
Well assuming she actually has measured guys in the past.....probably like most women would do too...from underneath....hell, I'm at least 10" if I measure from under my balls. What's that say to you honestly about this girl? She's interested in DICK SIZE. Probably a size queen. I feel sorry for you man. She must be a real hot piece of ass for you to be stressing so much over this stuff. I assume youre a pretty young guy too because, you seem very naive in areas concerning sexual relations. She's just another walking pussy man. Maybe you'll figure that out one day. I'm sure I've struck a nerve. GOOD! You wont make the gains youre wanting to make in ONE month. Takes more time than that to see the type of gains you want 90% of the time. Would not matter how many hours a day you did Penis Enlargement either. No magic pills will do it either. I'd say try and "woe" her in other areas. Hell, if all else fails and you dont know how to lick a clit (most women would me more than satisfied with a few good orgasms from that no matter your size)...use your hands. If she's that big of a size queen, start out in the dark...lights completely off. Start making out, kissing feeling, all that stuff....keep her hands off your crotch/dick best you can. Get her on her back, work her clit over the best you know how to your best to give her an orgasm or two that way ...orally. THEN, ram a hand up in her. Fist her until she begs you to back off with that huge donkey dick she thinks you have and, then, the next day she'll probably not only be walking funny and stocking your ass because you filled her up more than any man ever'll probably also be the topic of conversation among her and her fellow size queens (they hunt in packs much like wolves do). You'll be so knee deep in pussy you cant stand it. Seriously though man, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and re-evaluate your situation. If youre really that worried about your penis size for this ONE girl (probably a girl, not a real woman yet) you should probably back off from her or you'll be hurt. If youre still interested in Penis Enlargement, (noticed this is your FOURTH post by the way so, you must be a total newbie to Penis Enlargement) this stuff takes a longer term approach than you seem to be willing to currently realize. It is NOT a quick fix type of thing.
That kind of happen to me about awhile aback. I used some desensitizer. I figured that if i couldn't beat the man with my penis size then i will beat him with time and all the positions that i could think of. It seem that i had won the war. She was impressed that i could last so long and enjoyed having sex with me more than the other guy.

So it might help to find out how long he can last in bed and try to beat him that way until you grow to your ideal size.
Find her G-spot, and she's yours forever. Tell her you want to find it, because it feels great, and she'll let you. So here's how:

Lie her on her back, with her feet flat on the floor, legs spread. Now, insert one finger to just after the second knuckle with your palm facing upwards, and bend the finger to about 90 degrees (so you're pointing up at the roof of her vagina). Now pull back towards you with your fingertip.. around there somewhere is her G-spot.. rub it gently whilst using your tongue on her clitoris. Do not stop until she tells you to :)

I would go for it and not worry about the other guy at all. I went into some detail over at �other PE site� about the reverse of what you are talking about in some detail (I'm regularwhiteguy there). My wife had an affair a couple years ago. I was 8 NBP x 6.5 girth @ the midshaft at the time and she was messing around with this guy who was significantly less then you. From what a I read and was able to determine he was obviously very good in bed and knew exactly what to do with what he had to work with. There you have it bud, while it was happening, I was aced out! As ebon said if she is only shopping for big dicks then leave her be, if not then your size difference will not matter in the least to her.. If she is a size queen then she is packing cow pussy and let me tell ya brother, ya want none of that!
Dude ,dont worry about it,your not small,just tear it up man.The guy probaly wasnt that big.Just because you have a big dick doesnt mean your good in bed..
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Dude is probably really only 5". LIke said a gazillian times before here and on many other forums...women dont know how to guestimate size.

That is very True SWM. I was on the Phone a few nights ago with this Latin chick and I asked her what she thought the Perfect Size Dick was. She said 10.5", and I laughed. So I had her join here to check out some of the members pictures and I told her to tell me which ones were her perfect 10.5" cocks. Every picture she picked out was a 6.5" - 7.5" Cock. Once I told her what those members sizes were that she thought was big, she said WOW. :eek:

So it is VERY True, Women do not Know how to Guesstimate Size as proven here.

6.5" is a Good Size Cock, I think you will be alright.
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