
Feb 19, 2014
I just got the LG hanger and im building up the weight. how much weight do you think would make it impossible not to gain? and how much time should I hang per day if I want to see results within 6 months? (or less time if possible)
That can vary from person to person. Just keep adding weight slowly and get in at least 10 hours a week.
Ya just keep adding weight slowly like tef1 said. I just got back into it after a year or so off and am already up to 15 lbs hanging in the up direction. You should hang in all directions. I dont hang to the side b/c that set up is more difficult. But hand down, up and straight out.

And I hang for 20-25 mins each. try to do 3 sets in a row with a few mins break in between to wtch �naked people movies� and get hard to restore blood floor to all tissue.
cause im eager to gain but I don't know if 15 pounds with cause deformation or not, I cant feel fatigue at that weight. but if I hang to heavy because I own a LG hanger ill get a blister, im just a little stuck, maybe ill just start pumping with a thinner cylinder instead to try and achieve length gains. what you think of that?
so you hang heavier then 15 lbs? what directions are you hanging? what do you mean deformation? hanging and extending are the way to go. and pumping for girth.

and being over eager for gains will get you nowhere. if you dont take your time you'll give up soon and 6 months from now youll be right where you are now. if you take it slow and steady and build up weight slowly as your penis adapts you'll make gains. also use a SNAKE HANGER. no blister ever. just comfort
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Length, trust me when I say you want to build up in weights. I was also like you. When I first started hanging, I found that I could hang very large weights from the get go. I started out at 15lbs and did three 20 minute sets. But, just like everyone on here told me even though I didnt listen, sooner or later it will catch up with you. I started getting bad injuries internally from the compression hanger I was using. So, I switched to various vacuum hangers, finally settling on the LG. But again, didn't learn my lesson, and got some pretty bad blisters that went pretty deep, and may have caused some scar tissue.

My new method is similar to most weight programs: find the max you can do, reduce that, and build on it. So, if you know right now that the max you can do is 15lbs for an hour, do something like this: week 1: 7.5lbs 3x20; week 2: 7.5lbs 2x40; week 3: 7.5lbs 1 x 60; week 4: 10lbs 3 x 20; Week 5: 7.5 2 x 30; week 6: 10 lbs 3 x 20; Week 7: 10lbs 2 x 30; Week 8: 10lbs 1 x 60.

Something similar to that should help you ease in.

Also, to answer your initial question: it really does vary between people. I've frequented this forum for years now. It's almost upsetting seeing some of the stories. Some guys will hang 5lbs and gain incredible amounts. Meanwhile, some guys won't see those same type of gains until they build up to extreme weights. PE is not just an exercise, it's really a process of self-discovery. You'll get to know your body, your limits, and your guideposts like never before.
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thank you for the response r24555 that a really big help. when I say deformation I mean stretching the penis longer and seeing gains. Im hanging BTC sitting on a chair with my feet up. I got a big blister on my dick from hanging to heavy to fast, hopefully my dick will be able to hang heavier weights if I build up slowly, I seem to think that the skin on my knob will never get used to these types of vacuum pressures and ill always get a blister regardless. time will tell I guess, any more tips would be appreciated
If hanging I suggest 20 minute sets for as many sets as you can get in at a weight that causes fatigue. The more fatigue the penis experiences the easier it becomes to stretch.
From what I understand so far, hanging means always adding more weight over time. You don't settle on one weight. The penis always adapts. Also from what I've read blisters and vacuum hangers go together like peas and carrots. The heavier weights you use the higher the vacuum inside goes.
gayron36;588215 said:
From what I understand so far, hanging means always adding more weight over time. You don't settle on one weight. The penis always adapts. Also from what I've read blisters and vacuum hangers go together like peas and carrots. The heavier weights you use the higher the vacuum inside goes.

All true. Peas and anything gross lol.

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How has your hanging been going length??
youknowme123321;591690 said:
All true. Peas and anything gross lol.

- - - Updated - - -

How has your hanging been going length??

sorry youknowme, ive been busy haha. ive been going for the heavier hangng approach, ive found a way to tape my glands and I haven't had another blister. I hang as heavy as possible for about 20 mins in the morning and another 20 mins before bed. I haven't made any gains yet but ive been off and on the past few months, ive been consistent for nearly 2 months now. I really want to get to 8.5 nbpel by the new year. any tips on how are welcome :) I just want a long dick
length;599478 said:
sorry youknowme, ive been busy haha. ive been going for the heavier hangng approach, ive found a way to tape my glands and I haven't had another blister. I hang as heavy as possible for about 20 mins in the morning and another 20 mins before bed. I haven't made any gains yet but ive been off and on the past few months, ive been consistent for nearly 2 months now. I really want to get to 8.5 nbpel by the new year. any tips on how are welcome :) I just want a long dick

Getting in some manual stretches to help get gains from those angles would be smart to, maybe add 10 minutes of angular and expressive stretching in a day would benefit faster gains.
doublelongdaddy;599517 said:
Getting in some manual stretches to help get gains from those angles would be smart to, maybe add 10 minutes of angular and expressive stretching in a day would benefit faster gains.

yes DLD I have been doing power assist stretching along with hanging, normally after each 20 minute set for about 10 minutes. I can feel a burning sensation all the way down to my asshole it feels like, I don't think you can get much more expressive then that haha!! I have to say DLD, the power assist is genius. your a true master mind! I still haven't made gains yet and im nearly 7 weeks in, im just gonna keep my eyes on the goal and continue to increase intensity until I reach my goal
length;599567 said:
yes DLD I have been doing power assist stretching along with hanging, normally after each 20 minute set for about 10 minutes. I can feel a burning sensation all the way down to my asshole it feels like, I don't think you can get much more expressive then that haha!! I have to say DLD, the power assist is genius. your a true master mind! I still haven't made gains yet and im nearly 7 weeks in, im just gonna keep my eyes on the goal and continue to increase intensity until I reach my goal

The PowerAssist is still a great device, it will be phased out with the LengthMaster taking it's place (the LengthMaster has a PowerAssist built in). Keep up the good work and the gains will come. What is you complete routine now?
doublelongdaddy;599715 said:
The PowerAssist is still a great device, it will be phased out with the LengthMaster taking it's place (the LengthMaster has a PowerAssist built in). Keep up the good work and the gains will come. What is you complete routine now?

my routine at the moment is as follows:
in the morning:
2x 20 minute sets hanging as heavy as possible
10 minutes of PA stretching
UJW all day and doing afew stretches when I get a toilet break here and there

before bed: 20 minutes hanging set
5 minutes manual stretching
15-20 minutes of jelqing

ive noticed that on the days that I pump my erections afterward are shorter (I lose length) I don't know if this is a good sign and whether I should pump or not. any advice DLD?
length;599853 said:
my routine at the moment is as follows:
in the morning:
2x 20 minute sets hanging as heavy as possible
10 minutes of PA stretching
UJW all day and doing afew stretches when I get a toilet break here and there

before bed: 20 minutes hanging set
5 minutes manual stretching
15-20 minutes of jelqing

ive noticed that on the days that I pump my erections afterward are shorter (I lose length) I don't know if this is a good sign and whether I should pump or not. any advice DLD?

Looks like a kick ass routine. It is normal to lose some length after a girth routine from normal fatigue, it will snap back quickly though, so don't worry on it too much.
doublelongdaddy;599987 said:
Looks like a kick ass routine. It is normal to lose some length after a girth routine from normal fatigue, it will snap back quickly though, so don't worry on it too much.

thanks DLD, my goal is 8.5-9 inches of NBPEL, im currently 7.5 so hopfully this routine will get me closer to where I want and need to be. I just feel inadequate and low self confidence with my size at the moment. I feel like getting to 9 inches would really help my confidence
length;600047 said:
thanks DLD, my goal is 8.5-9 inches of NBPEL, im currently 7.5 so hopfully this routine will get me closer to where I want and need to be. I just feel inadequate and low self confidence with my size at the moment. I feel like getting to 9 inches would really help my confidence

At 7.5" you are far above average size so don't feel so bad. I know bigger is better but as you get bigger always feel good about your size.
length;600047 said:
thanks DLD, my goal is 8.5-9 inches of NBPEL, im currently 7.5 so hopfully this routine will get me closer to where I want and need to be. I just feel inadequate and low self confidence with my size at the moment. I feel like getting to 9 inches would really help my confidence

7.5 is awesome!!! bigger than 90% of guys. that should boost your self confidence right there. does not having 9" stop you from talking to girls? or guys?
doublelongdaddy;600207 said:
At 7.5" you are far above average size so don't feel so bad. I know bigger is better but as you get bigger always feel good about your size.

I mean ABSOLUTELY NO OFFENSE, but if you have sex with a girl and some other guy from the forum has sex with the girl- I think he would bring her more pleasure. You are TOO HUGE DLD, it would hurt a woman too much... plus, your girth of 6.5 is just too much for a lot of girls out there. I thought that the bigger was always the better, but thanks to LIGHNING I really started seeing everything in a very different way :). Cheers to you brother, I never meant ANY offense to you! :)
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