
Jun 5, 2003
Hey guys, does getting off immediately post workout hurt your gains? What are your thoughts on this? I was thinking that its just wasting your bodies energy on something else (creating sperm cells) rather than growing your penis. Stupid question maybe, but wanted to hear other people's opinions.
This question has been asked and debated over alot , But as far as I know , to this day the 100% proof on this has yet to be found . I myself go by the general rule of no ejaculation for 2-4 hrs before and after Penis Enlargement. And by ejaculation , I mean doing this by masterbating or sex .
I am completely convinced that ejaculation before or after Penis Enlargement is detrimental to gains. MY dick just kinda shrivels and and I cannot get any type of lig stretch or engorgement if I have cum. I try not to ever cum at any point during the day prior to a Penis Enlargement session. I think as long as you wait a few hours after you are done with Penis Enlargement, you won't hurt your gains though.

This is just my opinion, based off of a lot of experience and the way it feels to ME.
I am in total agreement with Gandolf. There should be no ejaculation, by any means, anytime during the day of your workout, for at least 4 hours after your workout. IMHO...............
Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines and just wanted to hear some other people's perspective. Damn; sometimes Penis Enlargement feels too good though. Oh well; just need discipline.
I jack-off regularly now as part of my routine... Do my Girth Exercises first, ejaculate, then do the stretches.

You guys sound fairly certain that your permanent gains have been adversely affected by ejaculation. How did you arrive at this conclusion?

Ejaculation may prevent achieving subsequent high erection levels but how does that affect accumulated gains? My cock shrivels when I'm exposed to cold air, does that indicate that I'll never return to my pre-exposure length and girth?

I've cum buckets in the course of learning some of these techniques in the past two years and every in/cm I've gained seems to be sticking. I think that, as in everything, keep it in moderation. Don't set out to make your workouts into j/o sessions, but if it happens, go for it, then, as ItsElectric and DLD have said, do some stretching. Kinda messy, but okay!

By the way, neither ejaculation nor masturbation expend energy producing sperm; you are constantly producing sperm.

I don't buy into the theory that ejaculating hinders gains. If it has any effect, it is minimal at most IMO.
2" more length and 1" more girth WITH ejaculating after approx. every 2nd Penis Enlargement-session.

go figure!

I generally ejaculate before starting to my workout. I haven't seen any hindering type effect, my growth occurs independent of either ejaculating or not ejaculating. But if there is any effect, I can not get hardly erected after a workout (if necessary).
I'll sum this up:

If you got low hormone levels needed for NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement i.e. Testostarone, DHT and many other hormones and stuff than leave a minimum of 2 hours gap before/after ya workout.

When ya shoot/ejaculate the body changes chemically ALOT and the testostarone levels and other hormones drop ALOT also and thus if you have weak / low levels of these than you may effect the growth.

Now on the other hand if you got normal / high levels than you can spunk / ejaculate whenever a workout comes along as ya aint funna be missin them hormones that much as ya got alot.

Also age had alot to play.
If ya gettin into the 45+ age group or theirabaouts shall I say, than its better to leave a gap as your levels will be alot lower than younger males.

At the end of it all, some say 7 hours, 5 hours, 4 hours and even 2 hours, but the real answer in my opinion from research and experience with my self and others is that its how much hormones ya got and your age which determines wether or not cummin before / after a workout may effect it.

I read somewhere that ejaculation actually RAISES test.-levels. Don't know if this is true.
For myself it made always(since I was a teen) a huge difference if I just jerk off in minimum time(resulting in quickly shriveled up dick) or if I masturbate/have sex/make erect exercises for prolonged time(1hour+) and ejaculate at the end(resulting in an after-ejaculation-erection for 5-10min. and only slowly decreasing semi erection for another 30-40min and fat flaccid hang for several hours.).
But maybe I'm special in that regard? Or not?

Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I'll sum this up:

If you got low hormone levels needed for NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement i.e. Testostarone, DHT and many other hormones and stuff than leave a minimum of 2 hours gap before/after ya workout.

Penis Enlargement=Penis enlargement?
NPenis Enlargement=????

Thanks playa - maybe you can answer my supplemental question? What kind's unnatural?
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