AncientChina said:
I told Mr. Tinactin about this...he isn't just for Jock Itch...

I think 7+" of girth is extremely rare, I have only seen a few guys who were at this level and it is truly insane. (I'm am talking real girth, not pumped)
AncientChina said:
Are you measuring from your ass?
:) Funny

Actually I measure well standing, from the top just to the side of the anchor ligament. Why is it that most of the time when I see a post from you it's almost always about contradicting someone's opinion, gains, measurements or anything else you can ramble on about, I believe DLD has posted about some people having a problem with accepting others gains and trying to disprove them. I truly am the only one my gains matter to so I really don't care what you have to say anyway.
AncientChina said:
Look at hte image that Anon just posted, whether speculation or not, he just offered something called proof, if one is enable to offer a reactive amount of proof, then what does that leave the intelligent person believing?

Proof of what? Why has this thread become a "prove something thread" Anon simply questioned my math and technique of measuring width and I responded with an answer. Case closed...why does this have to become drama?
AncientChina said:
Why give guys at �other forum� more ammo, why give the naysayers more leeway than they deserve

Do you care what they say at �other forum�? I don't.
AncientChina said:
You don't? If true why is �other forum� referenced here constantly, why has it become a frequent topic of discussion. What I mean by what I said is, a simple video, a direct picture, a official measuring would disprove all of them flat out, and all of this nitpicking and "drama" would cease to continue. Have things changed with the way they dealt with now, with abstract denial, and avoidance, why not just end all of that, one measuring video would end this, I am certain of.

I could care less what they think. I rarely reference anything about that place. I will not be posting pictures, video or any other reference of proof ever again. Been there, done that...hell I even had the staff writer of GQ magazine (and his Photography crew) come to my house and measure me in person. At this point in my Penis Enlargement career I only care to help other people. Getting wrapped up in the drama, that so many crave on forums, does not interest me in the least. I have made bigger gains and proven those gains more than ANYONE in the Penis Enlargement World if this is not good enough for you, �other forum� or anyone else I could care less. :)
@ AncientChina

Calm down dude,

Has the simple logical fact ever occured to you , that DLD has absolutely NOTHING to win posting a measuring video , but EVERYTHING to loose ?

Jump in his shoes for a second ? ... Would you do it now ? Nope you won't. So just chill....

Besides, is that shit even important ?

You always talk about , thruth here , truth there , real truth blabla..

YOU decide for yourself IF YOU want to believe that DLD is REAL/FAKE whatever. So just do that and get over it already. Why do you want others including DLD to believe what YOU believe to be correct.

Every single person on this planet has a different perception of reality AND truth. get that in your head.

And yes some lie to themselves without even noticing it..this is something you cannot change , why bother ?

It only matters what you think !!! What you believe to be right , don't try to MAKE others BELIEVE what you believe..that causes alot of trouble , especially when you happen to be right.. :) !

Seriously though , does it care so much ?
All the free info ? All the free help ? All the free space ? Isn't that worthy of a "thankyou DLD" ? Just let him be whatever he is. Leave the drama out.
tbirdy said:
Has the simple logical fact ever occured to you , that DLD has absolutely NOTHING to win posting a measuring video , but EVERYTHING to loose ?

This is so true on so many levels. I have shot a measurement video and I was going to post it but it dawned on me why I was going to do this and that was because of the people who do not believe. When I really searched myself I decided fuck the non-believers. I have posted pictures, video, had verification by outside sources and have had people who have personally witnessed my measurements make statements validating my claims and this is still not enough. I have come to the conclusion that even if I went on tour and let individuals measure my cock for a quarter these folks would still come up with some kind of justification trying to discredit me. It is a war I choose not to fight.

I agree that when someone makes claims to huge gains proof is important, especially when they are getting paid to help other people but I have done this above and beyond the accepted standards of a typical Penis Enlargement'er. No matter what I do, say or prove there will always be the people who do not believe. These people are usually the guys who do not gain themselves because of their skepticism. Calling them envious is being assuming and egotistical, I think all skeptics have their own reasons for their disbelief. When they do feel satisfied with proof and their faith is restored only then do they gain in anything in life. It is not my duty to satisfy every skeptic, this is a total waste of my time and abilities in Penis Enlargement. I would rather work on my own gains and share my awareness with those who do have faith.

As i stated before, many people involved with forums are involved for one reason, DRAMA. It is an addiction and they thrive on the reactions of those they taunt. I chose to not let it get to me. Many people have questioned my honesty but more have trusted my morality and have gained because of it.
Are you measuring from your ass? I seriously wonder how many people here "measure", it seems half truth and half delusion, and while I state that, I have no ill will or envy issues, I could care less, but when I hear Red speak about his 7" inch girth...Hydromaxmmm, hardly possible, or even seeable (go ahead say I am a hater or that you don't care if I believe and have nothing to prove to me. ). Now I do have a point behind what I am saying

Fair enough, belive what you want.
Doesnt bother me mate...I havent used a tape measure or ruler so that element is always there.....I base alot of what I say on TRUST...and why would I lie? what would I gain? >>>> NUTHING.
My penis girth ATM is anywhere from the very late 6 inch range going into the 7.1 inch range.
I remember you AC in the past actually saying ''welldone red'' and that I've done well and what a large cock you have lol what a lie that was.
At the end of the day, you and whom ever else sees my pictures or anyone else's pix can belive what they have your own beliefs and minds so think what you will.
I know what I have, I have seen it infront of me and measurued it myself in the past..used it well, and its indeed what I say it is.
As I can also remember rightly, the bigger one gets the more people will actually dougt.....DLD has alot of bullshit about his size, thats cos hes MASSIVE.
Remember the constrictor guide? you hosted that for months and months, had links and pix of my massive rod, yet you never raised such issues than...why now?
Very strange, indeed your behaviour on MOS recently has been BIZZARE to say the least...your avater sums it up.
Finally with regards to the rant posted here I respond by saying why does ANYONE HAVE TO JUSTIFY THEMSELVES TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE?
So fuckin what, someone gains and gets a larger dick...they have large stats but wont shoot a picture...or wont shoot a picture with a ruler or tape [LIKE ME] does that mean they are all liers? Dont be so fuckin pathetic.
Not everyone wants to post pictures, not everyone wants a ruler and/or tape measure posted next to there penis, not eveyone can keep a good erection and do the tape/ruler thing [LIKE ME] so if someone cant do these than they are liers? lol
Also why does certain types of people .. LIKE YOU wont PROOF?
You seem to know Psychology, well I work in that field do a case study on yourself and arseholes like you with WHY YOU QUESTION LARGE STATS OF OTHER MALES IN THIS have deep issues if your concerned about other males real stats on any site.
Be CONCERNED about your own penis size and not everyone else's.
AncientChina said:
Get this in your head, a ruler is a ruler, and there is one basic truth in matters such as size.

And I posted a picture with a ruler:)
Maybe we could have a "Come Clean" thread. A thread for the masses, to come clean about all the overzealous measurements and numbers one has thrown out.

You know, one day you may have been feeling like you had a real big dick in your pants and you just decided to throw out a big measurement. This would give you the chance to take that back. That one chance that you have been longing for since you made the slip up. You could finally rest your head in peace, knowing that you are true to the Penis Enlargement world and most importantly true to yourself.

Everyone could start with a clean slate of truth and no one would think you are less of an Internet personality.

Then AC could be like Jesus, and oversee the whole thread. He could forgive you for all your Penis Enlargement sins and you could ask him to save your Penis Enlargement soul. :D

I often come across posts from guys who say something like "Why would anyone lie about their size on an Internet forum? What would be the point of that?" Well kiddies, we live in a fucked up world and some people could surely derive some sort of pleasure from being that guy with the big Internet dick. Newbies look up to those guys, and seek advice from them. This gives a sense of meaning to the person's life.

I believe AC has a point about truth, and the legitimacy of real measurements. What is the point of even discussing Penis Enlargement if it is all slathered in lies and bullshit?
I pretty much agree with AC here.

DLD isn't really an issue to me. This is his site, and as far as I can tell he pretty much altruistically helps guys all day, and I've seen that 3-hander video, which is pretty damn impressive. Plus, I do believe there's plenty of dick footage on his pay site. Frankly, if I was running a Penis Enlargement site, first of all I wouldn't do all this pro-bono stuff he does because I'm greedy as hell, and second I would advertise my dick as 14 inches and promise every guy he could have one to. Sorry if the point isn't clear, I just agree DLD doesn't really have anything to prove.

Now, for the rest of yous guys - I just think a lot of people clearly bullshit, which doesn't bother me so much. But AC makes a very good point which is that lots of guys want others making big claims to prove it or constantly bash on that falcon guy, or rant about how �naked person� bullshit about their sizes, but nobody on this site gets questioned if they claim big and only post some blurry shots or nothing at all.

I think it's good that MOS has a supportive atmosphere, but I think it's also like feeding the bears to a certain extent. It seems a lot of guys will hang around here because it is a sort of taboo to just out and out say somebody is full of shit if they claim an enormous size and refuse to post a picture or only post some that don't seem to support what they say. They enjoy the fantasy aspect I suppose, who knows, people do what they have to do to feel good about themselves. I'd say we all BS ourselves about certain things, some guys just utalize the internet for their fantasy.

I understand to a point when guys say they have issues with posting a pic, though it seems very simple to disguise your identity. It's when they post shitty or poorly measured pics, or bad angles, or whatever, that just seems really lame. Now, not to sound, um, cocky, but I posted some pictures and I had absolutely no difficulty making them clear and measured. I couldn't sport wood for the event, but that's another story. I look way less impressive flaccid stretched rather than erect, but I did it anyway. I just don't see where the difficulty is in taking clear, measured photos. It took me about three minutes to set up and shoot mine. Also, the pubic fat thing, c'mon. I understand the fat pad deal, but you can show a NBP, and I don't see why it's impossible to take a good pic with it. It seems like a copout.

Some guys like crazyeyed27 have posted non-measurement pics, and it's clear they're pretty big and not bullshitting about the size, so not much need there. Some guys though, well it's clear people don't buy it, but they're nice anyways because that's how it is around here. If you do post cruddy pics on purpose to disguise your actual size, I just wonder what benefit that person gets? A few half-hearted compliments from strangers? Frankly it's depressing. It's obvious when somebody is what they say they are. I'm not trying to pick on Kong because I've argued with him before, but when he claims 8 inches and people around here say "way to go!" then in the same stroke say that the skinny guy from or whatever is "only 8 inches," well, I think you get the point. A certain level of bullshit is standard around the internet, some guys feed off it.

So, in closing, I don't think it's unreasonable to say "hey, prove it!" when people post stating a size of practically 9 inches, or more, hell even less. This is a site meant to help guys with personal satisfaction with their bodies, but by way of penis size. When there are guys hanging around casually mentioning their 9 inch dongs or 7 inches of girth (1 in thousands or more statisitically as I recall), then it isn't unreasonable to want some proof. It's discouraging for normal guys, and it makes the site look sili to have posters that run around claiming massive sizes but refuse to back it up in any way.

Sorry if that hurts anybody's feelings so terribly, but it's the truth. If you want to brag about it a little, then put your money where your mouth is. If you say you're big, and somebody wants proof, it's because they want to see if you're bullshitting. Do you go to bodybuilding sites and say you've got 26 inch biceps, but say you 'don't measure' or something, then get indignent when people assume you're making it up? This is playground politics.

Take note - people ask for measured pics because you claim big, and you refuse - it looks sketchy. So nobody complain if others assume you're bullshitting because you refuse to prove it, because you created the situation in the first place. You wanted everybody to know your size, it's reasonable that in some cases people may not take it at face value. Glorysizing - anywhere there is discussion of penis size, its happening, this place is no different.
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Swank said:
I would advertise my dick as 14 inches and promise every guy he could have one to.

*runs off to change the MoS paysite homepage:D
Swank said:
So, in closing, I don't think it's unreasonable to say "hey, prove it!" when people post stating a size of practically 9 inches, or more, hell even less. This is a site meant to help guys with personal satisfaction with their bodies, but by way of penis size. When there are guys hanging around casually mentioning their 9 inch dongs or 7 inches of girth (1 in thousands or more statisitically as I recall), then it isn't unreasonable to want some proof. It's discouraging for normal guys, and it makes the site look sili to have posters that run around claiming massive sizes but refuse to back it up in any way.

I agree. On another board I go to (non-Penis Enlargement), if you claim something extraordinary you have to post video proof, or at the very least a pic clearly demonstrating it, or keep your mouth shut. Good system, I think.
9cyclops9 said:
I agree. On another board I go to (non-Penis Enlargement), if you claim something extraordinary you have to post video proof, or at the very least a pic clearly demonstrating it, or keep your mouth shut. Good system, I think.

By the same token I don't want people scared to share their gains because they do not want to "prove it"...We are a support group and if someone has accomplished something I think we should hear about it and praise them. I never want MoS to be like other boards that alienate people because of their insecurities. My thoughts on someone being dishonest with their size is very simple, they are out for a quick reaction and chances are you will never hear from them again.
My question is, even if people as BSing, who cares? You either believe them or not, no need to clutter up the forums saying that a lot of it isn't true....

Personally, I'm not here to say "Wow, you're big". I'm here to help myself. So they say they are 9" or whatever, great! Now, back to my own stretching to get there.
Ok ill admit it im only 23" not 6.5" im sorry for throwing out all the false measurements LMAO

nah i reckon if someone lies about their size we give them a royal forum stoning of some sort or DLD can put a title under their name saying dickhead of the month and no ones allowed to talk to them.

but really we shouldnt care if others are lieing about their size.
Zuul said:
My question is, even if people as BSing, who cares? You either believe them or not, no need to clutter up the forums saying that a lot of it isn't true....

Personally, I'm not here to say "Wow, you're big". I'm here to help myself. So they say they are 9" or whatever, great! Now, back to my own stretching to get there.

Great outlook! The reason so many guys like to question others is because it stirs the pot, it creates drama and these type of people enjoy the animosity it causes. When someone questions my honesty I really have nothing to prove because I know deep inside I am being forthright.

-Look at your post T-Bird, take a look at it, and tell me is that not applicable both ways? If Penis size truly doesn't matter and we all live in our own realities where what we believe is basically then why exclaim size, disingeniuly, why even discuss it? Hell why even have a forum about such? Why do countless people post the penis's of other men, such as �naked people movies� stars (how many __________ posts need we go?), and obsesse about another man's tool, isn't the whole goal here personal fulfillment...yeah I thought so.-

Dude. There you have it. EXACTLY right there in your own words !

Its sooo amazingly simple : Let me break it down again in a few words :

1. In reality, Penis Size is absolutely unimportant !

-If Penis size truly doesn't matter and we all live in our own realities where what we believe is basically then why exclaim size, disingeniuly, why even discuss it? Hell why even have a forum about such? Why do countless people post the penis's of other men, such as �naked people movies� stars (how many __________ posts need we go?)-

2. Yes, you said it yourself. Its OBSESSION. 99.9% Of the members here are either obsessed or have a lack of self confidence or both.

3. Why even have a Forum about such ?

T H E R A P Y !

4. This 4th point will proove and validate all the prior mentioned points completely :

99.9% Of all the MOS members were able to have sex before Penis Enlargement. They all had or have average to big penises, wich qualifys them as perfectly normal healthy men !

Again ,despite of the above, most of these guys have complexes , feel inferior , are afraid , have a lack of self confidence and thus obsess. Or even worse, they see their dicks as a symbol of "being a real man". Or even worser : Their brains completely excluded "LOVE" from SEX and so they see everything mechanical. Its all about touching spots , filling up and out , stretching and hitting the cervix equals good sex equals good lovers. COMPLETE UTTER PURE BULLSHIT !

in reality, women who love you for the size of you dick , are size whores AND fuckin love you JUST for the size of your dick !!!! How pathetic is that ?

on the other hand , no matter how big your dick is , once you find a women that loves you for your WHOLE SELF , it will not make any difference to her when she finally has sex with you. Its so simple, really...
If you yourself are a "size whore " and your temporary or longterm goal in life is "JUST" impressing stupid bitches with your big dick , and trying to fuck as many of them as you can - than I feel pity for you. There are more important , more interesting more intelligent things in life that make the human being stand out from the animals. In my eyes its : Love and the ability to learn and understand.

Well , some are just stupidass animals , who EAT; ShIT ; SLEEP; AND FUCK on a daily basis..They just exsist , but they don't live...they waste their life-time on meaningless shit.

Again to sum it all up:

In truth
This Forum is THERAPY for those who don't really need it !

The BEST by-Product of this forum though , is REAL help through shared knowledge for people who have serious problems like , erectile disfunction , peyronies , premature ejaculation (organic or psychological) , injurys and so on.

peace yall !
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