
Oct 30, 2003
For my own understanding, I'm trying to compile a list of Penis Enlargement'ers impressions of their erection quality before and after they started their Penis Enlargement routine. I'm attempting to determine how prevalent erectile dysfunction is among people who Penis Enlargement.

Please feel free to explain your routines and if you experience erectile dysfunction, whether or not its chronic or acute (after an intense Penis Enlargement routine, for example). Please try to be as honest as you can.


(btw, I understand that just because someone has erectile dysfunction after they start a Penis Enlargement routine, it doesn't mean that Penis Enlargement caused their erectile dysfunction)
Originally posted by orbital:
Please feel free to explain your routines and if you experience erectile dysfunction, whether or not its chronic or acute (after an intense Penis Enlargement routine, for example). Please try to be as honest as you can.

Orbital, I have never had any erectile dysfunction problems; except of course when my blood glucose is low (because of diabetes), but I haven't expeienced this symptom since I began pe a year ago.
Before Penis Enlargement i had solid erections a lot, with all chambers and head full and hard. Now days I never get a 100% hard erection without a bit of masterbating, and my CS and Head doesnt fill up anymore. :/
Before Penis Enlargement I was slow in erection, and didn't have the solid erections I used to have as a younger person. After Penis Enlargement, my ole schlong is ready and at any kind of stimulation I have a firm and erect penis. Penis Enlargement has done wonders for me and my self confidence. The sex life is awesome after Penis Enlargement. GS
Erection quality has been both up and down. Pre Penis Enlargement I had a nice LOT that was at a 45 degree angle and now its more like a 80 degree. Post Penis Enlargement I have a more solid looking erection more than likely due to the veins from jelqing and clamping etc. It takes a bit longer to get an erection now. Then again, I did start Penis Enlargement when I was around 15 or 16. Its inaccurate to judge.
orbital my man,
you are completely wasting your time and forum space with this thread :)

What do you think people will say ?

-Some have better erection
-some are the same
-some are worse
-some fucked their dicks up
-some didn't

Whats the point ? Personal understanding ? What do u need to understand is very simple : Penis Enlargement = Double edged sword. you only know if you won or lost when its too late to turn back...understand.

What you asked for is not gonna happen : "Please try to be as honest as you can." - People decieve themselves, to feel better about themselves. Ain't no changing that. Word.

~peace out...
I feel its about the same, although much worse when I am doing heavy girth work. The thing is, I didn't really think about my dick or my erections pre-Penis Enlargement. I prolly couldn't have picked it out of a line up of dicks! My head doesn't get hard or my CS very much, but I don't think it really did before Penis Enlargement. Before Penis Enlargement, I had such a small almost non-existent CS also.
When Remeks Penis Enlargement survey comes out, we will see how many have reported erection problems. Should be a very good survey.
orbital said:
Hey Tbirdy,

Don't be an asshole.
No shit whats up with that dude the thread is good. Before Penis Enlargement didn't have a problem getting erect. While peing it seems i have more erections and are hornier more. When i stop pe my sex drive isn't as good neither is my erections id say better after peing.
Def worse after pe'ing used to be harder than a rock with a full hard head. Not no more and I haven't pe'ed for over a year.
I think this is a great idea....it would be good to add some clinical data to Penis Enlargement so we all can see what the deal is - even if it is a poor form of data (anecdotal or empirical evidence). Perhaps it would be easier to create a Poll type of interface? Many boards have that option to create these web polls...it could even be anonymous. See if the MOS host has this capability....

As an statistician I would help analyzing any data collected.
I wonder if DLD has ever had erection problems because of Penis Enlargement. He's gained so much. I wonder if he has had any complications like that.
Nice responses guys. I think adding clinical data is critical, but we can't really do it properly without money... a proper study would cost a decent amount of cash.
I would really like to hear what the guy who have been doing this for years have to say, like DLD.
tbirdy said:
orbital my man,
you are completely wasting your time and forum space with this thread :)

What do you think people will say ?

-Some have better erection
-some are the same
-some are worse
-some fucked their dicks up
-some didn't

Whats the point ? Personal understanding ? What do u need to understand is very simple : Penis Enlargement = Double edged sword. you only know if you won or lost when its too late to turn back...understand.

What you asked for is not gonna happen : "Please try to be as honest as you can." - People decieve themselves, to feel better about themselves. Ain't no changing that. Word.

~peace out...

You are pretty bitter about ED from reading almost all your posts. I hope that you overcome this.
My erection quality hasn't changed. I have problem getting erect too quick and it's hard as a rock in like 5 seconds.
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