i second the brown rice thing. while its more expensive then brown and body composition wise it will be no different, it is more micronutrient dense and will fill you up quicker. sainsburys is a good place to get it, i think they do two bags for like £5 (dont get quick/easy cook though as it tastes rough). it may seem expensive but is a cheaper and healthier carb source than chips. also regarding yoghurt being expensive, if you go to lidl (i think?) you can get 1kg of 100% natural live yoghurt for like £1, which is easy to add to granola/ oats and is good for you.
regarding your shopping list, if moneys an issue drop the berries and get leafy greens instead. fresh berries although good for you, are unbelievably expensive for how much you get.
a bag of spinach is pretty cheap, four serving will cost about a pound. broccoli is also cheap and very good for you. if you dont like eating veggies, just cook them and eat them quickly at the begging of your meal to get them out of the way. you can also get frozen mixed veg to use from time to time for convenience.
about the meat thing, if you bought plain raw meat and made your own sauces/ marinades, this may overcome the craving for shit food. you'd be surprised how easy a nice sauce is to make for a steak or chicken with herbs, that will be alot cheaper than a store bought sauce. this may allow you to actually enjoy the meat, and 'crave' the meat instead of craving what the meat is in (as in takeaways). but if its going well with fish then stick with that.
as for your aspirations to look like that guy, you would need a muscular base, albeit you wouldnt need to build alot of muscle as hes not big. if you dont have much muscle atm, you will need to hit weights and build up a base (which may be difficult on a calorie deficit). the definition will come with losing more fat. i say carry on with your weight loss until you reach around 10% bodyfat or lower (can see visible abs), while also going to the gym and start weightlifting. then, if needs be, bulk with a small surplus. your newbie gains in the first 3-6 months should be enough to build the muscle required for that physique if you dont already have enough muscle