Jun 3, 2003
I have been trying to get my head around the vacation I just took. It was the best 10 days I have ever experienced as a man. The story may sound like a fantasy but it is truly a reality. I learned more about myself in the past 10 days than I have learned over 10 years! I explored boundless pleasures and partook in activities I never dreamed imaginable. I truly felt what I have wanted for so long....Limitless Pleasure! I am not sure where to start, and I don't want to make a massive post to bore anyone, I will start at the beginning but the beginning started years ago.

I needed to do what I did for the past ten years to get to where I am today. I have no regrets! None. I have the most incredible friends any man could imagine. We genuinely love and care for one another in a way no other men could understand. We have literally carved a path into a brotherhood of one. All forgiving, all loving, all accepting but mostly all one! The things we have learned together is priceless.

In order to bring Matters of Size to the level it is and the rapid expansion it is seeing it took me putting the blinders on, forgetting anything but MOS. I really did sacrifice a lot for this place and I really did pass up many opportunities to become involved with a woman again. I truly hid under a hat and behind sunglasses...I did not want anyone to see me. This was necessary to get MOS to where it is. MOS is my crown jewel and it she should truly shine! She needed to be nurtured, fed, nursed and given CPR at times, but I have been here everyday since the beginning. It was very difficult to start this vacation as I knew I would leave her in your hands, my staff, my friends, my brotherhood. MAX said it best when he said:
"I ain't seen anything out of the ordinary. From my angle God wanted ya to have a worry-free vacation. And we all hope ya did, too." There was truly nothing to fear, you guys did great!

I arrived at the airport with a bag of clothes and a very open mind. MIA is a very pretty airport but not as pretty as what I saw roll up to get me. The most beautiful Bentley with my best friend in the world! He told me things would be special but I never know with Jaz:) We have been friends forever and got each other through a lot so seeing him doing so well made me so happy. The drive to the house was all about catching up...I did not see Jaz for four years either:( At the house I got freshened up and went out to a bar.

This was not an ordinary bar, this was the King of Diamonds. Anyone who knows about hip hop knows about KOD. This was a place I never dreamed I would roll up to, in a Bentley, with a 10" cock! Things were about to become very interesting. Now just getting into KOD is a very expensive thing. Getting a table is near impossible on certain nights. Getting a couch is even more difficult. I lie not, we parked in the front, the bouncer kicked 3 brothers off the main couch in VIP and we sat down. I was in a dream world!

I do not drink, I only smoke weed and do the occasional psychedelic (mushrooms, MDMA, peyote, etc.).
I stopped drinking 2.5 years ago and have depended on weed as my main escape. I guess when others get drunk I take refuge that I can get stoned. Walking into King of Diamonds and being seated in VIP was enough but now my boy informed that I could also smoke my weed I was like "WTF?"….I literally rolled up on the table and sat back and smoked.

I was joined by Black Chyna:

And nicki minaj:
TayjaJones-Sydneys.PNG which was crazy because she was my screen saver on my computer when I left….now she was sitting in my lap rubbing on my cock???? This was just crazy. It continued to get even better. Once the dancers got wind of my big cock they all wanted to dance for me….Remember, in VIP you pay for nothing! The night progressed into many things….I am very taken back as this is like a dream come true. I guess there is not a lot of guys with a cock as large as mine but it was incredible to see the female reaction to my size. If you know anything about the King of Diamonds it is all the hottest black and spanish girls in Miami. I knew they encountered a great deal of cock so I was very interested to see their reactions. Each time it was with amazement.

I will write more as I get time. I wanted to at least put things in some kind of perspective before I bore you with more details. I can say that every man should be listening closely when I say I learned a lot about women.
Great story so far DLD, I agree it's really motivating to know how all that hard work pays off and how having a big penis makes you happy. Especially when you smoke and chill like you did at the club with a big dick and loving life. That girl looks like she has butt implants or something that's crazy. Looking forward to more of the story and if you left the club with one of the dancers.
Funny you back DLD, cause I just came back and posted today for the first time in a while, so I guess that I'm back too. Sounds like you had a great trip man. You deserve it.
Good ass teaser! I want to hear the rest! All hip hop fans know there is a KOD line in EVERY song.
If that doesn't motivate a straight guy then nothing will lol! Bet you f***ing loved every moment of that DLD!
Sounds incredible and you needed the break after all the years in recluse. Looking forward to tales of mamba encounters and yes I bet the women were even more shocked because your not black :) Did you 'knight' a few?
Damnit.... jst when tha storyy started ta get exciting... damn black chyna is a bad chick I jst wanna bite her booty ha ha
You said sex without love is like a hamburger without the ham....it can't be true
Mike, (thanks) please tell me that ass is real, not photoshopped.
I'd jam my nose so far between her cheeks she'd be fartin' moustache 'til next Arbor Day.
I was about to comment on your trip but then i saw Supras back... I hope your ready to answer thousands of testicle questions, bro.

DLD, seems a great trip though, tell us about their reactions!
Congratulations Mike! Sounds like it was a wonderful time. Can't wait for the "rest of the story".

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