You talk about cars, they have had a better one, they get paid more, wife fitter blah blah blah.
I just say I'm celibate and the jaw smacks the floor!!!
Its funny cuz i said that to my ex and i was def 6.5 lmao 8 inches is that magic number we know all women would like and close enough to average not to care if they actually took a ruler to it! Lol
You talk about cars, they have had a better one, they get paid more, wife fitter blah blah blah.
I just say I'm celibate and the jaw smacks the floor!!!
You see read the luxuries of celibacy are very hard to see from the outside! I bet many of the brothers here think we’re missing out on so much. But the truth of the matter is I’ve had all the sex all ever need to have. I’ve had sex with over 100 women, and all flavors. Today I have my Grandsons and my Son and I no longer need a woman. I spend my days the way I want to, there is no one here telling me what to do, I have complete and absolute freedom. So from the outside I’m sure many things we are missing out but on the inside were laughing at them!?
It seems like every time I meet someone new and they find out about what I do and did in the past, they have to let me know they have an 8" cock. Why is 8" the magic number for most men? I'm pretty sure 95% of the men on this forum never seen an 8" cock in person.
Many people claim to be 8 inches in length because they measure with a ruler from the side of their penis. When you measure from the side, a normal 6 inches will show 8 inches on the ruler.
Many people claim to be 8 inches in length because they measure with a ruler from the side of their penis. When you measure from the side, a normal 6 inches will show 8 inches on the ruler.