Hey SWM,
I have been doing these exclusively for the last couple weeks, I must say, the set up I have really seems to be working, more intense than anything else I've done, including
hanging. BPFSL and BPenis EnlargementL have both increased in only a couple weeks of consistently doing these. I have noticed that my PC muscle and area under my balls really seems to be taking the brunt of the stretch, regardless of the direction of pull. It seems like my ligs burn/stretch for the first few minutes, then that subsides and my PC area starts to feel the stretch a lot more. Have you noticed anything similar? I do stretches in all directions with my set up.
It seems like I stretch my ligs to the max of their elastic capabilities then the pull is then transfered elsewhere (PC area). It's hard to explain, but I'll try to give you an example.
Let's say you attach a small
weight to a rubber band and set the
weight on the ground. As you pull up on the rubber band, the
weight remains on the ground for a period of time as the rubber band elongates and stretches. Then, when the rubber band can no longer stretch, the
weight is lifted off the ground (assuming of course the rubber band is strong enough to hold the
weight in the first place). I feel like something similar may be happening with my ligs. In this example, my ligs are the rubber band and all the slack is taken up by the stretch until eventually they are stretched so much that they become rigid, like the rubber band. At this point, the continued stress of the stretch is transferred elsewhere.
Sorry for the long post, let me know if it makes sense or seems logical to you. Thanks SWM.