I kind of do a non-towel version of this stretch. You can do it when you do the leg up on a counter position. Pull your penis as far as it can go in the downward direction you want, (build up slowly to max of course), then you pull the knee and groin area of the raised leg in the opposite direction. It actually feels kind of dangerous doing these, as its 100% right on the lig, and you can feel a strong burn without going too hard at all.
Hey SWM,

I have been doing these exclusively for the last couple weeks, I must say, the set up I have really seems to be working, more intense than anything else I've done, including hanging. BPFSL and BPenis EnlargementL have both increased in only a couple weeks of consistently doing these. I have noticed that my PC muscle and area under my balls really seems to be taking the brunt of the stretch, regardless of the direction of pull. It seems like my ligs burn/stretch for the first few minutes, then that subsides and my PC area starts to feel the stretch a lot more. Have you noticed anything similar? I do stretches in all directions with my set up.
It seems like I stretch my ligs to the max of their elastic capabilities then the pull is then transfered elsewhere (PC area). It's hard to explain, but I'll try to give you an example.
Let's say you attach a small weight to a rubber band and set the weight on the ground. As you pull up on the rubber band, the weight remains on the ground for a period of time as the rubber band elongates and stretches. Then, when the rubber band can no longer stretch, the weight is lifted off the ground (assuming of course the rubber band is strong enough to hold the weight in the first place). I feel like something similar may be happening with my ligs. In this example, my ligs are the rubber band and all the slack is taken up by the stretch until eventually they are stretched so much that they become rigid, like the rubber band. At this point, the continued stress of the stretch is transferred elsewhere.
Sorry for the long post, let me know if it makes sense or seems logical to you. Thanks SWM.

what else can i use for this stretch? i got a shirt sleeve to work for a minute and i got a nice burn, but the knot didn't work well and kept coming undone. i'd really like to add these to my routine

I use a long sock with a piece of thin rope attached to both ends of it. That way it forms a loop that I can push with my foot, or hook on a door, etc.
dickfordays;366460 said:

I use a long sock with a piece of thin rope attached to both ends of it. That way it forms a loop that I can push with my foot, or hook on a door, etc.

lol damn macgyver. i wondered why the dress sock i tried wouldn't tie right, i need a rope. i wish i had some rope layin around now :P
i just made the DIY [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] and i cant get enough of stretching with it. I can only imagine how the real deal from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] gets after it.
seeking8.5x6;366596 said:
i just made the DIY [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] and i cant get enough of stretching with it. I can only imagine how the real deal from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] gets after it.

Nice! You gotta post it...loving these DIY models!
seeking8.5x6;366599 said:
I will snap a few photos tomorrow and put them up.

How difficult was it to make? Love to hear your input.

Looking at my home-made contraption, do you think I would be able to get a better work out with the genuine [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words]? My main concern has always been getting a strong enough grasp while maintaining some level of comfort, at least enough to do some intense stretching for 30 min. at a time or so. I can really appreciate the level of thought and ingenuity that went into the design you have, I can tell you really love your work, keep up the innovations please.

How difficult was it to make? Love to hear your input.

For the average tool user i wouldn't advise it unless you had some time to devote to it.(i'm in the middle of a set with it now while typing this :))

It was far easier to construct than the DIY [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] i made awhile back.

It does take a little bit of math and careful cutting with a jigsaw as the upper piece is small in length and if you don't have proper equipment could end up missing a finger.

The main obstacle is getting it ergonomically pleasing to use if you do not have proper tools. I am still hammering out that portion on mine as it is in raw form now and still has squared bits here and there from the initial building phase.

If i had the able cash i would still support [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] by purchasing one but as i am broke, i threw together spare parts i had from previous other projects and was able to make the makeshift one.
I have to admit that this is way more comfortable and feels vastly more intense than my BIB does. As i am also wider than tall this design does grab the chambers appropriately and provides great grabbing power and no slippage or rolling.
I'm on Day 2 of using this exercise and the burn is unbelievable. My Temp FSL is always .5 to a full inch longer after I do this.

Anyone looking for an extreme pull, this is the stretch for you.

I recommend reposting as a sticky.
crd11;366997 said:
I'm on Day 2 of using this exercise and the burn is unbelievable. My Temp FSL is always .5 to a full inch longer after I do this.

Anyone looking for an extreme pull, this is the stretch for you.

I recommend reposting as a sticky.

what did you use for the stretch? i wanna do this so damn bad but i can't find anything good around the house
dmoney101;367005 said:
what did you use for the stretch? i wanna do this so damn bad but i can't find anything good around the house

I had trouble finding something, so I just changed the method of doing the stretch.

I found an old white t-shirt and rolled it from the bottom to the neck, so the sleeves aren't rolled at all. Then I tied the sleeves together. This formed a small circle.

For actually doing the stretch, I layed on my bed and looped my ankle through the hole. Then I reached through the hole, grabbed my dick about halfway down the shaft, and then slowly pushed my leg away from my body.

I also found that using your other foot as an anchor and then resting the looped foot against it keeps the stretch at a perfect place that you can adjust. Once the burn starts to wear off, I push a bit further.

I push left, right, and straight down. The burn is intense, and I think this workout may be what gets a lot more people into Penis Enlargement. I know it's given me a new motivation that I was earlier lacking.
Still doing this stretch. Taken my FSL from about 6 to about 7 in a matter of weeks.

If you haven't tried this yet, I'd very much recommend it.
Yet again, I'm going to recommend this stretch. This time, mainly to bump it on the threads, but only because it works miracles.
crd11;367812 said:
Yet again, I'm going to recommend this stretch. This time, mainly to bump it on the threads, but only because it works miracles.

Are you doing this with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words]
doublelongdaddy;367930 said:
Are you doing this with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words]

I'm not. I'm just using a rolled up t-shirt.
I just had my first session with this. WOW!!! This is the best. I use a belt instead of a sock. I was only able to stretch 3 ways (to the left/ rightu/upwards). I wonder what other stretches can be done? Amazing burn.
nickynine;368392 said:
I just had my first session with this. WOW!!! This is the best. I use a belt instead of a sock. I was only able to stretch 3 ways (to the left/ rightu/upwards). I wonder what other stretches can be done? Amazing burn.

Never tried with belt, sounds solid, give it a go tonight.
Hey, thanks for a great new idea! I tried a similar thing with my foot when using a Wench I made, but the Wench turned my damn foreskin black....all is back to normal now, though.

Can't wait to try this one!
I have started doing another stretch similar to this one where you make the loop the same as this one, but before you make the knot in the loop, you put it through the handle of a big bottle filled with water [ I use and old plastic 5 liter olive oil bottle ] I'ts not filled with much water at present [ dont want to over do it ] anyway, so you have your bottle with the loop threaded through the handle, now you bend your knees a little and put the loop over your penis, stretch your penis out to the front and slowly lift the bottle so your penis is in a v stretch position, and hold for 30 or 60 seconds.

It is a very good stretch for the tunica / septum as well as the ligs, you can put it at different places along the shaft to target every where..!! I seen this routine from another site where the person was using a judo/karate belt to do it as a loop. I thought it mite be better to use a cloth [ old sheet or tea shirt, cut up ] to make the loop a bit thinner to target smaller areas. I only started doing it yesterday for the first time so i cant say if it is the dogs nads..!! but wow..!! it gives you a good stretch. The good thing is, just say your grip was giving up on your right hand, you can just support that hand with your left one..!! This one seems so much more easy than pressing down on your shaft for a normal v stretch with the fingers from your other hand.

HAHA.. its actually that much more easy to do you could hold it for a stretch for maybe 1,2, 3 or more minutes..!! 30-60 seconds x 2 or 3 sets is enough for starting off though i think.

I would love to know any advice on this one from the vets ? maybe this routine has been tried and tested before by the vets ? I dont know, but feedback and input would be great cheers..!!
Sounds like a cool modification. How long have you been doing and have you seen any gains?
Hey DLD.

I'ts only the second time I have done this new one so I can't say anything at present, The stretch that It gives you is really good though.!! I have problems when I stretch upwards, I can't seem to grab my penis with enough force to target the tunica [ The Cord..haha ] So maybe this type of stretching will target the tunica better..!!
What do you think DLD..?
daveylad;368774 said:
Hey DLD.

I'ts only the second time I have done this new one so I can't say anything at present, The stretch that It gives you is really good though.!! I have problems when I stretch upwards, I can't seem to grab my penis with enough force to target the tunica [ The Cord..haha ] So maybe this type of stretching will target the tunica better..!!
What do you think DLD..?

Since it is a modification it will be up to you to see if you will make gains from this. I can give it a go myself to see the potential...I will try tonight. Just keep really good records of you size now and make comparisons to it after a month and see where you are. I will need to try the upward position to see if I can advise you on a better grip technique.

Thanks for the advice DLD.

When I did some Penis Enlargement before [ last year ] I read about stretching upwards being the best for the tunica, I tried doing it with the same hand postion you would use if you were having a shuffle [ Masturbation ] and I got a big red spot [ Blood spot ] on my shaft, that hurt, I am not cut and thus it made it more difficult to keep the stretch, now when I do the upward stretch, I use an over hand grip [ the palm facing away from the body ] but I cant seem to stretch with the same force i can when I stretch downwards. The tunica is more difficult to stretch than the ligs, thats right DLD..? so I always think that its not stretching good enough when I stretch upwards. I will keep doing the upward stretches though. Maybe after a few months I will add the Mandingo stretch, at my present time [ 5 weeks ] the mandingo could be to advanced for my level.

Question for you DLD or any of the Vets: When I say I use a cut down piece of cloth for the loop, the area that it covers on the shaft when i lift the plastic bottle up is not so much [ maybe less than an inch ] Do you guys think it mite be a better idea to use a piece of cloth/rag that covers more area on the shaft to target the more of the tunica ? What do you think..?

Upward stretching never feels as intense as downward stretching as you do not have the lig length to stretch against. Remember, the tunica only has about 5% elasticity so it is much more dense than ligament stretching. Just use as much intensity as you can and realize to does take some time to lengthen.
Yeah its true DLD.

It could be a good idea when stretching up to have one hand on the shaft as normal and the other hand supporting the first hand for more force, along with more baby powder and toilet roll for a better grip ! I will try tomorro.. Thanks.
i have been doing these with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words], never been this sore with length work in my Penis Enlargement career
I just tried it for the first time tonight: a tremendous stretch - and without the foreskin discoloration I had with the Wench! I've never felt this soreness around the base of my dick before, so I hope that means this will really get the job done! I used some purloined pantyhose for the loop: works great.

Only trouble was keeping a tight grip.
what kind of gains have you guys seen from these? i still need to start doing them, but i'm not really sure what i should use to do it
i finally figured out the right thing to use. i've got a rope belt, so i can set it to whatever size i want. it works perfect. finally, something good comes from my cholo days haha
this stretch feels really nice. i did a stretching session with these and the mandingo stretch and i had to stop because i was getting too sore. i'm feeling good about the gains to come. hopefully 7.5x5.5 isn't too far away
Last edited:
could you give me a video or pictures cuz i still dont get it, it would be really helpful if you can thanks
There's pics in the first post.

I would have been trying to finish up school when this first came around. Thanks for the awesome bump this exercise seems really promising.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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