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This stretch is not really something 'totally new'. It's more a ''Hybrid'' of at least two exercises and concepts. I had posted this as a reply in the ''Foot Long Stretch'' thread. After some thought, I feel this deserves its' own thread. It's THAT unique, and I feel will be that beneficial to many a man. I was re-reading the description for the ''Foot Long Stretch'', and I knew it was a great exercise with phenomenal potential. Think about it, it uses the strength of your LEG muscles. Some of the biggest, strongest muscles in the body for leverage. Many of us though, including myself cannot do a ''Foot Long'' because of a combination of not enough flaccid stretched length and not enough flexibility. I'd also recently re-read the ''DLD Sock Stretch'' thread. I got to thinking, and an idea was born. Out of a problem comes a solution! Take a sock, old shirt, or a sweat shirt sleeve for example and ''roll'' or bunch it up into a long rope per se. Now, tie the ends together, making a big circle. Make sure you give yourself a circle that is about a foot in diameter on the inside, before pulling that knot as tight as possible.

NOW, bend your leg toward your body, pass your foot through the inside of the circle (your circle will be around the ankle or lower shin), reaching with a hand toward your body...reach through the circle, grabbing the front of your penis as you would for a stretch. Don't grab directly by the glans btw. Refer to other stretch descriptions for a proper grip description. Pull your penis down, up, to the side, whichever direction you like first...and ease you leg away from you as far as you can handle without hurting yourself.

Voila! The best of both worlds! You have a combination of the leverage and leg power from the ''Foot Long'' stretch:

Foot Long Stretch

Along with the extra benefit of ''fulcrum'' stretching from the sock stretch:

Sock Stretch

I did some of these last night. About 20 minutes worth all together broken down into sets of 2-3 minutes each. I'll tell you what guys, I'm sore in my shaft, and in my base/ligs as if I'd hung several sets with weights. BUT, my penis isn't all red, and beat up looking. Similar to hanging, you can generate more leverage and pull than ''normal'' stretching. Unlike hanging, you have very short stretch times. HOWEVER, do several sets of these stretches and I guarantee you'll get a better overall workout than most guys can from hanging. It takes a LONG time and a lot of patience, and dedication to get up to anywhere NEAR this level with hanging weights without potential for serious injury. Again, we're talking about the strength from your legs combined with a fulcrum. ''Extreme hanging'' eat your heart out.

Something else, this stretch requires no equipment. So, for guys living at home, frequently traveling, or doing their Penis Enlargement on the down low, you have probably one of the most powerful length exercises you can do....and all with no weird devices or equipment you have to hide away discretely, or lug around...or leave behind, when traveling. This also costs nothing!
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Im a little confused about setting up and executing this stretch. Do you put your leg through the loop and pull the loop up to your thigh, and then put your penis through the loop, grab below the head and pull away from the leg?
Actually, you said, DONT grab directly by the glans? Why not?
A diagram or pictures would be greatly appreciated. :)
Or just another explanation if thats too much trouble
laocoon;364148 said:
Im a little confused about setting up and executing this stretch. Do you put your leg through the loop and pull the loop up to your thigh, and then put your penis through the loop, grab below the head and pull away from the leg?
Actually, you said, DONT grab directly by the glans? Why not?
A diagram or pictures would be greatly appreciated. :)
Or just another explanation if thats too much trouble

This is why I linked the sock stretch and foot long stretch in the original post for a visual. You place your foot/leg the same way you would if doing the foot long stretch. This way however, after you do so, you are putting the circle around your ankle/lower shin area. Like I said above, you then reach your hand toward your penis/body and grab as you would if you were doing...say an ''A-Stretch''. You don't really want to grab the penis directly by the glans when doing an intense stretch because there's potential for injury. You can chaffe the glans as well. Not to mention, you may cause a small tear near the coronal ridge if not careful.
I've done these with a long sock with a length of rope tied to both ends, forming a loop. You just put your foot through the loop, drape the sock over your penis, and stretch your penis out while pushing down with your foot. SWM, you motivated me to incorporate these back into my routine tonight, thanks!
I'm sorry, I'm not understanding these. Can you please picture of the stretch.

edit: so just tie one end of the of the sock around your penis and one of the sock around your ankle.

and then just pull away. Is that the idea?

I didn't understand the Footlong stretch to begin with. I guess I'm not big enough to try it.
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I think I understand the stretches, except for the grip, maybe I can clarify.
Make a loop out of a a loooong sock or a sweatshirt sleeve, tying the ends to make a sturdy, complete circle.
In a sitting position, bring a knee up your chest, and place one end of the loop on the bottom of your foot, between the heel and balls of your feet, in the arch.
pull the other end up to your belly, and run your penis alongside the leg that is "stepping on" the bottom of end of the sock/sweatshirt loop.
the bottom of the loop should be under your foot, the top of the loop at your belly, above your pubic area.
then reach "inside" the loop, grab your penis, and pull it so half is inside the loop, and half is outside. This should give you a good A or V stretch, then extend your leg so that youre tightening the loop, creating a stretch with the loop that is placed above your penis, with your hand pulling in the opposite direction.
Damn, that was way harder to explain than I thought it would be.
Sorry if this isnt the right way to do it, please correct me if Im wrong!
Also, sorry if this further confused anyone who was already confused.
laocoon;364225 said:
I think I understand the stretches, except for the grip, maybe I can clarify.
Make a loop out of a a loooong sock or a sweatshirt sleeve, tying the ends to make a sturdy, complete circle.
In a sitting position, bring a knee up your chest, and place one end of the loop on the bottom of your foot, between the heel and balls of your feet, in the arch.
pull the other end up to your belly, and run your penis alongside the leg that is "stepping on" the bottom of end of the sock/sweatshirt loop.
the bottom of the loop should be under your foot, the top of the loop at your belly, above your pubic area.
then reach "inside" the loop, grab your penis, and pull it so half is inside the loop, and half is outside. This should give you a good A or V stretch, then extend your leg so that youre tightening the loop, creating a stretch with the loop that is placed above your penis, with your hand pulling in the opposite direction.
Damn, that was way harder to explain than I thought it would be.
Sorry if this isnt the right way to do it, please correct me if Im wrong!
Also, sorry if this further confused anyone who was already confused.

You've got it. Simpler though to have the circle looped over your foot or shin. I added pics above in the first post. The grip is very simple. It's a traditional over hand 'ok' sign grip. I maintain a closed fist with the grip for better...well...grip. You grasp just behind the glans.
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Seriously, I've done TWO sessions of these so far. Once last night, and again this morning. About 20 minutes total both times. I feel as sore as if I were hanging again. Sore in the base around the pelvic area and the inner area under the skin of the pelvic attachment area. Mildly so in the shaft. ALSO, no bruised, beat up look as if I had been hanging. NICE! :cool:
Ah thanks for the pics, thats what I thought it should look like.
I just realized I can use a robe belt, so I'm going to try these out ASAP!
laocoon;364391 said:
Ah thanks for the pics, thats what I thought it should look like.
I just realized I can use a robe belt, so I'm going to try these out ASAP!

Good idea! A soft cloth belt would indeed work. Good thinking.
It's not ''new'' completely, more a mix of a few ideas....but definitely more 'ultimate' than the ''Blue Whale''. What? What's wrong with friendly competition?? ;)
Please correct me if I'm wrong but judging from the pics basically it's a fulcrum on the middle of the shaft but rather than up or down it's more like stretch to one side or the other?
anth1225;364504 said:
Please correct me if I'm wrong but judging from the pics basically it's a fulcrum on the middle of the shaft but rather than up or down it's more like stretch to one side or the other?

It's basically using a fulcrum yes, and using the extreme leverage and raw PULLING power from your leg. You can't beat that with any other 'hand based' exercise where the pull comes from your hands and arms.
stillwantmore2;364506 said:
It's basically using a fulcrum yes, and using the extreme leverage and raw PULLING power from your leg. You can't beat that with any other 'hand based' exercise where the pull comes from your hands and arms.

Thanks. I can see how the legs will have more power to stretch and I wasn't able to do the Footlong for all the reasons you cited earlier.
So I plan on giving it a try in the near future, thanks again for the exercise and good description and pics.
anth1225;364510 said:
Thanks. I can see how the legs will have more power to stretch and I wasn't able to do the Footlong for all the reasons you cited earlier.
So I plan on giving it a try in the near future, thanks again for the exercise and good description and pics.

No problem. That's the point of our community.

I'm taking the weekend off. After doing these three days in a row for just 20 minutes or so daily, I'm sore! My ligs are toasted! Actually gave my glans a couple small bruised spots from over doing it a little.
It's such a good idea to use the strength of your foot to intensify the stretch, that opens a gate to a whole new possibilities of length work. Another positive aspect is, that the bigger your penis becomes, the more powerful becomes the stretch, because it's easier for the foot to put force on the penis. The only contra is, that this stretch requires from the beginning a massive stretched-length. I could barely execute this exercise with my 9.3" BPFSL, but I'm sure this is my ticket to 10" BPFSL !
Thanks DLD and SWM for these great new exercises ;D !!!
asteraki^_^;364545 said:
The only contra is, that this stretch requires from the beginning a massive stretched-length. I could barely execute this exercise with my 9.3" BPFSL, but I'm sure this is my ticket to 10" BPFSL !
Thanks DLD and SWM for these great new exercises ;D !!!

Really? Why was it difficult for you? Thats a long ass FSL
I just finished my second set of these (did one yesterday, and one just now) and I have to say, these are super intense. You can really feel these the whole time. Just wanted to say thanks and nice work!
Sounds nice, I always search for new stretching methods - thank you!

I think I will give them a shot in two weeks, when I meassure and change my routine again!

asteraki^_^;364545 said:
The only contra is, that this stretch requires from the beginning a massive stretched-length. I could barely execute this exercise with my 9.3" BPFSL, but I'm sure this is my ticket to 10" BPFSL !
Thanks DLD and SWM for these great new exercises ;D !!!

Not with this stretch. That's the point of using the circle. Pretty much any man can do these.
My wife made a comment last night after I informed her I was returning to Penis Enlargement. ''Since you'll be working down THERE anyway, can you try to add some more girth?''. rofl I took it as a complement, but thought it was funny. I told her I'd see what I could do. Not sure how much commitment to that I'll make though. I am limited in my time currently, and really only wish to focus on stretching for now.
Give er what she wants lol ;)

I tried this stretch today and realized afterwards I was doing it wrong.
I was using my legs to stretch straight out to the side instead of downwards.
anth1225;364606 said:
Give er what she wants lol ;)

I tried this stretch today and realized afterwards I was doing it wrong.
I was using my legs to stretch straight out to the side instead of downwards.

You were not doing it ''wrong''. Beauty of this stretch is flexibility. You can pull in different directions with some imagination.
STILLWANTMORE is BACK and dropping knowledge! I love this place:)
Really? Why was it difficult for you? Thats a long ass FSL
Maybe because my legs are really long compared to the rest of my body.

Not with this stretch. That's the point of using the circle. Pretty much any man can do these.
Sorry, I was actually refering to the footlong stretch of DLD. With your version, sure, it is much easier...
Damn I'm already having to apply lotion to keep the skin around my base area soft. Getting another stretch mark, and some dry skin. WOOT!
stillwantmore2;364773 said:
Damn I'm already having to apply lotion to keep the skin around my base area soft. Getting another stretch mark, and some dry skin. WOOT!

Ahhhh the sound of gains!
Wicked idea. Cant wait till my dick is strong enough to try these. The cool thing is that this idea can be adapted to be used with so many stretches and positions. It just adds to intensity!
These really dry out the skin near the trying to keep up with the lotion, but it looks like I'm getting a stretch mark. I think this stretch is going to result in some much wanted length.
i can't find anything good to use for these. the only long socks i have are dress socks and they stretch way too much. my other socks are all no-show. then i tried rolling up some boxers and a wife beater, but they were both too thick to tie in a knot.
laocoon;364391 said:
Ah thanks for the pics, thats what I thought it should look like.
I just realized I can use a robe belt, so I'm going to try these out ASAP!

Hey men.. I just anted to thanks the ideas here given with the sock stretch, I made my own variation and have been doing a few stretches of my own. I started getting into pe for a week now, I haven't gotten size recording cause I wanted an [words=]extender[/words]. To seed things up, I did some manual stretches with my hand, then the sock, and now the robe belt. I HAVE A QUESTION! I'm at 6.5in, and I did some sock type stretches if anyone wants i'll make a post of it w/e later. Anyhow I pulled out the tape after a lot of minutes and measured 7.25in. Then it went away and had to try it again and it does it more consistent. Until junk was purple faster, I let it breath and took a shower.

Is this normal? I'm stubborn but I think I'm gonna do this a lot more now, and look into measuring. Do the gains go away shortly after?
PitchNAhTent;365553 said:
Hey men.. I just anted to thanks the ideas here given with the sock stretch, I made my own variation and have been doing a few stretches of my own. I started getting into pe for a week now, I haven't gotten size recording cause I wanted an [words=]extender[/words]. To seed things up, I did some manual stretches with my hand, then the sock, and now the robe belt. I HAVE A QUESTION! I'm at 6.5in, and I did some sock type stretches if anyone wants i'll make a post of it w/e later. Anyhow I pulled out the tape after a lot of minutes and measured 7.25in. Then it went away and had to try it again and it does it more consistent. Until junk was purple faster, I let it breath and took a shower.

Is this normal? I'm stubborn but I think I'm gonna do this a lot more now, and look into measuring. Do the gains go away shortly after?

holy shit. you got nearly an inch in temp gains? that's crazy
Dmoney I agree it should be a good thing to note, I am dumb when it comes to this stuff, I really want to see if I can get a perm gain. I seen things about being stuck so I can't wait to learn about my nether region, these guys definately must be creative.
I have a stretcher/hanger device that I made (inspired by the [words=!!!]length master[/words]) that I use in combination with the sock. The [words=!!!]LM[/words] would work just as well, I'm sure. The stretch is literally limitless, I have been getting a deeper stretch and almost constant increase in BPFSL post workout. I have been able to get great leverage on all angles of stretching, and I can hold the stretches for as long as I want without my hands/feet getting tired.
Like SWM said, no bruising or pinching on the shaft. If you own a [words=!!!]LM[/words], try these out. Thanks again for re-inspiring me on these, SWM.

dickfordays;365622 said:
I have a stretcher/hanger device that I made (inspired by the [words=!!!]length master[/words])

Can we see it?
PitchNAhTent;365566 said:
Dmoney I agree it should be a good thing to note, I am dumb when it comes to this stuff, I really want to see if I can get a perm gain. I seen things about being stuck so I can't wait to learn about my nether region, these guys definately must be creative.

temp gains turn to permanent ones with time. that's the key. stay consistent

I'll post some pics of it, how do I attach them? Thanks again for this great community and all the inspiration. Because of [words=]MOS[/words] and the wealth of knowledge here I will certainly reach my goals.

dickfordays;365742 said:

I'll post some pics of it, how do I attach them? Thanks again for this great community and all the inspiration. Because of [words=]MOS[/words] and the wealth of knowledge here I will certainly reach my goals.


upload them to whichever image host, then in there's a little button with a yellow background and the picture of a mountain where all the settings for your messages are. just click that and put the url of the image to put it on here

Can you give me some examples of image hosts that I can use? Preferably free ones that don't require any personal information. Thanks.

Pics of my stretcher/hanger.








Yes, I have a BIB starter, but I needed something that would grab top to bottom instead of side to side like the BIB. My penis is wider than it is tall (wide when viewed from the top, narrower when viewed from the side) because my CC chambers are shaped that way and the BIB just does not work for me without twisting, no matter what I try. The CC's always "pop" one on top of the other when I apply weight or tighten hanger. This does the trick, although I don't hang with it much, I primarily use it to stretch with.
dickfordays;365797 said:
Yes, I have a BIB starter, but I needed something that would grab top to bottom instead of side to side like the BIB. My penis is wider than it is tall (wide when viewed from the top, narrower when viewed from the side) because my CC chambers are shaped that way and the BIB just does not work for me without twisting, no matter what I try. The CC's always "pop" one on top of the other when I apply weight or tighten hanger. This does the trick, although I don't hang with it much, I primarily use it to stretch with.

Nice job, looks like it will work great!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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