Well-known member
This stretch is not really something 'totally new'. It's more a ''Hybrid'' of at least two exercises and concepts. I had posted this as a reply in the ''Foot Long Stretch'' thread. After some thought, I feel this deserves its' own thread. It's THAT unique, and I feel will be that beneficial to many a man. I was re-reading the description for the ''Foot Long Stretch'', and I knew it was a great exercise with phenomenal potential. Think about it, it uses the strength of your LEG muscles. Some of the biggest, strongest muscles in the body for leverage. Many of us though, including myself cannot do a ''Foot Long'' because of a combination of not enough flaccid stretched length and not enough flexibility. I'd also recently re-read the ''DLD Sock Stretch'' thread. I got to thinking, and an idea was born. Out of a problem comes a solution! Take a sock, old shirt, or a sweat shirt sleeve for example and ''roll'' or bunch it up into a long rope per se. Now, tie the ends together, making a big circle. Make sure you give yourself a circle that is about a foot in diameter on the inside, before pulling that knot as tight as possible.
NOW, bend your leg toward your body, pass your foot through the inside of the circle (your circle will be around the ankle or lower shin), reaching with a hand toward your body...reach through the circle, grabbing the front of your penis as you would for a stretch. Don't grab directly by the glans btw. Refer to other stretch descriptions for a proper grip description. Pull your penis down, up, to the side, whichever direction you like first...and ease you leg away from you as far as you can handle without hurting yourself.
Voila! The best of both worlds! You have a combination of the leverage and leg power from the ''Foot Long'' stretch:
Foot Long Stretch
Along with the extra benefit of ''fulcrum'' stretching from the sock stretch:
Sock Stretch
I did some of these last night. About 20 minutes worth all together broken down into sets of 2-3 minutes each. I'll tell you what guys, I'm sore in my shaft, and in my base/ligs as if I'd hung several sets with weights. BUT, my penis isn't all red, and beat up looking. Similar to hanging, you can generate more leverage and pull than ''normal'' stretching. Unlike hanging, you have very short stretch times. HOWEVER, do several sets of these stretches and I guarantee you'll get a better overall workout than most guys can from hanging. It takes a LONG time and a lot of patience, and dedication to get up to anywhere NEAR this level with hanging weights without potential for serious injury. Again, we're talking about the strength from your legs combined with a fulcrum. ''Extreme hanging'' eat your heart out.
Something else, this stretch requires no equipment. So, for guys living at home, frequently traveling, or doing their Penis Enlargement on the down low, you have probably one of the most powerful length exercises you can do....and all with no weird devices or equipment you have to hide away discretely, or lug around...or leave behind, when traveling. This also costs nothing!

This stretch is not really something 'totally new'. It's more a ''Hybrid'' of at least two exercises and concepts. I had posted this as a reply in the ''Foot Long Stretch'' thread. After some thought, I feel this deserves its' own thread. It's THAT unique, and I feel will be that beneficial to many a man. I was re-reading the description for the ''Foot Long Stretch'', and I knew it was a great exercise with phenomenal potential. Think about it, it uses the strength of your LEG muscles. Some of the biggest, strongest muscles in the body for leverage. Many of us though, including myself cannot do a ''Foot Long'' because of a combination of not enough flaccid stretched length and not enough flexibility. I'd also recently re-read the ''DLD Sock Stretch'' thread. I got to thinking, and an idea was born. Out of a problem comes a solution! Take a sock, old shirt, or a sweat shirt sleeve for example and ''roll'' or bunch it up into a long rope per se. Now, tie the ends together, making a big circle. Make sure you give yourself a circle that is about a foot in diameter on the inside, before pulling that knot as tight as possible.
NOW, bend your leg toward your body, pass your foot through the inside of the circle (your circle will be around the ankle or lower shin), reaching with a hand toward your body...reach through the circle, grabbing the front of your penis as you would for a stretch. Don't grab directly by the glans btw. Refer to other stretch descriptions for a proper grip description. Pull your penis down, up, to the side, whichever direction you like first...and ease you leg away from you as far as you can handle without hurting yourself.
Voila! The best of both worlds! You have a combination of the leverage and leg power from the ''Foot Long'' stretch:
Foot Long Stretch
Along with the extra benefit of ''fulcrum'' stretching from the sock stretch:
Sock Stretch
I did some of these last night. About 20 minutes worth all together broken down into sets of 2-3 minutes each. I'll tell you what guys, I'm sore in my shaft, and in my base/ligs as if I'd hung several sets with weights. BUT, my penis isn't all red, and beat up looking. Similar to hanging, you can generate more leverage and pull than ''normal'' stretching. Unlike hanging, you have very short stretch times. HOWEVER, do several sets of these stretches and I guarantee you'll get a better overall workout than most guys can from hanging. It takes a LONG time and a lot of patience, and dedication to get up to anywhere NEAR this level with hanging weights without potential for serious injury. Again, we're talking about the strength from your legs combined with a fulcrum. ''Extreme hanging'' eat your heart out.
Something else, this stretch requires no equipment. So, for guys living at home, frequently traveling, or doing their Penis Enlargement on the down low, you have probably one of the most powerful length exercises you can do....and all with no weird devices or equipment you have to hide away discretely, or lug around...or leave behind, when traveling. This also costs nothing!
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