The biggest mistake someone can make in Penis Enlargement is making it more complicated then it needs to be. Penis Enlargement works for everyone and if it is not working for you then you need to look at a few things.
The single most important part of Penis Enlargement is the mental portion. I know that many of you are probabbly sighing to yourselves thinking, DLD is such a fucking hippy, but I assure you I am not I only know that with Penis Enlargement if my mind is in the wrong place
I WILL NOT GAIN. A very importantthing for me was this post on
INTENSITY vs. MENTAL BELIEF and this post on
VISUAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL Penis Enlargement. If you get the opportunity to read them please do as they have helped me considerably. As corny as this sounds it has allot of merit,
You can do anything if you believe it.
Next is the PHYSICAL aspect of Penis Enlargement. This is something that can get confusing at times too and it really does not need to be. Penis Enlargement is broken down into 2 main parts being GIRTH and LENGTH. Increasing GIRTH is very simple to understand, if you constantly bring your penis to an extended time of maximum expansion the tissue has no choice but to accommodate this expansion by stretching, deforming, micro-tearing and repairing thus a thicker penis. So why is it so hard for guys to gain GIRTH sometimes? I think it has to do with one thing, not getting to your maximum expansion long enough. Thats it. With the hundreds of different GIRTH exercises out there one can feel confused if he is doing the right one. Find a GIRTH routine you like and stick with it...PUT ON THE BLINDERS and give it a chance. When you are finished with a GIRTH session and you are not feeling you have achieved MAXIMUM EXPANSION then you need to move to a more intense routine. For myself I like to get beyond my natural GIRTH size and stay in this zone, while exercising, for at least 30 minutes. When I have done this, I put my penis away and get on with my day.
LENGTH is the other side of Penis Enlargement and in my opinion the easiest place to make gains. As funny and basic as this sounds, I see the penis as a flesh bag that have one singe sexual purpose, TO GET LONGER. No other organ on the human body expands like the penis, this is its main job. Keeping this in mind and thinking about some widely excepted forms of body modification really simplifies this process. Have you seen Monty's ears? I will post a picture for all to see. Monty has had a habit of pulling on his ear lobes for most of his life. Monty now has ear lobes that stretch to almost 8 inches! Hmmm, 8 inch ear lobes, but an organ that was made to get larger and starts out bigger than Monty's ear lobes can't be stretched? Come on! If the penis is stretched with enough intensity for a prolonged period it will stretch longer...Penis EnlargementRIOD! You don't need to put any other thought into the process. If you stretch it will grow. Just like GIRTH there are many LENGTH exercises and I have always believed the best route it to start with
BASICS, be consistent and religious to your routine and only advance when you plateau. Then you can rework your routine, hell even join my pay-site that lays out each advancement in a very easy to follow system.
Lastly a user needs to appreciate and understand the gift we all know about which is Penis Enlargement. Shit, we found the fountain of youth for our most prized organ. We know the secrets to making ourselves bigger men. This in itself is incredible. Does this happen overnight? FUCK NO! It takes a complete change of life...
COMPLETE! Once you start on your Penis Enlargement journey the rest of your life will change. You will need top be strong with yourself, patient beyond anything you have ever been patient with, goal oriented, willing to give up an hour or two most days every week, and willing to settle down into this new life of Penis Enlargement. At first it seems overwhelming and anyone who has been successful with Penis Enlargement will endorse this. Thing rarely happen on our time, they happen when they happen and if we stick around long enough we all will reap the rewards of Penis Enlargement.
I came into Penis Enlargement with 6.5 inches of Bone Pressed Dick today I am beyond 10 inches, believe it or not. If I can do this, anyone can.