How many of you can actually say that you Penis Enlargement with an intelligent routine in a daily basis, with daily warmups and a Penis Enlargement log to record your workouts so you know what works and what doesn't? I used to be among the ranks of you guys, trying a Penis Enlargement program for a week or two, measuring, and getting pissed off that I hadn't made a gain in a fuckin' week! Well, I have gotton my act together and have gone back to a basic routine and am gaining again.

My post is not made to be self righteous. I just was reading posts here on the forum and there's so many people here doubting and when they are probed about their routine and shit they don't even have one, lol, go figure. Penis Enlargement should be a daily ritual. After awhile it becomes second nature and you don't have to force yourself to do it. It is at this point that gains will come for anyone willing to put in the time, I believe.

I totally agree man. I've said it countless times on who knows how many Penis Enlargement forums now. No commitment=no gains. You simply cannot go at this stuff half heartedly, with a half-ass approach to your routine and expect the gains you really want to see. I'm no saint either, there have been plenty of times in the past where I have had almost no commitment to a routine. Guess what though? EVERY time I re-commit, and stick with to a solid routine, I see gains. EVERY time.
Skepdick said:
How many of you can actually say that you Penis Enlargement with an intelligent routine in a daily basis, with daily warmups and a Penis Enlargement log to record your workouts so you know what works and what doesn't? I used to be among the ranks of you guys, trying a Penis Enlargement program for a week or two, measuring, and getting pissed off that I hadn't made a gain in a fuckin' week! Well, I have gotton my act together and have gone back to a basic routine and am gaining again.

My post is not made to be self righteous. I just was reading posts here on the forum and there's so many people here doubting and when they are probed about their routine and shit they don't even have one, lol, go figure. Penis Enlargement should be a daily ritual. After awhile it becomes second nature and you don't have to force yourself to do it. It is at this point that gains will come for anyone willing to put in the time, I believe.


Guys should be keeping logs from the very beginning. How does one know what works and what doesn't over time without a good log? What about measurements? Without a good log, failure is imminent!
I call bullshit on this! I put in hell of time and I would think following DLD's hand programs or avocet8 pumping programs or whatever else program I did or tweaked should have got me more than a 1/4" in 15 months. Some or should I say most of you are truly lucky that Penis Enlargement is working out for you. I have books way back to 5/2000 and frankly I am tired of writing shit in there and getting shit back. It would be like if you had a part-time job and never got paid for your time, I expected appx 2" in that time like most would have got in 15 months straight. Looking back though I would have be thrilled with just 1" shit 1/2 would be a step in the right direction.

I'm not as experienced as the rest of you [words=]MOS[/words] guys, Its hard when your new, you havn't really seen crazy gains, and its hard to be optimistic when everyone in the first place is saying it cant be done, feel me? So Its hard to stay motivated in the first place, and you get disappointed if you dont see gains, I know how it feels, but what I mean is when your new to this Penis Enlargement thing, its hard to keep a steady routine, and stay motivated when you dont see results.

But I am still here, I try my best to keep motivated, and stick to routine, I just want to see those really noticable gains were I'm like "whoa, my dick is getting bigger!"

I dont understand what the point in a log is, I mean, my log is in my head, I dont need to write down what works for me and what doesnt, because I already know, but I guess if you have been Penis Enlargementing for 5 years or something its hard to tell.
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people gotta be patient and understand that gains will come when they want to.I noticed gains on rest periods,and there were times where i noticed gains the following day after a good work out
n2growing said:
I call bullshit on this! I put in hell of time and I would think following DLD's hand programs or avocet8 pumping programs or whatever else program I did or tweaked should have got me more than a 1/4" in 15 months. Some or should I say most of you are truly lucky that Penis Enlargement is working out for you. I have books way back to 5/2000 and frankly I am tired of writing shit in there and getting shit back. It would be like if you had a part-time job and never got paid for your time, I expected appx 2" in that time like most would have got in 15 months straight. Looking back though I would have be thrilled with just 1" shit 1/2 would be a step in the right direction.

I feel you, man. I'm also sick and tired of people running their mouth off on how ANYONE, regardless of genetic potential, age, beginning penile health etc, can make MASSIVE gains if they put their heart and soul into it and just work like a horse. I have done just that for close to 2 years now, and I have .8" of EL and .2" EG to show for my efforts. However, I have already come to grips with the fact that I'm a hardgainer, so I'm content with what I have scratched together. I'm not complaining about my lack of gains, but rather the attitude these so-called 'good gainers' have towards anyone who isn't making good progress and voicing his complaints/concern over it.

I resent being told that my gains are due to a lack of motivation, effort or the right mindset. Men aren't created equally; some gain muscle without much effort while others have to work their asses off for years on end just to put on a few pounds, and I believe the same goes for Penis Enlargementing, too. It seems the majority of men make rather good gains, but there is the minority who have a tough time reshaping their penis. Personally I have figured out a way to make decent progress, but it involves taking long breaks and going a few steps backwards every now and then to avoid getting plateued, which would otherwise happen no matter how much I upped my intensity of tweaked my routine.
Like I've also said in the past, not everyone gains at the same rate. No need for anyone to get defensive or 'huffy puffy' because you have been busting your ass and not getting the results you want. More than likely, youre STILL getting SOME results. Regardless of your rate of gain, if you have a commitment to your end result...your final goal, as long as you are making gains, that fact in itself (that youre making gains) should be enough to keep you motivated to hit your final goal.

I've never really been pressed for time so to speak with this stuff. In other words, I'll keep at this stuff until I'm happy with the results. Either that, or until I honestly feel like I just cant gain anymore no matter what I try. I used to have a length goal of around 9.5" non bp. However, after adding 2" to my length over the last few years, and also getting more in shape physically and losing some of my fat pad recently as a result, I have found that I really like how 7" non bp looks, and am now only concerning myself with gaining more girth. I'm projectively focused on a girth goal of 7", but again that may change dependent on how I like the new girth sizes I hit in the near future as I make gains.
Why would anyone be against keeping a log? It takes a couple of minutes a day to write in, and the records are invaluable.

Not everyone can (or should) follow a cookie cutter plan to make gains- that's why you keep a log. If you're NOT making gains, then at least you'll have the documentation to go over so you know what DOESN'T work for you. That way, you won't repeat your mistakes and you can form a new plan of action.

As to some of the hostility in this thread, Skepdick doesn't sound like he's referring to dedicated hard gainers that plug away month after month with [relatively] little to show for it-

"...trying a Penis Enlargement program for a week or two, measuring, and getting pissed off that I hadn't made a gain in a fuckin' week!"

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." ~Thomas Edison on his "failed" attempts at perfecting the light bulb.
I'm a hard gainer. I've gained 1 inch length and 5/8 inch girth in three years. Of course I didn't go fulltime and I took like a year and a half off, so I guess I should be happy. I don't know. I keep a very basic log, but it's not a daily thing. Also, my routine is pretty elastic. I guess I approach it like lifting weights. I rarely keep a log and usually do different exercises for chest or whatever. I guess I know enough to really push myself and construct a good routine on the fly. Yes, I'm impatient and never wait in line for an exercise.

My point is that there is a middle ground. Yes, you could argue that I've achieved middle ground results, but I'm pretty happy w/ them. Yes, beginning people should keep a log and do a consistant workout, but at a point you'll be able to feel what's working and what's not on a day to day basis and adapt.

BTW Still, you're current stats are my current goals. Can't wait.
I think labeling yourself a hard gainer is a really bad thing to do.....
its all in the mind

I beleive the reason DLD gained so much is because he actually beleived he should be gaining more than he did.....

ITs been hard for me to gain
But I aint a hard gainer
VladtheImpaler said:
I think labeling yourself a hard gainer is a really bad thing to do.....
its all in the mind

I beleive the reason DLD gained so much is because he actually beleived he should be gaining more than he did.....

Very well said! You can accomplish SO much more if you let your mind help instead of fight it.

I noticed my most impressive gains when I stopped mentally fighting the process and realized, "Hey this works". I went from thinking "if" to "when". HUGE difference.
Guys, don't get me wrong; I'm not consciously or subconsciously undermining my own efforts. I have a very positive outlook on Penis Enlargementing nowadays, and I love the way it keeps my penis 'in shape'. I'm also looking forward to new gains down the road.

However, all of this positive energy that I put into it DOESN'T change the fact that my penis responds poorly to the exercises. I don't really mind that, either, as long as I'll get to my final goal eventually. Eventually as in during the next couple of years or so. I won't make it my life's purpose to get to the finish line if things start to look hopeless at one point or another, though. Some guys would, and they would probably end up at their goal size after many years, but personally I have better things to do with my life than spend my youth obsessing over something that is next to impossible for me to achieve. Hence the reason why my goals are rather modest.
The biggest mistake someone can make in Penis Enlargement is making it more complicated then it needs to be. Penis Enlargement works for everyone and if it is not working for you then you need to look at a few things.

The single most important part of Penis Enlargement is the mental portion. I know that many of you are probabbly sighing to yourselves thinking, DLD is such a fucking hippy, but I assure you I am not I only know that with Penis Enlargement if my mind is in the wrong place I WILL NOT GAIN. A very importantthing for me was this post on INTENSITY vs. MENTAL BELIEF and this post on VISUAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL Penis Enlargement. If you get the opportunity to read them please do as they have helped me considerably. As corny as this sounds it has allot of merit, You can do anything if you believe it.

Next is the PHYSICAL aspect of Penis Enlargement. This is something that can get confusing at times too and it really does not need to be. Penis Enlargement is broken down into 2 main parts being GIRTH and LENGTH. Increasing GIRTH is very simple to understand, if you constantly bring your penis to an extended time of maximum expansion the tissue has no choice but to accommodate this expansion by stretching, deforming, micro-tearing and repairing thus a thicker penis. So why is it so hard for guys to gain GIRTH sometimes? I think it has to do with one thing, not getting to your maximum expansion long enough. Thats it. With the hundreds of different GIRTH exercises out there one can feel confused if he is doing the right one. Find a GIRTH routine you like and stick with it...PUT ON THE BLINDERS and give it a chance. When you are finished with a GIRTH session and you are not feeling you have achieved MAXIMUM EXPANSION then you need to move to a more intense routine. For myself I like to get beyond my natural GIRTH size and stay in this zone, while exercising, for at least 30 minutes. When I have done this, I put my penis away and get on with my day.

LENGTH is the other side of Penis Enlargement and in my opinion the easiest place to make gains. As funny and basic as this sounds, I see the penis as a flesh bag that have one singe sexual purpose, TO GET LONGER. No other organ on the human body expands like the penis, this is its main job. Keeping this in mind and thinking about some widely excepted forms of body modification really simplifies this process. Have you seen Monty's ears? I will post a picture for all to see. Monty has had a habit of pulling on his ear lobes for most of his life. Monty now has ear lobes that stretch to almost 8 inches! Hmmm, 8 inch ear lobes, but an organ that was made to get larger and starts out bigger than Monty's ear lobes can't be stretched? Come on! If the penis is stretched with enough intensity for a prolonged period it will stretch longer...Penis EnlargementRIOD! You don't need to put any other thought into the process. If you stretch it will grow. Just like GIRTH there are many LENGTH exercises and I have always believed the best route it to start with BASICS, be consistent and religious to your routine and only advance when you plateau. Then you can rework your routine, hell even join my pay-site that lays out each advancement in a very easy to follow system.

Lastly a user needs to appreciate and understand the gift we all know about which is Penis Enlargement. Shit, we found the fountain of youth for our most prized organ. We know the secrets to making ourselves bigger men. This in itself is incredible. Does this happen overnight? FUCK NO! It takes a complete change of life...COMPLETE! Once you start on your Penis Enlargement journey the rest of your life will change. You will need top be strong with yourself, patient beyond anything you have ever been patient with, goal oriented, willing to give up an hour or two most days every week, and willing to settle down into this new life of Penis Enlargement. At first it seems overwhelming and anyone who has been successful with Penis Enlargement will endorse this. Thing rarely happen on our time, they happen when they happen and if we stick around long enough we all will reap the rewards of Penis Enlargement.

I came into Penis Enlargement with 6.5 inches of Bone Pressed Dick today I am beyond 10 inches, believe it or not. If I can do this, anyone can.
Great posts everyone. Here's my 2 cents (coming from a decent gainer):

Effort and intensity are relative terms. What seems like torture to one guy would be a cakewalk to another. I have experienced personally through training friends (weight training, though there is almost no difference between your ability to generate intensity and effort through Penis Enlargement or weightlifting). People's sense of hard work varies alot from person to person. I've been told by the people I'm training that they're not making gains and frustrated, eating a ton of food and training hard, but when I hang out with them for a day, they're eating like an anorexic vegan and pussy-footing around the gym for 20 minutes.

Here's what a typical hanging set is like for me: I load up 20 pounds, and right off the bat I'm feeling aches and pains from the weight, it feels like a ton and the skin at the base there's a sharp pain from being stretched. After a few minutes, all the tissues settle into place and I can feel the tunica and ligs being stretched hard. About ten minutes into the set, I can feel the tunica burning deeply from the stretch. By the 15 minute mark, I am grimacing from the pain, almost screaming, sweating and can barely take it anymore. I repeat this hell SEVERAL TIMES, EVERYDAY. Can you honestly say that you keep that kind of intensity day in day out consistently and have had no gains to show for it??

This is just another perspective. Those links that DLD posted are awesome, I think reading and applying what he says in those threads are the key to making gains.
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For me the answer was not to train with more intensity and for longer periods of time. If you have followed by posts, a few months ago I was attempting to do shit like 8 hrs a day of erect ADC while I went to work and other crazy things like that. Well, to make a long story short I overdid it, lost my ability to get an erection, and had to take a full month off before I was able to get hard again. Since being back, I have gone back to a very basic routine of stretching, jelqing, and PC work with a good warm up. My new routine including the warmup takes only about 45 minutes which is a fraction of the time I was spending on Penis Enlargement and I don't pulverize my dick like I used to.

I think I was a typical hardgainer/nogainer for a long time. I would always try and up the anti on the intensity, if I didn't make my routine more intense every few days I would freak out, quit (which usually happened after a week or 2), then I would swear Penis Enlargement was bullshit and wait a few weeks before I came up with the new "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement routines only to continue the cycle. It is very very easy to psyche yourself out with Penis Enlargement, I had been doing it for years but now my only focus is consistently doing my basic routine everyday until January 1st 2005 when I will measure. This is important, we need to just get out there and do the Penis Enlargement rather than flipping out that we don't see results. I can tell just from looking at my dick that it is bigger though and I know that my modest goal of 7.25NBPX5.375 midshaft will be achieved in this time period.
doublelongdaddy said:
I know that many of you are probabbly sighing to yourselves thinking, DLD is such a fucking hippy,


Seriously, these posts are why I keep coming around this place. I consider myself a hard gainer, but I just see it as more of a challenge and WHEN I hit my next goal it will be all the sweeter.
Sorry for the double post, but I just thought of something else. On another board, a guy was going on about how Penis Enlargement was shit. I asked him his routine. He said that he religiously did 10 minutes of jelquing a day for three months and then threw in the towel. Jesus tapdancing Christ what an idiot.
Shafty said:
I feel you, man. I'm also sick and tired of people running their mouth off on how ANYONE, regardless of genetic potential, age, beginning penile health etc, can make MASSIVE gains if they put their heart and soul into it and just work like a horse. I have done just that for close to 2 years now, and I have .8" of EL and .2" EG to show for my efforts. However, I have already come to grips with the fact that I'm a hardgainer, so I'm content with what I have scratched together. I'm not complaining about my lack of gains, but rather the attitude these so-called 'good gainers' have towards anyone who isn't making good progress and voicing his complaints/concern over it.

I resent being told that my gains are due to a lack of motivation, effort or the right mindset. Men aren't created equally; some gain muscle without much effort while others have to work their asses off for years on end just to put on a few pounds, and I believe the same goes for Penis Enlargementing, too. It seems the majority of men make rather good gains, but there is the minority who have a tough time reshaping their penis. Personally I have figured out a way to make decent progress, but it involves taking long breaks and going a few steps backwards every now and then to avoid getting plateued, which would otherwise happen no matter how much I upped my intensity of tweaked my routine.

For all the guys who made these posts, yeah I am on your level too. I decided FR was for me, Penis Enlargement just didn't work.
I came off wrong I was not mad or upset at anyone besides my dick. Guys like DLD and Bib are freaks of nature with their gains but they have put in more time and effort than almost all if not all guys. But then some guys make a 1" gain in what seems like a week I just think wtf.

I'm surprised by this thread it seemed negative to me at first but because of the good posts by DLD, SWM, Shafty and all others the information that it contains now is very inspiring and damn't I going to make it grow if I got to pull the damn thing off. This thread is like a kick in the ass and a pat on the back on at the same time. ;)

Thanks all n2
WantToBeThick said:
Sorry for the double post, but I just thought of something else. On another board, a guy was going on about how Penis Enlargement was shit. I asked him his routine. He said that he religiously did 10 minutes of jelquing a day for three months and then threw in the towel. Jesus tapdancing Christ what an idiot.

Not really. He should see at least a slight improvemnt in that time few mm's at least, not NOTHING.
I agree, I got my act together at the end of july and starting clamping for my girth gains 3 on and 1 off.. 2x 20 min daily and stopped about 2 weeks ago and I made a solid 1/8" gain, sure its not much..but it put me a bit over average from what I was (5")
Hey TimBo,
Every little bit counts, especially with girth. A 0.25" girth gain makes a HUGE difference. I'm blown away by the guys on here claiming like 1"+ girth gains because that's an enormous dirrerence in the size of your dick. I've only gained 1/8" - 1/4" of girth, and it feels very different in my hand.
HArd gainer....Fast gainer... I don't know what the hell I am.
I started pe in desperation. I knew a divorce was imminent IF I didn't do something quick. I bought a pe course and did it. Nothing happened. In time I bought another one and followed it religiously and you guessed it NOTHING happened. For 18 months I worked my fucking ass off and got about an 1/8 of an inch in erect length.

The divorce came.. BLAH old story..who gives a fuck. Would you really blame a woman for not being satisfied with 3 3/4 in erect (nbp). The depression set in even worse. I was a freakin basketcase and did not even want to live.

Thru a series of events I found DLD and he immediately took me under his wing. I sent him a ton of pm's and he guided me into some growth. Within a couple of weeks after he started helping me I saw a tiny increase. Then BAM its like my dick was not my own anymore. Almost everytime I picked up a ruler there was an increase. I very quickly went from 3 3/4 or 4 1/2bp erect to 7 1/8 honestly in a few months.

Now was the new routine THAT much more intense than what I was doing? To be honest ...NO. DLD tweaked a few exercises for me to get the growth started. He actually worked on my mind much more than he did my penis routines. I honestly think it was because I KNEW that someone actually gave a damn about ME. DLD was there to help me when I could NOT help myself. Hell in that time period of the intense gains many horrible things happened to me. I almost lost a finger in a belt sander which made it almost impossible to use for pe. Sure I had another hand but it was horribly weak from mini strokes which were occuring regularly from the shitload of stress that I was under.

After the fast gains more shit happened. I lost the two most important women (3 if you count the ex-wife) in my life. More shit was coming down than I could handle. My Dr thought on 2 seperate occasions during this time that I had cancer. Thank God he was wrong both times. I had stopped pe during this time. Just could'nt find the time or strength to keep up. BAm ...just as fast as the gains came they started to dissappear. In just a short time I was down from 7 1/8 to 6 3/8 bp erect.

A few months ago I started up again with some routines. Still not doinng pe as much as I did a couple of years back but I knew I had to do something or risk losing ALL the gains. As of last night I measured and am now back to exactly 7 inches bp.x 5 5/8 girth. My dr. has me on a roller coaster ride right now playing with some meds to kepp the mini strokes from reoccuring so I am making sure that I do not stress over a routine. If something is NOT working then I make adjustments accordingly. Am I satisfied??? No but I'm at peace with ME. I'm broken (health problems) but I'm ok. I'm not where I wanna be..but I'm complete. My new theory is that God loves me just the way i am....but tooo much to letme stay that way.. I say that Gods gift to us is our dreams and that what we do with them is our gift back to God. Right now i dream of an 8 inch penis with 6- 6 1/4 inch girth. Each daily workout IS bringing me closer to seeing my dream fullfilled.

I meant what I said about someone giving a fuck about me.. For those of you struggling let me assure you I feel your pain...been there too. Just rest assured I GIVE A FUCK about you. Iv'e said it from the beginning.. if my being able to spare at least one persons the pain and shame and humiliation I went thru then my time here will not have been in vain. IF you are struggling, find someone successful and pick their brain and see what worked for them. Will the same thing work for you .. who knows but at least try it. Hell, if you wanted to learn how to become a rich man then you would probably not go to a minimum wage man to learn how to become one.

Sorry for the long post, just started typing and couldn't stop. Guess that 7 inch measurement last night still has me pumped up in more ways than one. Laterz C.
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C-Guy said:
HArd gainer....Fast gainer... I don't know what the hell I am.
I started pe in desperation. I knew a divorce was imminent IF I didn't do something quick. I bought a pe course and did it. Nothing happened. In time I bought another one and followed it religiously and you guessed it NOTHING happened. For 18 months I worked my fucking ass off and got about an 1/8 of an inch in erect length.

The divorce came.. BLAH old story..who gives a fuck. Would you really blame a woman for not being satisfied with 3 3/4 in erect (nbp). The depression set in even worse. I was a freakin basketcase and did not even want to live.

Thru a series of events I found DLD and he immediately took me under his wing. I sent him a ton of pm's and he guided me into some growth. Within a couple of weeks after he started helping me I saw a tiny increase. Then BAM its like my dick was not my own anymore. Almost everytime I picked up a ruler there was an increase. I very quickly went from 3 3/4 or 4 1/2bp erect to 7 1/8 honestly in a few months.

Now was the new routine THAT much more intense than what I was doing? To be honest ...NO. DLD tweaked a few exercises for me to get the growth started. He actually worked on my mind much more than he did my penis routines. I honestly think it was because I KNEW that someone actually gave a damn about ME. DLD was there to help me when I could NOT help myself. Hell in that time period of the intense gains many horrible things happened to me. I almost lost a finger in a belt sander which made it almost impossible to use for pe. Sure I had another hand but it was horribly weak from mini strokes which were occuring regularly from the shitload of stress that I was under.

After the fast gains more shit happened. I lost the two most important women (3 if you count the ex-wife) in my life. More shit was coming down than I could handle. My Dr thought on 2 seperate occasions during this time that I had cancer. Thank God he was wrong both times. I had stopped pe during this time. Just could'nt find the time or strength to keep up. BAm ...just as fast as the gains came they started to dissappear. In just a short time I was down from 7 1/8 to 6 3/8 bp erect.

A few months ago I started up again with some routines. Still not doinng pe as much as I did a couple of years back but I knew I had to do something or risk losing ALL the gains. As of last night I measured and am now back to exactly 7 inches bp.x 5 5/8 girth. My dr. has me on a roller coaster ride right now playing with some meds to kepp the mini strokes from reoccuring so I am making sure that I do not stress over a routine. If something is NOT working then I make adjustments accordingly. Am I satisfied??? No but I'm at peace with ME. I'm broken (health problems) but I'm ok. I'm not where I wanna be..but I'm complete. My new theory is that God loves me just the way i am....but tooo much to letme stay that way.. I say that Gods gift to us is our dreams and that what we do with them is our gift back to God. Right now i dream of an 8 inch penis with 6- 6 1/4 inch girth. Each daily workout IS bringing me closer to seeing my dream fullfilled.

I meant what I said about someone giving a fuck about me.. For those of you struggling let me assure you I feel your pain...been there too. Just rest assured I GIVE A FUCK about you. Iv'e said it from the beginning.. if my being able to spare at least one persons the pain and shame and humiliation I went thru then my time here will not have been in vain. IF you are struggling, find someone successful and pick their brain and see what worked for them. Will the same thing work for you .. who knows but at least try it. Hell, if you wanted to learn how to become a rich man then you would probably not go to a minimum wage man to learn how to become one.

Sorry for the long post, just started typing and couldn't stop. Guess that 7 inch measurement last night still has me pumped up in more ways than one. Laterz C.

Beautiful post!
Yea. This is all pretty eye-opening. Maybe I have had a self-defeating attitude. In my years of Penis Enlargement, I've always hoped that I'd reach my goal, but I rarely believed. Heck, even now that I've hit my first goal, it's hard to believe that I'll hit the next.

Pretty amazing stuff.

Thanks again DLD and everyone else.
Thanks for the great posts everyone! Very inspirational stuff! :)
I can willingly admit that at the beginning of my Penis Enlargement career I had this so-called 'frustrated newbie' dilemma. The paysite which I subscribed to promised massive results in less than a month with as little as 10 minutes of Penis Enlargementing per day. Of course I knew nothing about how hard it actually is to plastically deform your penis, and since I didn't recognize a marketing scam when I saw it, I was pretty pissed off for not getting my gains.
I obviously know more on the penis and how it responds to strain nowadays, so frustration isn't an issue any more. Hell, I no longer even measure the damn thing! Last time I measured was after my 2.5 month break this autumn, and I had grown a good .4" inches!
I guess I was trying to say that even though EVERY man out there CAN and WILL gain at least something, the difference between HOW much and how QUICKLY these gains come about varies greatly from man to man.
I mean look at guys like Samzman: the dude has gained several inches with a 10 minute routine! Then there are those who fit into the other end of the spectrum.

Once again, no complaints here! I don't remember exactly how my penis looked and felt before I started Penis Enlargementing, but the difference is already pretty damn obvious. As someone said, even the tiniest girth gain makes a huge visible difference, and I can say without any doubt that my flaccid size has also grown tremendously. All the struggle has been worth it, even if most guys would have gained more than me with the amount of work I've put into it so far.
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stillwantmore said:
I totally agree man. I've said it countless times on who knows how many Penis Enlargement forums now. No commitment=no gains. You simply cannot go at this stuff half heartedly, with a half-ass approach to your routine and expect the gains you really want to see. I'm no saint either, there have been plenty of times in the past where I have had almost no commitment to a routine. Guess what though? EVERY time I re-commit, and stick with to a solid routine, I see gains. EVERY time.

This is funny to me too and I'm guilty of this. I put in at least 2 hours in length sessions every time out every time I've ever Penis Enlargementd. But I stopped doing kegels and I stopped jelqing for the last 5 months. That is a big no no to stop doing one or especially both IMO. I hadn't even realized I stopped doing kegels all this time. For kegels it was just bad memory. I like doing kegels. Jelqing, on the other hand, for me is like pulling teeth without anesthesia. But yeah if you want to see a steady growth in your penis length or girth you have to have a consistent routine (even if it is an inconsistent one as long as over time it stays consistent it could work for you) mixed with all out effort, and having some elementary Penis Enlargement techniques.
Shafty said:
Thanks for the great posts everyone! Very inspirational stuff! :)
I can willingly admit that at the beginning of my Penis Enlargement career I had this so-called 'frustrated newbie' dilemma. The paysite which I subscribed to promised massive results in less than a month with as little as 10 minutes of Penis Enlargementing per day. Of course I knew nothing about how hard it actually is to plastically deform your penis, and since I didn't recognize a marketing scam when I saw it, I was pretty pissed off for not getting my gains. I obviously know more on the penis and how it responds to strain nowadays, so frustration isn't an issue any more. Hell, I no longer even measure the damn thing! Last time I measured was after my 2.5 month break this autumn, and I had grown a good .4" inches!
I guess I was trying to say that even though EVERY man out there CAN and WILL gain at least something, the difference between HOW much and how QUICKLY these gains come about varies greatly from man to man.
I mean look at guys like Samzman: the dude has gained several inches with a 10 minute routine! Then there are those who fit into the other end of the spectrum.

Once again, no complaints here! I don't remember exactly how my penis looked and felt before I started Penis Enlargementing, but the difference is already pretty damn obvious. As someone said, even the tiniest girth gain makes a huge visible difference, and I can say without any doubt that my flaccid size has also grown tremendously. All the struggle has been worth it, even if most guys would have gained more than me with the amount of work I've put into it so far.

Man, the first Paysite I tried to join either just took my money or it got "lost." I waited and waited for that damn email to come and it never fucking did. And it said it would take probably 2 weeks for them clear checks and possibly more if you are sending it overseas. Fucking bullshit, I paid them and kept checking to see if my balance was any different. Then I sent them a few emails and no one ever replied. I was polite and everything just asking how long it usually takes for a U.S. check to clear with them and such. Nadda mutherf****** thing! By the time I got a new statement from my bank it'd been like over 2 weeks and my balance had changed for the amount I'd paid them exactly. I had no other bills to pay at the time either so it was obvious that the check was cashed or deposited somewhere. bunch of BS to me. I almost didn't join this site because of that experience. That was before February 12th. I did google after google trying to find out how to enlarge my penis. Kept getting advertisements with doctors and testimonials. Then I found Pride Penis and got some newbie stuff that I thought I could handle and then I was off albeit out fifty bucks. Still, it made me even more determined to find a way to Penis Enlargement. Thanks DLD, for running a legit site. I don't trust other paysites to this day. They just seem all too impersonal and scammish.
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I have been at this site for only a short time and started Penis Enlargement about a little under 3 months ago now and I gained just slightly over 7/8" EL I think this my be because my penis was so un-healthy or I could be a fast gainer but I went from just over 7 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL to just under 8 1/2" bone press EL, But then again I'm not sure if I'm measuring correctly I've seen guys measure on the top but a little to the side for there BPenis EnlargementL and if I do that I'm 8 3/4" I like to measure on top pressing against that little support ligament right in the middle. I'm sure I'm a fast gainer but I dedicate about 45 minutes in the morning and at least 1 1/2 hour every night 7 days a week. I always wake up sore but about 5mins into the morning workout that seems to pass. I have a very strict routine I follow composed of DLD blasters in the A-stretch position( I find I get a better stretch if I raise my heels and lean forward) DLD bundled blasters, Lazy ass stretch's, A-stretch tunica stretch, STILLWANTMORE's tunica stretch, and DLD's Bundled tunica stretch. and few other basic stretch's like the lay down tunica stretch with a few hundred kegels.I know I' am going to reach my goal on 10 NBPenis EnlargementL by the end of a year. (at least I'll keep telling my self that) currently 8 1/8"NBPenis EnlargementL :)

The snail and the gepard compete in a race. The snail crawls slowly but steady, takes time to rest and gaze at the rich nature while the gepard rushes through it. Both eventually arrive at the goal line.
The gepard needed one day while the snail needed one year.

Life isn't fair but it is very beautiful.
I agree with still and skepdick on this, first two posts.
I'm a prime example of Penis Enlargement success gone down the hill through lazyness and half arsed atempts. I have gained great, but thats due to my early years when I was VERY consistant and always did it. Than I had spells here and there, than gaps which lead into inconsistancy. This inconsistantcy actually worked, and when I say this I mean sessions that could be anything at anytime. 5 on 2 off, 2 on 5 off. 1 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off etc etc and I dubbed these 'EggShell' routines, and I gain from them. I feel these work for me now because I have conditioned my penis enough for it to happen, but newbies should hammer tooth and nail for 5 days on 2 off or 7 days on and zero off with a light leading into a moderate routine [see dlds newbie for a great exmple]. After 6 months of this one can go into the advanced stages and try hanging, pumping, constricting and get into one on one off etc etc. The penis will be USED to the stress and actually grow and adapt better to it than it would have. Plus being so religous in the early days help you keep dedicated and makes it easier when you step down onto the 1 on 1 off routine [or whatever else] because you have done the harder graft. When you hit a plateu a one on one off basis alongwith HARDCORE intensity usually does the trick for gains for 2 weeks, than swith back into a routine that heads near enough back into what you were doing at first. Switching back and fourth with routines is essential in growth, shocking you penis is a majot factor when we are at a bad stage because it can make that growth occur with often freq' use of a reguler routine. IMHO one doesnt have to be doing 5 on 2 off or 7 on zero off for there entire pe life to make gains, infact I belive they will stop sooner if they dont mix it-up. I have had the same syndrome and seen others with it too. The secret to gains is CONSISTENCY, DEDICATION, PATIENCE, TIME, FAITH and ADAPTATION. I see members NEW to Penis Enlargement jumping striaight into hanging/pumping/constriction/ads etc etc and it isnt advised by me Penis EnlargementRIOD. A good 6 months of reguler consistant pe will make the cock ready for anything. Look at me, I can go in the pump on high pressure for nearly 45 minutes and not have a blue or black dick. My penis through early reguler exercise and later on reguler intense constriction has made my penis open for intense long sessions without all the side effects....its used to it, built strong armour to it and I RARELY get injured now....even after constricted pumping for 30+ minutes my cock is fine and erect like steel, but a newbie could never dream of this. I have built up to this level. I now have become kinda slack with pe, I dont do much but I do enough to gain abit and maintanence of temp gains....I have ranted in my own routine thread and when I get the tools [extenders 'on there way' and [words=]PA[/words]] I shall really get into pe once more. Its a nice break if you will, from the hard graft over the years....I work alot and its stressful, so I deserve it right??? lol If you want to see my old shit than head over to the pridepenis forums > routines section and find a routine by me, its like 6+ pages long and got some major intense shit. You'll know what I mean when I said be dedicated and you will get gains. Now I can take it more easy yet still dick must have become open for less work from all that reguler stress years ago. I desire erect length of 9.5 inches or more and I WILL get that. In the next 2-3 weeks I'd say watch my thread and see the nextwave of intensity in the Redzulu'll blow ya fuckin heads off. I will once again be a dedicated pe gedi lol
Well, I have never bitched or moaned about no gains, but im pretty much coming up on a FUCKING 10 month plateau :O :O :O

Yeah thats right....And no bullshit routines here boys,

I pretty much never miss a session, and they are plenty intense....

And when I say 10 months, I actually have gained some natural growth cuz I guess im still growing, and I cant really say my length gains have been bad, I started at 6" bp and Im now at a little over 7"bp.....

But girth gains have been next to nill, not 0.1"
And thats what I train the most, AND ITS INTENSE.....

SO there is MY woe is me POSt, it shall be the only, but you guys better ball your fucking eyes out.... rofl
Its time IMO to change your routine days and try something new to shock the penis.

I quote from my above post...........
IMHO one doesnt have to be doing 5 on 2 off or 7 on zero off for there entire pe life to make gains, infact I belive they will stop sooner if they dont mix it-up. I have had the same syndrome and seen others with it too