
Well-known member
hey guys im not sure if anyone else has this problem but here it goes .
ive been stretching for quite some time now and made exeptional gains 6''to 6 3/4 , and now i have this hard cord along the inside of my dick witch stops me from gaining any length i feel.
i was just wondering if i still keep stretching even thought i feel the cord will i keep gaining length? thanks
this sounds like the 'cord' that people have talked about on the cord thread.
does the cord/wire run on top or underneath your dick?
I found mine was just the tunica which had become thicker (on the bottom) from too much stretching. I stopped stretching really hard, and it has gone back to what it used to be. Now I'm stretching more progressively and only when really warmed up.
thanks superted .
about the warming up befor stretching i never have and also when i stretch i always go as hard as i can at it ,
so should i ease up on it ?
and also if i stretch a little lighter will i still make gains ?
no worries mate
it's just my experience, but i noticed that the 'cord' became significantly tougher if i didn't warm up really well, or if i cooled down during a session. i made NO length gains once it was toughened, i actually lost some length. prior to that i'd gained 1 inch just under 1 year doing mainly upwards tunica stretching. once it toughened it was all over. i'm unsure if it was lack of heat AND stretching too hard, or just lack of heat that caused it.
after having a few months off, just doing light stretching the cord has gone back to normal.
i'd personally ease up, but, who knows, if you start heating it properly then you may find that is enough to de-toughen it and stretch - there was a thread somewhere about the tunica fibres only stretching at a particular (high) heat, that could be the key. maybe try an infrared lamp to ensure it's heated right up.
gains if you stretch light with a toughened tunica? i didn't but others might have.
i'm wondering if anyone has a 'cord' on top AND underneath. i have one underneath and my erection curves down, most blokes seem to have it on top and they also curve up. anyone have a cord and a straight erection?
This wire/cord/septum or whatever you want to call it, is the single most difficult factor in gaining length. It is there to protect us from danger or damage, but it still is a very restricting force. Whatever you can do....heat....stretch to the point of fatiuge....or whatever, you have to work to make it "give." I think I have gained some lately in getting it to give for me, but it sure takes a lot of hard work. If anyone has any ideas or has made progress in overcoming this problem please let us know! GS
German Stallion;375873 said:
This wire/cord/septum or whatever you want to call it, is the single most difficult factor in gaining length. It is there to protect us from danger or damage, but it still is a very restricting force. Whatever you can do....heat....stretch to the point of fatiuge....or whatever, you have to work to make it "give." I think I have gained some lately in getting it to give for me, but it sure takes a lot of hard work. If anyone has any ideas or has made progress in overcoming this problem please let us know! GS

German Stallion the Wire Master:) Among other masteries!
oneday;376256 said:
It held you back all those months? so what did you do to finally gain?

nothing. i gained a hell lot lengthwise when i started just by doing a few stretches and then nothing happened, just +/- 0.1inches. im currently on a deconditioning break (Bathmate probably tomorrow yay!) and could already see it slightly shrinking
so what is the general consensus on what we do if we have this cord? im not sure if ive had it throughout my whole Penis Enlargement training or if its new... i started my [words=]extender[/words] in DEC. with sporadic manual stretching. ive probably been doin intense and regular manual stretching in the past month. should i decondition and if so how long? i havent noticed any gains btw :(
This "septum" or as it is called a wrie, cord or what ever, can be "budged" but each of you are going to find it what it takes onyour own. I believe that much of what gains are made are because that "cord" gives. Fatigue is the key, I think. It might be that you will fatigue at a lesser weight or pressure than others. The human body has to protect itself. Whatever it takes, the Penis is going to survive. It will not give more than it can to keep strong. I don't know of anyone who got the "septum" to give more than a little at a time. My opinion: When men hang a long time...several hours they are reaching a fatigue point. When some of these guys work hard and hang heavy weights, they are going to get a stronger cord and it will take more to reach fatigue. It has been posted that heat an different weights help to break down the septum to get fatigue. An all day stretch that is heavy enough to reach fatigue will surely do some good. If you wear the same weight all the time, there won't be the tendency to reach that fatigue. The various stretchers work because they keep adding some extra pressure.

So, if we can get some extra pressure, even by manual stretch, fulcrum stretch, hanging, [words=]ads[/words], they all will work but not if you just stay the same. You are going to have to increase the weight, I believe, to get any 'give' in the septum. Just because someone makes progress doing their thing, doesn't mean it will work for you. There comes a time when we must do all the various forms of Penis Enlargement or we are missing out. Recently there was an email that Jelqs need to be changed or added to....I agree, keep doing the same thing and no results, expect no results. Change from hanging, to manual stretch. Do an [words=]ads[/words] for a couple months. Go back over what you used to do and do it again.

I was stuck, really stuck for many many month, could not even see any stretch of any kind. Started doing different things and "bam" things are moving. I have had some growth from just plain manual stretches, in conjuction with an [words=]ads[/words] that I have been wearing 16 hours daily. The Penis might not be a muscle, but it sure knows how to get strong. That is why that guy can pull a truck with his schlong. GS
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Is this a reason why rest days brake out? The wire regenerates and can take more til it is exhausted on a sufficient level... Is that how it goes?
ive recently noticed this wire making itself known along the top of my penis. is this a common area?

also, is it wise to tug at the cord or could that lead to injury? Hydromaxm, i am sometimes able to circumvent this restrictive cord reflex if i do slowww stretches but that seems to be hit or miss.
so what do you suggest then? l have noticed the wire on the top of my penis...should l ease off on stretching for a while and just jelq? or just make sure l warm up more?
djt;379853 said:
so what do you suggest then? l have noticed the wire on the top of my penis...should l ease off on stretching for a while and just jelq? or just make sure l warm up more?

IT depends, are you making any stretching/length gains? I don't think the wire is a problem unless you notice that you aren't gaining any (more) length and have given a few different length routines a good go. I found that heat was my best friend for stretching and girth gains, always stayed warm.
yes l hae been doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words] for like 3 months with barely any gains....l dont know if l am pulling hard enough...sure feels like l cant pull any harder..l do like 45 min stetch then same jelq...every night with weekends off..getting really frustrated
The more I read about this the more I become confused.
djt;379876 said:
l guess it could be..but whatever it is getting very big and pronounced..looks kinda odd

I'm confused too. It could be that the fibres/tissue around the dorsal vein are toughening up and getting thicker, perhaps from stretching too hard and/or without enough heat, making it stand out. You'd be able to tell if it was the vein itself wouldn't you?
do you feel the same thing on the ventral side ie between the upper and lower chambers - around the urethra? that's where mine was.
Did you notice it at all before you started stretching?
No it wasnt there before l strted stretching at all and it seems like it might just be a vein but when l started reading up on the wire....l started wondering if in fact l wa doing more harm than good
djt;379963 said:
No it wasnt there before l strted stretching at all and it seems like it might just be a vein but when l started reading up on the wire....l started wondering if in fact l wa doing more harm than good

How the hell is a wire going to magically appear in your penis from exercise? i am really confused on this whole topic. GS, can you lend some help here?
LOl.. l dunno DLD l am just as confused as you....l am just going by what l read on some threads on here...should l just dismiss this and not worry about it? its not painful at all..just looks a lil
I think you can overcome this mystical "wire" with a lot of heat. We all know that heat causes a better blood flow and the molecules are moving a lot faster when warmed up. So it would totally make sense if this problem disappeared by keeping the penis a long time in a warm environment. Another reason could be that the tissues adapt much easier if warmed up, that's why we warm up before exercising.
DLD, have you kept your penis in a warm environment (like a rice sock or heating pad) over an extended amount of time while you were active in Penis Enlargement? With "active" I mean the time when you were into it 100% (I read your routine on TS, shit man that was a whole day workout :) ). That and your mega-routine could be a the reason why you gained so much in such a short period of time. Again, this is just theory, but to me it seems very logical. If anyone has interest, try to wear a heating pad or a rice sock or anything else that keeps you warm for at least an hour a day (while watching TV or working at a desk,etc.). If you don't see positive results (could be a better flaccid hang), then forget what I just wrote, but I'm pretty sure that this might work. Can't wait to start with Penis Enlargement again, got a fucking thrombosed vein and can't get rid of it :(
What confuses me is how can this part of the penis limit someone when we all have it and most of us gain?
doublelongdaddy;408205 said:
What confuses me is how can this part of the penis limit someone when we all have it and most of us gain?

Me, I liken it to flexibility; when I was heavy into fightin', my instructor pushed flexibility like a problem was that I had the flexibility of a cinder block. Other guys were like Plastic Man.
White guys can't jump
black guys don't float.

As similar as we are; we all still got our own peculiarities.
What confuses me is how can this part of the penis limit someone when we all have it and most of us gain?
Everybody can gain, but like 95% of all people hit a plateau very fast and this is when the "wire" comes into play. Some lucky people, or the ones who (accidentally) do the right things at the right time, hit this plateau very late. I think that's the reason why not everybody is gaining 4" or whatever so fast. You have to listen to your body and not to what other people say. [words=]MOS[/words] is a good place for information, but these information simultaneously confuse people who are reading them - like DLD at the moment :) :P .
Then again, this "wire" is more of an external phenomenon. So wouldn't it make sense to stretch internal penis with the "Mandingo stretch" or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] (haven't tried this method though)? By that you would simply bypass this wire thing and you would stretch out the inner penis. And there is a hell lot to gain from inner penis...
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I do get confused sometimes:) thank goodness I have you guys to un-fucking-confuse me:)
im having this problem too. when i first started doing the newbie stretches i could stretch really good, but after a few weeks and like 1/4" gain, it seems impossible to get a good stretch or any gains.....sooo, then i started doing the mandingo stretch ontop of the newbie stretches and i still havent gained at all....also very frustrated
94exa2;408344 said:
im having this problem too. when i first started doing the newbie stretches i could stretch really good, but after a few weeks and like 1/4" gain, it seems impossible to get a good stretch or any gains.....sooo, then i started doing the mandingo stretch ontop of the newbie stretches and i still havent gained at all....also very frustrated

I have to restate my opinion on this, it is not like we all don't have this same part of the penis and I doubt some men have one made of steel and others don't:) This whole theory reminds me of the LOT theory, just a way to mentally get in the way of your gains.
doublelongdaddy;408353 said:
I have to restate my opinion on this, it is not like we all don't have this same part of the penis and I doubt some men have one made of steel and others don't:) This whole theory reminds me of the LOT theory, just a way to mentally get in the way of your gains.

ok, well lets just say that i hit my "plateau" after a month or two of newbie do i get past this plateau of no gains? i dont really feel like an inch gain is THAT much, but after the first 1/4", which came fairly quickly in my opionion, it seems impossible to gain more....maybe im not warming up the right way? i usually massage the entire area, get to erection, lightly masterbate then i strap on my pump, pump for a little, do some "pump stretches" for a little, then after my erection goes away a little i do the newbie streches for a little then do the mandingo stretches for as long as i can....but still dont see any gains over the past few weeks. how do i get over this "plateau"?
94exa2;408452 said:
ok, well lets just say that i hit my "plateau" after a month or two of newbie do i get past this plateau of no gains? i dont really feel like an inch gain is THAT much, but after the first 1/4", which came fairly quickly in my opionion, it seems impossible to gain more....maybe im not warming up the right way? i usually massage the entire area, get to erection, lightly masterbate then i strap on my pump, pump for a little, do some "pump stretches" for a little, then after my erection goes away a little i do the newbie streches for a little then do the mandingo stretches for as long as i can....but still dont see any gains over the past few weeks. how do i get over this "plateau"?

I would suggest a new routine completely. If you have gone weeks without gains on the Newbie Workout it is time to step up the intensity on the routine or switch to a new routine. Try not to use words like "impossible" as this starts to forge beliefs in your mind that things are impossible. Some great stretches that supersede the Newbie Stretches are:

DLD Blasters
Footlong Stretches
Sock Stretches
Expressive Stretching [words=]PowerAssist[/words] and [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] Stretches
doublelongdaddy;408454 said:
I would suggest a new routine completely. If you have gone weeks without gains on the Newbie Workout it is time to step up the intensity on the routine or switch to a new routine. Try not to use words like "impossible" as this starts to forge beliefs in your mind that things are impossible. Some great stretches that supersede the Newbie Stretches are:

DLD Blasters
Footlong Stretches
Sock Stretches
Expressive Stretching
[words=]PowerAssist[/words] and [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] Stretches

well i dont really have the "extra" money for things as the [words=]powerassist[/words]/LengthMaster or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that i REALLLLLYYYYYY want, do i use my cheapo air pump and try to do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches with that as much as possible, along with the newbie stretches plus the mandingo stretch. also, i'd like for my wife to not find out other than the gain is size, so tools and such probably arent a good idea(she says 7" hurts, but i still want 8" an asshole for that i guess.....) i guess i could just keep going with the pump stretching and mandingo stretches and hope i turn my 7x5 into an 8x6. just disapointed how i gained the first 1/4" so quickly then it all stopped. any supplements that will help with my Penis Enlargement goals? also, is the performer5 the real deal? i'd really like larger cumshots, and do these pills aid in size if taken in conjunction with manual exercises?
94exa2;408475 said:
well i dont really have the "extra" money for things as the [words=]powerassist[/words]/LengthMaster or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that i REALLLLLYYYYYY want, do i use my cheapo air pump and try to do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches with that as much as possible, along with the newbie stretches plus the mandingo stretch. also, i'd like for my wife to not find out other than the gain is size, so tools and such probably arent a good idea(she says 7" hurts, but i still want 8" an asshole for that i guess.....) i guess i could just keep going with the pump stretching and mandingo stretches and hope i turn my 7x5 into an 8x6. just disapointed how i gained the first 1/4" so quickly then it all stopped. any supplements that will help with my Penis Enlargement goals? also, is the performer5 the real deal? i'd really like larger cumshots, and do these pills aid in size if taken in conjunction with manual exercises?

DLD Blasters
Footlong Stretches
Sock Stretches
Expressive Stretching
[words=]PowerAssist[/words] and [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] Stretches

The BOLD stretches take no a Matter of Fact 95% of every exercise you find here is free.
I would suggest a new routine completely.
I don't mean to question or go against King Salvini but maybe he should remain a little longer on the [words=]newbie routine[/words], maybe his gains paused for a reason but may continue to gain if he keeps being stubborn about stretching it.

As for the wire thingy, don't get confused about it guys because after reading about it in a thread when I first became a member here, I did notice the wire thingy along the top of my penis from base to head. Someone else was also claiming this and we actually thought it was a ligament. No matter what it is I continued to gain and still gaining. My gains slowed down only when I took a little break because of some blood coming out of my urethra in Oct. I just witnessed a gain yesterday and will continue on my quest. Please guys, DO NOT let this wire slow down your progress or fuck up the positiveness in your mind, just stay focused and keep marching forward.
I've been experimenting with going against the resistance of the 'wire' (ligament?). it seems to get a bit more flexible when i ignore the sharp tugback and keep pulling.
since i posted this thread ive made fsl and i did this by doing a stretch , bundled stretches and mostly ligament attacking stratches so there is a way to beat it for all those who feel like the end is near!
I'm no expert, but when I hear you guys complaining about the Wire, my only response is . That "wire" can be stretched too.

And if you've just starting out and have been working out for 3 months with no gains, your doing it wrong. Your intensity is probably lacking. Watch the newbie routines and match their intensity. I thought I was doing something when I first started, then I watched the videos and realized I was leaving a lot of gains on the table.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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