I'm going to start posting my routine here daily. Feel free to comment.

Today I did a couple of sets of lazy-ass stretches pre-workout

Manual stretches (as shown in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words])
300 wet jelqs (i'm concentrating mainly on length for the moment)
25 slow squash jelqs
Cool down (bath)

I will continue to post every day that I can and as soon as I am a solid 7.5" NBP i intend to increase to 5 or 600 wet jelqs. This is a log mainly for my personal use to see just how consistent my workout is from day to day, but like I said above, feel free to comment on any part of my routine.
This is good that you are doing wet jelqs. I haven't done these in a long time and even longer since the last time I did them consistently. The most I could do was like 600. You'll be much bigger than me (you already are) by summer's end and I started last year.
By the way I only do one or two sets of stretches instead of 3 normally. Today I did just one but I plan on doing another set later this evening.

I'm hoping I can get to 8 x 6 by 2006, the only problem is I never have enough free time for a long workout, I just have to make it short but intense.
Changed routine again. I might try and stick with this solid one. It involves the same routine as Samzman used for his first 2 inches. Nice and simple how I like it. Hoping to bust through towards the 7.5 NBP mark by the end of this month with a nice bit of hard work.

I didn't keep to commitment last time I posted about continuing to post here. This time I think I will keep you updated.

Early morning and a fresh start with 2 sets of stretches and 45 minutes of wet jelqing. Did another set of stretches this afternoon too when I had a little break.
Evening and another set of stretches with half an hour of wet jelqing. I NEED 7.5" by June 1st

Over and out
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Hoping to make a nice clearance of 7.5" BPenis EnlargementL. Thanks to only having a quarter inch fat pad I could maybe make it to 7.5 NBPenis EnlargementL. I definitely will have done by july.

Today I'm doing at LEAST 3 sets of manual stretches and at LEAST 30-45 minutes of wet jelqing. Good luck to me!
Updating: 1 set of stretches and 1000 jelqs.Didnt time.probably took about 35-40 minutes. 2 more sets of stretches to come. Next update: Tomorrow.
Good Lord insearchof9, you did 1000 jelqs? Shit, that's a load (pun intended hehe). Are you doing 2 second jelqs? You'd have to be to perform 1000 of those babies in 45 minutes. Good luck to you bro. Keep a positive mental attitude going and you'll achieve 7.5 NPBEL. Guarantee it! Personally, I want 9" NPBEL. THAT, will be fucken sweet! C-ya.
Something you might think about, which is working wonders for me. I'm two thirds of the way through my second year of Penis Enlargement, and what I've discovered this year is that, as always, if I listen to my body, in this case my penis, I hit the opportune time for stretching and dry jelqing. (I no longer wet jelq). Throughout the day and at night, and especially during the morning hours, my penis "fluffs" at regular intervals--usually about every two to three hours. What I mean by "fluff," is that I get slightly aroused. If I can do a short--ten to twenty minute stretch, jelq session during that time, I get much better results. Hope this is helpful.

To 9 x 7: Yeh I do 2 second jelqs, if I can't be bothered to count I just jelq for about 45 minutes. I'm gonna hit 9 with you.

To goinfor: I always wake up slightly aroused, from there I usually get into a jelqing session as soon as possible and I spread my stretches out through the day.
Thanks a lot.
1 set of manual stretches and only 500 jelqs. I'm going easy because I'm going to spend the whole of today having sex with my girlfriend. Hope I get a good response seeing as we haven't had sex in 2 weeks. She might even notice a difference :)

Also its the 3-month measuring day for me tomorrow. Hoping for that 7.5"
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I'm set on cracking the 7.5" mark for the 1/7/2005 because I didnt quite make it this month. I have some stretches and 1000 2 second jelqs lined up for today. Might throw in some constricted jelqs too.
1/6/2005 Update:
1000 jelqs done. I couldn't stop an erection coming so I didn't complete any stretches. I'm going to stop myself from being tempted to measure this month. Not measuring again until July.

New month, new start
I've set myself a goal: to be 8 x 6 by my next birthday (November)

No particular reason for this its just a good time to aim for. 5 months and 0.6" length and 0.5" midshaft girth to go.
I'm thinking of changing my stretches to 5 sets of stretching 30 seconds each direction instead of 3 sets of 60 second stretches because then it requires smaller spaces of time so I can sneak off for a quick stretch and come back again.
Updating: These lazy-ass stretches fucking rule! I do 'em sometimes when I'm watching TV. I'm doing a lot of these today combined with 5 sets of 30 second stretches each direction and 1000 jelqs. Bring on the gains!
well it sounds like you're kickin ass and seem very dedicated to the routine. keep it up you'll see some good gains. for me it took about 2 months to really start seeing some growth happening
Thanks samz your gains were the ones that inspired me to try a more intense jelqing routine. I've been in Penis Enlargement for 3 months and gained the first .4". I wish I could get .25" a month like you did. Ah well, hard work and dedication!
thank you. make sure you don't cum durring your routine (that's what i find to be most affective in this routine) and try to aim for the "Balloon feeling" can't lose whenever you feel that.
Yeh I know what you mean.
I blistered up my hands last night and experienced intense pain trying to jelq this morning. I only managed 400. Hopefully I will have more luck with the stretches
holly shit dude! i never heard of blisters on the hands? got enough lube on there? it takes a while for the hands to get used to all the jelquin, so hang in there.
No the blisters were from chopping wood, not from intense jelqing lol
My hands get a bit knackered sometimes but Its all good.

Booked in for the usual today. My hands are still blistered so I'm not sure how much jelqing I can do. I really need them to heal.
Good shit man, I like the dedication.

You should hit your short term goals by November. Then you can start looking forward to the massiveness of a tree log that is 9x7.

Keep at it.
I feel myself losing movtivation ugh. I'm gonna stick with it for all that I'm worth though. Put as much effort in as I can. This will pass. I've just finished stretching as I type and now I'm off to jelq myself to death.
Originally posted by insearchof9inch:
I'm doing a lot of these today combined with 5 sets of 30 second stretches each direction and 1000 jelqs. Bring on the gains!

Good looking routine, I hope you reach your goals. 1000 jelqs? You must be conditioned really good, for a couple days I did 1300 jelqs, and the day after 1500, and I got a thombrosed vein.
Im still young at 18. That combined with making sure I have a nice warm up hopefully means no injury. No injury yet anyway.

5/6/2005 Update:
Only managed 2 sets of stretches and 600 jelqs 'cos my fucking blistered hand was annoying me again. Hope it heals soon.
I'm reducing down to 600 jelqs and performing them a bit slower.When I have enough time I will give myself a boost up to 1000, but right now I dont have the time. 3 sets of manual stretches with this too, it's basically the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Good luck to me.
SHIT! I really need to stop with the days off soon. Today I was busy all day and planned to jelq in the evening, but ended up going out with my parents. Damn me living at home. Guess it's all down to a nice bit of stretching before bed-time then....
Updating 7/6/2005
2 sets of stretches and 1000 jelqs completed. My flaccid hang post-workout was just over 6 inches in length and exactly 5 inches in girth!

I'm a happy bunny today
I'm seriously pissed off about my flaccid size today even though I normally hang at around 5". Out come the footlongs I guess.

I have planned for today : 2 sets of stretches, 3 sets of footlong stretches, 600 wet jelqs and 100 constricted jelqs.
Updating: [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie routine[/words] as standard, but with only 500 wet jelqs instead of 600. Instead of the last 100, I have introduced 100 constricted jelqs in to give my girth a bit of a boost. Once I hit 6" girth I'm gonna start stretching for shit.

My ligs won't know what's hit 'em!
Its haviing sex with girlfriend day today. Maybe throw in a few stretches this evening before I retire to bed. No solid jelqing routine today though.
I'd imagine they have some erect benefits but they mainly work flaccid length because they hit the lower angle ligs.

Right, here I have a super routine. As many stretches as I can be arsed at frequent points during the day, aswell as 1000 jelqs.

I now add 10 constricted jelqs on the end of every set of 100 jelqs I do instead of doing them in one lump. See how this goes for a while.
Right, I may well be staying out all day and night today, this may be the last time I am tuning in today. If I stay out, I won't be able to Penis Enlargement this evening, but if I stay in, it's gonna be the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] plus+ for today
Updating: I've been inspired by the breaks from workouts thread and I've decided to have a week off. No Penis Enlargement until next monday! Ill tune back then.