Wow, I really missed some stuff here. Since a lot of this involves me a will try to explain in a bit better detail where I was and am coming from here.
Monkeybar, this is addressed to you in particular but since this thread is public I will post here instead of sending you a PM..
Firstly let me say that I have never met you and as a result I have no reason to think that we would not get on like a house on fire if we did meet. In acordance I give you the amount of respect that would be deserved if that were the case.
I was selling MaX-Vacs on eBay for
BTC in the begining but as
BTC has already explained that did not work out. I am an experienced and long term Penis Enlargementer (4 years). I am also quite well experienced with the MaX-Vac and I have spent the last 6 months working out the ins and outs of the
hanger. I have tried many different settings, sheath wise and pressure wise and as a result I would say that my opinion on the effectiveness of the
hanger is valid.
In my experimentation I noticed that I found it much easier to acheive a high level of comfort by being able to change the amount of pressure in the
cylinder at any time. I also found it much easier to get my penis into the
cylinder with a good seal using the hand pump. I've attempted to hang without the pump many times and have had difficulty acheiving the comfort that is present when I have had direct control of the amount of pressure in the
cylinder. I'm not saying that it cannot be done and I have hung up to 10 lbs without the use of a hand pump but my point is that it is more difficult to acheive due to the insertion of the penis into the
cylinder through the sheaths and it is much more uncomfortable.
It is true that I do not own a vacu-
hanger but the reason, again, that I feel that my opinion on this is useful is that you can hang without any added pressure using the MaX-Vac meaning that it does essentially the same thing as the vacu-
hanger. The reason behind me saying that I believe the M\/ to be a superior product is due to the fact that is enables the user to control the amount of pressure in the
cylinder at any time during the
hanging set. I have developed a set routine in which I change the amount of pressure throughout my sets in order to maintain the upmost level of comfort at all times. This has helped me to hang longer and heavier.
These are all just my personal opinions but as I said before I would consider them to be valid amongst potential vacuum hangers (people) partly due to the fact that there are not many Penis Enlargementers out there that have much experience with this method. I have been so impressed with the MaX-Vac as a whole that not only am I very active on the mynewsize forums but I also promote the M\/'s wherever I can.
BTC put it correctly when he said that I am passionate about the device and it's genius design. Again let me make the point clearly so that it is without question. I do not make any money off any MaX-Vac sales. I fully accept your apology on this matter.
On the issue of whether heavier is better. I view the penis as comparable to an elastic band where length is concerned. If you stretch an elastic band harder then it will deform more and grow as a result. Obviously this is a vague explanation and there are a lot more factors that come into play than just this but in my experience heavier is better. We could debate this forever but lets leave that for another thread. For now we can say that there are different schools of thought on this
weight issue.
Looking back over this thread, although I stand by every word that I have said, I think that it is possible that I should not have littered your vacu-
hanger thread with my opinions on this but then again it's an open forum here. The reason that I did voice my opinions was that there were so many people already complaining about the lack of customer service, etc and on that issue I must add that if you take money from a buyer then it is the be all and end all to get the product shipped. I have experience in this arena in other areas of my life and it is not acceptable to take somebodys money and seemingly disappear. If you were having problems of whatever nature then you should have shut your site down until you could run the business properly. It was this injustice that spurred me to speak on any matter here in the first place since at mynewsize there is always someone that can answer any questions posed. It is because I am passionate and opinionated Penis Enlargementer that I speak up in situations like this.
OK, that's it. I will leave this as I started it by saying, monkeybar, that I fully respect you and your reputation. You produce a large variety of reputable and high quality products and I wish you all the best with your success.