No worries. I will add that rest is very under looked with penis enlargement with the emphasis being on mostly doing 5 days on or 7 days on with loads of reps and sets AM and PM. I cant type away and say it doesn't work, because it DOES WORK and guys here are proof of the high volume approach, but in my mind I don't want to waste away time messing about with my penis all the time and want the best progress possible in the least amount of time which in my experience is intensity, as intense as possible bordering on going OTT (So need to know your body and limits already in Penis Enlargement) and than resting ....... this resting can be for multiple days and now in my case is literally weeks!!!! yes I do a couple intense sessions followed by 2-3 weeks off and my penis comeback stronger, better erection quality and at the moment slowly growing again.
That is a more higher intense approach to penis enlargement. That is my motto anyway. 1 on 2 off 1 on 3 off 1 on 2 off etc works really well aswell. Even doing 2-3 sessions a week. Intensity is the key, that is the STIMULUS that kicks start the growth engine, the body knows the stress and has to adapt to it in order to survive as it has no clue you want a bigger dick just that something wants to yank it off now and again!
If one keeps yanking all the time than growth ceases. I know DLD chimes on about he did 7 days all his pe career and gained what he has but he must have been doing that at a more modest pace at times and not always flat out. When I do my sessions its flat out balls to the wall stuff, you couldn't afford to do it each day or you dick would be bruised and red as beetroot plus not to mention the EQ flat as fuck.
So thinking about the rule much of it is placed on rest rather than the workout amount and time than followed by intensity. So split it into three rather than two or merge the intensity with rest and we have 80/20 in favour of rest/intensity over exercise. The body doesn't need much stimulus to grow ... I know that from lifting
weights, you just need a good quality few reps or 1RM every so often and it will develop your strength and not endless reps and sets because we are entangled in the myth with lifting
weights about reps and sets when in fact we dont need them at all, its about the AMOUNT of
weight you lift thats important and with the technique you use aswell to stimulate the body and same can be taken into penis enlargement.
You'll get many guys across the board who have good healing or whatever you want to call it, who can do longer sessions and grow well (Penis Enlargement and
weights) but comes a time when they have to alter something, the body cant keep that up.
Weight goes higher right in
weight lifting, but as you get stronger you do need longer rest periods for the body to recover as you lift more heavy loads. Unless your superman or on hormones/steroids you cant do it day in day out I dont give a shit who you are. Dorian Yates didn't even train day in day out and he was juiced to the gills.
So allot can be learnt from lifting
weights and physiology in general when applying thought to make-up a good productive Penis Enlargement routine. Think outside the box and not more is best. I fall foul of this with new exercise routines I make ''I like that exercise so I will add it' and ''I like that so will add it'' etc when all I need is the basic ones that cover the core of what I'm training and not like 5 exercises for chest and 4 for the biceps etc its ridiculous.
Penis enlargement is also very much a mental psychological battle and that can be merged into the 80 portion of the 100 ruling. A guy who is down in the dumps, doesn't believe, knackered all the time and just sapped of energy is going nowhere fast. He must be positive with his growth and not merely go through the motions, its not a habit but a lifestyle and as such 100% determination and motivation must be wielded each time.
The law of attaraction, mind over matter, occult, spirituality WHATEVER you prefer to dub it or brand it than do so and use it because you will see better progress as a result. Its proven over and over again in
weight lifting competitions. The Bulgarian lifters especially would always throw a cloth over the head and sit visualising the lift beforehand in the mind ,themselves doing it with success and so when they did it for real the mind had already conquered this in 'another dimension' if you will, so when they did it in the 3D world they seemed at ease ... when you really believe this and do it, you will see .... visualise your penis the length you want, the girth you want and see it ... close the eyes and when you jelq look down eyes closed and keep jelqoing but see a larger penis and feel it because that will become yours in the 3D world one day. DLD and myself incl are living proof this works!!! we both used our minds as well as training to build our dicks. The artwork in my avatar is created especially for penis enlargement and enhancement ... have you who have been staring at it intently noticed a difference?
I could go on
Really to end this on the 80/20 part, the rich know and abuse the occult as well to get what they want I know this as fact and is why the Illuminati is around. They do hire 'people' to do bidding for them such as for example lets say Hoodoo for an event to go in the direction they like and it works. This is why the 4% of the world have all the money, it does not happen by accident and hard work alone.