Also called Pareto`s rule, the 80/20 rule means that, in situation, a few (20%) are vital and many (80%) are trivial. In Pareto's case it meant 20 percent of the people owned 80 percent of the wealth. In Juran's initial work he identified 20 percent of the defects causing 80 percent of the problems. Project Managers know that 20 percent of the work consume 80 percent of your time and resources. Other business men discovered that 80% of their income came only from 20% of clients. You can apply the 80/20 Rule to almost anything, from the science of management to the physical world, but the question is: can we apply it to Penis Enlargement? Theoretically, yes.

It is quite obvious and possible to state that 80% of the gains come from 20% of the exercises. The question to ask is: what are those exercises? Imagine if we could figure it out! This could be a thread where people who gained lenght/girth could come and post what they think was the most effective exercise that made them gain, so we could formulate the 20% that gives most people their gains. now that would be awesome!

lets debate...rofl
Good thinking Dorsay and thanks for bringing this rule up, not just for this debate but also in general cos I'll look into it more from now on. Not sure what my thoughts are on the Penis Enlargement, but main exercises for me were Wet Jelqs, horse squeezes and clamped edging. Pumping came next and I'm not sure specifically on length exercises as I gained with girth ones but the Blue_Whale mother of all ligament stretch, mandingo stretch plus DLD blasters and my V-SES stretch all worked really well.

I've done most things in Penis Enlargement from [words=]extenders[/words], [words=]ADS[/words] to hanging weights. I have always used allot of intensity in my sessions followed by good resting days.
this rule rarely applies in real life, 4% of people run the world, a few majority in every nation has the control, we have the illusion of it...
REDZULU2003;430369 said:
Good thinking Dorsay and thanks for bringing this rule up, not just for this debate but also in general cos I'll look into it more from now on. Not sure what my thoughts are on the Penis Enlargement, but main exercises for me were Wet Jelqs, horse squeezes and clamped edging. Pumping came next and I'm not sure specifically on length exercises as I gained with girth ones but the Blue_Whale mother of all ligament stretch, mandingo stretch plus DLD blasters and my V-SES stretch all worked really well.

I've done most things in Penis Enlargement from [words=]extenders[/words], [words=]ADS[/words] to hanging weights. I have always used allot of intensity in my sessions followed by good resting days.

I see. I myself agree that MAYBE there are some exercises that contribute a lot more to gaining than other (while we do them both thinking that they`re equally important). But i`m still somewhat new to Penis Enlargement, so we need the insights of people like you, who have been in this life for a while.
No worries. I will add that rest is very under looked with penis enlargement with the emphasis being on mostly doing 5 days on or 7 days on with loads of reps and sets AM and PM. I cant type away and say it doesn't work, because it DOES WORK and guys here are proof of the high volume approach, but in my mind I don't want to waste away time messing about with my penis all the time and want the best progress possible in the least amount of time which in my experience is intensity, as intense as possible bordering on going OTT (So need to know your body and limits already in Penis Enlargement) and than resting ....... this resting can be for multiple days and now in my case is literally weeks!!!! yes I do a couple intense sessions followed by 2-3 weeks off and my penis comeback stronger, better erection quality and at the moment slowly growing again.

That is a more higher intense approach to penis enlargement. That is my motto anyway. 1 on 2 off 1 on 3 off 1 on 2 off etc works really well aswell. Even doing 2-3 sessions a week. Intensity is the key, that is the STIMULUS that kicks start the growth engine, the body knows the stress and has to adapt to it in order to survive as it has no clue you want a bigger dick just that something wants to yank it off now and again!

If one keeps yanking all the time than growth ceases. I know DLD chimes on about he did 7 days all his pe career and gained what he has but he must have been doing that at a more modest pace at times and not always flat out. When I do my sessions its flat out balls to the wall stuff, you couldn't afford to do it each day or you dick would be bruised and red as beetroot plus not to mention the EQ flat as fuck.

So thinking about the rule much of it is placed on rest rather than the workout amount and time than followed by intensity. So split it into three rather than two or merge the intensity with rest and we have 80/20 in favour of rest/intensity over exercise. The body doesn't need much stimulus to grow ... I know that from lifting weights, you just need a good quality few reps or 1RM every so often and it will develop your strength and not endless reps and sets because we are entangled in the myth with lifting weights about reps and sets when in fact we dont need them at all, its about the AMOUNT of weight you lift thats important and with the technique you use aswell to stimulate the body and same can be taken into penis enlargement.

You'll get many guys across the board who have good healing or whatever you want to call it, who can do longer sessions and grow well (Penis Enlargement and weights) but comes a time when they have to alter something, the body cant keep that up. Weight goes higher right in weight lifting, but as you get stronger you do need longer rest periods for the body to recover as you lift more heavy loads. Unless your superman or on hormones/steroids you cant do it day in day out I dont give a shit who you are. Dorian Yates didn't even train day in day out and he was juiced to the gills.

So allot can be learnt from lifting weights and physiology in general when applying thought to make-up a good productive Penis Enlargement routine. Think outside the box and not more is best. I fall foul of this with new exercise routines I make ''I like that exercise so I will add it' and ''I like that so will add it'' etc when all I need is the basic ones that cover the core of what I'm training and not like 5 exercises for chest and 4 for the biceps etc its ridiculous.

Penis enlargement is also very much a mental psychological battle and that can be merged into the 80 portion of the 100 ruling. A guy who is down in the dumps, doesn't believe, knackered all the time and just sapped of energy is going nowhere fast. He must be positive with his growth and not merely go through the motions, its not a habit but a lifestyle and as such 100% determination and motivation must be wielded each time.

The law of attaraction, mind over matter, occult, spirituality WHATEVER you prefer to dub it or brand it than do so and use it because you will see better progress as a result. Its proven over and over again in weight lifting competitions. The Bulgarian lifters especially would always throw a cloth over the head and sit visualising the lift beforehand in the mind ,themselves doing it with success and so when they did it for real the mind had already conquered this in 'another dimension' if you will, so when they did it in the 3D world they seemed at ease ... when you really believe this and do it, you will see .... visualise your penis the length you want, the girth you want and see it ... close the eyes and when you jelq look down eyes closed and keep jelqoing but see a larger penis and feel it because that will become yours in the 3D world one day. DLD and myself incl are living proof this works!!! we both used our minds as well as training to build our dicks. The artwork in my avatar is created especially for penis enlargement and enhancement ... have you who have been staring at it intently noticed a difference?

I could go on :) Really to end this on the 80/20 part, the rich know and abuse the occult as well to get what they want I know this as fact and is why the Illuminati is around. They do hire 'people' to do bidding for them such as for example lets say Hoodoo for an event to go in the direction they like and it works. This is why the 4% of the world have all the money, it does not happen by accident and hard work alone.
Addressing the law, I would debate this at it's most prime level as any kind of percentage would be limiting something that has no limits! This is reflective in any and all situations. It would be very easy for 100% of the people to have 100% of the wealth and each would have an infinite amount, or in better terms, each would be as abundant as the next. This is not so as this is what each person believes to be so. There is no deficit of resources, there is only a disorganization in the structure that distributes these resources. This can be debated and argued for eons but the plain truth is there is NEVER lack, there is only a disorganization in the way the system distributes it's resources.

If the rule applied to Penis Enlargement one would need to consider a third factor of mental input and creative self manifestation. Penis enlargement success happens when the man believes it is truly possible. Success would be achieved the moment the person believes it to be so. Regardless if you have grown or not! Success starts in the mind. There is not one successful person on this forum that can tell you how they were going to do what they did, they can only tell you they were going to do it. The How's and When's come to those who already believe in their success. The only reason any man would fail or succeed at making any of his desires come true is because he believes it to be so. Right or wrong, believe it or not, it is the way the universe works. Penis Enlargement should never be work! Penis Enlargement should only be inspired self creation. With the complete belief in the success that proceeds this, one should feel as though he is 10" even when he is 6"! The moment you believe this to be so is when it comes true. You can argue with me that there is time involved but I will simply reply "I am still in the same moment and I am sitting on 10 inches" You can say "Well that took you 10 years" I will simply say "We are still in the moment!" Dig?

Penis enlargement is 100% belief, 0% failure.
Wow, red and Dld, thanks for the inspiration guys. Dropping knowledge! Hopefully, ad can all learn from you two and from each other. As to the original question of this thread, I would say utilizing the concepts of visualization and manifestation you guys just mentioned, would be the REAL 80/20 ratio, with the 80 being visualization and self- manifestation, and the 20,being the actual ' work'. Cheers
Expectation is a focus with a vibration that permits the receiving of what you're focused upon—and, you expect things, both wanted and unwanted....I'd say 100% :)
Well I can't agree and say it is 100% mental. I can sit here and think my penis is bigger for 10 years and nothing is going to change. If I don't think Penis Enlargement will work I will miss work outs and I will not have intensity and when it hurts I would give up. The mental aspect gives a person motivation to change himself because with out proper motivation you can't accomplish anything. If you believe in something 100% you will try harder and not give up...keep going through the pain even when your not gaining. You will stay constant and that is what it takes to complete a seemingly impossible task
rebel2011;430479 said:
Well I can't agree and say it is 100% mental. I can sit here and think my penis is bigger for 10 years and nothing is going to change. If I don't think Penis Enlargement will work I will miss work outs and I will not have intensity and when it hurts I would give up. The mental aspect gives a person motivation to change himself because with out proper motivation you can't accomplish anything. If you believe in something 100% you will try harder and not give up...keep going through the pain even when your not gaining. You will stay constant and that is what it takes to complete a seemingly impossible task

It is 100% mental as the idea starts in the mind and it is achieved by inspired action that proceeds this realization.
DLD and Red, Thank you very much for the insights! DLD, I agree that visualization is a key factor in gaining but do you really agree that visualization is the greatest factor on bringing gains? That is what we`re trying to find out here.

stretcharmstrng;430467 said:
Wow, red and Dld, thanks for the inspiration guys. Dropping knowledge! Hopefully, ad can all learn from you two and from each other. As to the original question of this thread, I would say utilizing the concepts of visualization and manifestation you guys just mentioned, would be the REAL 80/20 ratio, with the 80 being visualization and self- manifestation, and the 20,being the actual ' work'. Cheers

I think you`re missing the point mate. You see, we`re looking for the 20% work that BRINGS 80% of the progress. We`re not trying to divide gains in percentages like you suggested.

Now to you and DLD, do you guys really think that visualization plays a greater role in gaining than the real physical work? If that is true, wouldn`t the mere fact of visualizing without physical exercises bring at leat a 0.1" gain?
I think what he means here is without actual physical stimulus to the body and in this case the penis than the best will in the world will not literally make a penis grow! Thats like discarding all exercises, devices and supplements to sit and meditate thinking about a bigger knob, it doesn't happen like that (Not for me anyway but if does work for someone good luck to you) because you need the stimulus in the real world (3D world) to kick start it all.

Like lifting weights, you can just imagine having a bigger biceps like Arnie's was in the day and expect that to happen without lifting a weight. Sure positivity is great but it needs you to help yourself as well for it to go off and that's where the stimulus comes in. From thereon its much down to Psychology that's for certain and is why many men drop out of this early on.
I will take care of the mental debate.

Hold a string in front of you with just your left or right arm out. Stare at the bottom of the string. Concentrate as hard as you can on making the string move in a circular motion at the bottom without actually moving your body. Observe.

Penis Enlargement is the same boat. The mind controls everything, from ligaments, to nerves, to emotions, to strength, weakness. Everything is controlled in the brain. If the soul exists, it is in the brain. If the ability for a human being to do something exists, it is in the brain.

Just do the string exercise.

EDIT: If you dont get the point I'm trying to make then its this. Everything starts with belief or non belief. If you want to make something happen, make it happen. Fake it until you make it. Thats a saying for a reason.
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My take on the law of attraction:

Walk down the street thinking "i will never find money" and you will not look therefore you will not find any.

Im working as security on festivals. My record is 1400 bucks and an ipod in 1 night.

Once i read this article about a bodybuilder who literaly ripped his breast muscle off.
He then decided to go up into a bodybuilding contest again. He could only train left side of his body. So every day he meditated and imagined going through training for an hour or so. He won that year. He even won for best symmetry :)

When i first saw the secret. I was broke and always got bills from everywhere.

Now there is always money on the bank. And after i had seen the secret i got 100$ from the electric company every 3 months after . In the time i stayed there.

Also people keep telling me now that im extreme and im amazing cause i always get results.

Well this is the secret.

I dont think about failure i find a goal and aim for it untill i win.

And i always have an positive attitude even when shit goes down.

Deepak choprah says that we are not creatures who later on got the ability to think.

Rather we are thoughts that created this world.

I believe that if your mind is synchronised with the right "vibration" you can do just about everything. Things we cant even imagine.

But our minds needs boundaries. Else we lose contact to this world. Apart of archieving this higher state will be to let go of the current state.

I meditate alot and im keeping breaks once in a while. Since i completely lose touch with reality sometimes.

I dont know everything what i do know is that i know nothing.

But its cool this subject has been brought up through penis enlargement.

Cool to see people see things deeper than corporation lvl and shit
The LOA is a very complicated way to see a very opposite and rudimentary reality. I believed I had 10" long before I did. I believed it so hard it happened! Thats it, so simple. And, if I truly believed it could happen in one day, it would have. I believed something different and my story always started with my introduction to the old Penis Enlargement forums and how I was so upset that I only gained 2" in 6 months because what I read said I should have gained 4" in 4 months! They all freaked out on me, called me a liar, said what I gained was impossible, and so on. What a clash of worlds! Even today people are amazed at 2" in 6 months.

Now, I could say to you that today I indeed have 10" and you may say "well you didn't have that years ago" I get puzzled at this because to me the moment is always the same time, now. None of us can even prove that the past even really happened, the only true reality is this moment. I would have to answer that statement "I did have it then because then is now." I literally do not have the mental capacity to hold anything more than the moment. In this moment, for me, all is happening. What manifests itself as matter is that which I choose to bring into my experience, or that which matters. If people would stop giving so much energy to their past and future and keep it in the now everything possible.

We can make it as complex as you want and include everything from Ron Hubbert to Albert Einstein, we could string together prophecies and philosophies from the Secret to the Kabbalah but it really it is as easy 123, Ask, Pretend, Allow.
doublelongdaddy;430451 said:
Addressing the law, I would debate this at it's most prime level as any kind of percentage would be limiting something that has no limits! This is reflective in any and all situations. It would be very easy for 100% of the people to have 100% of the wealth and each would have an infinite amount, or in better terms, each would be as abundant as the next. This is not so as this is what each person believes to be so. There is no deficit of resources, there is only a disorganization in the structure that distributes these resources. This can be debated and argued for eons but the plain truth is there is NEVER lack, there is only a disorganization in the way the system distributes it's resources.

You fuckin PINKO Mike lol. Actually I agree. My background is economics (which is the study of the distribution of resources) and in one of my papers, I actually argued that economics doesn't exist.. only greed does. For example-you never have a world wide famine. Some guys starving, while another throws a wheelbarrow of food away. But humans are greedy fucks, so capitalism reigns supreme and economics and scarcity will likely remain as driving forces for a looooong time.'

I did a complex political test once and it said I was a "Communist Anarchist". I didn't look too closely, but appreciated that I was hanging out with guys like Gandhi and as far as I could be from the guys like Hitler, GW Bush, Stalin, and Franco, and I was happy about that. Maybe you're a communist anarchist too DLD.
I often experience some performance anxiety sometimes when having sex. That is really a piece of shit. My mind always thinks "am I going to get hard?", "she wants it right now, you should not fail!", etc. I often relax during foreplay and get hard and all, but sometimes when it comes to intercourse, it just goes limp. So, according to what you are saying, If I pretend I`m super confident in bed and can stay hard for as long as I want, that will happen right? just an example
Belief is a very interesting thing. In one sense, you can't really pretend to believe something down in your core. If you don't truly believe in something as true, that non belief manifests itself in your actions and outward thoughts.
On the other hand, really trying to believe something (even if you don't really in your most base mental core) can eventual have an effect on your true core belief. It's almost like it ' clicks' one day, it makes the jump from your conscious belief to your subconscious belief, this affecting your actions and thoughts from that point on on a subconscious level, and gearing all reality into sync with your belief. It really is a manifestation in every sense of the word.
When I first started Penis Enlargement, I never really had doubt, it was more of a hope that it did work. I wanted to believe. And each time I saw changes, it was affirming my belief. Each time I gained, I believed more and more, and also believed I could gain more.
Now, almost 4 INCHES later, I look back and think, ' wow, this shit really works! Who knew?' It's the greatest surprise I've ever had in my life! Cheers
Well, then you visit other forums in the community and you get the feeling that 1% actually DO anything and the rest simply talk about it and speculate over the latest, greatest "theory of...". :)
stillwantmore2;430737 said:
More like (from what I've seen over the years) 20% of the guys do 80% of the Penis Enlargement ;)

Tru dat